-- Error handling for synthesis. -- Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. package body Netlists.Errors is function "+" (N : Instance) return Earg_Type is begin return Make_Earg_Synth_Instance (Uns32 (N)); end "+"; function "+" (N : Net) return Earg_Type is begin return Make_Earg_Synth_Net (Uns32 (N)); end "+"; function "+" (N : Sname) return Earg_Type is begin return Make_Earg_Synth_Name (Uns32 (N)); end "+"; procedure Output_Name_1 (N : Sname) is Prefix : Sname; begin -- Do not crash on No_Name. if N = No_Sname then Output_Message ("*nil*"); return; end if; Prefix := Get_Sname_Prefix (N); if Prefix /= No_Sname then Output_Name_1 (Prefix); Output_Message ("."); end if; case Get_Sname_Kind (N) is when Sname_User => Output_Identifier (Get_Sname_Suffix (N)); when Sname_Artificial => Output_Identifier (Get_Sname_Suffix (N)); when Sname_Version => Output_Message ("n"); Output_Uns32 (Get_Sname_Version (N)); end case; end Output_Name_1; procedure Output_Name (N : Sname) is begin Output_Message (""""); Output_Name_1 (N); Output_Message (""""); end Output_Name; procedure Synth_Instance_Handler (Format : Character; Err : Error_Record; Val : Uns32) is pragma Unreferenced (Err); Inst : constant Instance := Instance (Val); begin case Format is when 'n' => Output_Name (Get_Instance_Name (Inst)); when 'i' => Output_Message ("i"); Output_Uns32 (Uns32 (Inst)); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; end Synth_Instance_Handler; procedure Synth_Net_Handler (Format : Character; Err : Error_Record; Val : Uns32) is pragma Unreferenced (Err); N : constant Net := Net (Val); begin case Format is when 'n' => declare Inst : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (N); Idx : constant Port_Idx := Get_Port_Idx (N); Name : Sname; begin if Is_Self_Instance (Inst) then Name := Get_Input_Desc (Get_Module (Inst), Idx).Name; else Name := Get_Output_Desc (Get_Module (Inst), Idx).Name; end if; Output_Name (Name); end; when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; end Synth_Net_Handler; procedure Synth_Name_Handler (Format : Character; Err : Error_Record; Val : Uns32) is pragma Unreferenced (Err); N : constant Sname := Sname (Val); begin if Format = 'n' then Output_Name (N); else raise Internal_Error; end if; end Synth_Name_Handler; procedure Initialize is begin Register_Earg_Handler (Earg_Synth_Instance, Synth_Instance_Handler'Access); Register_Earg_Handler (Earg_Synth_Net, Synth_Net_Handler'Access); Register_Earg_Handler (Earg_Synth_Name, Synth_Name_Handler'Access); end Initialize; end Netlists.Errors;