-- Inference in synthesis. -- Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, -- MA 02110-1301, USA. with Netlists.Utils; use Netlists.Utils; with Netlists.Gates; use Netlists.Gates; with Netlists.Gates_Ports; use Netlists.Gates_Ports; with Netlists.Locations; use Netlists.Locations; with Netlists.Errors; use Netlists.Errors; with Netlists.Internings; with Netlists.Folds; use Netlists.Folds; with Netlists.Memories; use Netlists.Memories; with Synth.Source; use Synth.Source; with Synth.Errors; use Synth.Errors; package body Netlists.Inference is -- DFF inference. -- As an initial implementation, the following 'styles' must be -- supported: -- Note: rising_edge is any clock_edge; '<=' can be ':='. -- -- 1) -- if rising_edge(clk) then -- r <= x; -- end if; -- -- 2) -- if rst = '0' then -- r <= x; -- elsif rising_edge (clk) then -- r <= y; -- end if; -- -- 3) -- wait until rising_edge(clk); -- r <= x; -- Which is equivalent to 1) when the wait statement is the only and first -- statement, as it can be converted to an if statement. -- -- Netlist derived from 1) -- +------+ -- | | -- | /| | -- | |0+-+ -- Q --+--+ | -- |1+--- D -- \| -- CLK -- This is a memorizing element as there is a loop, the value is changed -- to D on a rising edge of the clock. -- -- Netlist derived from 2) -- +------------+ -- | /| | -- | /| |0+-+ -- | |0+---+ | -- Q --+--+ | |1+----- D -- |1+-+ \| -- \| | CLK -- RST +--------- '0' -- This is a memorizing element as there is a loop. It is an asynchronous -- reset as Q is forced to '0' when RST is asserted. function Has_Clock (N : Net) return Boolean is Inst : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (N); begin case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Edge => return True; when Id_And => -- Assume the condition is canonicalized, ie of the form: -- CLK and EXPR. -- FIXME: do it! return Has_Clock (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0)); when others => return False; end case; end Has_Clock; -- Find the longest chain of mux starting from VAL with a final input -- of PREV_VAL. Such a chain means this is a memorising element. -- RES is the last mux in the chain, DIST the number of mux in the chain. procedure Find_Longest_Loop (Val : Net; Prev_Val : Net; Res : out Instance; Dist : out Integer) is Inst : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (Val); begin if Get_Id (Inst) = Id_Mux2 then declare Res0, Res1 : Instance; Dist0, Dist1 : Integer; begin if Has_Clock (Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_Sel (Inst))) then Res := Inst; Dist := 1; else Find_Longest_Loop (Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_I0 (Inst)), Prev_Val, Res0, Dist0); Find_Longest_Loop (Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_I1 (Inst)), Prev_Val, Res1, Dist1); -- Input1 has an higher priority than input0 in case -- the selector is a clock. -- FIXME: improve algorithm. if Dist1 > Dist0 then Dist := Dist1 + 1; if Dist1 > 0 then Res := Res1; else Res := Inst; end if; elsif Dist0 >= 0 then Dist := Dist0 + 1; if Dist0 > 0 then Res := Res0; else Res := Inst; end if; else pragma Assert (Dist1 < 0 and Dist0 < 0); Res := No_Instance; Dist := -1; end if; end if; end; elsif Val = Prev_Val then Res := No_Instance; Dist := 0; else Res := No_Instance; Dist := -1; end if; end Find_Longest_Loop; procedure Extract_Clock_And (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Inst : Instance) is begin pragma Assert (Get_Id (Inst) = Id_And); declare I0 : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst, 0); N0 : constant Net := Get_Driver (I0); Inst0 : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (N0); begin case Get_Id (Inst0) is when Id_Edge => null; when Id_And => Extract_Clock_And (Ctxt, Inst0); -- If we have: AND convert to: AND -- / \ / \ -- N1 AND0 ==> AND0 EDGE -- / \ / \ -- N2 EDGE N1 N2 declare I3 : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst0, 0); N3 : constant Net := Get_Driver (I3); Inst3 : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (N3); begin