-- Netlist. -- Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. with Std_Names; with Name_Table; with Tables; with Simple_IO; with Dyn_Maps; with Netlists.Utils; use Netlists.Utils; with Netlists.Gates; package body Netlists is -- Names package Snames_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Sname_Record, Table_Index_Type => Sname, Table_Low_Bound => 0, Table_Initial => 1024); function New_Sname_User (Id : Name_Id; Prefix : Sname) return Sname is begin Snames_Table.Append ((Kind => Sname_User, Prefix => Prefix, Suffix => Uns32 (Id))); return Snames_Table.Last; end New_Sname_User; function New_Sname_Artificial (Id : Name_Id; Prefix : Sname) return Sname is begin Snames_Table.Append ((Kind => Sname_Artificial, Prefix => Prefix, Suffix => Uns32 (Id))); return Snames_Table.Last; end New_Sname_Artificial; function New_Sname_Version (Ver : Uns32; Prefix : Sname) return Sname is begin Snames_Table.Append ((Kind => Sname_Version, Prefix => Prefix, Suffix => Ver)); return Snames_Table.Last; end New_Sname_Version; function Is_Valid (Name : Sname) return Boolean is begin return Name > No_Sname and Name <= Snames_Table.Last; end Is_Valid; function Get_Sname_Kind (Name : Sname) return Sname_Kind is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Name)); return Snames_Table.Table (Name).Kind; end Get_Sname_Kind; function Get_Sname_Prefix (Name : Sname) return Sname is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Name)); return Snames_Table.Table (Name).Prefix; end Get_Sname_Prefix; procedure Set_Sname_Prefix (Name : Sname; Prefix : Sname) is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Name)); Snames_Table.Table (Name).Prefix := Prefix; end Set_Sname_Prefix; function Get_Sname_Suffix (Name : Sname) return Name_Id is subtype Snames_Suffix is Sname_Kind range Sname_User .. Sname_Artificial; begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Name)); pragma Assert (Get_Sname_Kind (Name) in Snames_Suffix); return Name_Id (Snames_Table.Table (Name).Suffix); end Get_Sname_Suffix; function Get_Sname_Version (Name : Sname) return Uns32 is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Name)); pragma Assert (Get_Sname_Kind (Name) = Sname_Version); return Snames_Table.Table (Name).Suffix; end Get_Sname_Version; -- Modules package Modules_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Module_Record, Table_Index_Type => Module, Table_Low_Bound => No_Module, Table_Initial => 1024); package Port_Desc_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Port_Desc, Table_Index_Type => Port_Desc_Idx, Table_Low_Bound => No_Port_Desc_Idx, Table_Initial => 1024); function New_Design (Name : Sname) return Module is Res : Module; Self : Instance; begin Modules_Table.Append ((Parent => No_Module, Name => Name, Id => Id_Design, First_Port_Desc => No_Port_Desc_Idx, Nbr_Inputs => 0, Nbr_Outputs => 0, First_Param_Desc => No_Param_Desc_Idx, Nbr_Params => 0, First_Sub_Module => No_Module, Last_Sub_Module => No_Module, Next_Sub_Module => No_Module, First_Instance => No_Instance, Last_Instance => No_Instance)); Res := Modules_Table.Last; Self := Create_Self_Instance (Res); pragma Unreferenced (Self); return Res; end New_Design; function Is_Valid (M : Module) return Boolean is begin return M > No_Module and then M <= Modules_Table.Last; end Is_Valid; function New_User_Module (Parent : Module; Name : Sname; Id : Module_Id; Nbr_Inputs : Port_Nbr; Nbr_Outputs : Port_Nbr; Nbr_Params : Param_Nbr := 0) return Module is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Parent)); Ports_Desc : Port_Desc_Idx; Res : Module; begin Ports_Desc := Port_Desc_Table.Last + 1; for I in 1 .. Nbr_Inputs + Nbr_Outputs loop Port_Desc_Table.Append ((Name => No_Sname, Dir => Port_In, W => 0)); end loop; Modules_Table.Append ((Parent => Parent, Name => Name, Id => Id, First_Port_Desc => Ports_Desc, Nbr_Inputs => Nbr_Inputs, Nbr_Outputs => Nbr_Outputs, First_Param_Desc => No_Param_Desc_Idx, Nbr_Params => Nbr_Params, First_Sub_Module => No_Module, Last_Sub_Module => No_Module, Next_Sub_Module => No_Module, First_Instance => No_Instance, Last_Instance => No_Instance)); Res := Modules_Table.Last; -- Append declare Parent_Rec : Module_Record renames Modules_Table.Table (Parent); begin if Parent_Rec.First_Sub_Module = No_Module then Parent_Rec.First_Sub_Module := Res; else Modules_Table.Table (Parent_Rec.Last_Sub_Module).Next_Sub_Module := Res; end if; Parent_Rec.Last_Sub_Module := Res; end; return Res; end New_User_Module; function Get_Module_Name (M : Module) return Sname is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); return Modules_Table.Table (M).Name; end Get_Module_Name; function Get_Id (M : Module) return Module_Id is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); return Modules_Table.Table (M).Id; end Get_Id; function Get_Nbr_Inputs (M : Module) return Port_Nbr is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); return Modules_Table.Table (M).Nbr_Inputs; end Get_Nbr_Inputs; function Get_Nbr_Outputs (M : Module) return Port_Nbr is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); return Modules_Table.Table (M).Nbr_Outputs; end Get_Nbr_Outputs; function Get_Nbr_Params (M : Module) return Param_Nbr