-- Routine to dump (for debugging purpose) a netlist. -- Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, -- MA 02110-1301, USA. with Simple_IO; use Simple_IO; with Utils_IO; use Utils_IO; with Name_Table; with Files_Map; with Netlists.Utils; use Netlists.Utils; with Netlists.Iterators; use Netlists.Iterators; with Netlists.Gates; use Netlists.Gates; with Netlists.Locations; package body Netlists.Dump is procedure Put_Width (W : Width) is begin Put_Trim (Width'Image (W)); end Put_Width; procedure Dump_Name (N : Sname) is use Name_Table; Prefix : Sname; begin -- Do not crash on No_Name. if N = No_Sname then Put ("*nil*"); return; end if; Prefix := Get_Sname_Prefix (N); case Get_Sname_Kind (N) is when Sname_User => if Prefix = No_Sname then Put ("\"); else Dump_Name (Prefix); Put ("."); end if; Put (Image (Get_Sname_Suffix (N))); when Sname_Artificial => if Prefix = No_Sname then Put ("$"); else Dump_Name (Prefix); Put ("."); end if; Put (Image (Get_Sname_Suffix (N))); when Sname_Version => if Prefix /= No_Sname then Dump_Name (Prefix); end if; Put ("%"); Put_Uns32 (Get_Sname_Version (N)); end case; end Dump_Name; procedure Dump_Input_Name (I : Input; With_Id : Boolean := False) is Inst : constant Instance := Get_Input_Parent (I); Idx : constant Port_Idx := Get_Port_Idx (I); M : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst); begin Dump_Name (Get_Instance_Name (Inst)); Put ('.'); if Is_Self_Instance (Inst) then Dump_Name (Get_Output_Desc (M, Idx).Name); else if Idx < Get_Nbr_Inputs (M) then Dump_Name (Get_Input_Desc (M, Idx).Name); else Put_Trim (Port_Nbr'Image (Idx)); end if; end if; if With_Id then Put ("{p"); Put_Trim (Input'Image (I)); Put ('}'); end if; end Dump_Input_Name; procedure Dump_Net_Name (N : Net; With_Id : Boolean := False) is Inst : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (N); Idx : constant Port_Idx := Get_Port_Idx (N); begin Dump_Name (Get_Instance_Name (Inst)); Put ('.'); if Is_Self_Instance (Inst) then Dump_Name (Get_Input_Desc (Get_Module (Inst), Idx).Name); else Dump_Name (Get_Output_Desc (Get_Module (Inst), Idx).Name); end if; if With_Id then Put ("{n"); Put_Trim (Net'Image (N)); Put ('w'); Put_Width (Get_Width (N)); Put ('}'); end if; end Dump_Net_Name; procedure Dump_Parameter (Inst : Instance; Idx : Param_Idx) is Desc : constant Param_Desc := Get_Param_Desc (Inst, Idx); begin if Desc.Name /= No_Sname then -- Const_Bit/Log gates have anonymous parameters. Dump_Name (Desc.Name); Put ('='); end if; case Desc.Typ is when Param_Invalid => Put ("invalid"); when Param_Uns32 => Put_Uns32 (Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Idx)); end case; end Dump_Parameter; procedure Dump_Instance (Inst : Instance; Indent : Natural := 0) is Loc : constant Location_Type := Locations.Get_Location (Inst); begin if Loc /= No_Location then declare File : Name_Id; Line : Positive; Col : Natural; begin Put_Indent (Indent); Put ("# "); Files_Map.Location_To_Position (Loc, File, Line, Col); Put (Name_Table.Image (File)); Put (':'); Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (Line)); Put (':'); Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (Col)); New_Line; end; end if; Put_Indent (Indent); Put ("instance "); Dump_Name (Get_Instance_Name (Inst)); Put (" {i"); Put_Trim (Instance'Image (Inst)); Put ('}'); Put (": "); Dump_Name (Get_Module_Name (Get_Module (Inst))); New_Line; if Get_Nbr_Params (Inst) > 0 then Put_Indent (Indent + 1); Put ("parameters"); for P in Params (Inst) loop pragma Warnings (Off, P); Put (' '); Dump_Parameter (Inst, Get_Param_Idx (P)); end loop; New_Line; end if; if Get_Nbr_Inputs (Inst) > 0 then for I of Inputs (Inst) loop Put_Indent (Indent + 1); Put ("input "); Dump_Input_Name (I, True); Put (" <- "); declare N : constant Net := Get_Driver (I); begin if N /= No_Net then Dump_Net_Name (N, True); end if; end; New_Line; end loop; end if; if Get_Nbr_Outputs (Inst) > 0 then Put_Indent (Indent + 1); Put ("outputs"); for O of Outputs (Inst) loop Put (' '); Dump_Net_Name (O, True); end loop; New_Line; end if; end Dump_Instance; procedure Disp_Width (W : Width) is begin if W /= 1 then Put ('['); if W = 0 then Put ('?'); else Put_Width (W - 1); Put (":0"); end if; Put (']'); end if; end Disp_Width; procedure Dump_Module_Header (M : Module; Indent : Natural := 0) is begin -- Module id and name. Put_Indent (Indent); Put ("module {m"); Put_Trim (Module'Image (M)); Put ("} "); Dump_Name (Get_Module_Name (M)); New_Line; -- Parameters. for P of Params_Desc (M) loop Put_Indent (Indent + 1); Put ("parameter"); Put (' '); Dump_Name (P.Name); Put (": "); case P.Typ is when Param_Invalid => Put ("invalid"); when Param_Uns32 => Put ("uns32"); end case; New_Line; end loop; -- Ports. for P of Ports_Desc (M) loop Put_Indent (Indent + 1); case P.Dir is when Port_In => Put ("input"); when Port_Out => Put ("output"); when Port_Inout => Put ("inout"); end case; Put (' '); Dump_Name (P.Name); Disp_Width (P.W); Put (';'); New_Line; end loop; end Dump_Module_Header; procedure Dump_Module (M : Module; Indent : Natural := 0) is begin Dump_Module_Header (M, Indent); for S of Sub_Modules (M) loop Dump_Module (S, Indent + 1); end loop; declare Self : constant Instance := Get_Self_Instance (M); begin if Self /= No_Instance then Dump_Instance (Self, Indent + 1); end if; end; for Inst of Instances (M) loop Dump_Instance (Inst, Indent + 1); end loop; for N of Nets (M) loop Put_Indent (Indent + 1); Put ("connect "); Dump_Net_Name (N, True); declare First : Boolean; begin First := True; for S of Sinks (N) loop if First then Put (" -> "); First := False; else Put (", "); end if; Dump_Input_Name (S, True); end loop; end; New_Line; end loop; end Dump_Module; procedure Disp_Net_Name (N : Net) is begin if N = No_Net then Put ("?"); else declare Inst : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (N); Idx : constant Port_Idx := Get_Port_Idx (N); begin if Is_Self_Instance (Inst) then Dump_Name (Get_Input_Desc (Get_Module (Inst), Idx).Name); else Dump_Name (Get_Instance_Name (Inst)); Put ('.'); Dump_Name (Get_Output_Desc (Get_Module (Inst), Idx).Name); end if; end; end if; end Disp_Net_Name; procedure Put_Net_Width (N : Net) is begin Put ("{n"); Put_Trim (Net'Image (N)); Put ('w'); Put_Trim (Width'Image (Get_Width (N))); Put ('}'); end Put_Net_Width; procedure Dump_Net_Name_And_Width (N : Net) is begin if N = No_Net then Put ("?"); else Disp_Net_Name (N); Put_Net_Width (N); end if; end Dump_Net_Name_And_Width; function Can_Inline (Inst : Instance) return Boolean is begin case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Signal | Id_Output => -- Cut loops. return False; when others => null; end case; return not Is_Self_Instance (Inst) and then Get_Nbr_Outputs (Inst) = 1 and then Has_One_Connection (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); end Can_Inline; procedure Disp_Driver (Drv : Net; Indent : Natural) is Drv_Inst : Instance; begin if Drv = No_Net then Put ('?'); else Drv_Inst := Get_Net_Parent (Drv); if Flag_Disp_Inline and then Can_Inline (Drv_Inst) then Disp_Instance (Drv_Inst, False, Indent); else Disp_Net_Name (Drv); end if; end if; end Disp_Driver; -- Debug routine: disp net driver procedure Debug_Net (N : Net) is begin if N = No_Net then Put ('?'); else Disp_Instance (Get_Net_Parent (N), False, 0); end