-- Expressions synthesis. -- Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . with Types; use Types; with Name_Table; with Std_Names; with Str_Table; with Errorout; use Errorout; with Vhdl.Errors; use Vhdl.Errors; with Vhdl.Utils; use Vhdl.Utils; with Vhdl.Evaluation; use Vhdl.Evaluation; with Vhdl.Annotations; use Vhdl.Annotations; with Elab.Memtype; use Elab.Memtype; with Elab.Vhdl_Heap; use Elab.Vhdl_Heap; with Elab.Vhdl_Types; use Elab.Vhdl_Types; with Elab.Vhdl_Errors; use Elab.Vhdl_Errors; with Elab.Debugger; with Synth.Vhdl_Stmts; use Synth.Vhdl_Stmts; with Synth.Vhdl_Oper; use Synth.Vhdl_Oper; with Synth.Vhdl_Aggr; with Synth.Vhdl_Expr; use Synth.Vhdl_Expr; with Grt.Types; with Grt.To_Strings; package body Elab.Vhdl_Expr is function Synth_Array_Bounds (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Atype : Node; Dim : Dim_Type) return Bound_Type is Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Atype); begin if Info = null then pragma Assert (Get_Type_Declarator (Atype) = Null_Node); declare Index_Type : constant Node := Get_Index_Type (Atype, Natural (Dim - 1)); begin return Synth_Bounds_From_Range (Syn_Inst, Index_Type); end; else declare Bnds : constant Type_Acc := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Atype); begin case Bnds.Kind is when Type_Vector => pragma Assert (Dim = 1); return Bnds.Vbound; when Type_Array => return Bnds.Abounds.D (Dim); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; end; end if; end Synth_Array_Bounds; function Synth_Bounds_From_Length (Atype : Node; Len : Int32) return Bound_Type is Rng : constant Node := Get_Range_Constraint (Atype); Limit : Int32; begin Limit := Int32 (Eval_Pos (Get_Left_Limit (Rng))); case Get_Direction (Rng) is when Dir_To => return (Dir => Dir_To, Left => Limit, Right => Limit + Len - 1, Len => Uns32 (Len)); when Dir_Downto => return (Dir => Dir_Downto, Left => Limit, Right => Limit - Len + 1, Len => Uns32 (Len)); end case; end Synth_Bounds_From_Length; function Synth_Simple_Aggregate (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Aggr : Node) return Valtyp is Aggr_Type : constant Node := Get_Type (Aggr); pragma Assert (Get_Nbr_Dimensions (Aggr_Type) = 1); El_Type : constant Node := Get_Element_Subtype (Aggr_Type); El_Typ : constant Type_Acc := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, El_Type); Els : constant Iir_Flist := Get_Simple_Aggregate_List (Aggr); Last : constant Natural := Flist_Last (Els); Bnd : Bound_Type; Bnds : Bound_Array_Acc; Res_Type : Type_Acc; Val : Valtyp; Res : Valtyp; begin -- Allocate the result. Bnd := Synth_Array_Bounds (Syn_Inst, Aggr_Type, 1); pragma Assert (Bnd.Len = Uns32 (Last + 1)); if El_Typ.Kind in Type_Nets then Res_Type := Create_Vector_Type (Bnd, El_Typ); else Bnds := Create_Bound_Array (1); Bnds.D (1) := Bnd; Res_Type := Create_Array_Type (Bnds, El_Typ); end if; Res := Create_Value_Memory (Res_Type); for I in Flist_First .. Last loop -- Elements are supposed to be static, so no need for enable. Val := Exec_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Get_Nth_Element (Els, I), El_Typ); pragma Assert (Is_Static (Val.Val)); Write_Value (Res.Val.Mem + Size_Type (I) * El_Typ.Sz, Val); end loop; return Res; end Synth_Simple_Aggregate; -- Change the bounds of VAL. function Reshape_Value (Val : Valtyp; Ntype : Type_Acc) return Valtyp is begin case Val.Val.Kind is when Value_Alias => return Create_Value_Alias ((Val.Val.A_Typ, Val.Val.A_Obj), Val.Val.A_Off, Ntype); when Value_Const => return Reshape_Value ((Val.Typ, Val.Val.C_Val), Ntype); when Value_Memory => return (Ntype, Val.Val); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; end Reshape_Value; function Exec_Subtype_Conversion (Vt : Valtyp; Dtype : Type_Acc; Bounds : Boolean; Loc : Node) return Valtyp is Vtype : constant Type_Acc := Vt.Typ; begin if Vt = No_Valtyp then -- Propagate error. return No_Valtyp; end if; if Dtype = Vtype then return Vt; end if; case Dtype.Kind is when Type_Bit => pragma Assert (Vtype.Kind = Type_Bit); return Vt; when Type_Logic => pragma Assert (Vtype.Kind = Type_Logic); return Vt; when Type_Discrete => pragma Assert (Vtype.Kind in Type_All_Discrete); case Vt.Val.Kind is when Value_Net | Value_Wire | Value_Alias => raise Internal_Error; when Value_Const => return Exec_Subtype_Conversion ((Vt.Typ, Vt.Val.C_Val), Dtype, Bounds, Loc); when Value_Memory => -- Check for overflow. declare Val : constant Int64 := Read_Discrete (Vt); begin if not In_Range (Dtype.Drange, Val) then Error_Msg_Elab (+Loc, "value out of range"); return No_Valtyp; end if; return Create_Value_Discrete (Val, Dtype); end; when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; when Type_Float => pragma Assert (Vtype.Kind = Type_Float); -- TODO: check range return Vt; when Type_Vector => pragma Assert (Vtype.Kind = Type_Vector or Vtype.Kind = Type_Slice); if Dtype.W /= Vtype.W then Error_Msg_Elab (+Loc, "mismatching