is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); return Modules_Table.Table (M).Nbr_Params; end Get_Nbr_Params; function Get_First_Port_Desc (M : Module) return Port_Desc_Idx is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); return Modules_Table.Table (M).First_Port_Desc; end Get_First_Port_Desc; function Get_Input_First_Desc (M : Module) return Port_Desc_Idx is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); begin return Modules_Table.Table (M).First_Port_Desc; end Get_Input_First_Desc; function Get_Output_First_Desc (M : Module) return Port_Desc_Idx is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); begin return Modules_Table.Table (M).First_Port_Desc + Port_Desc_Idx (Modules_Table.Table (M).Nbr_Inputs); end Get_Output_First_Desc; function Get_Self_Instance (M : Module) return Instance is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); return Modules_Table.Table (M).First_Instance; end Get_Self_Instance; function Get_First_Instance (M : Module) return Instance is First : constant Instance := Get_Self_Instance (M); begin if First = No_Instance then -- Empty module. return No_Instance; else return Get_Next_Instance (First); end if; end Get_First_Instance; function Get_First_Sub_Module (M : Module) return Module is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); return Modules_Table.Table (M).First_Sub_Module; end Get_First_Sub_Module; function Get_Next_Sub_Module (M : Module) return Module is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); return Modules_Table.Table (M).Next_Sub_Module; end Get_Next_Sub_Module; -- Instances -- List of free instances, linked by Next_Instance. Free_Instances : Instance := No_Instance; package Instances_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Instance_Record, Table_Index_Type => Instance, Table_Low_Bound => No_Instance, Table_Initial => 1024); -- List of free nets. -- As most of gates have only one output, just keep a single list. Free_Nets : Net := No_Net; package Nets_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Net_Record, Table_Index_Type => Net, Table_Low_Bound => No_Net, Table_Initial => 1024); -- List of free consecutive inputs. Free_Inputs : array (Port_Idx range 1 .. 4) of Input := (others => No_Input); package Inputs_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Input_Record, Table_Index_Type => Input, Table_Low_Bound => No_Input, Table_Initial => 1024); Free_Params : array (Param_Idx range 1 .. 32) of Param_Idx := (others => No_Param_Idx); Free_Params2 : Param_Idx := No_Param_Idx; package Params_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Uns32, Table_Index_Type => Param_Idx, Table_Low_Bound => No_Param_Idx, Table_Initial => 256); -- Hash INST (simply return its index). function Hash (Inst : Instance) return Hash_Value_Type is begin return Hash_Value_Type (Inst); end Hash; procedure Extract_All_Instances (M : Module; First_Instance : out Instance) is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); M_Ent : Module_Record renames Modules_Table.Table (M); begin First_Instance := M_Ent.First_Instance; -- Clear the instance list. M_Ent.First_Instance := No_Instance; M_Ent.Last_Instance := No_Instance; end Extract_All_Instances; procedure Append_Instance (M : Module; Inst : Instance) is M_Ent : Module_Record renames Modules_Table.Table (M); begin if M_Ent.First_Instance = No_Instance then M_Ent.First_Instance := Inst; else Instances_Table.Table (M_Ent.Last_Instance).Next_Instance := Inst; end if; Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Prev_Instance := M_Ent.Last_Instance; Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Next_Instance := No_Instance; M_Ent.Last_Instance := Inst; end Append_Instance; procedure Extract_Instance (Inst : Instance) is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); Inst_Ent : Instance_Record renames Instances_Table.Table (Inst); M : constant Module := Inst_Ent.Parent; M_Ent : Module_Record renames Modules_Table.Table (M); begin if Inst_Ent.Prev_Instance /= No_Instance then Set_Next_Instance (Inst_Ent.Prev_Instance, Inst_Ent.Next_Instance); else pragma Assert (M_Ent.First_Instance = Inst); M_Ent.First_Instance := Inst_Ent.Next_Instance; end if; if Inst_Ent.Next_Instance /= No_Instance then Set_Prev_Instance (Inst_Ent.Next_Instance, Inst_Ent.Prev_Instance); else pragma Assert (M_Ent.Last_Instance = Inst); M_Ent.Last_Instance := Inst_Ent.Prev_Instance; end if; Inst_Ent.Prev_Instance := No_Instance; Inst_Ent.Next_Instance := No_Instance; end Extract_Instance; function Check_Connected (Inst : Instance) return Boolean is Nbr_Outputs : constant Port_Idx := Get_Nbr_Outputs (Inst); Nbr_Inputs : constant Port_Idx := Get_Nbr_Inputs (Inst); begin -- Check that all outputs are unused. if Nbr_Outputs > 0 then for K in 0 .. Nbr_Outputs - 1 loop if Is_Connected (Get_Output (Inst, K)) then return True; end if; end loop; end if; -- First disconnect inputs. if Nbr_Inputs > 0 then for K in 0 .. Nbr_Inputs - 1 loop if Get_Driver (Get_Input (Inst, K)) /= No_Net then return True; end if; end loop; end if; return False; end Check_Connected; procedure Remove_Instance (Inst : Instance) is begin pragma Assert (not Check_Connected (Inst)); Extract_Instance (Inst); Free_Instance (Inst); end Remove_Instance; function