if; New_Line; end Debug_Net; pragma Unreferenced (Debug_Net); Xdigits : constant array (Uns32 range 0 ..15) of Character := "0123456789abcdef"; procedure Disp_Instance (Inst : Instance; With_Name : Boolean; Indent : Natural) is M : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst); begin if True then -- Pretty-print for some gates case Get_Id (M) is when Id_Const_UB32 => declare W : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); V : Uns32; I : Natural; begin Put_Width (W); Put ("'uh"); V := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0); I := (Natural (W) + 3) / 4; while I > 0 loop I := I - 1; Put (Xdigits (Shift_Right (V, I * 4) and 15)); end loop; end; return; when Id_Extract => declare W : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); Off : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0); begin Disp_Driver (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0), Indent); Put ('['); if W > 1 then Put_Uns32 (Off + W - 1); Put (':'); end if; Put_Uns32 (Off); Put (']'); return; end; when others => null; end case; end if; Dump_Name (Get_Module_Name (M)); if True then Put ("{i"); Put_Trim (Instance'Image (Inst)); Put ('}'); end if; if Get_Nbr_Params (Inst) > 0 then declare First : Boolean; begin First := True; Put (" #("); for P in Params (Inst) loop pragma Warnings (Off, P); if not First then Put (", "); end if; First := False; Dump_Parameter (Inst, Get_Param_Idx (P)); end loop; Put (")"); end; end if; if With_Name then Put (' '); Dump_Name (Get_Instance_Name (Inst)); end if; declare Nbr_Inputs : constant Port_Nbr := Get_Nbr_Inputs (Inst); M : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst); Nbr_Fixed_Inputs : constant Port_Nbr := Get_Nbr_Inputs (M); Drv : Net; I : Input; Desc : Port_Desc; begin if Nbr_Inputs > 0 then Put (" ("); for Idx in 0 .. Nbr_Inputs - 1 loop I := Get_Input (Inst, Idx); if Idx > 0 then Put (","); end if; New_Line; Put_Indent (Indent); -- Input name. if Idx < Nbr_Fixed_Inputs then Desc := Get_Input_Desc (M, Idx); if Desc.Name /= No_Sname then Put ('.'); Dump_Name (Desc.Name); Put (": "); end if; end if; -- Input value. Drv := Get_Driver (I); if Drv = No_Net then Put ('?'); else Put_Net_Width (Drv); Disp_Driver (Drv, Indent + 1); end if; end loop; Put (')'); end if; end; end Disp_Instance; procedure Disp_Instance_Assign (Inst : Instance; Indent : Natural := 0) is begin Put_Indent (Indent); case Get_Nbr_Outputs (Inst) is when 0 => null; when 1 => Dump_Net_Name_And_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); Put (" := "); when others => declare First : Boolean; begin First := True; Put ('('); for O of Outputs (Inst) loop if not First then Put (", "); end if; First := False; Dump_Net_Name_And_Width (O); end loop; Put (") := "); end; end case; Disp_Instance (Inst, False, Indent + 1); New_Line; end Disp_Instance_Assign; procedure Disp_Module (M : Module; Indent : Natural := 0) is begin -- Name and ports. Dump_Module_Header (M, Indent); -- Submodules. for S of Sub_Modules (M) loop if Get_Id (S) >= Id_User_None then Disp_Module (S, Indent + 1); end if; end loop; for Inst of Instances (M) loop if not (Flag_Disp_Inline and then Can_Inline (Inst)) then Disp_Instance_Assign (Inst, Indent + 1); end if; end loop; -- Assignments to outputs. declare Self : constant Instance := Get_Self_Instance (M); begin if Self /= No_Instance then for I of Inputs (Self) loop Put_Indent (Indent + 1); Dump_Name (Get_Output_Desc (M, Get_Port_Idx (I)).Name); Put (" := "); if False then Disp_Driver (Get_Driver (I), 0); else Dump_Net_Name_And_Width (Get_Driver (I)); end if; New_Line; end loop; end if; end; end Disp_Module; end Netlists.Dump;