if Get_Id (Inst3) = Id_Edge then declare Can_Rotate : constant Boolean := Has_One_Connection (N0); I2 : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst0, 1); N2 : constant Net := Get_Driver (I2); I1 : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst, 1); N1 : constant Net := Get_Driver (I1); N4 : Net; begin Disconnect (I0); Disconnect (I1); Connect (I0, N3); if Can_Rotate then Disconnect (I2); Disconnect (I3); Connect (I1, N0); Connect (I3, N2); Connect (I2, N1); else N4 := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Id_And, N2, N1); Connect (I1, N4); end if; end; end if; end; when others => null; end case; end; declare I0 : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst, 1); N0 : constant Net := Get_Driver (I0); Inst0 : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (N0); begin case Get_Id (Inst0) is when Id_Edge => -- Swap inputs 0 and 1. declare I1 : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst, 0); N1 : constant Net := Get_Driver (I1); begin Disconnect (I0); Disconnect (I1); Connect (I1, N0); Connect (I0, N1); end; when Id_And => Extract_Clock_And (Ctxt, Inst0); -- If we have: AND convert to: AND -- / \ / \ -- AND0 N1 ==> AND0 EDGE -- / \ / \ -- N2 EDGE N2 N1 declare I3 : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst0, 0); N3 : constant Net := Get_Driver (I3); begin if Get_Id (Get_Net_Parent (N3)) = Id_Edge then declare Can_Rotate : constant Boolean := Has_One_Connection (N0); I1 : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst, 0); N1 : constant Net := Get_Driver (I1); N4 : Net; begin Disconnect (I3); Disconnect (I1); Connect (I1, N3); if Can_Rotate then Connect (I3, N1); else N4 := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Id_And, N1, Get_Input_Net (Inst0, 1)); Connect (I3, N4); end if; end; end if; end; when others => null; end case; end; end Extract_Clock_And; -- Walk the And-net N, and extract clock (posedge/negedge) if found. -- ENABLE is N without the clock. -- If not found, CLK and ENABLE are set to No_Net. procedure Extract_Clock (Ctxt : Context_Acc; N : Net; Clk : out Net; Enable : out Net) is Inst : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (N); begin Clk := No_Net; Enable := No_Net; case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Edge => -- Get rid of the edge gate, just return the signal. Clk := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0); when Id_And => -- Canonicalize conditions. Extract_Clock_And (Ctxt, Inst); -- Condition should be in the form: CLK and EXPR declare I0 : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0); Inst0 : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (I0); begin if Get_Id (Inst0) = Id_Edge then -- INST is clearly not synthesizable (boolean operation on -- an edge). Will be removed at the end by -- remove_unused_instances. Do not remove it now as its -- output may be used by other nets. Clk := Get_Input_Net (Inst0, 0); Enable := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 1); return; end if; end; when others => null; end case; end Extract_Clock; function Is_Prev_FF_Value (V : Net; Prev_Val : Net; Off : Uns32) return Boolean is Inst : Instance; begin if V = Prev_Val then pragma Assert (Off = 0); return True; end if; Inst := Get_Net_Parent (V); return Get_Id (Inst) = Id_Extract and then Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0) = Off and then Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0) = Prev_Val; end Is_Prev_FF_Value; function Infere_FF_Else (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Prev_Val : Net; Off : Uns32; Last_Mux : Instance; Clk : Net; Clk_Enable : Net; Stmt : Synth.Source.Syn_Src) return Net; procedure Infere_FF_Mux (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Prev_Val : Net; Off : Uns32; Last_Mux : Instance; Stmt : Synth.Source.Syn_Src; Els : out Net; Data : out Net) is Mux_Loc : constant Location_Type := Get_Location (Last_Mux); Sel : constant Input := Get_Mux2_Sel (Last_Mux); I0 : constant Input := Get_Mux2_I0 (Last_Mux); I1 : constant Input := Get_Mux2_I1 (Last_Mux); Els_Inst : Instance; Els_Clk : Net; Els_En : Net; begin -- There must be no 'else' part for clock expression. Els := Get_Driver (I0); if Is_Prev_FF_Value (Els, Prev_Val, Off) then -- The loop. Els := No_Net; else Els_Inst := Get_Net_Parent (Els); if Get_Id (Els_Inst) = Id_Mux2 then Extract_Clock (Ctxt, Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_Sel (Els_Inst)), Els_Clk, Els_En); else Els_Clk := No_Net; end if; if Els_Clk = No_Net then Error_Msg_Synth (Mux_Loc, "clocked logic requires clocked logic on else part"); Els := No_Net; else Els := Infere_FF_Else (Ctxt, Prev_Val, Off, Els_Inst, Els_Clk, Els_En, Stmt); end if; end if; Disconnect (Sel); -- Don't try to free driver of I0 as this is Prev_Val or a selection -- of it. Disconnect (I0); Data := Get_Driver (I1); -- Don't try to free driver of I1 as it is reconnected. Disconnect (I1); end Infere_FF_Mux; function Infere_FF_Create (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Rst : Net; Rst_Val : Net; Init : Net; Clk : Net; Data : Net; Els : Net; Loc : Location_Type) return Net is Res : Net; begin if Rst = No_Net then pragma Assert (Rst_Val = No_Net); if Els = No_Net then if Init /= No_Net then Res := Build_Idff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data, Init => Init); else Res := Build_Dff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data); end if; else if Init /= No_Net then Res := Build_Midff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data, Els => Els, Init => Init); else Res := Build_Mdff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data, Els => Els); end if; end if; else if Els /= No_Net then Error_Msg_Synth (Loc, "synchronous code does not expect else part"); end if; if Init /= No_Net then Res := Build_Iadff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data, Rst => Rst, Rst_Val => Rst_Val, Init => Init); else Res := Build_Adff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data, Rst => Rst, Rst_Val => Rst_Val); end if; end if; Set_Location (Res, Loc); return Res; end Infere_FF_Create; function Infere_FF_Else (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Prev_Val : Net; Off : Uns32; Last_Mux : Instance; Clk : Net; Clk_Enable : Net; Stmt : Synth.Source.Syn_Src) return Net is Mux_Loc : constant Location_Type := Get_Location (Last_Mux); Data : Net; Res : Net; Els : Net; begin -- Create and return the DFF. -- 1. Remove the mux that creates the loop (will be replaced by the -- dff). Infere_FF_Mux (Ctxt, Prev_Val, Off, Last_Mux, Stmt, Els, Data); Free_Instance (Last_Mux); if Off = 0 and then Can_Infere_RAM (Data, Prev_Val) then -- Maybe it is a RAM. Data := Infere_RAM (Ctxt, Data, Clk_Enable); elsif Clk_Enable /= No_Net then -- If there is a condition with the clock, that's an enable which -- keep the previous value if the condition is false. Add the mux -- for it. declare Prev : Net; begin Prev := Build2_Extract (Ctxt, Prev_Val, Off, Get_Width (Data)); Data := Build_Mux2 (Ctxt, Clk_Enable, Prev, Data); Copy_Location (Data, Clk_Enable); end; end if; -- Create the FF. Res := Infere_FF_Create (Ctxt, No_Net, No_Net, No_Net, Clk, Data, Els, Mux_Loc); return Res; end Infere_FF_Else; -- LAST_MUX is the mux whose input 0 is the loop and clock for selector. function Infere_FF (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Val : Net; Prev_Val : Net; Off : Uns32; Last_Mux : Instance; Clk : Net; Clk_Enable : Net; Stmt : Synth.Source.Syn_Src) return Net is O : constant Net := Get_Output (Last_Mux, 0); Mux_Loc : constant Location_Type := Get_Location (Last_Mux); Data : Net; Res : Net; Sig : Instance; Init : Net; Rst : Net; Rst_Val : Net; Enable : Net; Els : Net; begin -- Create and return the DFF. -- 1. Remove the mux that creates the loop (will be replaced by the -- dff). Infere_FF_Mux (Ctxt, Prev_Val, Off, Last_Mux, Stmt, Els, Data); -- If the signal declaration has an initial value, get it. Sig := Get_Net_Parent (Prev_Val); case Get_Id (Get_Module (Sig)) is when