New_Instance_Internal (Parent : Module; M : Module; Name : Sname; Nbr_Inputs : Port_Nbr; Nbr_Outputs : Port_Nbr; Nbr_Params : Param_Nbr) return Instance is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Parent)); pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); Res : Instance; Inputs : Input; Outputs : Net; Params : Param_Idx; begin if Free_Instances = No_Instance then Instances_Table.Increment_Last; Res := Instances_Table.Last; else Res := Free_Instances; Free_Instances := Instances_Table.Table (Res).Next_Instance; end if; if Nbr_Inputs > 0 then if Nbr_Inputs <= Free_Inputs'Last then if Free_Inputs (Nbr_Inputs) /= No_Input then -- Get a free input from the free list. Inputs := Free_Inputs (Nbr_Inputs); Free_Inputs (Nbr_Inputs) := Inputs_Table.Table (Inputs).Next_Sink; elsif Nbr_Inputs = 1 and then Free_Inputs (2) /= No_Input then -- Ok, common case: need just one input; get it from the list -- of free 2-inputs. pragma Assert (Free_Inputs (1) = No_Input); Inputs := Free_Inputs (2); Free_Inputs (2) := Inputs_Table.Table (Inputs).Next_Sink; Free_Inputs (1) := Inputs + 1; Inputs_Table.Table (Inputs + 1).Next_Sink := 0; else Inputs := Inputs_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nbr_Inputs)); end if; else Inputs := Inputs_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nbr_Inputs)); end if; else Inputs := No_Input; end if; if Nbr_Outputs > 0 then if Nbr_Outputs = 1 and then Free_Nets /= No_Net then Outputs := Free_Nets; Free_Nets := Net (Nets_Table.Table (Outputs).First_Sink); else Outputs := Nets_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nbr_Outputs)); end if; else Outputs := No_Net; end if; if Nbr_Params > 0 then if Nbr_Params <= Free_Params'Last and then Free_Params (Nbr_Params) /= No_Param_Idx then Params := Free_Params (Nbr_Params); Free_Params (Nbr_Params) := Param_Idx (Params_Table.Table (Params)); else Params := Params_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nbr_Params)); end if; else Params := No_Param_Idx; end if; Instances_Table.Table (Res) := ((Parent => Parent, Has_Attr => False, Flag4 => False, Next_Instance => No_Instance, Prev_Instance => No_Instance, Klass => M, Flag_Mark => False, Flag5 | Flag6 => False, Flag2 => False, Name => Name, First_Param => Params, First_Input => Inputs, First_Output => Outputs)); -- Setup inputs. if Nbr_Inputs > 0 then for I in 0 .. Nbr_Inputs - 1 loop Inputs_Table.Table (Inputs + Input (I)) := (Parent => Res, Driver => No_Net, Next_Sink => No_Input); end loop; end if; -- Setup nets. if Nbr_Outputs > 0 then for I in 0 .. Nbr_Outputs - 1 loop Nets_Table.Table (Outputs + Net (I)) := (Parent => Res, First_Sink => No_Input, W => 0); end loop; end if; -- Init params (to 0). if Nbr_Params > 0 then for I in 0 .. Nbr_Params - 1 loop Params_Table.Table (Params + I) := 0; end loop; end if; return Res; end New_Instance_Internal; procedure Set_Outputs_Width_From_Desc (Inst : Instance; Nbr_Outputs : Port_Nbr; Outputs_Desc : Port_Desc_Idx) is begin if Nbr_Outputs > 0 then for I in 0 .. Nbr_Outputs - 1 loop Set_Width (Get_Output (Inst, I), Get_Port_Desc (Outputs_Desc + Port_Desc_Idx (I)).W); end loop; end if; end Set_Outputs_Width_From_Desc; function New_Instance (Parent : Module; M : Module; Name : Sname) return Instance is Nbr_Inputs : constant Port_Nbr := Get_Nbr_Inputs (M); Nbr_Outputs : constant Port_Nbr := Get_Nbr_Outputs (M); Nbr_Params : constant Param_Nbr := Get_Nbr_Params (M); Res : Instance; begin Res := New_Instance_Internal (Parent, M, Name, Nbr_Inputs, Nbr_Outputs, Nbr_Params); Set_Outputs_Width_From_Desc (Res, Nbr_Outputs, Get_Output_First_Desc (M)); -- Link instance Append_Instance (Parent, Res); return Res; end New_Instance; function New_Var_Instance (Parent : Module; M : Module; Name : Sname; Nbr_Inputs : Port_Nbr; Nbr_Outputs : Port_Nbr; Nbr_Params : Param_Nbr) return Instance is Res : Instance; begin Res := New_Instance_Internal (Parent, M, Name, Nbr_Inputs, Nbr_Outputs, Nbr_Params); -- Link instance Append_Instance (Parent, Res); return Res; end New_Var_Instance; function Create_Self_Instance (M : Module) return Instance is -- Can be done only once. pragma Assert (Get_Self_Instance (M) = No_Instance); Nbr_Inputs : constant Port_Nbr := Get_Nbr_Inputs (M); Nbr_Outputs : constant Port_Nbr := Get_Nbr_Outputs (M); Res : Instance; begin -- Swap inputs and outputs; no parameters. Res := New_Instance_Internal (M, M, Get_Module_Name (M), Nbr_Outputs, Nbr_Inputs, 0); Set_Outputs_Width_From_Desc (Res, Nbr_Inputs, Get_Input_First_Desc (M)); Append_Instance (M, Res); return Res; end Create_Self_Instance; function Is_Valid (I : Instance) return Boolean is begin return I > No_Instance and then I <= Instances_Table.Last; end Is_Valid; function Is_Self_Instance (I : Instance) return Boolean is Irec : Instance_Record renames Instances_Table.Table (I); begin return Irec.Parent = Irec.Klass; end Is_Self_Instance; type Module_Counter_Type is array (Module range 1 .. 