-- Utils for elaboration. -- Copyright (C) 2022 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. with Types; use Types; with Vhdl.Utils; use Vhdl.Utils; package body Elab.Vhdl_Utils is function Association_Iterator_Build (Inter_Chain : Node; Assoc_Chain : Node) return Association_Iterator_Init is begin return Association_Iterator_Init'(Kind => Association_Function, Inter_Chain => Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain => Assoc_Chain); end Association_Iterator_Build; function Association_Iterator_Build (Inter_Chain : Node; Left : Node; Right : Node) return Association_Iterator_Init is begin return Association_Iterator_Init'(Kind => Association_Operator, Inter_Chain => Inter_Chain, Left => Left, Right => Right); end Association_Iterator_Build; function Get_Iterator_Inter_Chain (Init : Association_Iterator_Init) return Node is begin return Init.Inter_Chain; end Get_Iterator_Inter_Chain; function Get_Iterator_Assoc_Chain (Init : Association_Iterator_Init) return Node is begin return Init.Assoc_Chain; end Get_Iterator_Assoc_Chain; procedure Association_Iterate_Init (Iterator : out Association_Iterator; Init : Association_Iterator_Init) is begin case Init.Kind is when Association_Function => Iterator := (Kind => Association_Function, Inter => Init.Inter_Chain, First_Named_Assoc => Null_Node, Assoc => Init.Assoc_Chain); when Association_Operator => Iterator := (Kind => Association_Operator, Inter => Init.Inter_Chain, Op1 => Init.Left, Op2 => Init.Right); end case; end Association_Iterate_Init; -- Return the next association. -- ASSOC can be: -- * an Iir_Kind_Association_By_XXX node (normal case) -- * Null_Iir if INTER is not associated (and has a default value). -- * an expression (for operator association). -- Associations are returned in the order of interfaces. procedure Association_Iterate_Next (Iterator : in out Association_Iterator; Inter : out Node; Assoc : out Node) is begin -- Next interface. Inter := Iterator.Inter; if Inter = Null_Node then -- End of iterator. Assoc := Null_Node; return; end if; -- Advance to the next interface for the next call. Iterator.Inter := Get_Chain (Iterator.Inter); case Iterator.Kind is when Association_Function => if Iterator.First_Named_Assoc = Null_Node then Assoc := Iterator.Assoc; -- Still using association by position. if Assoc = Null_Node then -- No more associations, all open. return; end if; if Get_Formal (Assoc) = Null_Node then -- Still by position, update for the next call. Iterator.Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc); return; end if; Iterator.First_Named_Assoc := Assoc; end if; -- Search by name. declare Formal : Node; begin Assoc := Iterator.First_Named_Assoc; while Assoc /= Null_Node loop Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc); if Formal = Null_Node then pragma Assert (Get_Artificial_Flag (Assoc)); Assoc := Null_Node; return; end if; Formal := Get_Interface_Of_Formal (Formal); -- Compare by identifier, as INTER can be the generic -- interface, while FORMAL is the instantiated one. if Get_Identifier (Formal) = Get_Identifier (Inter) then -- Found. -- Optimize in case assocs are in order. if Assoc = Iterator.First_Named_Assoc then Iterator.First_Named_Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc); end if; return; end if; Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc); end loop; end; -- Not found: open association. return; when Association_Operator => Assoc := Iterator.Op1; Iterator.Op1 := Iterator.Op2; Iterator.Op2 := Null_Node; end case; end Association_Iterate_Next; end Elab.Vhdl_Utils;