-- Routine to dump (for debugging purpose) a netlist. -- Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, -- MA 02110-1301, USA. with Simple_IO; use Simple_IO; with Utils_IO; use Utils_IO; with Types_Utils; use Types_Utils; with Name_Table; use Name_Table; with Files_Map; with Netlists.Utils; use Netlists.Utils; with Netlists.Iterators; use Netlists.Iterators; with Netlists.Gates; use Netlists.Gates; with Netlists.Locations; package body Netlists.Disp_Vhdl is Flag_Merge_Lit : constant Boolean := True; procedure Put_Type (W : Width) is begin if W = 1 then Put ("std_logic"); else Put ("std_logic_vector ("); if W = 0 then Put ("-1"); else Put_Uns32 (W - 1); end if; Put (" downto 0)"); end if; end Put_Type; procedure Put_Id (N : Name_Id) is begin Put (Name_Table.Image (N)); end Put_Id; procedure Put_Name_Version (N : Sname) is begin Put_Uns32 (Get_Sname_Version (N)); end Put_Name_Version; procedure Put_Name_1 (N : Sname) is Prefix : Sname; begin -- Do not crash on No_Name. if N = No_Sname then Put ("*nil*"); return; end if; Prefix := Get_Sname_Prefix (N); if Prefix /= No_Sname then Put_Name_1 (Prefix); Put ("_"); end if; case Get_Sname_Kind (N) is when Sname_User => Put_Id (Get_Sname_Suffix (N)); when Sname_Artificial => Put_Id (Get_Sname_Suffix (N)); when Sname_Version => Put ("n"); Put_Name_Version (N); end case; end Put_Name_1; procedure Put_Name (N : Sname) is begin -- Do not crash on No_Name. if N = No_Sname then Put ("*nil*"); return; end if; if Get_Sname_Kind (N) = Sname_User and then Get_Sname_Prefix (N) = No_Sname then Put_Id (Get_Sname_Suffix (N)); else Put_Name_1 (N); end if; end Put_Name; procedure Put_Interface_Name (N : Sname) is begin -- Do not crash on No_Name. if N = No_Sname then Put ("*nil*"); return; end if; -- Interface names are not versionned, and don't have prefix. if Get_Sname_Kind (N) in Sname_User .. Sname_Artificial and then Get_Sname_Prefix (N) = No_Sname then Put_Id (Get_Sname_Suffix (N)); else Put ("*err*"); end if; end Put_Interface_Name; procedure Disp_Net_Name (N : Net) is begin if N = No_Net then Put (""); return; end if; declare Inst : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (N); Idx : constant Port_Idx := Get_Port_Idx (N); M : Module; Inst_Name : Sname; Port_Name : Sname; begin if Is_Self_Instance (Inst) then -- For ports of the current module, simply use the port name. Put_Name (Get_Input_Desc (Get_Module (Inst), Idx).Name); else Inst_Name := Get_Instance_Name (Inst); Put_Name (Inst_Name); M := Get_Module (Inst); case Get_Id (M) is when Id_Signal | Id_Isignal => -- No suffix for signals (it's 'o'). null; when others => Port_Name := Get_Output_Desc (M, Idx).Name; Put ("_"); Put_Interface_Name (Port_Name); end case; end if; end; end Disp_Net_Name; Bchar : constant array (Uns32 range 0 .. 3) of Character := "01ZX"; procedure Disp_Binary_Digit (Va : Uns32; Zx : Uns32; I : Natural) is begin Put (Bchar (((Va / 2**I) and 1) + ((Zx / 2**I) and 1) * 2)); end Disp_Binary_Digit; procedure Disp_Binary_Digits (Va : Uns32; Zx : Uns32; W : Natural) is begin for I in 1 .. W loop Disp_Binary_Digit (Va, Zx, W - I); end loop; end Disp_Binary_Digits; procedure Disp_Pval_Binary (Pv : Pval) is Len : constant Uns32 := Get_Pval_Length (Pv); V : Logic_32; Off : Uns32; begin Put ('"'); if Len > 0 then V := Read_Pval (Pv, (Len - 1) / 32); for I in reverse 0 .. Len - 1 loop Off := I mod 32; if Off = 31 then V := Read_Pval (Pv, I / 32); end if; Disp_Binary_Digit (V.Val, V.Zx, Natural (Off)); end loop; end if; Put ('"'); end Disp_Pval_Binary; procedure Disp_Pval_String (Pv : Pval) is Len : constant Uns32 := Get_Pval_Length (Pv); pragma Assert (Len rem 8 = 0); V : Logic_32; Off : Uns32; C : Uns32; begin Put ('"'); if Len > 0 then V := Read_Pval (Pv, (Len - 1) / 32); for I in reverse 0 .. (Len / 8) - 1 loop Off := I mod 4; if Off = 3 then V := Read_Pval (Pv, I / 4); end if; pragma Assert (V.Zx = 0); C := Shift_Right (V.Val, Natural (8 * Off)) and 16#ff#; Put (Character'Val (C)); end loop; end if; Put ('"'); end Disp_Pval_String; procedure Disp_Instance_Gate (Inst : Instance) is Imod : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst); Idx : Port_Idx; Max_Idx : Port_Idx; Name : Sname; First : Boolean; Param : Param_Desc; begin Put (" "); Name := Get_Instance_Name (Inst); if Get_Sname_Kind (Name) = Sname_Version then Put ("inst_"); Put_Name_Version (Name); else Put_Name (Name); end if; -- Gate name Name := Get_Module_Name (Imod); if Get_Id (Imod) < Id_User_None then Put (" : gsynth.gate_"); pragma Assert (Get_Sname_Kind (Name) = Sname_Artificial and then Get_Sname_Prefix (Name) = No_Sname); Put_Id (Get_Sname_Suffix (Name)); else Put (" : entity work."); Put_Name (Name); end if; if Get_Nbr_Params (Imod) /= 0 then Put_Line (" generic map ("); for P in 1 .. Get_Nbr_Params (Inst) loop Param := Get_Param_Desc (Imod, P - 1); if P > 1 then Put_Line (","); end if; Put (" "); Put_Interface_Name (Param.Name); Put (" => "); case Param.Typ is when Param_Uns32 => Put_Uns32 (Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, P - 1)); when Param_Types_Pval => Disp_Pval_Binary (Get_Param_Pval (Inst, P - 1)); when Param_Invalid => Put ("*invalid*"); end case; end loop; Put_Line (")"); Put_Line (" port map ("); else Put_Line (" port map ("); end if; First := True; -- Inputs Idx := 0; Max_Idx := Get_Nbr_Inputs (Imod); for I of Inputs (Inst) loop if First then First := False; else Put_Line (","); end if; Put (" "); if Idx < Max_Idx then Put_Interface_Name (Get_Input_Desc (Imod, Idx).Name); Idx := Idx + 1; Put (" => "); end if; Disp_Net_Name (Get_Driver (I)); end loop; -- Outputs Idx := 0; for O of Outputs (Inst) loop if First then First := False; else Put_Line (","); end if; Put (" "); Put_Interface_Name (Get_Output_Desc (Imod, Idx).Name); Idx := Idx + 1; Put (" => "); declare I : Input; begin I := Get_First_Sink (O); if I = No_Input then Put ("open"); else Disp_Net_Name (O); end if; end; end loop; Put_Line (");"); end Disp_Instance_Gate; function Get_Lit_Quote (Wd : Width) return Character is begin if Wd = 1 then return '''; else return '"'; end if; end Get_Lit_Quote; procedure Disp_Binary_Lit (Va : Uns32; Zx : Uns32; Wd : Width) is Q : constant Character := Get_Lit_Quote (Wd); begin Put (Q); Disp_Binary_Digits (Va, Zx, Natural (Wd)); Put (Q); end Disp_Binary_Lit; procedure Disp_Const_Bit (Inst : Instance) is W : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); Nd : constant Width := W / 32; Ld : constant Natural := Natural (W mod 32); begin Put ('"'); if Ld > 0 then Disp_Binary_Digits (Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Param_Idx (Nd)), 0, Ld); end if; for I in reverse 1 .. Nd loop Disp_Binary_Digits (Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Param_Idx (I - 1)), 0, 32); end loop; Put ('"'); end Disp_Const_Bit; procedure Disp_Const_Log (Inst : Instance) is W : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); Nd : constant Width := W / 32; Ld : constant Natural := Natural (W mod 32); begin Put ('"'); if Ld > 0 then Disp_Binary_Digits (Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Param_Idx (2 * Nd)), Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Param_Idx (2 * Nd + 1)), Ld); end if; for I in reverse 1 .. Nd loop Disp_Binary_Digits (Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Param_Idx (2 * (I - 1))), Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Param_Idx (2 * (I - 1)) + 1), 32); end loop; Put ('"'); end Disp_Const_Log; procedure Disp_X_Lit (W : Width; C : Character) is Q : constant Character := Get_Lit_Quote (W); begin if W <= 8 then Put (Q); Put ((1 .. Natural (W) => C)); Put (Q); else Put ('('); Put_Trim (Uns32'Image (W - 1)); Put (" downto 0 => '"); Put (C); Put ("')"); end if; end Disp_X_Lit; procedure Disp_Extract (Inst : Instance); procedure Disp_Constant_Inline (Inst : Instance) is Imod : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst); O : constant Net := Get_Output (Inst, 0); begin case Get_Id (Imod) is when Id_Const_UB32 | Id_Const_SB32 => Disp_Binary_Lit (Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0), 0, Get_Width (O)); when Id_Const_UL32 => Disp_Binary_Lit (Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0), Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 1), Get_Width (O)); when Id_Const_Z => Disp_X_Lit (Get_Width (O), 'Z'); when Id_Const_X => Disp_X_Lit (Get_Width (O), 'X'); when Id_Const_Bit => Disp_Const_Bit (Inst); when Id_Const_Log => Disp_Const_Log (Inst); when Id_Extract => Disp_Extract (Inst); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; end Disp_Constant_Inline; procedure Disp_Const_Bit (Inst : Instance; Off : Uns32) is Val : Uns32; Zx : Uns32; begin case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Const_Bit => Zx := 0; Val := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Param_Idx (Off / 32)); Val := Shift_Right (Val, Natural (Off mod 32)) and 1; when Id_Const_Log => Zx := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 2 * Param_Idx (Off / 32) + 1); Zx := Shift_Right (Zx, Natural (Off mod 32)) and 1; Val := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 2 * Param_Idx (Off / 32)); Val := Shift_Right (Val, Natural (Off mod 32)) and 1; when Id_Const_UB32 => Zx := 0; if Off < 32 then Val := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0); else Val := 0; end if; Val := Shift_Right (Val, Natural (Off mod 32)) and 1; when Id_Const_X => Zx := 1; Val := 1; when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; Put (Bchar (Zx * 2 + Val)); end Disp_Const_Bit; procedure Disp_Memory_Init_Full (W : Width; Val : Character) is begin Put (" (others => "); if W = 1 then Put ("'"); Put (Val); Put ("'"); else Put ("(others => '"); Put (Val); Put ("')"); end if; Put_Line (");"); end Disp_Memory_Init_Full; procedure Disp_Memory_Init (Val : Net; W : Width; Depth : Width) is Inst : constant Instance := Get_Net_Parent (Val); Q : constant Character := Get_Lit_Quote (W); begin case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Const_X => Disp_Memory_Init_Full (W, 'X'); return; when Id_Const_UB32 => if Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0) = 0 then Disp_Memory_Init_Full (W, '0'); return; end if; when others => null; end case; New_Line; for I in reverse 0 .. Depth - 1 loop Put (" "); if I = Depth - 1 then Put ("("); else Put (" "); end if; Put_Uns32 (I); Put (" => "); Put (Q); for J in reverse 0 .. W - 1 loop Disp_Const_Bit (Inst, I * W + J); end loop; Put (Q); if I /= 0 then Put_Line (","); else Put_Line (");"); end if; end loop; end Disp_Memory_Init; function Need_Name (Inst : Instance) return Boolean is Id : constant Module_Id := Get_Id (Inst); begin case Id is when Id_Extract | Id_Dyn_Extract | Id_Dyn_Insert | Id_Utrunc | Id_Strunc => return True; when Id_User_None .. Module_Id'Last => return True; when others => return False; end case; end Need_Name; -- Return True if constant INST is connected to an instance that needs -- a name. In that case, a signal will be created and driven. function Need_Signal (Inst : Instance) return Boolean is I : Input; begin I := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); while I /= No_Input loop if Need_Name (Get_Input_Parent (I)) then return True; end if; I := Get_Next_Sink (I); end loop; return False; end Need_Signal; type Conv_Type is (Conv_None, Conv_Slv, Conv_Unsigned, Conv_Signed, Conv_Edge, Conv_Clock); procedure Disp_Net_Expr (N : Net; Inst : Instance; Conv : Conv_Type) is Net_Inst : Instance; begin if N = No_Net then Put (""); return; end if; Net_Inst := Get_Net_Parent (N); if Flag_Merge_Lit and then Is_Const_Module (Get_Id (Net_Inst)) and then not Need_Name (Inst) then case Conv is when Conv_None => Disp_Constant_Inline (Net_Inst); when Conv_Slv => if Get_Width (N) = 1 then Put ("std_logic'("); else Put ("std_logic_vector'("); end if; Disp_Constant_Inline (Net_Inst); Put (")"); when Conv_Unsigned => Put ("unsigned'("); Disp_Constant_Inline (Net_Inst); Put (")"); when Conv_Signed => Put ("signed'("); Disp_Constant_Inline (Net_Inst); Put (")"); when Conv_Edge | Conv_Clock => -- Not expected: a constant is not an edge. raise Internal_Error; end case; else case Conv is when Conv_None | Conv_Slv => Disp_Net_Name (N); when Conv_Edge => case Edge_Module_Id (Get_Id (Net_Inst)) is when Id_Posedge => Put ("rising_edge ("); when Id_Negedge => Put ("falling_edge ("); end case; Disp_Net_Name (Get_Input_Net (Net_Inst, 0)); Put (")"); when Conv_Clock => Disp_Net_Name (Get_Input_Net (Net_Inst, 0)); when Conv_Unsigned => Put ("unsigned"); if Get_Width (N) = 1 then Put ("'(1 => "); else Put (" ("); end if; Disp_Net_Name (N); Put (")"); when Conv_Signed => Put ("signed"); if Get_Width (N) = 1 then Put ("'(1 => "); else Put (" ("); end if; Disp_Net_Name (N); Put (")"); end case; end if; end Disp_Net_Expr; NL : constant Character := ASCII.LF; type Uns32_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Uns32; No_Uns32_Arr : constant Uns32_Array := (1 .. 0 => 0); -- Template: -- \[C]AN -- C: conversion u: unsigned, s: signed, f: force logic -- A: argument o: output, i: input, n: value, p: parameter, l: label -- N: argument number (0-9) procedure Disp_Template (S : String; Inst : Instance; Val : Uns32_Array := No_Uns32_Arr) is I : Positive; C : Character; Idx : Natural; N : Net; Conv : Conv_Type; V : Uns32; begin I := S'First; while I <= S'Last loop C := S (I); -- Escape character. if C = '\' then I := I + 1; -- Conversion (optional). case S (I) is when 'u' => Conv := Conv_Unsigned; I := I + 1; when 's' => Conv := Conv_Signed; I := I + 1; when 'f' => Conv := Conv_Slv; I := I + 1; when 'e' => Conv := Conv_Edge; I := I + 1; when 'c' => Conv := Conv_Clock; I := I + 1; when others => Conv := Conv_None; end case; Idx := Character'Pos (S (I + 1)) - Character'Pos ('0'); case S (I) is when 'o' => pragma Assert (Conv = Conv_None); N := Get_Output (Inst, Port_Idx (Idx)); Disp_Net_Name (N); when 'i' => N := Get_Input_Net (Inst, Port_Idx (Idx)); Disp_Net_Expr (N, Inst, Conv); when 'n' => V := Val (Idx); Put_Uns32 (V); when 'p' => V := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, Param_Idx (Idx)); case Conv is when Conv_None | Conv_Unsigned | Conv_Slv => Put_Uns32 (V); when Conv_Signed => Put_Int32 (To_Int32 (V)); when Conv_Edge | Conv_Clock => raise Internal_Error; end case; when 'l' => pragma Assert (Idx = 0); pragma Assert (Conv = Conv_None); Put_Name (Get_Instance_Name (Inst)); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; I := I + 2; else Put (C); I := I + 1; end if; end loop; end Disp_Template; procedure Disp_Extract (Inst : Instance) is O : constant Net := Get_Output (Inst, 0); I : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0); Wd : constant Width := Get_Width (O); Off : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0); begin Disp_Template ("\i0", Inst); if Get_Width (I) > 1 then -- If width is 1, the signal is declared as a scalar and -- therefore cannot be indexed. if Wd > 1 then Disp_Template (" (\n0 downto \n1)", Inst, (0 => Off + Wd - 1, 1 => Off)); elsif Wd = 1 then Disp_Template (" (\n0)", Inst, (0 => Off)); else Disp_Template (" (-1 downto 0)", Inst); end if; end if; end Disp_Extract; procedure Disp_Memory (Mem : Instance) is Ports : constant Net := Get_Output (Mem, 0); Port : Net; Port_Inst : Instance; S : Net; Data_W : Width; Depth : Uns32; begin -- Display a process, with as sensitivity elements: -- * write clocks -- * read address -- As statements: Data_W := 0; Put (" process ("); Port := Ports; loop Port_Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Get_First_Sink (Port)); case Get_Id (Port_Inst) is when Id_Mem_Wr_Sync => -- Clock S := Get_Input_Net (Port_Inst, 2); -- Strip the edge. S := Get_Input_Net (Get_Net_Parent (S), 0); Data_W := Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Port_Inst, 4)); when Id_Mem_Rd => -- Address S := Get_Input_Net (Port_Inst, 1); Data_W := Get_Width (Get_Output (Port_Inst, 1)); when Id_Mem_Rd_Sync => -- Clock S := Get_Input_Net (Port_Inst, 2); -- Strip the edge. S := Get_Input_Net (Get_Net_Parent (S), 0); Data_W := Get_Width (Get_Output (Port_Inst, 1)); when Id_Memory | Id_Memory_Init => exit; when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; if Port /= Ports then Put (", "); end if; Disp_Net_Name (S); Port := Get_Output (Port_Inst, 0); end loop; Put_Line (") is"); Depth := Get_Width (Ports) / Data_W; -- Declare the memory. Disp_Template (" type \o0_type is array (0 to \n0)" & NL, Mem, (0 => Depth - 1)); if Data_W = 1 then Disp_Template (" of std_logic;" & NL, Mem); else Disp_Template (" of std_logic_vector (\n0 downto 0);" & NL, Mem, (0 => Data_W - 1)); end if; Disp_Template (" variable \o0 : \o0_type", Mem); if Get_Id (Mem) = Id_Memory_Init then declare Val : Net; Val_Inst : Instance; begin Val := Get_Input_Net (Mem, 1); Val_Inst := Get_Net_Parent (Val); if Get_Id (Val_Inst) = Id_Isignal then Val := Get_Input_Net (Val_Inst, 1); end if; Put (" :="); Disp_Memory_Init (Val, Data_W, Depth); end; else Put_Line (";"); end if; Put_Line (" begin"); Port := Ports; loop Port_Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Get_First_Sink (Port)); case Get_Id (Port_Inst) is when Id_Mem_Wr_Sync => Disp_Template (" if \ei2 and (\fi3 = '1') then" & NL, Port_Inst); Disp_Template (" \o0 (", Mem); Disp_Template ("to_integer (\ui1)) := \i4;" & NL, Port_Inst); Put_Line (" end if;"); when Id_Mem_Rd => Disp_Template (" \o1 <= ", Port_Inst); Disp_Template ("\o0", Mem); Disp_Template ("(to_integer (\ui1));" & NL, Port_Inst); when Id_Mem_Rd_Sync => Disp_Template (" if \ei2 and (\fi3 = '1') then" & NL, Port_Inst); Disp_Template (" \o1 <= ", Port_Inst); Disp_Template ("\o0", Mem); Disp_Template ("(to_integer (\ui1));" & NL, Port_Inst); Put_Line (" end if;"); when Id_Memory | Id_Memory_Init => exit; when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; Port := Get_Output (Port_Inst, 0); end loop; Put_Line (" end process;"); end Disp_Memory; procedure Disp_Pmux (Inst : Instance) is Def : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0); W : constant Width := Get_Width (Def); Q : constant Character := Get_Lit_Quote (W); begin Disp_Template (" with \i0 select \o0 <=" & NL, Inst); for I in 1 .. W loop Put (" "); Disp_Net_Expr (Get_Input_Net (Inst, Port_Idx (2 + W - I)), Inst, Conv_None); Put (" when "); -- One hot encoding. Put (Q); for J in 1 .. W loop if I = J then Put ('1'); else Put ('0'); end if; end loop; Put (Q); Put ("," & NL); end loop; Disp_Template (" \i1 when others;" & NL, Inst); end Disp_Pmux; procedure Disp_Instance_Inline (Inst : Instance) is Imod : constant Module := Get_Module (Inst); Loc : constant Location_Type := Locations.Get_Location (Inst); Id : constant Module_Id := Get_Id (Imod); begin if Loc /= No_Location then declare File : Name_Id; Line : Positive; Col : Natural; begin Files_Map.Location_To_Position (Loc, File, Line, Col); Put (" -- "); Put_Id (File); Put (':'); Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (Line)); Put (':'); Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (Col)); New_Line; end; end if; case Id is when Id_Memory | Id_Memory_Init => Disp_Memory (Inst); when Id_Mem_Rd | Id_Mem_Rd_Sync | Id_Mem_Wr_Sync => null; when Id_Output => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0; -- (output)" & NL, Inst); when Id_Inout | Id_Iinout => -- Gates inout are special: output 1 must be connected to an -- output (with the is_inout flag set) of the module. Disp_Template (" \o1 <= \i0; -- (inout - port)" & NL, Inst); Disp_Template (" \o0 <= ", Inst); declare Inp : constant Input := Get_First_Sink (Get_Output (Inst, 1)); Iinst : constant Instance := Get_Input_Parent (Inp); begin Put_Name (Get_Output_Name (Get_Module (Iinst), Get_Port_Idx (Inp))); end; Put ("; -- (inout - read)" & NL); when Id_Signal => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0; -- (signal)" & NL, Inst); when Id_Isignal => if Get_Driver (Get_Input (Inst, 0)) /= No_Net then -- It is possible (and meaningful) to have unassigned -- isignal. Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0; -- (isignal)" & NL, Inst); end if; when Id_Port => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0; -- (port)" & NL, Inst); when Id_Nop => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0; -- (nop)" & NL, Inst); when Id_Enable => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0; -- (enable)" & NL, Inst); when Id_Not => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= not \i0;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Neg => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector(-\si0);" & NL, Inst); when Id_Abs=> Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector(abs \si0);" & NL, Inst); when Id_Extract => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= ", Inst); Disp_Extract (Inst); Put_Line (";"); when Id_Memidx => declare O : constant Net := Get_Output (Inst, 0); Wd : constant Width := Get_Width (O); Step : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0); begin if Step /= 1 then Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (resize (resize (", Inst); if Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0)) = 1 then Disp_Template ("unsigned'(0 => \i0)", Inst); else Disp_Template ("\ui0", Inst); end if; Disp_Template (", \n0) * \up0, \n0));" & NL, Inst, (0 => Wd)); else Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0;" & NL, Inst); end if; end; when Id_Addidx => declare W0 : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0)); W1 : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 1)); begin if W0 > W1 then Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (\ui0 + resize(\ui1, \n0));" & NL, Inst, (0 => W0)); elsif W0 < W1 then Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (resize (\ui0, \n0) + \ui1);" & NL, Inst, (0 => W1)); else pragma Assert (W0 = W1); Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (\ui0 + \ui1);" & NL, Inst); end if; end; when Id_Dyn_Extract => declare O : constant Net := Get_Output (Inst, 0); Wd : constant Width := Get_Width (O); Off : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0); begin Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0", Inst); if Wd /= 0 then Disp_Template (" (to_integer (\ui1)", Inst); if Off /= 0 then Disp_Template (" + \n0", Inst, (0 => Off)); end if; if Wd > 1 then Disp_Template (" + \n0 - 1 downto to_integer (\ui1)", Inst, (0 => Wd)); if Off /= 0 then Disp_Template (" + \n0", Inst, (0 => Off)); end if; end if; Put (")"); end if; Put_Line (";"); end; when Id_Dyn_Insert | Id_Dyn_Insert_En => declare -- I0: Input, I1: Value, I2: position -- P0: offset I0 : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0); I1 : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 1); I2 : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 2); Iarr : constant Net_Array (0 .. 2) := (I0, I1, I2); Iw : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 1)); First : Boolean; begin Put (" process ("); First := True; for I in Iarr'Range loop if (Get_Id (Get_Net_Parent (Iarr (I))) not in Constant_Module_Id) then if First then First := False; else Put (", "); end if; Disp_Net_Name (Iarr (I)); end if; end loop; Put (")" & NL); Disp_Template (" begin" & NL & " \o0 <= \i0;" & NL, Inst); if Id = Id_Dyn_Insert_En then -- TODO: fix indentation. Disp_Template (" if \i3 = '1' then" & NL, Inst); end if; Disp_Template (" \o0 (", Inst); if Iw > 1 then Disp_Template ("to_integer (\ui2) + (\sp0 + \n0)" & NL & " downto ", Inst, (0 => Iw - 1)); end if; Disp_Template ("to_integer (\ui2) + (\sp0))" & " <= \i1;" & NL, Inst); if Id = Id_Dyn_Insert_En then Disp_Template (" end if;" & NL, Inst); end if; Disp_Template (" end process;" & NL, Inst); end; when Id_Const_UB32 | Id_Const_UL32 | Id_Const_Z | Id_Const_X => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= ", Inst); Disp_Constant_Inline (Inst); Put_Line (";"); when Id_Const_Bit => null; when Id_Adff | Id_Iadff => Disp_Template (" process (\ci0, \i2)" & NL & " begin" & NL & " if \i2 = '1' then" & NL & " \o0 <= \i3;" & NL & " elsif \ei0 then" & NL & " \o0 <= \i1;" & NL & " end if;" & NL & " end process;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Dff | Id_Idff => Disp_Template (" process (\ci0)" & NL & " begin" & NL & " if \ei0 then" & NL & " \o0 <= \i1;" & NL & " end if;" & NL & " end process;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Mux2 => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i1 when \fi0 = '0' else \i2;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Mux4 => Disp_Template (" with \i0 select \o0 <=" & NL & " \i1 when ""00""," & NL & " \i2 when ""01""," & NL & " \i3 when ""10""," & NL & " \i4 when ""11""," & NL, Inst); Put (" "); Disp_X_Lit (Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)), 'X'); Put_Line (" when others;"); when Id_Pmux => Disp_Pmux (Inst); when Id_Add => if Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)) = 1 then Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 xor \i1; -- add" & NL, Inst); else Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (\ui0 + \ui1);" & NL, Inst); end if; when Id_Sub => if Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)) = 1 then Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 xor \i1; -- sub" & NL, Inst); else Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (\ui0 - \ui1);" & NL, Inst); end if; when Id_Umin => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 when \ui0 < \ui1 else \i1;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Smin => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 when \si0 < \si1 else \i1;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Umax => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 when \ui0 > \ui1 else \i1;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Smax => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 when \si0 > \si1 else \i1;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Umul => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (resize (\ui0 * \ui1, \n0));" & NL, Inst, (0 => Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)))); when Id_Smul => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (resize (\si0 * \si1, \n0));" & NL, Inst, (0 => Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)))); when Id_Smod => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (\si0 mod \si1);" & NL, Inst); when Id_Srem => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (\si0 rem \si1);" & NL, Inst); when Id_Umod => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (\ui0 mod \ui1);" & NL, Inst); when Id_Sdiv => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (\si0 / \si1);" & NL, Inst); when Id_Udiv => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector (\ui0 / \ui1);" & NL, Inst); when Id_Lsl => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector " & "(shift_left (\ui0, to_integer (\ui1)));" & NL, Inst); when Id_Lsr => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector " & "(shift_right (\ui0, to_integer(\ui1)));" & NL, Inst); when Id_Asr => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector " & "(shift_right (\si0, to_integer (\ui1)));" & NL, Inst); when Id_Rol => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= std_logic_vector " & "(rotate_left (\ui0, to_integer (\ui1)));" & NL, Inst); when Id_Ult => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \ui0 < \ui1 else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Ule => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \ui0 <= \ui1 else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Ugt => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \ui0 > \ui1 else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Uge => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \ui0 >= \ui1 else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Slt => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \si0 < \si1 else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Sle => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \si0 <= \si1 else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Sgt => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \si0 > \si1 else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Sge => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \si0 >= \si1 else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Eq => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \fi0 = \i1 else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Ne => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \fi0 /= \i1 else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Or => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 or \i1;" & NL, Inst); when Id_And => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 and \i1;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Xor => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 xor \i1;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Nor => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 nor \i1;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Nand => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 nand \i1;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Xnor => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 xnor \i1;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Concat2 => declare Wd : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); begin if Wd = 1 then if Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0)) = 