128) of Natural; Free_Instances_Counter : Module_Counter_Type := (others => 0); procedure Free_Input (First : Input; Nbr : Port_Nbr) is pragma Assert (Nbr in Free_Inputs'Range); begin Inputs_Table.Table (First).Next_Sink := Free_Inputs (Nbr); Free_Inputs (Nbr) := First; end Free_Input; procedure Free_Instance (Inst : Instance) is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); Inst_Rec : Instance_Record renames Instances_Table.Table (Inst); Nbr_Outputs : Port_Nbr; Nbr_Inputs : Port_Nbr; Nbr_Params : Param_Idx; begin pragma Assert (not Check_Connected (Inst)); -- Instance must not be linked anymore. pragma Assert (Inst_Rec.Prev_Instance = No_Instance); pragma Assert (Inst_Rec.Next_Instance = No_Instance); if Inst_Rec.Klass <= Free_Instances_Counter'Last then Free_Instances_Counter (Inst_Rec.Klass) := Free_Instances_Counter (Inst_Rec.Klass) + 1; end if; Nbr_Outputs := Get_Nbr_Outputs (Inst); for I in 1 .. Nbr_Outputs loop declare N : constant Net := Get_Output (Inst, I - 1); begin Nets_Table.Table (N).Parent := No_Instance; end; end loop; if Nbr_Outputs /= 0 then -- Put all nets, one by one, on the list of free nets. for I in 0 .. Net (Nbr_Outputs - 1) loop Nets_Table.Table (Inst_Rec.First_Output + I).First_Sink := Input (Inst_Rec.First_Output + I + 1); end loop; Nets_Table.Table (Inst_Rec.First_Output + Net (Nbr_Outputs - 1)).First_Sink := Input (Free_Nets); Free_Nets := Inst_Rec.First_Output; end if; Nbr_Inputs := Get_Nbr_Inputs (Inst); for I in 1 .. Nbr_Inputs loop declare Inp : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst, I - 1); begin Inputs_Table.Table (Inp).Parent := No_Instance; end; end loop; if Nbr_Inputs /= 0 then if Nbr_Inputs <= Free_Inputs'Last then Free_Input (Inst_Rec.First_Input, Nbr_Inputs); else declare Num : Port_Nbr; First : Input; begin -- Free per pairs. Num := Nbr_Inputs; First := Inst_Rec.First_Input; while Num >= 2 loop Free_Input (First, 2); First := First + 2; Num := Num - 2; end loop; -- Free the last one. if Num = 1 then Free_Input (First, 1); end if; end; end if; end if; Nbr_Params := Get_Nbr_Params (Inst); if Nbr_Params /= 0 then if Nbr_Params <= Free_Params'Last then Params_Table.Table (Inst_Rec.First_Param) := Uns32 (Free_Params (Nbr_Params)); Free_Params (Nbr_Params) := Inst_Rec.First_Param; else Params_Table.Table (Inst_Rec.First_Param) := Uns32 (Free_Params2); Params_Table.Table (Inst_Rec.First_Param + 1) := Uns32 (Nbr_Params); Free_Params2 := Inst_Rec.First_Param; end if; end if; Inst_Rec.Klass := Free_Module; Inst_Rec.Next_Instance := Free_Instances; Free_Instances := Inst; end Free_Instance; function Get_Module (Inst : Instance) return Module is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); return Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Klass; end Get_Module; function Get_Instance_Name (Inst : Instance) return Sname is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); return Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Name; end Get_Instance_Name; procedure Set_Instance_Name (Inst : Instance; Name : Sname) is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Name := Name; end Set_Instance_Name; function Get_Instance_Parent (Inst : Instance) return Module is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); return Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Parent; end Get_Instance_Parent; function Get_Next_Instance (Inst : Instance) return Instance is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); return Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Next_Instance; end Get_Next_Instance; procedure Set_Next_Instance (Inst : Instance; Next : Instance) is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Next_Instance := Next; end Set_Next_Instance; procedure Set_Prev_Instance (Inst : Instance; Prev : Instance) is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Prev_Instance := Prev; end Set_Prev_Instance; function Get_First_Output (Inst : Instance) return Net is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); return Instances_Table.Table (Inst).First_Output; end Get_First_Output; function Get_Output (Inst : Instance; Idx : Port_Idx) return Net is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); pragma Assert (Idx < Get_Nbr_Outputs (Inst)); return Instances_Table.Table (Inst).First_Output + Net (Idx); end Get_Output; function Get_Input (Inst : Instance; Idx : Port_Idx) return Input is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); pragma Assert (Idx < Get_Nbr_Inputs (Inst)); return Instances_Table.Table (Inst).First_Input + Input (Idx); end Get_Input; -- Nets function Is_Valid (N : Net) return Boolean is begin return N > No_Net and then N <= Nets_Table.Last; end Is_Valid; function Get_Net_Parent (O : Net) return Instance is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (O)); return Nets_Table.Table (O).Parent; end Get_Net_Parent; function Get_Port_Idx (O : Net) return Port_Idx is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (O)); Parent : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (O); begin return Port_Idx (O - Instances_Table.Table (Parent).First_Output); end Get_Port_Idx; function Get_First_Sink (O : Net) return Input is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (O)); return Nets_Table.Table (O).First_Sink; end Get_First_Sink; function Get_Width (N : Net) return Width is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (N)); begin return Nets_Table.Table (N).W; end Get_Width; procedure Set_Width (N : Net; W : Width) is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (N)); begin