-- Mcode back-end for ortho - type handling. -- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; with Tables; with Ortho_Code.Consts; use Ortho_Code.Consts; with Ortho_Code.Debug; with Ortho_Code.Abi; use Ortho_Code.Abi; with Ortho_Ident; package body Ortho_Code.Types is type Bool_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Boolean; pragma Pack (Bool_Array); type Tnode_Common is record Kind : OT_Kind; -- 4 bits. Mode : Mode_Type; -- 4 bits. Align : Small_Natural; -- 2 bits. Deferred : Boolean; -- 1 bit (True if the type was incomplete at first) Flag1 : Boolean; Pad0 : Bool_Array (0 .. 19); Size : Uns32; end record; pragma Pack (Tnode_Common); for Tnode_Common'Size use 64; type Tnode_Access is record Dtype : O_Tnode; Pad : Uns32; end record; type Tnode_Array is record Element_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode; end record; type Tnode_Subarray is record Base_Type : O_Tnode; Length : Uns32; end record; type Tnode_Record is record Fields : O_Fnode; Nbr_Fields : Uns32; end record; type Tnode_Enum is record Lits : O_Cnode; Nbr_Lits : Uns32; end record; type Tnode_Bool is record Lit_False : O_Cnode; Lit_True : O_Cnode; end record; package Tnodes is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Tnode_Common, Table_Index_Type => O_Tnode, Table_Low_Bound => O_Tnode_First, Table_Initial => 128); type Field_Type is record Parent : O_Tnode; Ident : O_Ident; Ftype : O_Tnode; Offset : Uns32; Next : O_Fnode; end record; package Fnodes is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Field_Type, Table_Index_Type => O_Fnode, Table_Low_Bound => 2, Table_Initial => 64); function Get_Type_Kind (Atype : O_Tnode) return OT_Kind is begin return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Kind; end Get_Type_Kind; function Get_Type_Size (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32 is begin pragma Assert (Get_Type_Kind (Atype) /= OT_Ucarray); return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Size; end Get_Type_Size; function Get_Type_Align (Atype : O_Tnode) return Small_Natural is begin return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Align; end Get_Type_Align; function Get_Type_Align_Bytes (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32 is begin return 2 ** Get_Type_Align (Atype); end Get_Type_Align_Bytes; function Get_Type_Mode (Atype : O_Tnode) return Mode_Type is begin return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Mode; end Get_Type_Mode; function Get_Type_Deferred (Atype : O_Tnode) return Boolean is begin return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Deferred; end Get_Type_Deferred; function Get_Type_Flag1 (Atype : O_Tnode) return Boolean is begin return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Flag1; end Get_Type_Flag1; procedure Set_Type_Flag1 (Atype : O_Tnode; Flag : Boolean) is begin Tnodes.Table (Atype).Flag1 := Flag; end Set_Type_Flag1; function To_Tnode_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Access); function Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is begin return To_Tnode_Access (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Dtype; end Get_Type_Access_Type; function To_Tnode_Array is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Array); function Get_Type_Ucarray_Index (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is begin return To_Tnode_Array (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Index_Type; end Get_Type_Ucarray_Index; function Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is begin return To_Tnode_Array (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Element_Type; end Get_Type_Ucarray_Element; function To_Tnode_Subarray is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Subarray); function Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is begin return To_Tnode_Subarray (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Base_Type; end Get_Type_Subarray_Base; function Get_Type_Subarray_Length (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32 is begin return To_Tnode_Subarray (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Length; end Get_Type_Subarray_Length; function To_Tnode_Record is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Record); function Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Fnode is begin return To_Tnode_Record (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Fields; end Get_Type_Record_Fields; function Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32 is begin return To_Tnode_Record (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Nbr_Fields; end Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields; function To_Tnode_Enum is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Enum); function Get_Type_Enum_Lits (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is begin return To_Tnode_Enum (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Lits; end Get_Type_Enum_Lits; function Get_Type_Enum_Lit (Atype : O_Tnode; Pos : Uns32) return