-- PSL - Disp nodes -- Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Tristan Gingold -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Types; use Types; with Name_Table; with PSL.Types; use PSL.Types; with PSL.Errors; with PSL.Nodes_Meta; package body PSL.Dump_Tree is procedure Put_Indent (Indent : Natural) is begin Put (String'(1 .. 2 * Indent => ' ')); end Put_Indent; Hex_Digits : constant array (Integer range 0 .. 15) of Character := "0123456789abcdef"; procedure Disp_Uns32 (Val : Uns32) is Res : String (1 .. 8); V : Uns32 := Val; begin for I in reverse Res'Range loop Res (I) := Hex_Digits (Integer (V mod 16)); V := V / 16; end loop; Put (Res); end Disp_Uns32; procedure Disp_Int32 (Val : Int32) is Res : String (1 .. 8); V : Int32 := Val; begin for I in reverse Res'Range loop Res (I) := Hex_Digits (Integer (V mod 16)); V := V / 16; end loop; Put (Res); end Disp_Int32; function Image_Boolean (Bool : Boolean) return String is begin if Bool then return "true"; else return "false"; end if; end Image_Boolean; procedure Disp_HDL_Node (Val : HDL_Node; Indent : Natural; Depth : Natural) is begin if Dump_Hdl_Node /= null then Dump_Hdl_Node.all (Val, Indent, Depth); else Disp_Int32 (Val); New_Line; end if; end Disp_HDL_Node; procedure Disp_Node_Number (N : Node) is begin Put ('['); Disp_Int32 (Int32 (N)); Put (']'); end Disp_Node_Number; procedure Disp_NFA (Val : NFA) is begin Disp_Int32 (Int32 (Val)); end Disp_NFA; procedure Disp_Header (Msg : String; Indent : Natural) is begin Put_Indent (Indent); Put (Msg); Put (": "); end Disp_Header; function Image_PSL_Presence_Kind (Pres : PSL_Presence_Kind) return String is begin case Pres is when Present_Pos => return "+"; when Present_Neg => return "-"; when Present_Unknown => return "?"; end case; end Image_PSL_Presence_Kind; procedure Disp_Location (Loc : Location_Type) is begin Put (PSL.Errors.Image (Loc)); end Disp_Location; -- procedure Disp_String_Id (N : Node) is -- begin -- Put ('"'); -- Put (Str_Table.Image (Get_String_Id (N))); -- Put ('"'); -- New_Line; -- end Disp_String_Id; procedure Disp_Header (N : Node) is use Nodes_Meta; K : Nkind; begin if N = Null_Node then Put_Line ("*null*"); return; end if; K := Get_Kind (N); Put (Get_Nkind_Image (K)); if Has_Identifier (K) then Put (' '); Put (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (N))); end if; Put (' '); Disp_Node_Number (N); New_Line; end Disp_Header; procedure Disp_Chain (Tree_Chain: Node; Indent: Natural; Depth : Natural) is El: Node; begin New_Line; El := Tree_Chain; while El /= Null_Node loop Put_Indent (Indent); Disp_Tree (El, Indent + 1, Depth); El := Get_Chain (El); end loop; end Disp_Chain; procedure Disp_Tree (N : Node; Indent : Natural; Depth : Natural) is begin Disp_Header (N); if Depth <= 1 or else N = Null_Node then return; end if; Disp_Header ("location", Indent); Disp_Location (Get_Location (N)); New_Line; declare use Nodes_Meta; Sub_Indent : constant Natural := Indent + 1; Fields : constant Fields_Array := Get_Fields (Get_Kind (N)); F : Fields_Enum; begin for I in Fields'Range loop F := Fields (I); Disp_Header (Get_Field_Image (F), Indent); case Get_Field_Type (F) is when Type_Node => case Get_Field_Attribute (F) is when Attr_None => Disp_Tree (Get_Node (N, F), Sub_Indent, Depth - 1); when Attr_Ref => Disp_Tree (Get_Node (N, F), Sub_Indent, 0); when Attr_Chain => Disp_Chain (Get_Node (N, F), Sub_Indent, Depth - 1); when Attr_Chain_Next => Disp_Node_Number (Get_Node (N, F)); New_Line; when Attr_Maybe_Ref | Attr_Of_Ref => raise Internal_Error; end case; when Type_Boolean => Put_Line (Image_Boolean (Get_Boolean (N, F))); when Type_Int32 => Disp_Int32 (Get_Int32 (N, F)); New_Line; when Type_Uns32 => Disp_Uns32 (Get_Uns32 (N, F)); New_Line; when Type_Name_Id => Put_Line (Name_Table.Image (Get_Name_Id (N, F))); when Type_HDL_Node => Disp_HDL_Node (Get_HDL_Node (N, F), Sub_Indent, Depth - 1); when Type_NFA => Disp_NFA (Get_NFA (N, F)); New_Line; when Type_PSL_Presence_Kind => Put (Image_PSL_Presence_Kind (Get_PSL_Presence_Kind (N, F))); New_Line; end case; end loop; end; end Disp_Tree; end PSL.Dump_Tree;