-- Gates declaration -- Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, -- MA 02110-1301, USA. package Netlists.Gates is -- Id 0 is None -- Id 1 is Free -- Id 2 is top design -- Dyadic gates. Inputs and output have the same width. Id_And : constant Module_Id := 3; Id_Or : constant Module_Id := 4; Id_Xor : constant Module_Id := 5; Id_Nand : constant Module_Id := 6; Id_Nor : constant Module_Id := 7; Id_Xnor : constant Module_Id := 8; Id_Add : constant Module_Id := 9; Id_Sub : constant Module_Id := 10; Id_Umin : constant Module_Id := 11; Id_Smin : constant Module_Id := 12; Id_Umax : constant Module_Id := 13; Id_Smax : constant Module_Id := 14; Id_Umul : constant Module_Id := 15; Id_Smul : constant Module_Id := 16; Id_Udiv : constant Module_Id := 17; Id_Sdiv : constant Module_Id := 18; Id_Umod : constant Module_Id := 19; Id_Smod : constant Module_Id := 20; Id_Srem : constant Module_Id := 21; subtype Dyadic_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_And .. Id_Srem; Id_Not : constant Module_Id := 22; Id_Neg : constant Module_Id := 23; Id_Abs : constant Module_Id := 24; subtype Monadic_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Not .. Id_Abs; -- Logical and arithmetic shifts. -- FIXME: clarify right operand: width, large values Id_Lsl : constant Module_Id := 25; Id_Lsr : constant Module_Id := 26; Id_Asr : constant Module_Id := 27; subtype Shift_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Lsl .. Id_Asr; -- Rotations. -- FIXME: clarify right operand. Id_Rol : constant Module_Id := 28; Id_Ror : constant Module_Id := 29; subtype Rotate_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Lsl .. Id_Asr; subtype Shift_Rotate_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Lsl .. Id_Ror; Id_Eq : constant Module_Id := 30; Id_Ne : constant Module_Id := 31; Id_Ule : constant Module_Id := 32; Id_Sle : constant Module_Id := 33; Id_Ult : constant Module_Id := 34; Id_Slt : constant Module_Id := 35; Id_Uge : constant Module_Id := 36; Id_Sge : constant Module_Id := 37; Id_Ugt : constant Module_Id := 38; Id_Sgt : constant Module_Id := 39; subtype Compare_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Eq .. Id_Sgt; Id_Red_And : constant Module_Id := 40; Id_Red_Or : constant Module_Id := 41; subtype Reduce_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Red_And .. Id_Red_Or; Id_Concat2 : constant Module_Id := 42; Id_Concat3 : constant Module_Id := 43; Id_Concat4 : constant Module_Id := 44; subtype Concat_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Concat2 .. Id_Concat4; -- Concatenation with N inputs. Id_Concatn : constant Module_Id := 45; -- Inputs: s, i0, i1 -- Output: o Id_Mux2 : constant Module_Id := 46; -- Inputs: s, i0, i1, s2, s3 -- Output: o Id_Mux4 : constant Module_Id := 47; subtype Mux_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Mux2 .. Id_Mux4; -- Like a wire: the output is equal to the input, but could be elimited -- at any time. Isignal has an initial value. -- -- Id_Output are inserted at the beginning because a module output cannot -- be read. At the end, this is not an issue because an output is driven -- by a gate (and thus the value of the output could be read), but that -- driving value may not be available early enough. -- Id_Ioutput is an output with an initial value. Id_Signal : constant Module_Id := 48; Id_Isignal : constant Module_Id := 49; Id_Output : constant Module_Id := 50; Id_Ioutput : constant Module_Id := 51; Id_Port : constant Module_Id := 52; -- Id_Inout is a virtual gate used to fit inout direction into the netlist -- model which has only inputs and outputs. -- It is virtual because it doesn't perform any computation. -- Its output 1 must always be connected to an inout port of the module. -- (more precisely: to an input port marked as inout of the self instance). -- If input 0 is connected, it is a driver to the inout port. -- The current value of the inout port can be read from output 0. -- -- Inputs: 0: value to be assigned to the port -- Outputs: 0: value of the port -- 1: direct and only connection to the port Id_Inout : constant Module_Id := 53; -- Note: initial values must be constant nets. -- -- A simple D flip-flop. The D input is stored on a rising edge of CLK. -- Q is the output. For falling edge dff, use a NOT gate on the CLK -- input. -- Inputs: 0: CLK -- 1: D -- Output: 0: Q Id_Dff : constant Module_Id := 56; -- A DFF with an asynchronous reset. Note that the asynchronous reset -- has priority over the clock. When RST is asserted, the value is -- set to RST_VAL. -- Inputs: 0: CLK -- 1: D -- 2: RST -- 3: RST_VAL -- Output: 0: Q Id_Adff : constant Module_Id := 57; -- A simple DFF with an initial value (must be constant). This is -- for FPGAs. -- Inputs: 0: CLK -- 1: D -- 2: INIT (initial value) -- Output: 0: Q Id_Idff : constant Module_Id := 58; -- A DFF