Id_Isignal | Id_Ioutput => Init := Get_Input_Net (Sig, 1); Init := Build2_Extract (Ctxt, Init, Off, Get_Width (O)); when others => Init := No_Net; end case; Enable := Clk_Enable; -- Look for asynchronous set/reset. They are muxes after the loop -- mux. In theory, there can be many set/reset with a defined order. Rst_Val := No_Net; Rst := No_Net; declare Done : Boolean; Mux : Instance; -- Previous mux to be free. Prev_Mux : Instance; Sel : Net; Last_Out : Net; Mux_Not_Rst : Net; Mux_Rst : Net; Mux_Rst_Val : Net; begin Prev_Mux := No_Instance; Last_Out := O; -- Initially, the final output is not connected. So walk from the -- clocked mux until reaching the final output. Done := Last_Out = Val; while not Done loop if not Has_One_Connection (Last_Out) and then not Is_Const_Net (Last_Out) then -- TODO. raise Internal_Error; end if; -- The parent must be a mux (it's a chain of muxes). Mux := Get_Input_Parent (Get_First_Sink (Last_Out)); pragma Assert (Get_Id (Mux) = Id_Mux2); -- Extract the reset condition and the reset value. Sel := Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_Sel (Mux)); if Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_I0 (Mux)) = Last_Out then Mux_Rst_Val := Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_I1 (Mux)); Mux_Rst := Sel; else pragma Assert (Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_I1 (Mux)) = Last_Out); Mux_Rst_Val := Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_I0 (Mux)); Mux_Rst := Build_Monadic (Ctxt, Id_Not, Sel); end if; Last_Out := Get_Output (Mux, 0); Done := not Is_Connected (Last_Out); if Is_Prev_FF_Value (Mux_Rst_Val, Prev_Val, Off) then -- The mux is like an enable. Like in this example, q2 is not -- assigned when RST is true: -- if rst then -- q1 <= '0'; -- elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- q2 <= d2; -- q1 <= d1; -- end if; -- Remove the mux Disconnect (Get_Mux2_I0 (Mux)); Disconnect (Get_Mux2_I1 (Mux)); Disconnect (Get_Mux2_Sel (Mux)); -- Add the negation of the condition to the enable signal. -- Negate the condition for the current reset. Mux_Not_Rst := Build_Monadic (Ctxt, Id_Not, Mux_Rst); if Rst /= No_Net then Rst := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Id_And, Rst, Mux_Not_Rst); end if; if Enable = No_Net then Enable := Mux_Not_Rst; else Enable := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Id_And, Enable, Mux_Not_Rst); end if; if Prev_Mux /= No_Instance then Remove_Instance (Prev_Mux); end if; Prev_Mux := Mux; else -- Assume this is a reset value. -- FIXME: check for no logical loop. if Rst = No_Net then -- Remove the last mux. Dedicated inputs on the FF -- are used. Disconnect (Get_Mux2_I0 (Mux)); Disconnect (Get_Mux2_I1 (Mux)); Disconnect (Get_Mux2_Sel (Mux)); -- The output of the mux is now the reset value. Redirect_Inputs (Last_Out, Mux_Rst_Val); if Prev_Mux /= No_Instance then Remove_Instance (Prev_Mux); end if; Prev_Mux := Mux; Rst := Mux_Rst; Rst_Val := Mux_Rst_Val; Last_Out := Mux_Rst_Val; else Rst := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Id_Or, Mux_Rst, Rst); Rst_Val := Last_Out; if Prev_Mux /= No_Instance then Remove_Instance (Prev_Mux); end if; Prev_Mux := No_Instance; end if; end if; end loop; if Prev_Mux /= No_Instance then Free_Instance (Mux); end if; end; if Off = 0 and then Can_Infere_RAM (Data, Prev_Val) then -- Maybe it is a RAM. Data := Infere_RAM (Ctxt, Data, Enable); elsif Enable /= No_Net then -- If there is a condition with the clock, that's an enable which -- keep the previous value if the condition is false. Add the mux -- for it. declare Prev : Net; begin Prev := Build2_Extract (Ctxt, Prev_Val, Off, Get_Width (Data)); Data := Build_Mux2 (Ctxt, Enable, Prev, Data); Copy_Location (Data, Enable); end; end if; -- Create the FF. Res := Infere_FF_Create (Ctxt, Rst, Rst_Val, Init, Clk, Data, Els, Mux_Loc); -- The output may already be used (if the target is a variable that -- is read). So redirect the net. Redirect_Inputs (Get_Output (Last_Mux, 0), Res); Free_Instance (Last_Mux); return