if Nets_Table.Table (N).W /= No_Width then raise Internal_Error; end if; Nets_Table.Table (N).W := W; end Set_Width; -- Inputs function Is_Valid (N : Input) return Boolean is begin return N > No_Input and then N <= Inputs_Table.Last; end Is_Valid; function Get_Input_Parent (I : Input) return Instance is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (I)); return Inputs_Table.Table (I).Parent; end Get_Input_Parent; function Get_Port_Idx (I : Input) return Port_Idx is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (I)); Parent : constant Instance := Get_Input_Parent (I); begin return Port_Idx (I - Instances_Table.Table (Parent).First_Input); end Get_Port_Idx; function Get_Driver (I : Input) return Net is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (I)); return Inputs_Table.Table (I).Driver; end Get_Driver; function Get_Next_Sink (I : Input) return Input is begin pragma Assert (Is_Valid (I)); return Inputs_Table.Table (I).Next_Sink; end Get_Next_Sink; -- Port_Desc function Get_Port_Desc (Idx : Port_Desc_Idx) return Port_Desc is begin return Port_Desc_Table.Table (Idx); end Get_Port_Desc; procedure Set_Port_Desc (Idx : Port_Desc_Idx; Desc : Port_Desc) is begin Port_Desc_Table.Table (Idx) := Desc; end Set_Port_Desc; function Get_Input_Desc (M : Module; I : Port_Idx) return Port_Desc is F : constant Port_Desc_Idx := Get_Input_First_Desc (M); pragma Assert (I < Get_Nbr_Inputs (M)); begin return Get_Port_Desc (F + Port_Desc_Idx (I)); end Get_Input_Desc; function Get_Output_Desc (M : Module; O : Port_Idx) return Port_Desc is F : constant Port_Desc_Idx := Get_Output_First_Desc (M); pragma Assert (O < Get_Nbr_Outputs (M)); begin return Get_Port_Desc (F + Port_Desc_Idx (O)); end Get_Output_Desc; procedure Set_Input_Desc (M : Module; I : Port_Idx; Desc : Port_Desc) is F : constant Port_Desc_Idx := Get_Input_First_Desc (M); pragma Assert (I < Get_Nbr_Inputs (M)); Idx : constant Port_Desc_Idx := F + Port_Desc_Idx (I); begin Set_Port_Desc (Idx, Desc); end Set_Input_Desc; procedure Set_Output_Desc (M : Module; O : Port_Idx; Desc : Port_Desc) is F : constant Port_Desc_Idx := Get_Output_First_Desc (M); pragma Assert (O < Get_Nbr_Outputs (M)); Idx : constant Port_Desc_Idx := F + Port_Desc_Idx (O); begin Set_Port_Desc (Idx, Desc); end Set_Output_Desc; procedure Set_Ports_Desc (M : Module; Input_Descs : Port_Desc_Array; Output_Descs : Port_Desc_Array) is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); pragma Assert (Input_Descs'Length = Get_Nbr_Inputs (M)); pragma Assert (Output_Descs'Length = Get_Nbr_Outputs (M)); begin for I in Input_Descs'Range loop Set_Input_Desc (M, I - Input_Descs'First, Input_Descs (I)); end loop; for O in Output_Descs'Range loop Set_Output_Desc (M, O - Output_Descs'First, Output_Descs (O)); end loop; end Set_Ports_Desc; -- Param_Desc package Param_Desc_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Param_Desc, Table_Index_Type => Param_Desc_Idx, Table_Low_Bound => No_Param_Desc_Idx, Table_Initial => 256); procedure Set_Params_Desc (M : Module; Params : Param_Desc_Array) is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); pragma Assert (Params'Length = Get_Nbr_Params (M)); begin pragma Assert (Modules_Table.Table (M).First_Param_Desc = No_Param_Desc_Idx); Modules_Table.Table (M).First_Param_Desc := Param_Desc_Table.Last + 1; for P of Params loop Param_Desc_Table.Append (P); end loop; end Set_Params_Desc; function Get_Param_Desc (M : Module; Param : Param_Idx) return Param_Desc is use Netlists.Gates; pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M)); begin case Get_Id (M) is when Id_Const_Bit | Id_Const_Log => return (No_Sname, Param_Uns32); when others => pragma Assert (Param < Get_Nbr_Params (M)); return Param_Desc_Table.Table (Modules_Table.Table (M).First_Param_Desc + Param_Desc_Idx (Param)); end case; end Get_Param_Desc; function Get_Mark_Flag (Inst : Instance) return Boolean is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); begin return Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Flag_Mark; end Get_Mark_Flag; procedure Set_Mark_Flag (Inst : Instance; Flag : Boolean) is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); begin Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Flag_Mark := Flag; end Set_Mark_Flag; function Get_Param_Idx (Inst : Instance; Param : Param_Idx) return Param_Idx is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); pragma Assert (Param < Get_Nbr_Params (Inst)); begin return Instances_Table.Table (Inst).First_Param + Param; end Get_Param_Idx; function Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst : Instance; Param : Param_Idx) return Uns32 is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); M : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst); pragma Assert (Param < Get_Nbr_Params (Inst)); pragma Assert (Get_Param_Desc (M, Param).Typ = Param_Uns32); begin return Params_Table.Table (Get_Param_Idx (Inst, Param)); end Get_Param_Uns32; procedure Set_Param_Uns32 (Inst : Instance; Param : Param_Idx; Val : Uns32) is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); M : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst); pragma Assert (Param < Get_Nbr_Params (Inst)); pragma Assert (Get_Param_Desc (M, Param).Typ = Param_Uns32); begin Params_Table.Table (Get_Param_Idx (Inst, Param)) := Val; end Set_Param_Uns32; function Get_Param_Pval (Inst : Instance; Param : Param_Idx) return Pval is M : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst); pragma Assert (Param < Get_Nbr_Params (Inst)); pragma Assert (Get_Param_Desc (M, Param).Typ in Param_Types_Pval); begin return Pval (Params_Table.Table (Get_Param_Idx (Inst, Param))); end Get_Param_Pval; procedure Set_Param_Pval (Inst : Instance; Param : Param_Idx; Val : Pval) is M : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst); pragma Assert (Param < Get_Nbr_Params (Inst)); pragma Assert (Get_Param_Desc (M, Param).Typ in Param_Types_Pval); begin Params_Table.Table (Get_Param_Idx (Inst, Param)) := Uns32 (Val); end Set_Param_Pval; procedure Connect (I : Input; O : Net) is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (I)); pragma Assert (Is_Valid (O)); -- Check Width compatibility -- pragma assert (get_width (i) = get_width (o)); pragma Assert (Get_Driver (I) = No_Net); I_Ent : Input_Record renames Inputs_Table.Table (I); O_Ent : Net_Record renames Nets_Table.Table (O); begin I_Ent.Driver := O; I_Ent.Next_Sink := O_Ent.First_Sink; O_Ent.First_Sink := I; end Connect; procedure Disconnect (I : Input) is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (I)); Drv : constant Net := Get_Driver (I); pragma Assert (Drv /= No_Net); Next_Sink : constant Input := Get_Next_Sink (I); I_Ent : Input_Record renames Inputs_Table.Table (I); D_Ent : Net_Record renames Nets_Table.Table (Drv); S, N_S : Input; begin I_Ent.Next_Sink := No_Input; I_Ent.Driver := No_Net; if D_Ent.First_Sink = I then -- Was the first sink. D_Ent.First_Sink := Next_Sink; else -- Walk S := D_Ent.First_Sink; loop pragma Assert (Is_Valid (S)); N_S := Get_Next_Sink (S); if N_S = I then Inputs_Table.Table (S).Next_Sink := Next_Sink; exit; else S := N_S; end if; end loop; end if; end Disconnect; procedure Redirect_Inputs (Old : Net; N : Net) is First_I, I : Input; Last_I : Input; begin First_I := Get_First_Sink (Old); if First_I = No_Input then -- Nothing to do if no input. return; end if; I := First_I; Last_I := No_Input; while I /= No_Input loop declare I_Rec : Input_Record renames Inputs_Table.Table (I); begin pragma Assert (I_Rec.Driver = Old); I_Rec.Driver := N; Last_I := I; I := I_Rec.Next_Sink; end; end loop; Inputs_Table.Table (Last_I).Next_Sink := Get_First_Sink (N); Nets_Table.Table (N).First_Sink := First_I; -- Also disconnect OLD Nets_Table.Table (Old).First_Sink := No_Input; end Redirect_Inputs; type Pval_Record is record Len : Uns32; Va_Idx : Uns32; Zx_Idx : Uns32; end record; package Pval_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Pval_Record, Table_Index_Type => Pval, Table_Low_Bound => 0, Table_Initial => 32); package Pval_Word_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Uns32, Table_Index_Type => Uns32, Table_Low_Bound => 0, Table_Initial => 32); function Create_Pval4 (Len : Uns32) return Pval is Nwords : constant Uns32 := (Len + 31) / 32; Idx : constant Uns32 := Pval_Word_Table.Last + 1; Res : Uns32; begin Pval_Table.Append ((Len => Len, Va_Idx => Idx, Zx_Idx => Idx + Nwords)); Res := Pval_Word_Table.Allocate (Natural (2 * Nwords)); pragma Assert (Res = Idx); return Pval_Table.Last; end Create_Pval4; function Create_Pval2 (Len : Uns32) return Pval is Nwords : constant Uns32 := (Len + 31) / 32; Idx : constant Uns32 := Pval_Word_Table.Last + 1; Res : Uns32; begin Pval_Table.Append ((Len => Len, Va_Idx => Idx, Zx_Idx => 0)); Res := Pval_Word_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nwords)); pragma Assert (Res = Idx); return Pval_Table.Last; end Create_Pval2; function Get_Pval_Length (P : Pval) return Uns32 is pragma Assert (P <= Pval_Table.Last); begin return Pval_Table.Table (P).Len; end Get_Pval_Length; function Read_Pval (P : Pval; Off : Uns32) return Logic_32 is pragma Assert (P <= Pval_Table.Last); Pval_Rec : Pval_Record renames Pval_Table.Table (P); pragma Assert (Pval_Rec.Len > 0); pragma Assert (Off <= (Pval_Rec.Len - 1) / 32); Res : Logic_32; begin Res.Val := Pval_Word_Table.Table (Pval_Rec.Va_Idx + Off); if Pval_Rec.Zx_Idx = 0 then Res.Zx := 0; else Res.Zx := Pval_Word_Table.Table (Pval_Rec.Zx_Idx + Off); end if; return Res; end Read_Pval; procedure Write_Pval (P : Pval; Off : Uns32; Val : Logic_32) is pragma Assert (P <= Pval_Table.Last); Pval_Rec : Pval_Record renames Pval_Table.Table (P); pragma Assert (Pval_Rec.Len > 0); pragma Assert (Off <= (Pval_Rec.Len - 1) / 32); begin Pval_Word_Table.Table (Pval_Rec.Va_Idx + Off) := Val.Val; if Pval_Rec.Zx_Idx = 0 then pragma Assert (Val.Zx = 0); null; else Pval_Word_Table.Table (Pval_Rec.Zx_Idx + Off) := Val.Zx; end if; end Write_Pval; -- Attributes package Attributes_Table is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Attribute_Record, Table_Index_Type => Attribute, Table_Low_Bound => 0, Table_Initial => 64); function Instance_Attribute_Hash (Params : Instance) return Hash_Value_Type is begin return Hash_Value_Type (Params); end Instance_Attribute_Hash; function Instance_Attribute_Build (Params : Instance) return Instance is begin return Params; end Instance_Attribute_Build; function Instance_Attribute_Build_Value (Obj : Instance) return Attribute is pragma Unreferenced (Obj); begin return No_Attribute; end Instance_Attribute_Build_Value; package Instances_Attribute_Maps is new Dyn_Maps (Params_Type => Instance, Object_Type => Instance, Value_Type => Attribute, Hash => Instance_Attribute_Hash, Build => Instance_Attribute_Build, Build_Value => Instance_Attribute_Build_Value, Equal => "="); Instances_Attribute_Map : Instances_Attribute_Maps.Instance; procedure Set_Instance_Attribute (Inst : Instance; Id : Name_Id; Ptype : Param_Type; Pv : Pval) is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); Attr : Attribute; Idx : Instances_Attribute_Maps.Index_Type; Prev : Attribute; begin -- There is now at least one attribute for INST. Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Has_Attr := True; -- Get (or create and get) an entry for INST. If created, it will be -- No_Attribute (returned by attribute_build_value). Instances_Attribute_Maps.Get_Index (Instances_Attribute_Map, Inst, Idx); Prev := Instances_Attribute_Maps.Get_Value (Instances_Attribute_Map, Idx); Attributes_Table.Append ((Name => Id, Typ => Ptype, Val => Pv, Chain => Prev)); Attr := Attributes_Table.Last; Instances_Attribute_Maps.Set_Value (Instances_Attribute_Map, Idx, Attr); end Set_Instance_Attribute; function Has_Instance_Attribute (Inst : Instance) return Boolean is begin return Instances_Table.Table (Inst).Has_Attr; end Has_Instance_Attribute; function Get_Instance_First_Attribute (Inst : Instance) return Attribute is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst)); begin if not Has_Instance_Attribute (Inst) then return No_Attribute; end if; declare Idx : Instances_Attribute_Maps.Index_Type; Res : Attribute; begin Instances_Attribute_Maps.Get_Index (Instances_Attribute_Map, Inst, Idx); Res := Instances_Attribute_Maps.Get_Value (Instances_Attribute_Map, Idx); return Res; end; end Get_Instance_First_Attribute; function Is_Valid (Attr : Attribute) return Boolean is begin return Attr > No_Attribute and then Attr <= Attributes_Table.Last; end Is_Valid; function Get_Attribute_Name (Attr : Attribute) return Name_Id is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Attr)); begin return Attributes_Table.Table (Attr).Name; end Get_Attribute_Name; function Get_Attribute_Type (Attr : Attribute) return Param_Type is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Attr)); begin return Attributes_Table.Table (Attr).Typ; end Get_Attribute_Type; function Get_Attribute_Pval (Attr : Attribute) return Pval is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Attr)); begin return Attributes_Table.Table (Attr).Val; end Get_Attribute_Pval; function Get_Attribute_Next (Attr : Attribute) return Attribute is pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Attr)); begin return Attributes_Table.Table (Attr).Chain; end Get_Attribute_Next; function Port_Attribute_Hash (Params : Port_Desc_Idx) return Hash_Value_Type is begin return Hash_Value_Type (Params); end Port_Attribute_Hash; function Port_Attribute_Build (Params : Port_Desc_Idx) return Port_Desc_Idx is begin return Params; end Port_Attribute_Build; function Port_Attribute_Build_Value (Obj : Port_Desc_Idx) return Attribute is pragma Unreferenced (Obj); begin return No_Attribute; end Port_Attribute_Build_Value; package Ports_Attribute_Maps is new Dyn_Maps (Params_Type => Port_Desc_Idx, Object_Type => Port_Desc_Idx, Value_Type => Attribute, Hash => Port_Attribute_Hash, Build => Port_Attribute_Build, Build_Value => Port_Attribute_Build_Value, Equal => "="); Ports_Attribute_Map : Ports_Attribute_Maps.Instance; procedure Set_Port_Attribute (Port : Port_Desc_Idx; Id : Name_Id; Ptype : Param_Type; Pv : Pval) is Attr : Attribute; Idx : Ports_Attribute_Maps.Index_Type; Prev : Attribute; begin Ports_Attribute_Maps.Get_Index (Ports_Attribute_Map, Port, Idx); Prev := Ports_Attribute_Maps.Get_Value (Ports_Attribute_Map, Idx); Attributes_Table.Append ((Name => Id, Typ => Ptype, Val => Pv, Chain => Prev)); Attr := Attributes_Table.Last; Ports_Attribute_Maps.Set_Value (Ports_Attribute_Map, Idx, Attr); end Set_Port_Attribute; procedure Set_Input_Port_Attribute (M : Module; Port : Port_Idx; Id : Name_Id; Ptype : Param_Type; Pv : Pval) is Idx : constant Port_Desc_Idx := Get_Input_First_Desc (M) + Port_Desc_Idx (Port); begin Set_Port_Attribute (Idx, Id, Ptype, Pv); end Set_Input_Port_Attribute; procedure Set_Output_Port_Attribute (M : Module; Port : Port_Idx; Id : Name_Id; Ptype : Param_Type; Pv : Pval) is Idx : constant Port_Desc_Idx := Get_Output_First_Desc (M) + Port_Desc_Idx (Port); begin Set_Port_Attribute (Idx, Id, Ptype, Pv); end Set_Output_Port_Attribute; function Get_Port_First_Attribute (Port : Port_Desc_Idx) return Attribute is Idx : Ports_Attribute_Maps.Index_Type; Res : Attribute; begin Ports_Attribute_Maps.Get_Index (Ports_Attribute_Map, Port, Idx); Res := Ports_Attribute_Maps.Get_Value (Ports_Attribute_Map, Idx); return Res; end Get_Port_First_Attribute; function Get_Input_Port_First_Attribute (M : Module; Port : Port_Idx) return Attribute is Idx : constant Port_Desc_Idx := Get_Input_First_Desc (M) + Port_Desc_Idx (Port); begin return Get_Port_First_Attribute (Idx); end Get_Input_Port_First_Attribute; function