-- PSL - Optimize NFA -- Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Tristan Gingold -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . with Types; use Types; with PSL.Types; use PSL.Types; with PSL.NFAs.Utils; use PSL.NFAs.Utils; with PSL.CSE; package body PSL.Optimize is procedure Push (Head : in out NFA_State; S : NFA_State) is begin Set_State_User_Link (S, Head); Head := S; end Push; procedure Pop (Head : in out NFA_State; S : out NFA_State) is begin S := Head; Head := Get_State_User_Link (S); end Pop; procedure Remove_Unreachable_States (N : NFA) is Start : constant NFA_State := Get_Start_State (N); Final : constant NFA_State := Get_Final_State (N); Active : constant NFA_State := Get_Active_State (N); Head : NFA_State; E : NFA_Edge; S, N_S : NFA_State; begin -- Remove unreachable states, ie states that can't be reached from -- start state. Head := No_State; -- The start state is reachable. Push (Head, Start); Set_State_Flag (Start, True); -- Follow edges and mark reachable states. while Head /= No_State loop Pop (Head, S); E := Get_First_Src_Edge (S); while E /= No_Edge loop S := Get_Edge_Dest (E); if not Get_State_Flag (S) then Push (Head, S); Set_State_Flag (S, True); end if; E := Get_Next_Src_Edge (E); end loop; end loop; -- Remove unreachable states. S := Get_First_State (N); while S /= No_State loop N_S := Get_Next_State (S); if Get_State_Flag (S) then -- Clean-up. Set_State_Flag (S, False); elsif S = Final then -- Do not remove final state! -- FIXME: deconnect state? null; elsif S = Active then -- Do not remove the active state, so that user can see that's -- vacuous. null; else Remove_State (N, S); end if; S := N_S; end loop; -- Remove no-where states, ie states that can't reach the final state. Head := No_State; -- The final state can reach the final state. Push (Head, Final); Set_State_Flag (Final, True); -- Follow edges and mark reachable states. while Head /= No_State loop Pop (Head, S); E := Get_First_Dest_Edge (S); while E /= No_Edge loop S := Get_Edge_Src (E); if not Get_State_Flag (S) then Push (Head, S); Set_State_Flag (S, True); end if; E := Get_Next_Dest_Edge (E); end loop; end loop; -- Remove unreachable states. S := Get_First_State (N); while S /= No_State loop N_S := Get_Next_State (S); if Get_State_Flag (S) then -- Clean-up. Set_State_Flag (S, False); elsif S = Start then -- Do not remove start state! -- FIXME: deconnect state? null; elsif S = Active then -- The active state is not expected to be reach the final state. null; else Remove_State (N, S); end if; S := N_S; end loop; end Remove_Unreachable_States; procedure Remove_Simple_Prefix (N : NFA) is Start : NFA_State; D : NFA_State; T_Start, T_D, Next_T_D : NFA_Edge; T_Expr : Node; Clean : Boolean := False; begin Start := Get_Start_State (N); -- Iterate on edges from the start state. T_Start := Get_First_Src_Edge (Start); while T_Start /= No_Edge loop -- Edge destination. D := Get_Edge_Dest (T_Start); T_Expr := Get_Edge_Expr (T_Start); -- Iterate on destination incoming edges. T_D := Get_First_Dest_Edge (D); while T_D /= No_Edge loop Next_T_D := Get_Next_Dest_Edge (T_D); -- Remove parallel edge. if T_D /= T_Start and then Get_Edge_Expr (T_D) = T_Expr then Remove_Edge (T_D); Clean := True; end if; T_D := Next_T_D; end loop; T_Start := Get_Next_Src_Edge (T_Start); end loop; if Clean then Remove_Unreachable_States (N); end if; end Remove_Simple_Prefix; -- Return TRUE iff the outgoing or incoming edges of L and R are the same. -- Outgoing edges must be sorted. generic with function Get_First_Edge (S : NFA_State) return NFA_Edge; with function Get_Next_Edge (E : NFA_Edge) return NFA_Edge; with function Get_Edge_State_Reverse (E : NFA_Edge) return NFA_State; function Are_States_Identical_Gen (L, R : NFA_State) return Boolean; function Are_States_Identical_Gen (L, R : NFA_State) return Boolean is L_E, R_E : NFA_Edge; L_S, R_S : NFA_State; begin L_E := Get_First_Edge (L); R_E := Get_First_Edge (R); loop if L_E = No_Edge and then R_E = No_Edge then -- End of chain for both L and R -> identical states. return True; elsif L_E = No_Edge or R_E = No_Edge then -- End of chain for either L or R -> non identical states. return False; elsif Get_Edge_Expr (L_E) /= Get_Edge_Expr (R_E) then -- Different edge (different expressions). return False; end if; L_S := Get_Edge_State_Reverse (L_E); R_S := Get_Edge_State_Reverse (R_E); if L_S /= R_S and then (L_S /= L or else R_S /= R) then -- Predecessors are differents and not loop. return False; end if; L_E := Get_Next_Edge (L_E); R_E := Get_Next_Edge (R_E); end loop; end Are_States_Identical_Gen; generic with procedure Sort_Edges (N : NFA); with procedure Sort_Edges_Reverse (S : NFA_State); with function Get_First_Edge (S : NFA_State) return NFA_Edge; with function Get_Next_Edge (E : NFA_Edge) return NFA_Edge; with function Get_First_Edge_Reverse (S : NFA_State) return NFA_Edge; with function Get_Next_Edge_Reverse (E : NFA_Edge) return NFA_Edge; with function Get_Edge_State (E : NFA_Edge) return NFA_State; with function Get_Edge_State_Reverse (E : NFA_Edge) return NFA_State; with procedure Merge_State_Reverse (N : NFA; S : NFA_State; S1 : NFA_State); procedure Merge_Identical_States_Gen (N : NFA); procedure Merge_Identical_States_Gen (N : NFA) is function Are_States_Identical is new Are_States_Identical_Gen (Get_First_Edge => Get_First_Edge, Get_Next_Edge => Get_Next_Edge, Get_Edge_State_Reverse => Get_Edge_State_Reverse); S : NFA_State; E : NFA_Edge; E_State, Next_E_State : NFA_State; Next_E, Next_Next_E : NFA_Edge; begin Sort_Edges (N); -- Iterate on states. S := Get_First_State (N); while S /= No_State loop Sort_Edges_Reverse (S); -- Iterate on incoming edges. E := Get_First_Edge_Reverse (S); while E /= No_Edge loop E_State := Get_Edge_State (E); -- Try to merge E with its successors. Next_E := Get_Next_Edge_Reverse (E); while Next_E /= No_Edge and then Get_Edge_Expr (E) = Get_Edge_Expr (Next_E) loop Next_E_State := Get_Edge_State (Next_E); Next_Next_E := Get_Next_Edge_Reverse (Next_E); if Next_E_State = E_State then -- Identical edge (same edge expression, same states): -- remove the duplicate. Remove_Edge (Next_E); elsif Are_States_Identical (E_State, Next_E_State) then Merge_State_Reverse (N, E_State, Next_E_State); end if; Next_E := Next_Next_E; end loop; E := Get_Next_Edge_Reverse (E); end loop; S := Get_Next_State (S); end loop; end Merge_Identical_States_Gen; procedure Merge_Identical_States_Src is new Merge_Identical_States_Gen (Sort_Edges => Sort_Src_Edges, Sort_Edges_Reverse => Sort_Dest_Edges, Get_First_Edge => Get_First_Src_Edge, Get_Next_Edge => Get_Next_Src_Edge, Get_First_Edge_Reverse => Get_First_Dest_Edge, Get_Next_Edge_Reverse => Get_Next_Dest_Edge, Get_Edge_State => Get_Edge_Src, Get_Edge_State_Reverse => Get_Edge_Dest, Merge_State_Reverse => Merge_State_Dest); procedure Merge_Identical_States_Dest is new Merge_Identical_States_Gen (Sort_Edges => Sort_Dest_Edges, Sort_Edges_Reverse => Sort_Src_Edges, Get_First_Edge => Get_First_Dest_Edge, Get_Next_Edge => Get_Next_Dest_Edge, Get_First_Edge_Reverse => Get_First_Src_Edge, Get_Next_Edge_Reverse => Get_Next_Src_Edge, Get_Edge_State => Get_Edge_Dest, Get_Edge_State_Reverse => Get_Edge_Src, Merge_State_Reverse => Merge_State_Src); procedure Merge_Identical_States (N : NFA) is begin Merge_Identical_States_Src (N); Merge_Identical_States_Dest (N); end Merge_Identical_States; procedure Merge_Edges (N : NFA) is use PSL.CSE; Nbr_States : Natural; begin Labelize_States (N, Nbr_States); declare Last_State : constant Int32 := Int32 (Nbr_States) - 1; type Edge_Array is array (0 .. Last_State) of NFA_Edge; Edges : Edge_Array; S, D : NFA_State; L_D : Int32; E, Next_E : NFA_Edge; begin -- Iterate on states. S := Get_First_State (N); while S /= No_State loop Edges := (others => No_Edge); -- Iterate on edges whose source is S. E := Get_First_Src_Edge (S); while E /= No_Edge loop Next_E := Get_Next_Src_Edge (E); D := Get_Edge_Dest (E); L_D := Get_State_Label (D); if Edges (L_D) /= No_Edge then -- There is already an edge with the same source and the -- same destination label. Set_Edge_Expr (Edges (L_D), Build_Bool_Or (Get_Edge_Expr (Edges (L_D)), Get_Edge_Expr (E))); -- FIXME: reduce expression. Remove_Edge (E); else Edges (L_D) := E; end if; E := Next_E; end loop; S := Get_Next_State (S); end loop; end; end Merge_Edges; procedure Remove_Identical_Src_Edges (S : NFA_State) is Next_E, E : NFA_Edge; begin Sort_Src_Edges (S); E := Get_First_Src_Edge (S); if E = No_Edge then return; end if; loop Next_E := Get_Next_Src_Edge (E); exit when Next_E = No_Edge; if Get_Edge_Dest (E) = Get_Edge_Dest (Next_E) and then Get_Edge_Expr (E) = Get_Edge_Expr (Next_E) then Remove_Edge (Next_E); else E := Next_E; end if; end loop; end Remove_Identical_Src_Edges; procedure Remove_Identical_Dest_Edges (S : NFA_State) is Next_E, E : NFA_Edge; begin Sort_Dest_Edges (S); E := Get_First_Dest_Edge (S); if E = No_Edge then return; end if; loop Next_E := Get_Next_Dest_Edge (E); exit when Next_E = No_Edge; if Get_Edge_Src (E) = Get_Edge_Src (Next_E) and then Get_Edge_Expr (E) = Get_Edge_Expr (Next_E) then Remove_Edge (Next_E); else E := Next_E; end if; end loop; end Remove_Identical_Dest_Edges; procedure Find_Partitions (N : NFA; Nbr_States : Natural) is Last_State : constant NFA_State := NFA_State (Nbr_States) - 1; type Part_Offset is new Int32 range -1 .. Nat32 (Nbr_States - 1); type Part_Id is new Part_Offset range 0 .. Part_Offset'Last; -- State to partition id. State_Part : array (0 .. Last_State) of Part_Id; pragma Unreferenced (State_Part); -- Last partition index. Last_Part : Part_Id; -- Partitions content. -- To get the states in a partition P, first get the offset OFF -- (from Offsets) of P. States are in Parts (OFF ...). The -- number of states is not known, but they all belong to P -- (check with STATE_PART). Parts : array (Part_Offset) of NFA_State; type Offset_Array is array (Part_Id) of Part_Offset; Start_Offsets : Offset_Array; Last_Offsets : Offset_Array; S, Final_State : NFA_State; First_S : NFA_State; Off, Last_Off : Part_Offset; Stable, Stable1 : Boolean; function Is_Equivalent (L, R : NFA_State) return Boolean is begin raise Program_Error; return False; end Is_Equivalent; begin -- Return now for trivial cases (0 or 1 state). if Nbr_States < 2 then return; end if; -- Partition 1 contains the final state. -- Partition 0 contains the other states. Final_State := Get_Final_State (N); Last_Part := 1; State_Part := (others => 0); State_Part (Final_State) := 1; S := Get_First_State (N); Off := -1; while S /= No_State loop if S /= Last_State then Off := Off + 1; Parts (Off) := S; end if; S := Get_Next_State (S); end loop; Start_Offsets (0) := 0; Last_Offsets (0) := Off; Start_Offsets (1) := Off + 1; Last_Offsets (1) := Off + 1; Parts (Off + 1) := Final_State; -- Now the hard work. loop Stable := True; -- For every partition for P in 0 .. Last_Part loop Off := Start_Offsets (P); First_S := Parts (Off); Off := Off + 1; -- For every S != First_S in P. Last_Off := Last_Offsets (P); Stable1 := True; while Off <= Last_Off loop S := Parts (Off); if not Is_Equivalent (First_S, S) then -- Swap S with the last element of the partition. Parts (Off) := Parts (Last_Off); Parts (Last_Off) := S; -- Reduce partition size. Last_Off := Last_Off - 1; Last_Offsets (P) := Last_Off; if Stable1 then -- Create a new partition. Last_Part := Last_Part + 1; Last_Offsets (Last_Part) := Last_Off + 1; Stable1 := False; end if; -- Put S in the new partition. Start_Offsets (Last_Part) := Last_Off + 1; State_Part (S) := Last_Part; Stable := False; -- And continue with the swapped state. else Off := Off + 1; end if; end loop; end loop; exit when Stable; end loop; end Find_Partitions; pragma Unreferenced (Find_Partitions); end PSL.Optimize;