Res; end Infere_FF; -- Detect false combinational loop. They can easily appear when variables -- are only used in one branch: -- process (all) -- variable a : std_logic; -- begin -- r <= '1'; -- if sel = '1' then -- a := '1'; -- r <= '0'; -- end if; -- end process; -- There is a combinational path from 'a' to 'a' as -- a := (sel = '1') ? '1' : a; -- But this is a false loop because the value of 'a' is never used. In -- that case, 'a' is assigned to 'x' and all the unused logic will be -- removed during clean-up. -- -- Detection is very simple: the closure of readers of 'a' must be only -- muxes (which were inserted by controls). function Is_False_Loop (Prev_Val : Net) return Boolean is package Inst_Interning renames Netlists.Internings.Dyn_Instance_Interning; use Inst_Interning; T : Inst_Interning.Instance; function Add_From_Net (N : Net) return Boolean is Inst : Netlists.Instance; Inp : Input; begin Inp := Get_First_Sink (N); while Inp /= No_Input loop Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp); if Get_Id (Inst) not in Mux_Module_Id then return False; end if; -- Add to T (if not already). Get (T, Inst, Inst); Inp := Get_Next_Sink (Inp); end loop; return True; end Add_From_Net; function Walk_Nets (N : Net) return Boolean is Inst : Netlists.Instance; begin -- Put gates that read the value. if not Add_From_Net (N) then return False; end if; -- Follow the outputs. for I in First_Index .. Index_Type'Last loop exit when I > Inst_Interning.Last_Index (T); Inst := Get_By_Index (T, I); if not Add_From_Net (Get_Output (Inst, 0)) then return False; end if; end loop; -- No external readers. return True; end Walk_Nets; Res : Boolean; begin Inst_Interning.Init (T); Res := Walk_Nets (Prev_Val); Inst_Interning.Free (T); return Res; end Is_False_Loop; function Infere_Latch (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Val : Net; Prev_Val : Net; Stmt : Synth.Source.Syn_Src) return Net is Name : Sname; begin -- In case of false loop, do not close the loop but assign X. if Is_False_Loop (Prev_Val) then return Build_Const_X (Ctxt, Get_Width (Val)); end if; -- Latch or combinational loop. if Get_Id (Get_Net_Parent (Prev_Val)) = Id_Output then -- Outputs are connected to a port. The port is the first connection -- made, so it is the last sink. Be more tolerant and look for -- the (only) port connected to the output. declare Inp : Input; Inst : Instance; begin Inp := Get_First_Sink (Prev_Val); loop pragma Assert (Inp /= No_Input); Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp); if Get_Id (Inst) >= Id_User_None then Name := Get_Output_Desc (Get_Module (Inst), Get_Port_Idx (Inp)).Name; exit; end if; Inp := Get_Next_Sink (Inp); end loop; end; else Name := Get_Instance_Name (Get_Net_Parent (Prev_Val)); end if; Error_Msg_Synth (+Stmt, "latch infered for net %n", +Name); return Val; end Infere_Latch; -- Note: PREV_VAL is the wire gate, so with full width and no offset. function Infere (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Val : Net; Off : Uns32; Prev_Val : Net; Stmt : Synth.Source.Syn_Src) return Net is pragma Assert (Val /= No_Net); pragma Assert (Prev_Val /= No_Net); First_Mux, Last_Mux : Instance; Len : Integer; Sel : Input; Clk : Net; Enable : Net; Res : Net; begin if Get_First_Sink (Prev_Val) = No_Input then -- PREV_VAL is never read, so there cannot be any loop. -- This is an important optimization for control signals. return Val; end if; Find_Longest_Loop (Val, Prev_Val, Last_Mux, Len); if Len <= 0 then -- No logical loop or self assignment. return Val; end if; -- So there is a logical loop. Sel := Get_Mux2_Sel (Last_Mux); Extract_Clock (Ctxt, Get_Driver (Sel), Clk, Enable); if Clk = No_Net then -- No clock -> latch or combinational loop Res := Infere_Latch (Ctxt, Val, Prev_Val, Stmt); else -- Clock -> FF First_Mux := Get_Net_Parent (Val); pragma Assert (Get_Id (First_Mux) = Id_Mux2); Res := Infere_FF (Ctxt, Val, Prev_Val, Off, Last_Mux, Clk, Enable, Stmt); end if; return Res; end Infere; end Netlists.Inference;