vector length; got %v, expect %v", (+Vtype.W, +Dtype.W)); return No_Valtyp; end if; if Bounds then return Reshape_Value (Vt, Dtype); else return Vt; end if; when Type_Slice => -- TODO: check width return Vt; when Type_Array => pragma Assert (Vtype.Kind = Type_Array); -- Check bounds. for I in Vtype.Abounds.D'Range loop if Vtype.Abounds.D (I).Len /= Dtype.Abounds.D (I).Len then Error_Msg_Elab (+Loc, "mismatching array bounds"); return No_Valtyp; end if; end loop; -- TODO: check element. if Bounds then return Reshape_Value (Vt, Dtype); else return Vt; end if; when Type_Unbounded_Array => pragma Assert (Vtype.Kind = Type_Array); return Vt; when Type_Unbounded_Vector => pragma Assert (Vtype.Kind = Type_Vector or else Vtype.Kind = Type_Slice); return Vt; when Type_Record => pragma Assert (Vtype.Kind = Type_Record); -- TODO: handle elements. return Vt; when Type_Unbounded_Record => pragma Assert (Vtype.Kind = Type_Record); return Vt; when Type_Access => return Vt; when Type_File | Type_Protected => -- No conversion expected. -- As the subtype is identical, it is already handled by the -- above check. raise Internal_Error; end case; end Exec_Subtype_Conversion; function Synth_Value_Attribute (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Attr : Node) return Valtyp is Param : constant Node := Get_Parameter (Attr); Etype : constant Node := Get_Type (Attr); Btype : constant Node := Get_Base_Type (Etype); V : Valtyp; Dtype : Type_Acc; begin -- The value is supposed to be static. V := Exec_Expression (Syn_Inst, Param); if V = No_Valtyp then return No_Valtyp; end if; Dtype := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Etype); if not Is_Static (V.Val) then Error_Msg_Elab (+Attr, "parameter of 'value must be static"); return No_Valtyp; end if; declare Str : constant String := Value_To_String (V); Res_N : Node; Val : Int64; begin case Get_Kind (Btype) is when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition => Res_N := Eval_Value_Attribute (Str, Etype, Attr); Val := Int64 (Get_Enum_Pos (Res_N)); Free_Iir (Res_N); when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition => Val := Int64'Value (Str); when others => Error_Msg_Elab (+Attr, "unhandled type for 'value"); return No_Valtyp; end case; return Create_Value_Discrete (Val, Dtype); end; end Synth_Value_Attribute; function Synth_Image_Attribute_Str (Val : Valtyp; Expr_Type : Iir) return String is use Grt.Types; begin case Get_Kind (Expr_Type) is when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition => declare Str : String (1 .. 24); Last : Natural; begin Grt.To_Strings.To_String (Str, Last, Ghdl_F64 (Read_Fp64 (Val))); return Str (Str'First .. Last); end; when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition => declare Str : String (1 .. 21); First : Natural; begin Grt.To_Strings.To_String (Str, First, Ghdl_I64 (Read_Discrete (Val))); return Str (First .. Str'Last); end; when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition => declare Lits : constant Iir_Flist := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Get_Base_Type (Expr_Type)); begin return Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Get_Nth_Element (Lits, Natural (Read_Discrete (Val))))); end; when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition => declare Str : String (1 .. 21); First : Natural; Id : constant Name_Id := Get_Identifier (Get_Primary_Unit (Get_Base_Type (Expr_Type))); begin Grt.To_Strings.To_String (Str, First, Ghdl_I64 (Read_Discrete (Val))); return Str (First .. Str'Last) & ' ' & Name_Table.Image (Id); end; when others => Error_Kind ("execute_image_attribute", Expr_Type); end case; end Synth_Image_Attribute_Str; function String_To_Valtyp (Str : String; Styp : Type_Acc) return Valtyp is Len : constant Natural := Str'Length; Bnd : Bound_Array_Acc; Typ : Type_Acc; Res : Valtyp; begin Bnd := Create_Bound_Array (1); Bnd.D (1) := (Dir => Dir_To, Left => 1, Right => Int32 (Len), Len => Uns32 (Len)); Typ := Create_Array_Type (Bnd, Styp.Uarr_El); Res := Create_Value_Memory (Typ); for I in Str'Range loop Write_U8 (Res.Val.Mem + Size_Type (I - Str'First), Character'Pos (Str (I))); end loop; return Res; end String_To_Valtyp; function Synth_Image_Attribute (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Attr : Node) return Valtyp is Param : constant Node := Get_Parameter (Attr); Etype : constant Node := Get_Type (Attr); V : Valtyp; Dtype : Type_Acc; begin -- The parameter is expected to be static. V := Exec_Expression (Syn_Inst, Param); if V = No_Valtyp then return No_Valtyp; end if; Dtype := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Etype); if not Is_Static (V.Val) then Error_Msg_Elab (+Attr, "parameter of 'image must be static"); return No_Valtyp; end if; Strip_Const (V); return String_To_Valtyp (Synth_Image_Attribute_Str (V, Get_Type (Param)), Dtype); end Synth_Image_Attribute; function Synth_Instance_Name_Attribute (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Attr : Node) return Valtyp is Atype : constant Node := Get_Type (Attr); Atyp : constant Type_Acc := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Atype); Name : constant Path_Instance_Name_Type := Get_Path_Instance_Name_Suffix (Attr); begin -- Return a truncated name, as the prefix is not completly known. return String_To_Valtyp (Name.Suffix, Atyp); end Synth_Instance_Name_Attribute; -- Convert index IDX in PFX to an offset. -- SYN_INST and LOC are used in case of error. function Index_To_Offset (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Bnd : Bound_Type; Idx : Int64; Loc : Node) return Value_Offsets is Res : Value_Offsets; begin if not In_Bounds (Bnd, Int32 (Idx)) then Error_Msg_Elab (+Loc, "index not within bounds"); Elab.Debugger.Debug_Error (Syn_Inst, Loc); return (0, 0); end if; -- The offset is from the LSB (bit 0). Bit 0 is the rightmost one. case Bnd.Dir is when Dir_To => Res.Net_Off := Uns32 (Bnd.Right - Int32 (Idx)); Res.Mem_Off := Size_Type (Int32 (Idx) - Bnd.Left); when Dir_Downto => Res.Net_Off := Uns32 (Int32 (Idx) - Bnd.Right); Res.Mem_Off := Size_Type (Bnd.Left - Int32 (Idx)); end case; return Res; end Index_To_Offset; procedure Check_Matching_Bounds (L, R : Type_Acc; Loc : Node) is begin if not Are_Types_Equal (L, R) then Error_Msg_Elab (+Loc, "non matching bounds"); end if; end Check_Matching_Bounds; -- Return the bounds of a one dimensional array/vector type and the -- width of the element. procedure Get_Onedimensional_Array_Bounds (Typ : Type_Acc; Bnd : out Bound_Type; El_Typ : out Type_Acc) is begin case Typ.Kind is when Type_Vector => El_Typ := Typ.Vec_El; Bnd := Typ.Vbound; when Type_Array => El_Typ := Typ.Arr_El; Bnd := Typ.Abounds.D (1); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; end Get_Onedimensional_Array_Bounds; function Create_Onedimensional_Array_Subtype (Btyp : Type_Acc; Bnd : Bound_Type; El_Typ : Type_Acc) return Type_Acc is Res : Type_Acc; Bnds : Bound_Array_Acc; begin case Btyp.Kind is when Type_Vector => pragma Assert (El_Typ.Kind in Type_Nets); Res := Create_Vector_Type (Bnd, Btyp.Vec_El); when Type_Unbounded_Vector => pragma Assert (El_Typ.Kind in Type_Nets); Res := Create_Vector_Type (Bnd, Btyp.Uvec_El); when Type_Array => pragma Assert (Btyp.Abounds.Ndim = 1); pragma Assert (Is_Bounded_Type (Btyp.Arr_El)); Bnds := Create_Bound_Array (1); Bnds.D (1) := Bnd; Res := Create_Array_Type (Bnds, Btyp.Arr_El); when Type_Unbounded_Array => pragma Assert (Btyp.Uarr_Ndim = 1); pragma Assert (Is_Bounded_Type (El_Typ)); Bnds := Create_Bound_Array (1); Bnds.D (1) := Bnd; Res := Create_Array_Type (Bnds, El_Typ); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; return Res; end Create_Onedimensional_Array_Subtype; procedure Exec_Indexed_Name (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Name : Node; Pfx_Type : Type_Acc; Off : out Value_Offsets) is Indexes : constant Iir_Flist := Get_Index_List (Name); El_Typ : constant Type_Acc := Get_Array_Element (Pfx_Type); Idx_Expr : Node; Idx_Val : Valtyp; Bnd : Bound_Type; Stride : Uns32; Idx_Off : Value_Offsets; begin Off := (0, 0); Stride := 1; for I in reverse Flist_First .. Flist_Last (Indexes) loop Idx_Expr := Get_Nth_Element (Indexes, I); -- Use the base type as the subtype of the index is not synth-ed. Idx_Val := Exec_Expression_With_Basetype (Syn_Inst, Idx_Expr); if Idx_Val = No_Valtyp then -- Propagate errorc Off := (0, 0); return; end if; Strip_Const (Idx_Val); Bnd := Get_Array_Bound (Pfx_Type, Dim_Type (I + 1)); pragma Assert (Is_Static (Idx_Val.Val)); Idx_Off := Index_To_Offset (Syn_Inst, Bnd, Get_Static_Discrete (Idx_Val), Name); Off.Net_Off := Off.Net_Off + Idx_Off.Net_Off * Stride * El_Typ.W; Off.Mem_Off := Off.Mem_Off + Idx_Off.Mem_Off * Size_Type (Stride) * El_Typ.Sz; Stride := Stride * Bnd.Len; end loop; end Exec_Indexed_Name; procedure Exec_Slice_Const_Suffix (Syn_Inst: Synth_Instance_Acc; Expr : Node; Name : Node; Pfx_Bnd : Bound_Type; L, R : Int64; Dir : Direction_Type; El_Typ : Type_Acc; Res_Bnd : out Bound_Type; Off : out Value_Offsets) is Is_Null : Boolean; Len : Uns32; begin if Pfx_Bnd.Dir /= Dir then Error_Msg_Elab (+Name, "direction mismatch in slice"); Off := (0, 0); if Dir = Dir_To then Res_Bnd := (Dir => Dir_To, Left => 1, Right => 0, Len => 0); else Res_Bnd := (Dir => Dir_Downto, Left => 0, Right => 1, Len => 0); end if; return; end if; -- Might be a null slice. case Pfx_Bnd.Dir is when Dir_To => Is_Null := L > R; when Dir_Downto => Is_Null := L < R; end case; if Is_Null then Len := 0; Off := (0, 0); else if not In_Bounds (Pfx_Bnd, Int32 (L)) or else not In_Bounds (Pfx_Bnd, Int32 (R)) then Error_Msg_Elab (+Name, "index not within bounds"); Elab.Debugger.Debug_Error (Syn_Inst, Expr); Off := (0, 0); return; end if; case Pfx_Bnd.Dir is when Dir_To => Len := Uns32 (R - L + 1); Off.Net_Off := Uns32 (Pfx_Bnd.Right - Int32 (R)) * El_Typ.W; Off.Mem_Off := Size_Type (Int32 (L) - Pfx_Bnd.Left) * El_Typ.Sz; when Dir_Downto => Len := Uns32 (L - R + 1); Off.Net_Off := Uns32 (Int32 (R) - Pfx_Bnd.Right) * El_Typ.W; Off.Mem_Off := Size_Type (Pfx_Bnd.Left - Int32 (L)) * El_Typ.Sz; end case; end if; Res_Bnd := (Dir => Pfx_Bnd.Dir, Len => Len, Left => Int32 (L), Right => Int32 (R)); end Exec_Slice_Const_Suffix; procedure Exec_Slice_Suffix (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Name : Node; Pfx_Bnd : Bound_Type; El_Typ : Type_Acc; Res_Bnd : out Bound_Type; Off : out Value_Offsets) is Expr : constant Node := Get_Suffix (Name); Left, Right : Valtyp; Dir : Direction_Type; begin Off := (0, 0); case Get_Kind (Expr) is when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression => -- As the range may be dynamic, cannot use synth_discrete_range. Left := Exec_Expression_With_Basetype (Syn_Inst, Get_Left_Limit (Expr)); Right := Exec_Expression_With_Basetype (Syn_Inst, Get_Right_Limit (Expr)); Dir := Get_Direction (Expr); when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute | Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute | Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name => declare Rng : Discrete_Range_Type; begin Synth_Discrete_Range (Syn_Inst, Expr, Rng); Exec_Slice_Const_Suffix (Syn_Inst, Expr, Name, Pfx_Bnd, Rng.Left, Rng.Right, Rng.Dir, El_Typ, Res_Bnd, Off); return; end; when others => Error_Msg_Elab (+Expr, "only range expression supported for slices"); Res_Bnd := (Dir => Dir_To, Left => 1, Right => 0, Len => 0); return; end case; pragma Assert (Is_Static (Left.Val)); pragma Assert (Is_Static (Right.Val)); Exec_Slice_Const_Suffix (Syn_Inst, Expr, Name, Pfx_Bnd, Get_Static_Discrete (Left), Get_Static_Discrete (Right), Dir, El_Typ, Res_Bnd, Off); end Exec_Slice_Suffix; function Exec_Name (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Name : Node) return Valtyp is begin case Get_Kind (Name) is when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name => return Exec_Name (Syn_Inst, Get_Named_Entity (Name)); when Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Interface_File_Declaration => return Get_Value (Syn_Inst, Name); when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal => declare Typ : constant Type_Acc := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Name)); Res : Valtyp; begin Res := Create_Value_Memory (Typ); Write_Discrete (Res, Int64 (Get_Enum_Pos (Name))); return Res; end; when Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration => declare Typ : constant Type_Acc := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Name)); begin return Create_Value_Discrete (Vhdl.Evaluation.Get_Physical_Value (Name), Typ); end; when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference | Iir_Kind_Dereference => declare Val : Valtyp; begin Val := Exec_Expression (Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Name)); return Elab.Vhdl_Heap.Synth_Dereference (Read_Access (Val)); end; when others => Error_Kind ("exec_name", Name); end case; end Exec_Name; function Exec_Name_Subtype (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Name : Node) return Type_Acc is begin case Get_Kind (Name) is when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name => return Exec_Name_Subtype (Syn_Inst, Get_Named_Entity (Name)); when Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Interface_File_Declaration => return Get_Value (Syn_Inst, Name).Typ; when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element => declare Idx : constant Iir_Index32 := Get_Element_Position (Get_Named_Entity (Name)); Pfx : constant Node := Get_Prefix (Name); Res : Type_Acc; begin Res := Exec_Name_Subtype (Syn_Inst, Pfx); Res := Res.Rec.E (Idx + 1).Typ; return Res; end; when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name => declare Pfx : constant Node := Get_Prefix (Name); Res : Type_Acc; begin Res := Exec_Name_Subtype (Syn_Inst, Pfx); return Res.Arr_El; end; when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal | Iir_Kind_Unit_Declaration => return Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Name)); when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference | Iir_Kind_Dereference => declare Val : Valtyp; begin Val := Exec_Expression (Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Name)); Val := Elab.Vhdl_Heap.Synth_Dereference (Read_Access (Val)); return Val.Typ; end; when others => Error_Kind ("exec_name_subtype", Name); end case; end Exec_Name_Subtype; procedure Exec_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Pfx : Node; Dest_Base : out Valtyp; Dest_Typ : out Type_Acc; Dest_Off : out Value_Offsets) is begin case Get_Kind (Pfx) is when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name => Exec_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst, Get_Named_Entity (Pfx), Dest_Base, Dest_Typ, Dest_Off); when Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Interface_File_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration => declare Targ : constant Valtyp := Get_Value (Syn_Inst, Pfx); begin Dest_Typ := Targ.Typ; if Targ.Val.Kind = Value_Alias then -- Replace alias by the aliased name. Dest_Base := (Targ.Val.A_Typ, Targ.Val.A_Obj); Dest_Off := Targ.Val.A_Off; else Dest_Base := Targ; Dest_Off := (0, 0); end if; end; when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name => declare Off : Value_Offsets; begin Exec_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Pfx), Dest_Base, Dest_Typ, Dest_Off); Strip_Const (Dest_Base); Exec_Indexed_Name (Syn_Inst, Pfx, Dest_Typ, Off); Dest_Off := Dest_Off + Off; Dest_Typ := Get_Array_Element (Dest_Typ); end; when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element => declare Idx : constant Iir_Index32 := Get_Element_Position (Get_Named_Entity (Pfx)); begin Exec_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Pfx), Dest_Base, Dest_Typ, Dest_Off); Dest_Off.Net_Off := Dest_Off.Net_Off + Dest_Typ.Rec.E (Idx + 1).Boff; Dest_Off.Mem_Off := Dest_Off.Mem_Off + Dest_Typ.Rec.E (Idx + 1).Moff; Dest_Typ := Dest_Typ.Rec.E (Idx + 1).Typ; end; when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name => declare Pfx_Bnd : Bound_Type; El_Typ : Type_Acc; Res_Bnd : Bound_Type; Sl_Off : Value_Offsets; begin Exec_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Pfx), Dest_Base, Dest_Typ, Dest_Off); Strip_Const (Dest_Base); Get_Onedimensional_Array_Bounds (Dest_Typ, Pfx_Bnd, El_Typ); Exec_Slice_Suffix (Syn_Inst, Pfx, Pfx_Bnd, El_Typ, Res_Bnd, Sl_Off); -- Fixed slice. Dest_Typ := Create_Onedimensional_Array_Subtype (Dest_Typ, Res_Bnd, El_Typ); Dest_Off.Net_Off := Dest_Off.Net_Off + Sl_Off.Net_Off; Dest_Off.Mem_Off := Dest_Off.Mem_Off + Sl_Off.Mem_Off; end; when others => Error_Kind ("exec_assignment_prefix", Pfx); end case; end Exec_Assignment_Prefix; -- Return the type of EXPR without evaluating it. function Exec_Type_Of_Object (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Expr : Node) return Type_Acc is begin case Get_Kind (Expr) is when Iir_Kinds_Object_Declaration => declare Val : constant Valtyp := Get_Value (Syn_Inst, Expr); begin return Val.Typ; end; when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name => return Exec_Type_Of_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Named_Entity (Expr)); when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name => declare Pfx_Typ : Type_Acc; Pfx_Bnd : Bound_Type; El_Typ : Type_Acc; Res_Bnd : Bound_Type; Sl_Off : Value_Offsets; begin Pfx_Typ := Exec_Type_Of_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Expr)); Get_Onedimensional_Array_Bounds (Pfx_Typ, Pfx_Bnd, El_Typ); Exec_Slice_Suffix (Syn_Inst, Expr, Pfx_Bnd, El_Typ, Res_Bnd, Sl_Off); return Create_Onedimensional_Array_Subtype (Pfx_Typ, Res_Bnd, El_Typ); end; when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name => declare Pfx_Typ : Type_Acc; begin Pfx_Typ := Exec_Type_Of_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Expr)); return Get_Array_Element (Pfx_Typ); end; when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element => declare Idx : constant Iir_Index32 := Get_Element_Position (Get_Named_Entity (Expr)); Pfx_Typ : Type_Acc; begin Pfx_Typ := Exec_Type_Of_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Expr)); return Pfx_Typ.Rec.E (Idx + 1).Typ; end; when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference | Iir_Kind_Dereference => declare Val : Valtyp; Res : Valtyp; begin -- Maybe do not dereference it if its type is known ? Val := Exec_Expression (Syn_Inst, Get_Prefix (Expr)); Res := Elab.Vhdl_Heap.Synth_Dereference (Read_Access (Val)); return Res.Typ; end; when Iir_Kind_String_Literal8 => -- TODO: the value should be computed (once) and its type -- returned. return Synth_Subtype_Indication (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Expr)); when others => Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("synth_type_of_object", Expr); end case; return null; end Exec_Type_Of_Object; function Exec_Type_Conversion (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Conv : Node) return Valtyp is Expr : constant Node := Get_Expression (Conv); Conv_Type : constant Node := Get_Type (Conv); Conv_Typ : constant Type_Acc := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Conv_Type); Val : Valtyp; begin Val := Exec_Expression_With_Basetype (Syn_Inst, Expr); if Val = No_Valtyp then return No_Valtyp; end if; Strip_Const (Val); case Get_Kind (Conv_Type) is when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition => if Val.Typ.Kind = Type_Discrete then -- Int to int. return Val; elsif Val.Typ.Kind = Type_Float then return Create_Value_Discrete (Int64 (Read_Fp64 (Val)), Conv_Typ); else Error_Msg_Elab (+Conv, "unhandled type conversion (to int)"); return No_Valtyp; end if; when Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition => if Is_Static (Val.Val) then return Create_Value_Float (Fp64 (Read_Discrete (Val)), Conv_Typ); else Error_Msg_Elab (+Conv, "unhandled type conversion (to float)"); return No_Valtyp; end if; when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition => case Conv_Typ.Kind is when Type_Vector | Type_Unbounded_Vector => return Val; when others => Error_Msg_Elab (+Conv, "unhandled type conversion (to array)"); return No_Valtyp; end case; when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition => pragma Assert (Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Expr)) = Get_Base_Type (Conv_Type)); return Val; when others => Error_Msg_Elab (+Conv, "unhandled type conversion"); return No_Valtyp; end case; end Exec_Type_Conversion; function Error_Ieee_Operator (Imp : Node; Loc : Node) return Boolean is use Std_Names; Parent : constant Iir := Get_Parent (Imp); begin if Get_Kind (Parent) = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration and then (Get_Identifier (Get_Library (Get_Design_File (Get_Design_Unit (Parent)))) = Name_Ieee) then case Get_Identifier (Parent) is when Name_Std_Logic_1164 | Name_Std_Logic_Arith | Name_Std_Logic_Signed | Name_Std_Logic_Unsigned | Name_Std_Logic_Misc | Name_Numeric_Std | Name_Numeric_Bit | Name_Math_Real => Error_Msg_Elab (+Loc, "unhandled predefined IEEE operator %i", +Imp); Error_Msg_Elab (+Imp, " declared here"); return True; when others => -- ieee 2008 packages are handled like regular packages. null; end case; end if; return False; end Error_Ieee_Operator; function Synth_String_Literal (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Str : Node; Str_Typ : Type_Acc) return Valtyp is pragma Unreferenced (Syn_Inst); pragma Assert (Get_Kind (Str) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal8); Id : constant String8_Id := Get_String8_Id (Str); Str_Type : constant Node := Get_Type (Str); El_Type : Type_Acc; Bounds : Bound_Type; Bnds : Bound_Array_Acc; Res_Type : Type_Acc; Res : Valtyp; Pos : Nat8; begin case Str_Typ.Kind is when Type_Vector => Bounds := Str_Typ.Vbound; when Type_Array => Bounds := Str_Typ.Abounds.D (1); when Type_Unbounded_Vector | Type_Unbounded_Array => Bounds := Synth_Bounds_From_Length (Get_Index_Type (Str_Type, 0), Get_String_Length (Str)); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; El_Type := Get_Array_Element (Str_Typ); if El_Type.Kind in Type_Nets then Res_Type := Create_Vector_Type (Bounds, El_Type); else Bnds := Create_Bound_Array (1); Bnds.D (1) := Bounds; Res_Type := Create_Array_Type (Bnds, El_Type); end if; Res := Create_Value_Memory (Res_Type); -- Only U8 are handled. pragma Assert (El_Type.Sz = 1); -- From left to right. for I in 1 .. Bounds.Len loop -- FIXME: use literal from type ?? Pos := Str_Table.Element_String8 (Id, Pos32 (I)); Write_U8 (Res.Val.Mem + Size_Type (I - 1), Nat8'Pos (Pos)); end loop; return Res; end Synth_String_Literal; -- Return the left bound if the direction of the range is LEFT_DIR. function Synth_Low_High_Type_Attribute (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Expr : Node; Left_Dir : Direction_Type) return Valtyp is Typ : Type_Acc; R : Int64; begin Typ := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr))); pragma Assert (Typ.Kind = Type_Discrete); if Typ.Drange.Dir = Left_Dir then R := Typ.Drange.Left; else R := Typ.Drange.Right; end if; return Create_Value_Discrete (R, Typ); end Synth_Low_High_Type_Attribute; function Exec_Short_Circuit (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Val : Int64; Left_Expr : Node; Right_Expr : Node; Typ : Type_Acc) return Valtyp is Left : Valtyp; Right : Valtyp; begin Left := Exec_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Left_Expr, Typ); if Left = No_Valtyp then -- Propagate error. return No_Valtyp; end if; pragma Assert (Is_Static (Left.Val)); if Get_Static_Discrete (Left) = Val then -- Short-circuit when the left operand determines the result. return Create_Value_Discrete (Val, Typ); end if; Strip_Const (Left); Right := Exec_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Right_Expr, Typ); if Right = No_Valtyp then -- Propagate error. return No_Valtyp; end if; Strip_Const (Right); pragma Assert (Is_Static (Right.Val)); if Get_Static_Discrete (Right) = Val then -- If the right operand can determine the result, return it. return Create_Value_Discrete (Val, Typ); end if; -- Return a static value if both operands are static. -- Note: we know the value of left if it is not constant. return Create_Value_Discrete (Get_Static_Discrete (Right), Typ); end Exec_Short_Circuit; function Exec_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Expr : Node; Expr_Type : Type_Acc) return Valtyp is begin case Get_Kind (Expr) is when Iir_Kinds_Dyadic_Operator => declare Imp : constant Node := Get_Implementation (Expr); Def : constant Iir_Predefined_Functions := Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp); begin -- Specially handle short-circuit operators. case Def is when Iir_Predefined_Boolean_And => return Exec_Short_Circuit (Syn_Inst, 0, Get_Left (Expr), Get_Right (Expr), Boolean_Type); when Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Or => return Exec_Short_Circuit (Syn_Inst, 1, Get_Left (Expr), Get_Right (Expr), Boolean_Type); when Iir_Predefined_Bit_And => return Exec_Short_Circuit (Syn_Inst, 0, Get_Left (Expr), Get_Right (Expr), Bit_Type); when Iir_Predefined_Bit_Or => return Exec_Short_Circuit (Syn_Inst, 1, Get_Left (Expr), Get_Right (Expr), Bit_Type); when Iir_Predefined_None => if Error_Ieee_Operator (Imp, Expr) then return No_Valtyp; else return Synth_User_Operator (Syn_Inst, Get_Left (Expr), Get_Right (Expr), Expr); end if; when others => return Synth_Dyadic_Operation (Syn_Inst, Imp, Get_Left (Expr), Get_Right (Expr), Expr); end case; end; when Iir_Kinds_Monadic_Operator => declare Imp : constant Node := Get_Implementation (Expr); Def : constant Iir_Predefined_Functions := Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp); begin if Def = Iir_Predefined_None then if Error_Ieee_Operator (Imp, Expr) then return No_Valtyp; else return Synth_User_Operator (Syn_Inst, Get_Operand (Expr), Null_Node, Expr); end if; else return Synth_Monadic_Operation (Syn_Inst, Imp, Get_Operand (Expr), Expr); end if; end; when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name | Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration -- For PSL. | Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration -- For PSL. | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Dereference | Iir_Kind_Dereference => declare Res : Valtyp; begin Res := Exec_Name (Syn_Inst, Expr); if Res.Val.Kind = Value_Signal then Vhdl_Errors.Error_Msg_Elab (+Expr, "cannot use signal value during elaboration"); return No_Valtyp; end if; if Res.Typ /= null and then Res.Typ.W = 0 and then Res.Val.Kind /= Value_Memory then -- This is a null object. As nothing can be done about it, -- returns 0. return Create_Value_Memtyp (Create_Memory_Zero (Res.Typ)); end if; return Res; end; when Iir_Kind_Reference_Name => -- Only used for anonymous signals in internal association. return Exec_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Get_Named_Entity (Expr), Expr_Type); when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name | Iir_Kind_Slice_Name => declare Base : Valtyp; Typ : Type_Acc; Off : Value_Offsets; Res : Valtyp; begin Exec_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst, Expr, Base, Typ, Off); Res := Create_Value_Memory (Typ); Copy_Memory (Res.Val.Mem, Base.Val.Mem + Off.Mem_Off, Typ.Sz); return Res; end; when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element => declare Idx : constant Iir_Index32 := Get_Element_Position (Get_Named_Entity (Expr)); Pfx : constant Node := Get_Prefix (Expr); Res_Typ : Type_Acc; Val : Valtyp; Res : Valtyp; begin Val := Exec_Expression (Syn_Inst, Pfx); Strip_Const (Val); Res_Typ := Val.Typ.Rec.E (Idx + 1).Typ; if Res_Typ.W = 0 and then Val.Val.Kind /= Value_Memory then -- This is a null object. As nothing can be done about it, -- returns 0. return Create_Value_Memtyp (Create_Memory_Zero (Res_Typ)); end if; pragma Assert (Is_Static (Val.Val)); Res := Create_Value_Memory (Res_Typ); Copy_Memory (Res.Val.Mem, Val.Val.Mem + Val.Typ.Rec.E (Idx + 1).Moff, Res_Typ.Sz); return Res; end; when Iir_Kind_Character_Literal => return Exec_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Get_Named_Entity (Expr), Expr_Type); when Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal => declare Res : Valtyp; begin Res := Create_Value_Memory (Expr_Type); Write_Discrete (Res, Get_Value (Expr)); return Res; end; when Iir_Kind_Floating_Point_Literal => return Create_Value_Float (Get_Fp_Value (Expr), Expr_Type); when Iir_Kind_Physical_Int_Literal | Iir_Kind_Physical_Fp_Literal => return Create_Value_Discrete (Get_Physical_Value (Expr), Expr_Type); when Iir_Kind_String_Literal8 => return Synth_String_Literal (Syn_Inst, Expr, Expr_Type); when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Literal => return Exec_Name (Syn_Inst, Expr); when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion => return Exec_Type_Conversion (Syn_Inst, Expr); when Iir_Kind_Qualified_Expression => return Exec_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Get_Expression (Expr), Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Get_Type_Mark (Expr)))); when Iir_Kind_Function_Call => declare Imp : constant Node := Get_Implementation (Expr); begin case Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp) is when Iir_Predefined_Pure_Functions | Iir_Predefined_Ieee_Numeric_Std_Binary_Operators => return Synth_Operator_Function_Call (Syn_Inst, Expr); when Iir_Predefined_None => return Synth_User_Function_Call (Syn_Inst, Expr); when others => return Synth_Predefined_Function_Call (Syn_Inst, Expr); end case; end; when