0 then Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i1; -- concat" & NL, Inst); else Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0; -- concat" & NL, Inst); end if; else Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 & \i1;" & NL, Inst); end if; end; when Id_Concat3 => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 & \i1 & \i2;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Concat4 => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 & \i1 & \i2 & \i3;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Concatn => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0", Inst); for I in 1 .. Get_Nbr_Inputs (Inst) - 1 loop Disp_Template (" & ", Inst); Disp_Net_Expr (Get_Input_Net (Inst, I), Inst, Conv_None); end loop; Disp_Template(";" & NL, Inst); when Id_Utrunc | Id_Strunc => declare W : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); begin if W = 0 then -- Do not try to slice the input, as it can be a single -- wire. Disp_Template (" \o0 <= """"", Inst); else Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0 ", Inst); if W = 1 then Disp_Template ("(0)", Inst); else Disp_Template ("(\n0 downto 0)", Inst, (0 => W - 1)); end if; end if; Disp_Template ("; -- trunc" & NL, Inst); end; when Id_Uextend => declare Ow : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); Iw : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0)); begin pragma Assert (Ow > Iw); Disp_Template (" \o0 <= """, Inst); Put ((1 .. Natural (Ow - Iw) => '0')); Disp_Template (""" & \i0; -- uext" & NL, Inst); end; when Id_Sextend => declare Ow : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); Iw : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0)); begin pragma Assert (Ow > Iw); Disp_Template (" \o0 <= ", Inst); if Iw = 1 then Disp_Template ("(\n0 downto 0 => \i0); -- sext" & NL, Inst, (0 => Ow - 1)); else Disp_Template ("std_logic_vector (resize (\si0, \n0)); -- sext" & NL, Inst, (0 => Ow)); end if; end; when Id_Red_Or => declare Iw : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0)); begin if Iw > 1 then Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \i0 /= (\n0 downto 0 => '0') else '0';" & NL, Inst, (0 => Iw - 1)); else Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0; -- reduce or" & NL, Inst); end if; end; when Id_Red_And => declare Iw : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0)); begin if Iw > 1 then Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when \i0 = (\n0 downto 0 => '1') else '0';" & NL, Inst, (0 => Iw - 1)); else Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0; -- reduce and" & NL, Inst); end if; end; when Id_Posedge => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when rising_edge (\i0) else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Negedge => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= '1' when falling_edge (\i0) else '0';" & NL, Inst); when Id_Tri => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i1 when (\i0 = '1') else ", Inst); Disp_X_Lit (Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)), 'Z'); Put_Line (";"); when Id_Assert => Disp_Template (" \l0: postponed assert \i0 = '1' severity error;" & NL, Inst); when Id_Assume => Disp_Template (" \l0: assert \i0 = '1' severity warning; -- assume" & NL, Inst); when Id_Cover => Disp_Template (" \l0: assert \i0 = '1' severity note; -- cover" & NL, Inst); when Id_Assert_Cover => Disp_Template (" \l0: assert \i0 = '1' severity note; -- assert_cover" & NL, Inst); when Id_Resolver => Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i0;" & NL, Inst); Disp_Template (" \o0 <= \i1;" & NL, Inst); when others => Disp_Instance_Gate (Inst); end case; end Disp_Instance_Inline; procedure Disp_Architecture_Declarations (M : Module) is Id : Module_Id; begin -- Display signal declarations. -- There are as many signals as gate outputs. for Inst of Instances (M) loop Id := Get_Id (Inst); case Id is when Id_Memory | Id_Memory_Init => -- For memories: skip the chain. null; when Id_Mem_Wr_Sync => -- For memories: skip the chain. null; when Id_Mem_Rd | Id_Mem_Rd_Sync => -- For memories: skip the chain. declare N : constant Net := Get_Output (Inst, 1); begin Put (" signal "); Disp_Net_Name (N); Put (" : "); Put_Type (Get_Width (N)); Put_Line (";"); end; when others => if not Is_Self_Instance (Inst) and then not (Flag_Merge_Lit and then Id in Constant_Module_Id and then Id < Id_User_None and then not Need_Signal (Inst)) then if Locations.Get_Location (Inst) = No_Location then case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Const_UB32 | Id_Const_SB32 | Id_Const_UL32 | Id_Const_Bit | Id_Const_Log | Id_Const_Z | Id_Const_0 | Id_Concat2 | Id_Concat3 | Id_Concat4 | Id_Concatn | Id_Extract => null; when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; end if; for N of Outputs (Inst) loop if Id in Constant_Module_Id then Put (" constant "); else Put (" signal "); end if; Disp_Net_Name (N); Put (" : "); Put_Type (Get_Width (N)); case Id is when Id_Idff => Put (" := "); Disp_Constant_Inline (Get_Net_Parent (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 2))); when Id_Iadff => Put (" := "); Disp_Constant_Inline (Get_Net_Parent (Get_Input_Net (Inst, 4))); when Constant_Module_Id => Put (" := "); Disp_Constant_Inline (Inst); when others => null; end case; Put_Line (";"); end loop; end if; end case; end loop; end Disp_Architecture_Declarations; procedure Disp_Architecture_Statements (M : Module) is Self_Inst : constant Instance := Get_Self_Instance (M); begin -- Output assignments. declare Idx : Port_Idx; begin Idx := 0; for I of Inputs (Self_Inst) loop Put (" "); Put_Name (Get_Output_Desc (M, Idx).Name); Put (" <= "); Disp_Net_Name (Get_Driver (I)); Put_Line (";"); Idx := Idx + 1; end loop; end; for Inst of Instances (M) loop if not (Flag_Merge_Lit and then Is_Const_Module (Get_Id (Inst))) then Disp_Instance_Inline (Inst); end if; end loop; end Disp_Architecture_Statements; procedure Disp_Architecture_Attributes (M : Module) is Attrs : constant Attribute_Map_Acc := Get_Attributes (M); Attr : Attribute; Inst : Instance; Kind : Param_Type; Val : Pval; begin if Attrs = null then -- No attributes at all. return; end if; for I in Attribute_Maps.First_Index .. Attribute_Maps.Last_Index (Attrs.all) loop Attr := Attribute_Maps.Get_Value (Attrs.all, I); Inst := Attribute_Maps.Get_By_Index (Attrs.all, I); while Attr /= No_Attribute loop Put (" -- attribute "); Put_Id (Get_Attribute_Name (Attr)); Put (" of "); Put_Name (Get_Instance_Name (Inst)); Put (" is "); Kind := Get_Attribute_Type (Attr); Val := Get_Attribute_Pval (Attr); case Kind is when Param_Invalid | Param_Uns32 => Put ("??"); when Param_Pval_String => Disp_Pval_String (Val); when Param_Pval_Vector | Param_Pval_Integer | Param_Pval_Boolean | Param_Pval_Real | Param_Pval_Time_Ps => Disp_Pval_Binary (Val); end case; Put_Line (";"); Attr := Get_Attribute_Next (Attr); end loop; end loop; end Disp_Architecture_Attributes; procedure Disp_Architecture (M : Module) is Self_Inst : constant Instance := Get_Self_Instance (M); begin if Self_Inst = No_Instance then -- Not defined. return; end if; Put ("architecture rtl of "); Put_Name (Get_Module_Name (M)); Put_Line (" is"); -- Dummy display: -- * generate one signal per net -- * generate instances Disp_Architecture_Declarations (M); Disp_Architecture_Attributes (M); Put_Line ("begin"); Disp_Architecture_Statements (M); Put_Line ("end rtl;"); New_Line; end Disp_Architecture; procedure Disp_Entity_Port (Desc : Port_Desc; Dir : Port_Kind; First : in out Boolean) is begin if First then Put_Line (" port ("); First := False; else Put_Line (";"); end if; Put (" "); Put_Name (Desc.Name); Put (" : "); case Dir is when Port_In => Put ("in"); when Port_Out => Put ("out"); when Port_Inout => raise Internal_Error; end case; Put (' '); Put_Type (Desc.W); end Disp_Entity_Port; procedure Disp_Entity_Ports (M : Module) is First : Boolean; begin First := True; for I in 1 .. Get_Nbr_Inputs (M) loop Disp_Entity_Port (Get_Input_Desc (M, I - 1), Port_In, First); end loop; for I in 1 .. Get_Nbr_Outputs (M) loop Disp_Entity_Port (Get_Output_Desc (M, I - 1), Port_Out, First); end loop; if not First then Put_Line (");"); end if; end Disp_Entity_Ports; procedure Disp_Entity_Generics (M : Module) is Nbr : constant Param_Nbr := Get_Nbr_Params (M); Desc : Param_Desc; begin if Nbr = 0 then return; end if; for I in 1 .. Nbr loop if I = 1 then Put_Line (" generic ("); else Put_Line (";"); end if; Desc := Get_Param_Desc (M, I - 1); Put (" "); Put_Name (Desc.Name); Put (" : "); Put ("std_logic_vector"); end loop; Put_Line (");"); end Disp_Entity_Generics; procedure Disp_Entity (M : Module) is begin -- Module id and name. Put_Line ("library ieee;"); Put_Line ("use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;"); Put_Line ("use ieee.numeric_std.all;"); New_Line; Put ("entity "); Put_Name (Get_Module_Name (M)); Put_Line (" is"); Disp_Entity_Generics (M); Disp_Entity_Ports (M); Put ("end entity "); Put_Name (Get_Module_Name (M)); Put_Line (";"); New_Line; end Disp_Entity; procedure Disp_Vhdl (M : Module; Is_Top : Boolean) is begin -- Disp in reverse order. declare Num : Natural; begin Num := 0; for S of Sub_Modules (M) loop if Get_Id (S) >= Id_User_None then Num := Num + 1; end if; end loop; declare type Module_Array is array (1 .. Num) of Module; Modules : Module_Array; begin Num := 0; for S of Sub_Modules (M) loop if Get_Id (S) >= Id_User_None then Num := Num + 1; Modules (Num) := S; end if; end loop; for I in reverse Modules'Range loop Disp_Vhdl (Modules (I), False); end loop; end; end; if not Is_Top then Disp_Entity (M); Disp_Architecture (M); end if; end Disp_Vhdl; procedure Disp_Vhdl (M : Module) is begin Disp_Vhdl (M, True); end Disp_Vhdl; end Netlists.Disp_Vhdl;