Get_Output_Port_First_Attribute (M : Module; Port : Port_Idx) return Attribute is Idx : constant Port_Desc_Idx := Get_Output_First_Desc (M) + Port_Desc_Idx (Port); begin return Get_Port_First_Attribute (Idx); end Get_Output_Port_First_Attribute; -- Statistics function Count_Free_Inputs (Head : Input) return Natural is Unused : Natural; Inp : Input; begin Unused := 0; Inp := Head; while Inp /= No_Input loop Unused := Unused + 1; Inp := Inputs_Table.Table (Inp).Next_Sink; end loop; return Unused; end Count_Free_Inputs; procedure Disp_Stats is use Simple_IO; Unused : Natural; Nbr_Modules : Module_Counter_Type := (others => 0); begin Put_Line_Err ("Statistics for netlists:"); Put_Line_Err (" snames: " & Sname'Image (Snames_Table.Last)); Put_Line_Err (" modules: " & Module'Image (Modules_Table.Last)); Put_Err (" instances: " & Instance'Image (Instances_Table.Last)); Unused := 0; for I in No_Instance + 1 .. Instances_Table.Last loop if Get_Module (I) = Free_Module then Unused := Unused + 1; end if; end loop; Put_Line_Err (" (free:" & Natural'Image (Unused) & ')'); Put_Err (" nets: " & Net'Image (Nets_Table.Last)); Unused := 0; for I in No_Net + 1 .. Nets_Table.Last loop if Get_Net_Parent (I) = No_Instance then Unused := Unused + 1; end if; end loop; Put_Line_Err (" (free:" & Natural'Image (Unused) & ')'); Put_Err (" inputs: " & Input'Image (Inputs_Table.Last)); Unused := 0; for I in No_Input + 1 .. Inputs_Table.Last loop if Get_Input_Parent (I) = No_Instance then Unused := Unused + 1; end if; end loop; Put_Line_Err (" (free:" & Natural'Image (Unused) & ')'); for I in Free_Inputs'Range loop Unused := Count_Free_Inputs (Free_Inputs (I)); if Unused /= 0 then Put_Line_Err (" free" & Port_Nbr'Image (I) & " inputs:" & Natural'Image (Unused) & " *" & Port_Nbr'Image (I) & " =" & Natural'Image (Unused * Natural (I))); end if; end loop; Put_Line_Err (" params: " & Param_Idx'Image (Params_Table.Last)); for I in No_Instance + 1 .. Instances_Table.Last loop declare M : constant Module := Get_Module (I); begin if M <= Nbr_Modules'Last then Nbr_Modules (M) := Nbr_Modules (M) + 1; end if; end; end loop; for J in 1 .. 2 loop case J is when 1 => Put_Line_Err (" Number of instances (per module):"); when 2 => Put_Line_Err (" Number of freed instances (per module):"); end case; for I in Module_Counter_Type'Range loop case J is when 1 => Unused := Nbr_Modules (I); when 2 => Unused := Free_Instances_Counter (I); end case; if Unused /= 0 then declare Name : constant Sname := Get_Module_Name (I); begin case Get_Sname_Kind (Name) is when Sname_User | Sname_Artificial => Put_Err (" " & Name_Table.Image (Get_Sname_Suffix (Name))); when others => Put_Err (" module " & Module_Id'Image (Get_Id (I))); end case; Put_Line_Err (":" & Natural'Image (Unused)); end; end if; end loop; end loop; end Disp_Stats; begin -- Initialize snames_table: create the first entry for No_Sname. Snames_Table.Append ((Kind => Sname_Artificial, Prefix => No_Sname, Suffix => 0)); pragma Assert (Snames_Table.Last = No_Sname); Modules_Table.Append ((Parent => No_Module, Name => No_Sname, Id => Id_None, First_Port_Desc => No_Port_Desc_Idx, Nbr_Inputs => 0, Nbr_Outputs => 0, First_Param_Desc => No_Param_Desc_Idx, Nbr_Params => 0, First_Sub_Module => No_Module, Last_Sub_Module => No_Module, Next_Sub_Module => No_Module, First_Instance => No_Instance, Last_Instance => No_Instance)); pragma Assert (Modules_Table.Last = No_Module); Modules_Table.Append ((Parent => No_Module, Name => New_Sname_Artificial (Std_Names.Name_None, No_Sname), Id => Id_Free, First_Port_Desc => No_Port_Desc_Idx, Nbr_Inputs => 0, Nbr_Outputs => 0, First_Param_Desc => No_Param_Desc_Idx, Nbr_Params => 0, First_Sub_Module => No_Module, Last_Sub_Module => No_Module, Next_Sub_Module => No_Module, First_Instance => No_Instance, Last_Instance => No_Instance)); pragma Assert (Modules_Table.Last = Free_Module); Instances_Table.Append ((Parent => No_Module, Has_Attr => False, Flag4 => False, Next_Instance => No_Instance, Prev_Instance => No_Instance, Klass => No_Module, Flag5 | Flag6 => False, Flag_Mark => False, Flag2 => False, Name => No_Sname, First_Param => No_Param_Idx, First_Input => No_Input, First_Output => No_Net)); pragma Assert (Instances_Table.Last = No_Instance); Nets_Table.Append ((Parent => No_Instance, First_Sink => No_Input, W => 0)); pragma Assert (Nets_Table.Last = No_Net); Inputs_Table.Append ((Parent => No_Instance, Driver => No_Net, Next_Sink => No_Input)); pragma Assert (Inputs_Table.Last = No_Input); Port_Desc_Table.Append ((Name => No_Sname, Dir => Port_In, W => 0)); pragma Assert (Port_Desc_Table.Last = No_Port_Desc_Idx); Param_Desc_Table.Append ((Name => No_Sname, Typ => Param_Uns32)); pragma Assert (Param_Desc_Table.Last = No_Param_Desc_Idx); Params_Table.Append (0); pragma Assert (Params_Table.Last = No_Param_Idx); Pval_Table.Append ((Len => 0, Va_Idx => 0, Zx_Idx => 0)); pragma Assert (Pval_Table.Last = No_Pval); Pval_Word_Table.Append (0); Attributes_Table.Append ((Name => No_Name_Id, Typ => Param_Invalid, Val => No_Pval, Chain => No_Attribute)); pragma Assert (Attributes_Table.Last = No_Attribute); Ports_Attribute_Maps.Init (Ports_Attribute_Map); Instances_Attribute_Maps.Init (Instances_Attribute_Map); end Netlists;