-- Elaboration for VHDL simulation -- Copyright (C) 2022 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. with Vhdl.Errors; use Vhdl.Errors; with Vhdl.Utils; use Vhdl.Utils; with Vhdl.Canon; with Synth.Vhdl_Stmts; with Trans_Analyzes; with Elab.Vhdl_Decls; with Simul.Vhdl_Debug; package body Simul.Vhdl_Elab is procedure Gather_Processes_1 (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc); procedure Convert_Type_Width (T : Type_Acc) is begin if T.Wkind = Wkind_Sim then return; end if; case T.Kind is when Type_Bit | Type_Logic | Type_Discrete | Type_Float => T.W := 1; T.Wkind := Wkind_Sim; when Type_Vector | Type_Array => Convert_Type_Width (T.Arr_El); T.W := T.Abound.Len * T.Arr_El.W; T.Wkind := Wkind_Sim; when Type_Record => T.W := 0; for I in T.Rec.E'Range loop T.Rec.E (I).Offs.Net_Off := T.W; Convert_Type_Width (T.Rec.E (I).Typ); T.W := T.W + T.Rec.E (I).Typ.W; end loop; T.Wkind := Wkind_Sim; when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; end Convert_Type_Width; procedure Gather_Signal (Proto_E : Signal_Entry) is Val : constant Valtyp := Get_Value (Proto_E.Inst, Proto_E.Decl); E : Signal_Entry; begin E := Proto_E; E.Typ := Val.Typ; Convert_Type_Width (E.Typ); Current_Pool := Global_Pool'Access; E.Val := Alloc_Memory (E.Typ); Current_Pool := Expr_Pool'Access; if Val.Val.Init /= null then Copy_Memory (E.Val, Val.Val.Init.Mem, E.Typ.Sz); else Write_Value_Default (E.Val, E.Typ); end if; E.Sig := null; pragma Assert (E.Kind /= Mode_End); pragma Assert (Signals_Table.Table (Val.Val.S).Kind = Mode_End); Signals_Table.Table (Val.Val.S) := E; end Gather_Signal; procedure Gather_Quantity (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decl : Node) is Val : constant Valtyp := Get_Value (Inst, Decl); begin Convert_Type_Width (Val.Typ); pragma Assert (Val.Val.Q = No_Quantity_Index); Quantity_Table.Append ((Decl, Inst, Val.Typ, null, No_Scalar_Quantity)); Val.Val.Q := Quantity_Table.Last; end Gather_Quantity; procedure Gather_Terminal (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decl : Node) is Val : constant Valtyp := Get_Value (Inst, Decl); Def : constant Node := Get_Nature (Decl); Across_Typ : Type_Acc; Through_Typ : Type_Acc; begin Across_Typ := Get_Subtype_Object (Inst, Get_Across_Type (Def)); Through_Typ := Get_Subtype_Object (Inst, Get_Through_Type (Def)); pragma Assert (Val.Val.T = No_Terminal_Index); Terminal_Table.Append ((Decl, Inst, Across_Typ, Through_Typ, null, No_Scalar_Quantity, No_Scalar_Terminal)); Val.Val.T := Terminal_Table.Last; end Gather_Terminal; procedure Gather_Processes_Decl (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decl : Node) is begin case Get_Kind (Decl) is when Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration => -- Driver. case Get_Mode (Decl) is when Iir_Unknown_Mode => raise Internal_Error; when Iir_Linkage_Mode => Gather_Signal ((Mode_Linkage, Decl, Inst, null, null, null, No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index, No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index)); when Iir_Buffer_Mode => Gather_Signal ((Mode_Buffer, Decl, Inst, null, null, null, No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index, No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index)); when Iir_Out_Mode => Gather_Signal ((Mode_Out, Decl, Inst, null, null, null, No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index, No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index)); when Iir_Inout_Mode => Gather_Signal ((Mode_Inout, Decl, Inst, null, null, null, No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index, No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index)); when Iir_In_Mode => Gather_Signal ((Mode_In, Decl, Inst, null, null, null, No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index, No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index)); end case; when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration => Gather_Signal ((Mode_Signal, Decl, Inst, null, null, null, No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index, No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index)); when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification => null; when