O_Cnode is F : O_Cnode; begin F := Get_Type_Enum_Lits (Atype); return F + 2 * O_Cnode (Pos); end Get_Type_Enum_Lit; function Get_Type_Enum_Nbr_Lits (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32 is begin return To_Tnode_Enum (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Nbr_Lits; end Get_Type_Enum_Nbr_Lits; function To_Tnode_Bool is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Bool); function Get_Type_Bool_False (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is begin return To_Tnode_Bool (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Lit_False; end Get_Type_Bool_False; function Get_Type_Bool_True (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is begin return To_Tnode_Bool (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Lit_True; end Get_Type_Bool_True; function Get_Field_Offset (Field : O_Fnode) return Uns32 is begin return Fnodes.Table (Field).Offset; end Get_Field_Offset; procedure Set_Field_Offset (Field : O_Fnode; Offset : Uns32) is begin Fnodes.Table (Field).Offset := Offset; end Set_Field_Offset; function Get_Field_Parent (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Tnode is begin return Fnodes.Table (Field).Parent; end Get_Field_Parent; function Get_Field_Type (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Tnode is begin return Fnodes.Table (Field).Ftype; end Get_Field_Type; function Get_Field_Ident (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Ident is begin return Fnodes.Table (Field).Ident; end Get_Field_Ident; function Get_Field_Chain (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Fnode is begin return Fnodes.Table (Field).Next; end Get_Field_Chain; function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode is Mode : Mode_Type; Sz : Uns32; begin case Size is when 8 => Mode := Mode_U8; Sz := 1; when 16 => Mode := Mode_U16; Sz := 2; when 32 => Mode := Mode_U32; Sz := 4; when 64 => Mode := Mode_U64; Sz := 8; when others => raise Program_Error; end case; Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Unsigned, Mode => Mode, Align => Mode_Align (Mode), Deferred => False, Flag1 => False, Pad0 => (others => False), Size => Sz)); return Tnodes.Last; end New_Unsigned_Type; function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode is Mode : Mode_Type; Sz : Uns32; begin case Size is when 8 => Mode := Mode_I8; Sz := 1; when 16 => Mode := Mode_I16; Sz := 2; when 32 => Mode := Mode_I32; Sz := 4; when 64 => Mode := Mode_I64; Sz := 8; when others => raise Program_Error; end case; Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Signed, Mode => Mode, Align => Mode_Align (Mode), Deferred => False, Flag1 => False, Pad0 => (others => False), Size => Sz)); return Tnodes.Last; end New_Signed_Type; function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode is begin Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Float, Mode => Mode_F64, Align => Mode_Align (Mode_F64), Deferred => False, Flag1 => False, Pad0 => (others => False), Size => 8)); return Tnodes.Last; end New_Float_Type; function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Enum, Target => Tnode_Common); procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural) is Mode : Mode_Type; Sz : Uns32; begin case Size is when 8 => Mode := Mode_U8; Sz := 1; when 16 => Mode := Mode_U16; Sz := 2; when 32 => Mode := Mode_U32; Sz := 4; when 64 => Mode := Mode_U64; Sz := 8; when others => raise Program_Error; end case; Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Enum, Mode => Mode, Align => Mode_Align (Mode), Deferred => False, Flag1 => False, Pad0 => (others => False), Size => Sz)); List := (Res => Tnodes.Last, First => O_Cnode_Null, Last => O_Cnode_Null, Nbr => 0); Tnodes.Increment_Last; end Start_Enum_Type; procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List; Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode) is begin Res := New_Named_Literal (List.Res, Ident, List.Nbr, List.Last); List.Nbr := List.Nbr + 1; if List.Last = O_Cnode_Null then List.First := Res; end if; List.Last := Res; end New_Enum_Literal; procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is begin Res := List.Res; Tnodes.Table (List.Res + 1) := To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Enum'(Lits => List.First, Nbr_Lits => List.Nbr)); end Finish_Enum_Type; function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Bool, Target => Tnode_Common); procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode; False_Id : O_Ident; False_E : out O_Cnode; True_Id : O_Ident; True_E : out O_Cnode) is begin Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Boolean, Mode => Mode_B2, Align => 0, Deferred => False, Flag1 => False, Pad0 => (others => False), Size => 1)); Res := Tnodes.Last; False_E := New_Named_Literal (Res, False_Id, 0, O_Cnode_Null); True_E := New_Named_Literal (Res, True_Id, 1, False_E); Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Bool'(Lit_False => False_E, Lit_True => True_E))); end