with an asynchronous reset and an initial value. -- Inputs: 0: CLK -- 1: D -- 2: RST -- 3: RST_VAL -- 4: INIT (initial value) -- Output: 0: Q Id_Iadff : constant Module_Id := 59; -- Multi clock dff. ELSE is the output of the next DFF. -- Inputs: 0: CLK -- 1: D -- 2: ELSE -- Output: 0: Q Id_Mdff : constant Module_Id := 60; -- Multi clock dff with initial value. ELSE is the output of the next DFF. -- Inputs: 0: CLK -- 1: D -- 2: ELSE -- 3: Init -- Output: 0: Q Id_Midff : constant Module_Id := 61; -- Temporary gate, O = I Id_Nop : constant Module_Id := 60; -- Width change: truncate or extend. Sign is know in order to possibly -- detect loss of value. Id_Utrunc : constant Module_Id := 64; Id_Strunc : constant Module_Id := 65; Id_Uextend : constant Module_Id := 66; Id_Sextend : constant Module_Id := 67; subtype Truncate_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Utrunc .. Id_Strunc; subtype Extend_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Uextend .. Id_Sextend; -- Extract a bit or a slice at a constant offset. -- OUT := IN0[OFF+WD-1:OFF] Id_Extract : constant Module_Id := 68; -- OUT := IN0[IN1+OFF+WD-1:IN1+OFF] -- Inputs: MEM (the memory) -- IDX (then index) -- Param0: offset Id_Dyn_Extract : constant Module_Id := 69; -- Like Insert but for dynamic values. -- Input0: the memory -- Input1: the value to insert -- Input2: the index. -- Param0: offset -- T := IN0 -- T [IN2+OFF+WD-1:IN2+OFF] := IN1 -- OUT := T Id_Dyn_Insert : constant Module_Id := 70; -- Like Dyn_Insert but with an enable input. -- Input3: enable Id_Dyn_Insert_En : constant Module_Id := 71; subtype Dyn_Insert_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Dyn_Insert .. Id_Dyn_Insert_En; -- Input0: index -- Param0: step -- Param1: max -- OUT := IN0 * STEP, IN0 < MAX Id_Memidx : constant Module_Id := 72; -- OUT := IN0 + IN1, size extension (max of inputs width). Id_Addidx : constant Module_Id := 73; -- Represent a memory with a fixed size. -- This is not a regular gate as it has only one output, PORTS. -- The width of the output is the size (in bits) of the memory. -- The PORTS links to the first read or write port. There must be only -- one connection. The order is important as it defines the order of -- actions. -- Outputs: PORTS Id_Memory : constant Module_Id := 74; -- Same as Id_Memory but with an initial value. -- Input: INIT Id_Memory_Init : constant Module_Id := 75; -- Asynchronous memory read port. -- Inputs: PPORT (previous memory port) -- ADDR -- Outputs: NPORT (next memory port) -- DATA Id_Mem_Rd : constant Module_Id := 76; -- Synchronous memory read port. -- Inputs: PPORT (previous memory port) -- ADDR -- CLK -- EN -- Outputs: NPORT (next memory port) -- DATA Id_Mem_Rd_Sync : constant Module_Id := 77; -- Synchronous memory write port -- Inputs: PPORT (previous memory port) -- ADDR -- CLK -- EN -- DATA -- Outputs: NPORT (next memory port) Id_Mem_Wr_Sync : constant Module_Id := 78; -- Virtual gate to gather 2 dffs of a multiport memory. Id_Mem_Multiport : constant Module_Id := 79; -- Positive/rising edge and negative/falling edge detector. -- These are pseudo gates. Id_Posedge : constant Module_Id := 80; Id_Negedge : constant Module_Id := 81; subtype Edge_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Posedge .. Id_Negedge; -- Input signal must always be true. Id_Assert : constant Module_Id := 82; Id_Assume : constant Module_Id := 83; -- Input is true when a sequence is covered. Id_Cover : constant Module_Id := 84; -- Use to cover the precedent of an assertion. Id_Assert_Cover : constant Module_Id := 85; -- Formal gates. Id_Allconst : constant Module_Id := 90; Id_Anyconst : constant Module_Id := 91; Id_Allseq : constant Module_Id := 92; Id_Anyseq : constant Module_Id := 93; subtype Formal_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Allconst .. Id_Anyseq; -- Constants are gates with only one constant output. There are multiple -- kind of constant gates: for small width, the value is stored as a -- parameter, possibly signed or unsigned extended. Id_Const_UB32 : constant Module_Id := 112; Id_Const_SB32 : constant Module_Id := 113; Id_Const_UL32 : constant Module_Id := 114; Id_Const_UB64 : constant Module_Id := 115; Id_Const_UL64 : constant Module_Id := 116; Id_Const_X : constant Module_Id := 117; Id_Const_Z : constant Module_Id := 118; Id_Const_0 : constant Module_Id := 119; -- Should we keep them ? pragma Unreferenced (Id_Const_UB64, Id_Const_UL64); -- Large width. -- For Const_Bit: param N is for bits 32*N .. 32*N+31 -- For Const_Log: param 2*N is for 0/1 of bits 32*N .. 32*N+31 -- param 2*N+1 is for Z/X of bits 32*N .. 32*N+31 Id_Const_Bit : constant Module_Id := 120; Id_Const_Log : constant Module_Id := 121; subtype Constant_Module_Id is Module_Id range Id_Const_UB32 .. Id_Const_Log; -- Id 128 is the first user id. end Netlists.Gates;