-- PSL - Printer -- Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Tristan Gingold -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. with Types; use Types; with PSL.Errors; use PSL.Errors; with PSL.Prints; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Name_Table; use Name_Table; package body PSL.Tprint is procedure Disp_Expr (N : Node) is begin case Get_Kind (N) is when N_Number => declare Str : constant String := Uns32'Image (Get_Value (N)); begin Put (Str (2 .. Str'Last)); end; when others => Error_Kind ("disp_expr", N); end case; end Disp_Expr; procedure Disp_Count (N : Node) is B : Node; begin B := Get_Low_Bound (N); if B = Null_Node then return; end if; Disp_Expr (B); B := Get_High_Bound (N); if B = Null_Node then return; end if; Put (":"); Disp_Expr (B); end Disp_Count; procedure Put_Node (Prefix : String; Name : String) is begin Put (Prefix); Put ("-+ "); Put (Name); end Put_Node; procedure Put_Node_Line (Prefix : String; Name : String) is begin Put_Node (Prefix, Name); New_Line; end Put_Node_Line; function Down (Str : String) return String is L : constant Natural := Str'Last; begin if Str (L) = '\' then return Str (Str'First .. L - 1) & " \"; elsif Str (L) = '/' then return Str (Str'First .. L - 1) & "| \"; else raise Program_Error; end if; end Down; function Up (Str : String) return String is L : constant Natural := Str'Last; begin if Str (L) = '/' then return Str (Str'First .. L - 1) & " /"; elsif Str (L) = '\' then return Str (Str'First .. L - 1) & "| /"; else raise Program_Error; end if; end Up; procedure Disp_Repeat_Sequence (Prefix : String; Name : String; N : Node) is S : Node; begin Put_Node (Prefix, Name); Disp_Count (N); Put_Line ("]"); S := Get_Sequence (N); if S /= Null_Node then Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), S); end if; end Disp_Repeat_Sequence; procedure Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix : String; Name : String; N : Node) is begin Disp_Property (Up (Prefix), Get_Left (N)); Put_Node_Line (Prefix, Name); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Right (N)); end Disp_Binary_Sequence; procedure Disp_Range_Property (Prefix : String; Name : String; N : Node) is begin Put_Node (Prefix, Name); Put ("["); Disp_Count (N); Put_Line ("]"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Property (N)); end Disp_Range_Property; procedure Disp_Boolean_Range_Property (Prefix : String; Name : String; N : Node) is begin Disp_Property (Up (Prefix), Get_Boolean (N)); Put_Node (Prefix, Name); Put ("["); Disp_Count (N); Put_Line ("]"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Property (N)); end Disp_Boolean_Range_Property; procedure Disp_Property (Prefix : String; Prop : Node) is begin case Get_Kind (Prop) is when N_Never => Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "never"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Property (Prop)); when N_Always => Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "always"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Property (Prop)); when N_Eventually => Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "eventually!"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Property (Prop)); when N_Next => Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "next"); -- if Get_Strong_Flag (Prop) then -- Put ('!'); -- end if; Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Property (Prop)); when N_Next_A => Disp_Range_Property (Prefix, "next_a", Prop); when N_Next_E => Disp_Range_Property (Prefix, "next_e", Prop); when N_Next_Event => Disp_Property (Up (Prefix), Get_Boolean (Prop)); Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "next_event"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Property (Prop)); when N_Next_Event_A => Disp_Boolean_Range_Property (Prefix, "next_event_a", Prop); when N_Next_Event_E => Disp_Boolean_Range_Property (Prefix, "next_event_e", Prop); when N_Braced_SERE => Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "{} (braced_SERE)"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_SERE (Prop)); when N_Concat_SERE => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "; (concat)", Prop); when N_Fusion_SERE => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, ": (fusion)", Prop); when N_Within_SERE => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "within", Prop); when N_Match_And_Seq => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "&& (sequence matching len)", Prop); when N_Or_Seq => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "| (sequence or)", Prop); when N_And_Seq => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "& (sequence and)", Prop); when N_Imp_Seq => Disp_Property (Up (Prefix), Get_Sequence (Prop)); Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "|=> (sequence implication)"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Property (Prop)); when N_Overlap_Imp_Seq => Disp_Property (Up (Prefix), Get_Sequence (Prop)); Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "|->"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Property (Prop)); when N_Or_Prop => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "|| (property or)", Prop); when N_And_Prop => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "&& (property and)", Prop); when N_Log_Imp_Prop => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "-> (property impliciation)", Prop); when N_Until => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "until", Prop); when N_Before => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "before", Prop); when N_Abort => Disp_Property (Up (Prefix), Get_Property (Prop)); Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "abort"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Boolean (Prop)); when N_Not_Bool => Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "! (boolean not)"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Boolean (Prop)); when N_Or_Bool => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "|| (boolean or)", Prop); when N_And_Bool => Disp_Binary_Sequence (Prefix, "&& (boolean and)", Prop); when N_Name_Decl => Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "Name_Decl: " & Image (Get_Identifier (Prop))); when N_Name => Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "Name: " & Image (Get_Identifier (Prop))); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Decl (Prop)); when N_True => Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "TRUE"); when N_False => Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "FALSE"); when N_HDL_Expr => Put_Node (Prefix, "HDL_Expr: "); PSL.Prints.HDL_Expr_Printer.all (Get_HDL_Node (Prop)); New_Line; when N_Star_Repeat_Seq => Disp_Repeat_Sequence (Prefix, "[*", Prop); when N_Goto_Repeat_Seq => Disp_Repeat_Sequence (Prefix, "[->", Prop); when N_Equal_Repeat_Seq => Disp_Repeat_Sequence (Prefix, "[=", Prop); when N_Plus_Repeat_Seq => Put_Node_Line (Prefix, "[+]"); Disp_Property (Down (Prefix), Get_Sequence (Prop)); when others => Error_Kind ("disp_property", Prop); end case; end Disp_Property; procedure Disp_Assert (N : Node) is Label : constant Name_Id := Get_Label (N); begin Put (" "); if Label /= Null_Identifier then Put (Image (Label)); Put (": "); end if; Put_Line ("assert "); Disp_Property (" \", Get_Property (N)); end Disp_Assert; procedure Disp_Unit (Unit : Node) is Item : Node; begin case Get_Kind (Unit) is when N_Vunit => Put ("vunit"); when others => Error_Kind ("disp_unit", Unit); end case; Put (' '); Put (Image (Get_Identifier (Unit))); Put_Line (" {"); Item := Get_Item_Chain (Unit); while Item /= Null_Node loop case Get_Kind (Item) is when N_Assert_Directive => Disp_Assert (Item); when N_Name_Decl => null; when others => Error_Kind ("disp_unit", Item); end case; Item := Get_Chain (Item); end loop; Put_Line ("}"); end Disp_Unit; end PSL.Tprint;