-- Netlist cleanup. -- Copyright (C) 2019 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. with Std_Names; with Netlists.Utils; use Netlists.Utils; with Netlists.Gates; with Netlists.Locations; use Netlists.Locations; with Synth.Errors; use Synth.Errors; package body Netlists.Cleanup is -- Return False iff INST has no outputs (and INST is not Id_Free). -- Return True iff all outputs of INST are unconnected. -- Return False otherwise. function Is_Unused_Instance (Inst : Instance) return Boolean is Nbr_Outputs : constant Port_Idx := Get_Nbr_Outputs (Inst); N : Net; begin -- An instance without outputs is considered as used. if Nbr_Outputs = 0 then return Get_Module (Inst) = Free_Module; end if; for Idx in 0 .. Nbr_Outputs - 1 loop N := Get_Output (Inst, Idx); if Is_Connected (N) then -- Connected output. return False; end if; end loop; -- All outputs are unconnected. return True; end Is_Unused_Instance; -- Move INST on LIST iff INST is unused. procedure Extract_If_Unused (Inst : Instance; List : in out Instance) is begin if Is_Unused_Instance (Inst) then Extract_Instance (Inst); Set_Next_Instance (Inst, List); List := Inst; end if; end Extract_If_Unused; -- TODO: use mark & sweep to remove unused assignments ? procedure Remove_Unconnected_Instances (M : Module) is Inst : Instance; Next_Inst : Instance; List : Instance; begin -- Extract from instances of M all unconnected instances. Put them -- in a list. List := No_Instance; Inst := Get_First_Instance (M); -- But keep the self-instance. Inst := Get_Next_Instance (Inst); while Inst /= No_Instance loop Next_Inst := Get_Next_Instance (Inst); Extract_If_Unused (Inst, List); Inst := Next_Inst; end loop; -- While the list is not empty: -- extract the first instance of the list. -- unconnect all inputs of the instance, free the instance. -- if unconnected an input resulted in an instance without connected -- output, extract it from M and append it in the list. while List /= No_Instance loop Inst := List; List := Get_Next_Instance (Inst); declare Nbr_Inputs : constant Port_Nbr := Get_Nbr_Inputs (Inst); Inp : Input; Drv : Net; Inst2 : Instance; begin if Nbr_Inputs > 0 then for K in 0 .. Nbr_Inputs - 1 loop Inp := Get_Input (Inst, K); Drv := Get_Driver (Inp); if Drv /= No_Net then -- Disconnect the input. Disconnect (Inp); -- Possibly consider the driver as unconnected if was -- the last input connected. if Get_First_Sink (Drv) = No_Input then Inst2 := Get_Net_Parent (Drv); Extract_If_Unused (Inst2, List); end if; end if; end loop; end if; end; Free_Instance (Inst); end loop; end Remove_Unconnected_Instances; procedure Remove_Output_Gate (Inst : Instance) is use Netlists.Gates; Inp : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst, 0); In_Drv : constant Net := Get_Driver (Inp); O : constant Net := Get_Output (Inst, 0); begin if In_Drv = O then -- Connected to itself. -- TODO: convert to initial value or to X. return; end if; if In_Drv /= No_Net then -- Only when the output is driven. Disconnect (Inp); Redirect_Inputs (O, In_Drv); else Disconnect (Get_First_Sink (O)); end if; if Get_Id (Inst) = Id_Ioutput then -- Disconnect the initial value. Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 1)); end if; Remove_Instance (Inst); end Remove_Output_Gate; procedure Remove_Output_Gates (M : Module) is use Netlists.Gates; Inst : Instance; Next_Inst : Instance; begin Inst := Get_First_Instance (M); while Inst /= No_Instance loop Next_Inst := Get_Next_Instance (Inst); case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Output | Id_Ioutput | Id_Port | Id_Enable | Id_Nop => -- Keep gates with an attribute. if not Has_Instance_Attribute (Inst) then Remove_Output_Gate (Inst); end if; when others => null; end case; Inst := Next_Inst; end loop; end Remove_Output_Gates; function Has_Keep (Inst : Instance) return Boolean is Attr : Attribute; Val : Pval; V, V1 : Logic_32; begin if not Has_Instance_Attribute (Inst) then return False; end if; Attr := Get_Instance_First_Attribute (Inst); while Attr /= No_Attribute loop if Get_Attribute_Name (Attr) = Std_Names.Name_Keep then Val := Get_Attribute_Pval (Attr); case Get_Attribute_Type (Attr) is when Param_Pval_Boolean | Param_Pval_Vector => pragma Assert (Get_Pval_Length (Val) = 1); return Read_Pval (Val, 0) = (1, 0); when Param_Pval_String => if Get_Pval_Length (Val) = 4 * 8 then -- Compare with "true" (case insensitive). V := Read_Pval (Val, 0); V.Val := V.Val and 16#df_df_df_df#; if V = (16#54_52_55_45#, 0) then return True; end if; elsif Get_Pval_Length (Val) = 5 * 8 then -- Compare with "false" (case insensitive). V := Read_Pval (Val, 0); V.Val := V.Val and 16#df_df_df_df#; V1 := Read_Pval (Val, 1); V1.Val := V1.Val and 16#df#; if V = (16#41_4c_53_45#, 0) and then V1 = (16#46#, 0) then return False; end if; end if; Warning_Msg_Synth (Get_Location (Inst), "keep attribute must be 'true' or 'false'"); return False; when Param_Invalid => raise Internal_Error; when Param_Uns32 | Param_Pval_Integer | Param_Pval_Real | Param_Pval_Time_Ps => raise Internal_Error; end case; end if; Attr := Get_Attribute_Next (Attr); end loop; return False; end Has_Keep; procedure Insert_Mark_And_Sweep (Inspect : in out Instance_Tables.Instance; Inst : Instance) is begin if not Get_Mark_Flag (Inst) then Set_Mark_Flag (Inst, True); Instance_Tables.Append (Inspect, Inst); end if; end Insert_Mark_And_Sweep; procedure Mark_And_Sweep (M : Module) is use Netlists.Gates; -- Table of new gates to be inspected. Inspect : Instance_Tables.Instance; Inst : Instance; Inp : Input; begin Instance_Tables.Init (Inspect, 64); -- 1. Check instances are not marked. -- 1.1 Insert assertion gates. Inst := Get_First_Instance (M); while Inst /= No_Instance loop pragma Assert (Get_Mark_Flag (Inst) = False); case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Assert | Id_Assume | Id_Cover | Id_Assert_Cover => Insert_Mark_And_Sweep (Inspect, Inst); when Id_User_None | Id_User_Parameters => -- Always keep user modules. Insert_Mark_And_Sweep (Inspect, Inst); when Id_Signal | Id_Isignal => if Has_Keep (Inst) then Insert_Mark_And_Sweep (Inspect, Inst); end if; when others => null; end case; Inst := Get_Next_Instance (Inst); end loop; -- 1.2 Insert output drivers. -- This corresponds to the input of the self instance. Insert_Mark_And_Sweep (Inspect, Get_Self_Instance (M)); -- 2. While the table is not empty, extract an element and insert -- all the input drivers. loop declare Idx : Int32; N : Net; begin Idx := Instance_Tables.Last (Inspect); exit when Idx < Instance_Tables.First; Inst := Inspect.Table (Idx); Instance_Tables.Decrement_Last (Inspect); for I in 1 .. Get_Nbr_Inputs (Inst) loop N := Get_Input_Net (Inst, I - 1); if N /= No_Net then Insert_Mark_And_Sweep (Inspect, Get_Net_Parent (N)); end if; end loop; case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Mem_Rd | Id_Mem_Rd_Sync => -- When a memory read port is found, mark the whole -- memory. -- FIXME: free unused read ports. declare Inp : Input; begin loop N := Get_Output (Inst, 0); Inp := Get_First_Sink (N); exit when Inp = No_Input; pragma Assert (Get_Next_Sink (Inp) = No_Input); Inst := Get_Input_Parent (Inp); exit when Get_Mark_Flag (Inst); Insert_Mark_And_Sweep (Inspect, Inst); N := Get_Output (Inst, 0); end loop; end; when others => null; end case; end; end loop; -- 3. Remove unused instances; unmark used instances. Instance_Tables.Free (Inspect); declare Next_Inst : Instance; First_Unused : Instance; Last_Unused : Instance; begin First_Unused := No_Instance; Last_Unused := No_Instance; Extract_All_Instances (M, Inst); -- But keep the self-instance. pragma Assert (Get_Mark_Flag (Inst)); Set_Mark_Flag (Inst, False); Next_Inst := Get_Next_Instance (Inst); Append_Instance (M, Inst); Inst := Next_Inst; while Inst /= No_Instance loop Next_Inst := Get_Next_Instance (Inst); if Get_Mark_Flag (Inst) then -- Instance was marked, keep it. Set_Mark_Flag (Inst, False); Append_Instance (M, Inst); else -- Instance was not marked, disconnect it. for I in 1 .. Get_Nbr_Inputs (Inst) loop Inp := Get_Input (Inst, I - 1); if Get_Driver (Inp) /= No_Net then -- Disconnect the input. Disconnect (Inp); end if; end loop; if First_Unused = No_Instance then First_Unused := Inst; else Set_Next_Instance (Last_Unused, Inst); end if; Last_Unused := Inst; end if; Inst := Next_Inst; end loop; -- Free unused instances. This must be done at the end so that -- their outputs are disconnected. if First_Unused /= No_Instance then Set_Next_Instance (Last_Unused, No_Instance); loop Inst := First_Unused; exit when Inst = No_Instance; First_Unused := Get_Next_Instance (Inst); Set_Next_Instance (Inst, No_Instance); Set_Prev_Instance (Inst, No_Instance); Free_Instance (Inst); end loop; end if; end; end Mark_And_Sweep; procedure Replace_Null_Inputs (Ctxt : Context_Acc; M : Module) is Inst : Instance; Drv : Net; Inp : Input; Null_X : Net; begin Null_X := No_Net; Inst := Get_First_Instance (M); while Inst /= No_Instance loop for I in 1 .. Get_Nbr_Inputs (Inst) loop Inp := Get_Input (Inst, I - 1); Drv := Get_Driver (Inp); if Drv /= No_Net and then Get_Width (Drv) = 0 then if Null_X = No_Net then Null_X := Build_Const_X (Ctxt, 0); end if; Disconnect (Inp); Connect (Inp, Null_X); end if; end loop; Inst := Get_Next_Instance (Inst); end loop; end Replace_Null_Inputs; end Netlists.Cleanup;