-- Renaming to avoid use of keywords. -- Copyright (C) 2022 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. with Name_Table; with Std_Names; with Netlists.Gates; use Netlists.Gates; with Netlists.Utils; use Netlists.Utils; package body Netlists.Rename is function Rename_Sname (Name : Sname; Lang : Language_Type) return Sname is use Name_Table; use Std_Names; Id : Name_Id; Res : String (1 .. 12); Len : Positive; begin if Get_Sname_Kind (Name) /= Sname_User then return Name; end if; if Get_Sname_Prefix (Name) /= No_Sname then return Name; end if; Id := Get_Sname_Suffix (Name); pragma Assert (Lang = Language_Verilog); case Id is when Name_First_Verilog .. Name_Last_V2001 => null; when Name_Xnor | Name_Nor | Name_Nand | Name_Xor | Name_Or | Name_And | Name_Begin | Name_Case | Name_Else | Name_End | Name_For | Name_Function | Name_If | Name_Inout | Name_Not | Name_While | Name_Wait => null; when others => -- Not a keyword return Name; end case; Len := Get_Name_Length (Id); Res (2 .. Len + 1) := Image (Id); Res (1) := '\'; Res (Len + 2) := ' '; Id := Get_Identifier (Res (1 .. Len + 2)); return New_Sname_User (Id, No_Sname); end Rename_Sname; procedure Rename_User_Module (M : Module; Lang : Language_Type) is Port : Port_Desc; Inst : Instance; begin -- Rename inputs and outputs. for I in 1 .. Get_Nbr_Inputs (M) loop Port := Get_Input_Desc (M, I - 1); Port.Name := Rename_Sname (Port.Name, Lang); Set_Input_Desc (M, I - 1, Port); end loop; for I in 1 .. Get_Nbr_Outputs (M) loop Port := Get_Output_Desc (M, I - 1); Port.Name := Rename_Sname (Port.Name, Lang); Set_Output_Desc (M, I - 1, Port); end loop; -- Rename some instances. Inst := Get_First_Instance (M); while Inst /= No_Instance loop case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Signal | Id_Isignal => Set_Instance_Name (Inst, Rename_Sname (Get_Instance_Name (Inst), Lang)); when others => null; end case; Inst := Get_Next_Instance (Inst); end loop; -- rename module name ? -- rename parameters ? end Rename_User_Module; procedure Rename_Module (M : Module; Lang : Language_Type) is Sm : Module; begin Sm := Get_First_Sub_Module (M); while Sm /= No_Module loop if Get_Id (Sm) >= Id_User_None then Rename_User_Module (Sm, Lang); end if; Sm := Get_Next_Sub_Module (Sm); end loop; end Rename_Module; end Netlists.Rename;