New_Boolean_Type; function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Array, Target => Tnode_Common); function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is Res : O_Tnode; begin Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Ucarray, Mode => Mode_Blk, Align => Get_Type_Align (El_Type), Deferred => False, Flag1 => False, Pad0 => (others => False), Size => 0)); Res := Tnodes.Last; Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Array'(Element_Type => El_Type, Index_Type => Index_Type))); return Res; end New_Array_Type; function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Subarray, Target => Tnode_Common); function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : Uns32) return O_Tnode is Res : O_Tnode; Size : Uns32; begin Size := Get_Type_Size (Get_Type_Array_Element (Atype)); Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Subarray, Mode => Mode_Blk, Align => Get_Type_Align (Atype), Deferred => False, Flag1 => False, Pad0 => (others => False), Size => Size * Length)); Res := Tnodes.Last; Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Subarray'(Base_Type => Atype, Length => Length))); return Res; end New_Constrained_Array_Type; procedure Create_Completer (Atype : O_Tnode) is begin Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Complete, Mode => Mode_Nil, Align => 0, Deferred => False, Flag1 => False, Pad0 => (others => False), Size => To_Uns32 (Int32 (Atype)))); end Create_Completer; function Get_Type_Complete_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is begin return O_Tnode (To_Int32 (Tnodes.Table (Atype).Size)); end Get_Type_Complete_Type; function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Access, Target => Tnode_Common); function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is Res : O_Tnode; Sz : constant Uns32 := Boolean'Pos (Mode_Ptr = Mode_P32) * 4 + Boolean'Pos (Mode_Ptr = Mode_P64) * 8; begin Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Access, Mode => Mode_Ptr, Align => Mode_Align (Mode_Ptr), Deferred => Dtype = O_Tnode_Null, Flag1 => False, Pad0 => (others => False), Size => Sz)); Res := Tnodes.Last; Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Access'(Dtype => Dtype, Pad => 0))); return Res; end New_Access_Type; procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode) is begin if Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype) /= O_Tnode_Null then raise Program_Error; end if; Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1) := To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Access'(Dtype => Dtype, Pad => 0)); if Flag_Type_Completer then Create_Completer (Atype); end if; end Finish_Access_Type; function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tnode_Record, Target => Tnode_Common); function Create_Record_Type (Deferred : Boolean) return O_Tnode is Res : O_Tnode; begin Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Record, Mode => Mode_Blk, Align => 0, Deferred => Deferred, Flag1 => False, Pad0 => (others => False), Size => 0)); Res := Tnodes.Last; Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Record'(Fields => O_Fnode_Null, Nbr_Fields => 0))); return Res; end Create_Record_Type; procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List) is begin Elements := (Res => Create_Record_Type (False), First_Field => O_Fnode_Null, Last_Field => O_Fnode_Null, Off => 0, Align => 0, Nbr => 0); end Start_Record_Type; procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode) is begin Res := Create_Record_Type (True); end New_Uncomplete_Record_Type; procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode; Elements : out O_Element_List) is begin Elements := (Res => Res, First_Field => O_Fnode_Null, Last_Field => O_Fnode_Null, Off => 0, Align => 0, Nbr => 0); end Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type; function Get_Mode_Size (Mode : Mode_Type) return Uns32 is begin case Mode is when Mode_B2 | Mode_U8 | Mode_I8 => return 1; when Mode_I16 | Mode_U16 => return 2; when Mode_I32 | Mode_U32 | Mode_P32 | Mode_F32 => return 4; when Mode_I64 | Mode_U64 | Mode_P64 | Mode_F64 => return 8; when Mode_X1 | Mode_Nil | Mode_Blk => raise Program_Error; end case; end Get_Mode_Size; function Do_Align (Off : Uns32; Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32 is Msk : constant Uns32 := Get_Type_Align_Bytes (Atype) - 1; begin -- Align. return (Off + Msk) and (not Msk); end Do_Align; function Do_Align (Off : Uns32; Mode : Mode_Type) return Uns32 is Msk : constant Uns32 := (2 ** Mode_Align (Mode)) - 1; begin -- Align. return (Off + Msk) and (not Msk); end Do_Align; procedure New_Record_Field (Elements : in out O_Element_List; El : out O_Fnode; Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode) is begin Elements.Off := Do_Align (Elements.Off, Etype); Fnodes.Append (Field_Type'(Parent => Elements.Res, Ident => Ident, Ftype => Etype, Offset => Elements.Off, Next => O_Fnode_Null)); El := Fnodes.Last; Elements.Off := Elements.Off + Get_Type_Size (Etype); if Get_Type_Align (Etype) > Elements.Align