Iir_Kind_Aggregate => return Synth.Vhdl_Aggr.Synth_Aggregate (Syn_Inst, Expr, Expr_Type); when Iir_Kind_Simple_Aggregate => return Synth_Simple_Aggregate (Syn_Inst, Expr); when Iir_Kind_Parenthesis_Expression => return Exec_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Get_Expression (Expr), Expr_Type); when Iir_Kind_Left_Array_Attribute => declare B : Bound_Type; begin B := Synth_Array_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr); return Create_Value_Discrete (Int64 (B.Left), Expr_Type); end; when Iir_Kind_Right_Array_Attribute => declare B : Bound_Type; begin B := Synth_Array_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr); return Create_Value_Discrete (Int64 (B.Right), Expr_Type); end; when Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute => declare B : Bound_Type; V : Int32; begin B := Synth_Array_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr); case B.Dir is when Dir_To => V := B.Right; when Dir_Downto => V := B.Left; end case; return Create_Value_Discrete (Int64 (V), Expr_Type); end; when Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute => declare B : Bound_Type; V : Int32; begin B := Synth_Array_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr); case B.Dir is when Dir_To => V := B.Left; when Dir_Downto => V := B.Right; end case; return Create_Value_Discrete (Int64 (V), Expr_Type); end; when Iir_Kind_Length_Array_Attribute => declare B : Bound_Type; begin B := Synth_Array_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr); return Create_Value_Discrete (Int64 (B.Len), Expr_Type); end; when Iir_Kind_Ascending_Array_Attribute => declare B : Bound_Type; V : Int64; begin B := Synth_Array_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr); case B.Dir is when Dir_To => V := 1; when Dir_Downto => V := 0; end case; return Create_Value_Discrete (V, Expr_Type); end; when Iir_Kind_Pos_Attribute | Iir_Kind_Val_Attribute => declare Param : constant Node := Get_Parameter (Expr); V : Valtyp; Dtype : Type_Acc; begin V := Exec_Expression (Syn_Inst, Param); Dtype := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Expr)); -- FIXME: to be generalized. Not always as simple as a -- subtype conversion. return Exec_Subtype_Conversion (V, Dtype, False, Expr); end; when Iir_Kind_Low_Type_Attribute => return Synth_Low_High_Type_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr, Dir_To); when Iir_Kind_High_Type_Attribute => return Synth_Low_High_Type_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr, Dir_Downto); when Iir_Kind_Value_Attribute => return Synth_Value_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr); when Iir_Kind_Image_Attribute => return Synth_Image_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr); when Iir_Kind_Instance_Name_Attribute => return Synth_Instance_Name_Attribute (Syn_Inst, Expr); when Iir_Kind_Null_Literal => return Create_Value_Access (Null_Heap_Index, Expr_Type); when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Subtype => declare T : Type_Acc; Acc : Heap_Index; begin T := Synth_Subtype_Indication (Syn_Inst, Get_Subtype_Indication (Expr)); Acc := Allocate_By_Type (T); return Create_Value_Access (Acc, Expr_Type); end; when Iir_Kind_Allocator_By_Expression => declare V : Valtyp; Acc : Heap_Index; begin V := Exec_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Get_Expression (Expr), Expr_Type.Acc_Acc); Acc := Allocate_By_Value (V); return Create_Value_Access (Acc, Expr_Type); end; when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute => Error_Msg_Elab (+Expr, "signal attribute not supported"); return No_Valtyp; when Iir_Kind_Overflow_Literal => Error_Msg_Elab (+Expr, "out of bound expression"); return No_Valtyp; when others => Error_Kind ("exec_expression_with_type", Expr); end case; end Exec_Expression_With_Type; function Exec_Expression (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Expr : Node) return Valtyp is Etype : Node; begin Etype := Get_Type (Expr); case Get_Kind (Expr) is when Iir_Kind_High_Array_Attribute | Iir_Kind_Low_Array_Attribute | Iir_Kind_Integer_Literal => -- The type of this attribute is the type of the index, which is -- not synthesized as atype (only as an index). -- For integer_literal, the type is not really needed, and it -- may be created by static evaluation of an array attribute. Etype := Get_Base_Type (Etype); when others => null; end case; return Exec_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Expr, Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Etype)); end Exec_Expression; function Exec_Expression_With_Basetype (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Expr : Node) return Valtyp is Basetype : Type_Acc; begin Basetype := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Base_Type (Get_Type (Expr))); return Exec_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Expr, Basetype); end Exec_Expression_With_Basetype; end Elab.Vhdl_Expr;