Iir_Kind_Free_Quantity_Declaration | Iir_Kinds_Branch_Quantity_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Dot_Attribute => Gather_Quantity (Inst, Decl); when Iir_Kind_Terminal_Declaration => Gather_Terminal (Inst, Decl); when Iir_Kind_Nature_Declaration => declare Def : constant Node := Get_Nature (Decl); Across_Typ : constant Type_Acc := Get_Subtype_Object (Inst, Get_Across_Type (Def)); Through_Typ : constant Type_Acc := Get_Subtype_Object (Inst, Get_Through_Type (Def)); begin Convert_Type_Width (Across_Typ); Convert_Type_Width (Through_Typ); end; when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Implicit_Declaration => declare Sig : Node; begin Sig := Get_Attribute_Implicit_Chain (Decl); while Sig /= Null_Node loop Gather_Processes_Decl (Inst, Sig); Sig := Get_Attr_Chain (Sig); end loop; end; when Iir_Kind_Above_Attribute => Gather_Signal ((Mode_Above, Decl, Inst, null, null, null, No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index)); when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Function_Body | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration | Iir_Kind_File_Declaration => null; when others => Error_Kind ("gather_processes_decl", Decl); end case; end Gather_Processes_Decl; procedure Gather_Processes_Decls (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decls : Node) is Decl : Node; begin Decl := Decls; while Decl /= Null_Node loop Gather_Processes_Decl (Inst, Decl); Decl := Get_Chain (Decl); end loop; end Gather_Processes_Decls; procedure Add_Process_Driver (Proc_Idx : Process_Index_Type; Sig : Signal_Index_Type; Off : Value_Offsets; Typ : Type_Acc) is begin Drivers_Table.Append ((Sig => Sig, Off => Off, Typ => Typ, Prev_Sig => Signals_Table.Table (Sig).Drivers, Proc => Proc_Idx, Prev_Proc => Processes_Table.Table (Proc_Idx).Drivers)); Signals_Table.Table (Sig).Drivers := Drivers_Table.Last; Processes_Table.Table (Proc_Idx).Drivers := Drivers_Table.Last; end Add_Process_Driver; procedure Gather_Process_Drivers (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Proc : Node; Proc_Idx : Process_Index_Type) is use Synth.Vhdl_Stmts; Driver_List: Iir_List; It : List_Iterator; Sig : Node; Base_Vt : Valtyp; Base : Signal_Index_Type; Typ : Type_Acc; Off : Value_Offsets; Dyn : Dyn_Name; begin Driver_List := Trans_Analyzes.Extract_Drivers (Proc); It := List_Iterate_Safe (Driver_List); while Is_Valid (It) loop Sig := Get_Element (It); exit when Sig = Null_Node; Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Inst, Sig, Base_Vt, Typ, Off, Dyn); pragma Assert (Dyn = No_Dyn_Name); Base := Base_Vt.Val.S; Add_Process_Driver (Proc_Idx, Base, Off, Typ); Next (It); end loop; Trans_Analyzes.Free_Drivers_List (Driver_List); end Gather_Process_Drivers; procedure Gather_Sensitivity (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Proc_Idx : Process_Index_Type; List : Iir_List) is use Synth.Vhdl_Stmts; It : List_Iterator; Sig : Node; Base_Vt : Valtyp; Base : Signal_Index_Type; Typ : Type_Acc; Off : Value_Offsets; Dyn : Dyn_Name; begin It := List_Iterate_Safe (List); while Is_Valid (It) loop Sig := Get_Element (It); exit when Sig = Null_Node; Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Inst, Sig, Base_Vt, Typ, Off, Dyn); pragma Assert (Dyn = No_Dyn_Name); Base := Base_Vt.Val.S; Sensitivity_Table.Append ((Sig => Base, Off => Off, Typ => Typ, Prev_Sig => Signals_Table.Table (Base).Sensitivity, Proc => Proc_Idx, Prev_Proc => Processes_Table.Table (Proc_Idx).Sensitivity)); Signals_Table.Table (Base).Sensitivity := Sensitivity_Table.Last; Processes_Table.Table (Proc_Idx).Sensitivity := Sensitivity_Table.Last; Next (It); end loop; end Gather_Sensitivity; procedure Gather_Process_Sensitivity (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Proc : Node; Proc_Idx : Process_Index_Type) is List : Iir_List; begin case Get_Kind (Proc) is when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement => -- No sensitivity list. -- TODO: extract potential list from wait statements ? return; when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Simple_Signal_Assignment => List := Create_Iir_List; Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Simple_Signal_Assignment (Proc, List); when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment => List := Create_Iir_List; Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Proc, List); when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment => List := Create_Iir_List; Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Selected_Signal_Assignment (Proc, List); when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement => List := Create_Iir_List; Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Assertion_Statement (Proc, List); when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement => List := Create_Iir_List; Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Procedure_Call (Get_Procedure_Call (Proc), List); when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement => List := Get_Sensitivity_List (Proc); if List = Iir_List_All then List := Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Process (Proc); else Gather_Sensitivity (Inst, Proc_Idx, List); return; end if; when Iir_Kind_Psl_Assert_Directive => List := Get_PSL_Clock_Sensitivity (Proc); Gather_Sensitivity (Inst, Proc_Idx, List); return; when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Break_Statement => List := Get_Sensitivity_List (Proc); if List /= Null_Iir_List then Gather_Sensitivity (Inst, Proc_Idx, List); return; else List := Create_Iir_List; Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Break_Statement (Proc, List); end if; when others => Error_Kind ("gather_process_sensitivity", Proc); end case; Gather_Sensitivity (Inst, Proc_Idx, List); Destroy_Iir_List (List); end Gather_Process_Sensitivity; procedure Gather_Connections (Port_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Ports : Node; Assoc_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Assocs : Node) is use Synth.Vhdl_Stmts; Assoc_Inter : Node; Assoc : Node; Inter : Node; Formal : Node; Formal_Base : Valtyp; Actual_Base : Valtyp; Formal_Sig : Signal_Index_Type; Actual_Sig : Signal_Index_Type; Typ : Type_Acc; Off : Value_Offsets; Dyn : Dyn_Name; Conn : Connect_Entry; List : Iir_List; Formal_Ep, Actual_Ep : Connect_Endpoint; begin Assoc := Assocs; Assoc_Inter := Ports; while Is_Valid (Assoc) loop case Get_Kind (Assoc) is when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Name => Inter := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter); Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc); if Formal = Null_Iir then Formal := Inter; end if; Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Port_Inst, Formal, Formal_Base, Typ, Off, Dyn); pragma Assert (Dyn = No_Dyn_Name); Formal_Sig := Formal_Base.Val.S; Formal_Ep := (Formal_Sig, Off, Typ); Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Assoc_Inst, Get_Actual (Assoc), Actual_Base, Typ, Off, Dyn); pragma Assert (Dyn = No_Dyn_Name); Actual_Sig := Actual_Base.Val.S; Actual_Ep := (Actual_Sig, Off, Typ); Conn := (Formal => Formal_Ep, Formal_Link => Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Connect, Actual => Actual_Ep, Actual_Link => Signals_Table.Table (Actual_Sig).Connect, Drive_Formal => False, Drive_Actual => False, Collapsed => False, Assoc => Assoc, Assoc_Inst => Assoc_Inst); -- LRM08 Signal declarations -- [...], each source is either a driver or an OUT, INOUT, -- BUFFER, or LINKAGE port [...] case Get_Mode (Inter) is when Iir_In_Mode => Conn.Drive_Formal := True; Conn.Drive_Actual := False; when Iir_Out_Mode | Iir_Buffer_Mode => Conn.Drive_Formal := False; Conn.Drive_Actual := True; when Iir_Inout_Mode | Iir_Linkage_Mode => Conn.Drive_Formal := True; Conn.Drive_Actual := True; when Iir_Unknown_Mode => raise Internal_Error; end case; Connect_Table.Append (Conn); Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Connect := Connect_Table.Last; Signals_Table.Table (Actual_Sig).Connect := Connect_Table.Last; -- Collapse if Get_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Assoc) and then Formal_Ep.Offs.Mem_Off = 0 and then Actual_Ep.Offs.Mem_Off = 0 and then Actual_Base.Typ.W = Formal_Base.Typ.W then -- Full collapse. pragma Assert (Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Collapsed_By = No_Signal_Index); pragma Assert (Formal_Sig > Actual_Sig); Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Collapsed_By := Actual_Sig; Connect_Table.Table (Connect_Table.Last).Collapsed := True; end if; when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual => null; when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression => if Get_Expr_Staticness (Get_Actual (Assoc)) < Globally then Inter := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter); Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Port_Inst, Inter, Formal_Base, Typ, Off, Dyn); pragma Assert (Dyn = No_Dyn_Name); Formal_Sig := Formal_Base.Val.S; Formal_Ep := (Formal_Sig, Off, Typ); Actual_Ep := (No_Signal_Index, No_Value_Offsets, null); Conn := (Formal => Formal_Ep, Formal_Link => Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Connect, Actual => Actual_Ep, Actual_Link => No_Connect_Index, Drive_Formal => True, -- Always an IN interface Drive_Actual => False, Collapsed => False, Assoc => Assoc, Assoc_Inst => Assoc_Inst); Connect_Table.Append (Conn); Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Connect := Connect_Table.Last; Processes_Table.Append ((Proc => Assoc, Inst => Assoc_Inst, Drivers => No_Driver_Index, Sensitivity => No_Sensitivity_Index)); Add_Process_Driver (Processes_Table.Last, Formal_Sig, Off, Typ); List := Create_Iir_List; Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Expression (Get_Actual (Assoc), List, False); Gather_Sensitivity (Assoc_Inst, Processes_Table.Last, List); Destroy_Iir_List (List); else raise Internal_Error; end if; when others => Error_Kind ("gather_connections", Assoc); end case; Next_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter); end loop; end Gather_Connections; procedure Gather_Connections_Instantiation_Statement (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Stmt : Node; Sub_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc) is Sub_Scope : constant Node := Get_Source_Scope (Sub_Inst); Comp_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Arch : Node; Ent : Node; Config : Node; Bind : Node; begin if Get_Kind (Sub_Scope) = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then -- Connections with the components. Gather_Connections (Sub_Inst, Get_Port_Chain (Sub_Scope), Inst, Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt)); -- Connections with the entity Comp_Inst := Get_Component_Instance (Sub_Inst); if Comp_Inst = null then -- Unbounded. return; end if; Arch := Get_Source_Scope (Comp_Inst); Ent := Get_Entity (Arch); Config := Get_Instance_Config (Sub_Inst); Bind := Get_Binding_Indication (Config); -- Connections of the entity with the component. Gather_Connections (Comp_Inst, Get_Port_Chain (Ent), Sub_Inst, Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind)); else pragma Assert (Get_Kind (Sub_Scope) = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body); Gather_Connections (Sub_Inst, Get_Port_Chain (Get_Entity (Sub_Scope)), Inst, Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt)); end if; end Gather_Connections_Instantiation_Statement; procedure Gather_Processes_Stmt (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Stmt : Node) is begin case Get_Kind (Stmt) is when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement => declare Sub_Inst : constant Synth_Instance_Acc := Get_Sub_Instance (Inst, Stmt); begin Gather_Processes_1 (Sub_Inst); Gather_Connections_Instantiation_Statement (Inst, Stmt, Sub_Inst); end; when Iir_Kind_If_Generate_Statement => declare Sub : constant Synth_Instance_Acc := Get_Sub_Instance (Inst, Stmt); begin if Sub /= null then Gather_Processes_1 (Sub); end if; end; when Iir_Kind_For_Generate_Statement => declare It : constant Node := Get_Parameter_Specification (Stmt); It_Rng : Type_Acc; It_Len : Natural; Gen_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; begin It_Rng := Get_Subtype_Object (Inst, Get_Type (It)); It_Len := Natural (Get_Range_Length (It_Rng.Drange)); Gen_Inst := Get_Sub_Instance (Inst, Stmt); for I in 1 .. It_Len loop Gather_Processes_1 (Get_Generate_Sub_Instance (Gen_Inst, I)); end loop; end; when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement => declare Sub : constant Synth_Instance_Acc := Get_Sub_Instance (Inst, Stmt); begin Gather_Processes_1 (Sub); end; when Iir_Kinds_Concurrent_Signal_Assignment | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement => Processes_Table.Append ((Proc => Stmt, Inst => Inst, Drivers => No_Driver_Index, Sensitivity => No_Sensitivity_Index)); Gather_Process_Drivers (Inst, Stmt, Processes_Table.Last); Gather_Process_Sensitivity (Inst, Stmt, Processes_Table.Last); when Iir_Kind_Psl_Default_Clock => null; when Iir_Kind_Psl_Assert_Directive | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Break_Statement => Processes_Table.Append ((Proc => Stmt, Inst => Inst, Drivers => No_Driver_Index, Sensitivity => No_Sensitivity_Index)); Gather_Process_Sensitivity (Inst, Stmt, Processes_Table.Last); when Iir_Kind_Simple_Simultaneous_Statement => Simultaneous_Table.Append ((Stmt => Stmt, Inst => Inst)); when others => Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("gather_processes_stmt", Stmt); end case; end Gather_Processes_Stmt; procedure Gather_Processes_Stmts (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Stmts : Node) is Stmt : Node; begin Stmt := Stmts; while Stmt /= Null_Node loop Gather_Processes_Stmt (Inst, Stmt); Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt); end loop; end Gather_Processes_Stmts; procedure Gather_Processes_1 (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc) is N : constant Node := Get_Source_Scope (Inst); begin case Get_Kind (N) is when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body => declare Ent : constant Node := Get_Entity (N); begin Gather_Processes_Decls (Inst, Get_Port_Chain (Ent)); Gather_Processes_Decls (Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Ent)); Gather_Processes_Stmts (Inst, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Ent)); Gather_Processes_Decls (Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (N)); Gather_Processes_Stmts (Inst, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (N)); end; when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration => declare Comp_Inst : constant Synth_Instance_Acc := Get_Component_Instance (Inst); begin Gather_Processes_Decls (Inst, Get_Port_Chain (N)); if Comp_Inst /= null then Gather_Processes_1 (Comp_Inst); end if; end; when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement_Body | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement => Gather_Processes_Decls (Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (N)); Gather_Processes_Stmts (Inst, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (N)); when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration => Gather_Processes_Decls (Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (N)); when others => Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("gater_processes_1", N); end case; end Gather_Processes_1; procedure Gather_Processes (Top : Synth_Instance_Acc) is begin Processes_Table.Init; Signals_Table.Init; Drivers_Table.Init; Simul.Vhdl_Debug.Init; Signals_Table.Set_Last (Get_Nbr_Signal); for I in Signals_Table.First .. Signals_Table.Last loop Signals_Table.Table (I) := (Mode_End, Null_Node, null, null, null, null, No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index); end loop; -- Gather declarations of top-level packages. declare It : Iterator_Top_Level_Type; Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; begin It := Iterator_Top_Level_Init; loop Iterate_Top_Level (It, Inst); exit when Inst = null; pragma Assert (Inst /= Top); Gather_Processes_1 (Inst); end loop; end; Gather_Processes_1 (Top); -- For the debugger. Top_Instance := Top; end Gather_Processes; procedure Elab_Processes is Proc : Node; Proc_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; begin for I in Processes_Table.First .. Processes_Table.Last loop Proc := Processes_Table.Table (I).Proc; if Get_Kind (Proc) in Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement then Proc_Inst := Make_Elab_Instance (Processes_Table.Table (I).Inst, Proc, Null_Node); Processes_Table.Table (I).Inst := Proc_Inst; Elab.Vhdl_Decls.Elab_Declarations (Proc_Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Proc), True); end if; end loop; end Elab_Processes; procedure Elab_Drivers is begin null; end Elab_Drivers; end Simul.Vhdl_Elab;