then Elements.Align := Get_Type_Align (Etype); end if; if Elements.Last_Field /= O_Fnode_Null then Fnodes.Table (Elements.Last_Field).Next := Fnodes.Last; else Elements.First_Field := Fnodes.Last; end if; Elements.Last_Field := Fnodes.Last; Elements.Nbr := Elements.Nbr + 1; end New_Record_Field; procedure Finish_Record_Type (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is begin Tnodes.Table (Elements.Res).Align := Elements.Align; Tnodes.Table (Elements.Res).Size := Do_Align (Elements.Off, Elements.Res); Tnodes.Table (Elements.Res + 1) := To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Record'(Fields => Elements.First_Field, Nbr_Fields => Elements.Nbr)); Res := Elements.Res; if Flag_Type_Completer and then Tnodes.Table (Elements.Res).Deferred then Create_Completer (Elements.Res); end if; end Finish_Record_Type; procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List) is begin Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Union, Mode => Mode_Blk, Align => 0, Deferred => False, Flag1 => False, Pad0 => (others => False), Size => 0)); Elements := (Res => Tnodes.Last, First_Field => O_Fnode_Null, Last_Field => O_Fnode_Null, Off => 0, Align => 0, Nbr => 0); Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Record'(Fields => O_Fnode_Null, Nbr_Fields => 0))); end Start_Union_Type; procedure New_Union_Field (Elements : in out O_Element_List; El : out O_Fnode; Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode) is Off : Uns32; begin Off := Elements.Off; Elements.Off := 0; New_Record_Field (Elements, El, Ident, Etype); if Off > Elements.Off then Elements.Off := Off; end if; end New_Union_Field; procedure Finish_Union_Type (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is begin Finish_Record_Type (Elements, Res); end Finish_Union_Type; function Get_Type_Array_Element (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is Base : O_Tnode; begin case Get_Type_Kind (Atype) is when OT_Ucarray => Base := Atype; when OT_Subarray => Base := Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; return Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Base); end Get_Type_Array_Element; procedure Debug_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) is use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; Kind : OT_Kind; begin Put (Int32 (Atype), 3); Put (" "); Kind := Get_Type_Kind (Atype); Put (OT_Kind'Image (Get_Type_Kind (Atype))); Put (" "); Put (Mode_Type'Image (Get_Type_Mode (Atype))); Put (" D="); Put (Boolean'Image (Get_Type_Deferred (Atype))); Put (" F1="); Put (Boolean'Image (Get_Type_Flag1 (Atype))); New_Line; case Kind is when OT_Boolean => Put (" false: "); Put (Int32 (Get_Type_Bool_False (Atype))); Put (", true: "); Put (Int32 (Get_Type_Bool_True (Atype))); New_Line; when OT_Access => Put (" acc_type: "); Put (Int32 (Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype))); New_Line; when OT_Record => Put (" fields: "); Put (Int32 (Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype))); Put (", nbr_fields: "); Put (To_Int32 (Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype))); New_Line; when OT_Subarray => Put (" base type: "); Put (Int32 (Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype))); Put (", length: "); Put (To_Int32 (Get_Type_Subarray_Length (Atype))); New_Line; when others => null; end case; end Debug_Type; procedure Debug_Field (Field : O_Fnode) is use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; begin Put (Int32 (Field), 3); Put (" "); Put (" Offset="); Put (To_Int32 (Get_Field_Offset (Field)), 0); Put (", Ident="); Put (Ortho_Ident.Get_String (Get_Field_Ident (Field))); Put (", Type="); Put (Int32 (Get_Field_Type (Field)), 0); Put (", Chain="); Put (Int32 (Get_Field_Chain (Field)), 0); New_Line; end Debug_Field; function Get_Type_Limit return O_Tnode is begin return Tnodes.Last; end Get_Type_Limit; function Get_Type_Next (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is begin case Tnodes.Table (Atype).Kind is when OT_Unsigned | OT_Signed | OT_Float => return Atype + 1; when OT_Boolean | OT_Enum | OT_Ucarray | OT_Subarray | OT_Access | OT_Record | OT_Union => return Atype + 2; when OT_Complete => return Atype + 1; end case; end Get_Type_Next; function Get_Base_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is begin case Get_Type_Kind (Atype) is when OT_Subarray => return Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype); when others => return Atype; end case; end Get_Base_Type; procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type) is begin M.Tnode := Tnodes.Last; M.Fnode := Fnodes.Last; end Mark; procedure Release (M : Mark_Type) is begin Tnodes.Set_Last (M.Tnode); Fnodes.Set_Last (M.Fnode); end Release; procedure Disp_Stats is use Ada.Text_IO; begin Put_Line ("Number of Tnodes: " & O_Tnode'Image (Tnodes.Last)); Put_Line ("Number of Fnodes: " & O_Fnode'Image (Fnodes.Last)); end Disp_Stats; procedure Finish is begin Tnodes.Free; Fnodes.Free; end Finish; end Ortho_Code.Types;