-- Mcode back-end for ortho - Internal tree dumper. -- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ortho_Code.Debug; with Ortho_Code.Consts; with Ortho_Code.Decls; with Ortho_Code.Types; with Ortho_Code.Flags; with Ortho_Ident; with Interfaces; package body Ortho_Code.Disps is procedure Disp_Subprg (Ident : Natural; S_Entry : O_Enode); procedure Disp_Expr (Expr : O_Enode); procedure Disp_Indent (Indent : Natural) is begin Put ((1 .. 2 * Indent => ' ')); end Disp_Indent; procedure Disp_Ident (Id : O_Ident) is use Ortho_Ident; begin Put (Get_String (Id)); end Disp_Ident; procedure Disp_Storage (Storage : O_Storage) is begin case Storage is when O_Storage_External => Put ("external"); when O_Storage_Public => Put ("public"); when O_Storage_Private => Put ("private"); when O_Storage_Local => Put ("local"); end case; end Disp_Storage; procedure Disp_Label (Label : O_Enode) is N : Int32; begin case Get_Expr_Kind (Label) is when OE_Label => Put ("label"); N := Int32 (Label); when OE_Loop => Put ("loop"); N := Int32 (Label); when OE_BB => Put ("BB"); N := Get_BB_Number (Label); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; Put (Int32'Image (N)); Put (":"); end Disp_Label; procedure Disp_Call (Call : O_Enode) is Arg : O_Enode; begin Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Call_Subprg (Call)); Arg := Get_Arg_Link (Call); if Arg /= O_Enode_Null then Put (" ("); loop Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Arg)); Arg := Get_Arg_Link (Arg); exit when Arg = O_Enode_Null; Put (", "); end loop; Put (")"); end if; end Disp_Call; procedure Put_Trim (Str : String) is begin if Str (Str'First) = ' ' then Put (Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last)); else Put (Str); end if; end Put_Trim; procedure Disp_Typed_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode; Val : String) is use Ortho_Code.Consts; begin Disp_Type (Get_Const_Type (Lit)); Put ("'["); Put_Trim (Val); Put (']'); end Disp_Typed_Lit; procedure Disp_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) is use Interfaces; use Ortho_Code.Consts; begin case Get_Const_Kind (Lit) is when OC_Unsigned => Disp_Typed_Lit (Lit, Unsigned_64'Image (Get_Const_U64 (Lit))); when OC_Signed => Disp_Typed_Lit (Lit, Integer_64'Image (Get_Const_I64 (Lit))); when OC_Subprg_Address => Disp_Type (Get_Const_Type (Lit)); Put ("'subprg_addr ("); Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Const_Decl (Lit)); Put (")"); when OC_Address => Disp_Type (Get_Const_Type (Lit)); Put ("'address ("); Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Const_Decl (Lit)); Put (")"); when OC_Sizeof => Disp_Type (Get_Const_Type (Lit)); Put ("'sizeof ("); Disp_Type (Get_Sizeof_Type (Lit)); Put (")"); when OC_Null => Disp_Type (Get_Const_Type (Lit)); Put ("'[null]"); when OC_Lit => declare L : O_Cnode; begin L := Types.Get_Type_Enum_Lit (Get_Const_Type (Lit), Get_Lit_Value (Lit)); Disp_Typed_Lit (Lit, Ortho_Ident.Get_String (Get_Lit_Ident (L))); end; when OC_Array => Put ('{'); for I in 1 .. Get_Const_Aggr_Length (Lit) loop if I /= 1 then Put (", "); end if; Disp_Lit (Get_Const_Aggr_Element (Lit, I - 1)); end loop; Put ('}'); when OC_Record => declare use Ortho_Code.Types; F : O_Fnode; begin F := Get_Type_Record_Fields (Get_Const_Type (Lit)); Put ('{'); for I in 1 .. Get_Const_Aggr_Length (Lit) loop if I /= 1 then Put (", "); end if; Put ('.'); Disp_Ident (Get_Field_Ident (F)); Put (" = "); Disp_Lit (Get_Const_Aggr_Element (Lit, I - 1)); F := Get_Field_Chain (F); end loop; Put ('}'); end; when OC_Union => Put ('{'); Put ('.'); Disp_Ident (Types.Get_Field_Ident (Get_Const_Union_Field (Lit))); Put ('='); Disp_Lit (Get_Const_Union_Value (Lit)); Put ('}'); when others => Put ("*lit " & OC_Kind'Image (Get_Const_Kind (Lit)) & '*'); end case; end Disp_Lit; procedure Disp_Expr (Expr : O_Enode) is Kind : OE_Kind; begin Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Expr); case Kind is when OE_Const => case Get_Expr_Mode (Expr) is when Mode_I8 | Mode_I16 | Mode_I32 => Put_Trim (Int32'Image (To_Int32 (Get_Expr_Low (Expr)))); when Mode_U8 | Mode_U16 | Mode_U32 => Put_Trim (Uns32'Image (Get_Expr_Low (Expr))); when others => Put ("const:"); Debug.Disp_Mode (Get_Expr_Mode (Expr)); end case; when OE_Lit => Disp_Lit (Get_Expr_Lit (Expr)); when OE_Case_Expr => Put ("{case}"); when OE_Kind_Dyadic | OE_Kind_Cmp | OE_Add | OE_Mul | OE_Shl => Put ("("); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Left (Expr)); Put (' '); case Kind is when OE_Eq => Put ('='); when OE_Neq => Put ("/="); when OE_Lt => Put ("<"); when OE_Gt => Put (">"); when OE_Ge => Put (">="); when OE_Le => Put ("<="); when OE_Add => Put ('+'); when OE_Mul => Put ('*'); when OE_Add_Ov => Put ("+#"); when OE_Sub_Ov => Put ("-#"); when OE_Mul_Ov => Put ("*#"); when OE_Shl => Put ("<<"); when OE_And => Put ("and"); when OE_Or => Put ("or"); when others => Put (OE_Kind'Image (Kind)); end case; Put (' '); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Right (Expr)); Put (")"); when OE_Not => Put ("not "); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr)); when OE_Neg_Ov => Put ("neg "); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr)); when OE_Abs_Ov => Put ("abs "); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr)); when OE_Indir => declare Op : O_Enode; begin Op := Get_Expr_Operand (Expr); case Get_Expr_Kind (Op) is when OE_Addrd | OE_Addrl => Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Addr_Decl (Op)); when others => --Put ("*"); Disp_Expr (Op); end case; end; when OE_Addrl | OE_Addrd => -- Put ('@'); Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Addr_Decl (Expr)); when OE_Call => Disp_Call (Expr); when OE_Alloca => Put ("alloca ("); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr)); Put (")"); when OE_Conv_Ov => Disp_Type (Get_Conv_Type (Expr)); Put ("'conv ("); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr)); Put (")"); when OE_Conv_Ptr => Disp_Type (Get_Conv_Type (Expr)); Put ("'address ("); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr)); Put (")"); when OE_Typed => Disp_Type (Get_Conv_Type (Expr)); Put ("'"); -- Note: there is always parenthesis around comparison. Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr)); when OE_Record_Ref => Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr)); Put ("."); Disp_Ident (Types.Get_Field_Ident (Get_Ref_Field (Expr))); when OE_Access_Ref => Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr)); Put (".all"); when OE_Index_Ref => Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr)); Put ('['); Disp_Expr (Get_Ref_Index (Expr)); Put (']'); when OE_Slice_Ref => Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr)); Put ('['); Disp_Expr (Get_Ref_Index (Expr)); Put ("...]"); when OE_Get_Stack => Put ("%sp"); when OE_Get_Frame => Put ("%fp"); when others => Put_Line (Standard_Error, "disps.disp_expr: unknown expr " & OE_Kind'Image (Kind)); end case; end Disp_Expr; procedure Disp_Fields (Indent : Natural; Atype : O_Tnode) is use Types; Nbr : Uns32; F : O_Fnode; begin Nbr := Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype); F := Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype); for I in 1 .. Nbr loop Disp_Indent (Indent); Disp_Ident (Get_Field_Ident (F)); Put (": "); Disp_Type (Get_Field_Type (F)); Put (";"); New_Line; F := Get_Field_Chain (F); end loop; end Disp_Fields; procedure Disp_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Force : Boolean := False) is use Types; Kind : OT_Kind; Decl : O_Dnode; begin if not Force then Decl := Decls.Get_Type_Decl (Atype); if Decl /= O_Dnode_Null then Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Decl); return; end if; end if; Kind := Get_Type_Kind (Atype); case Kind is when OT_Signed => Put ("signed ("); Put_Trim (Uns32'Image (8 * Get_Type_Size (Atype))); Put (")"); when OT_Unsigned => Put ("unsigned ("); Put_Trim (Uns32'Image (8 * Get_Type_Size (Atype))); Put (")"); when OT_Float => Put ("float"); when OT_Access => Put ("access"); declare Acc_Type : O_Tnode; begin Acc_Type := Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype); if Acc_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then Put (' '); Disp_Type (Acc_Type); end if; end; when OT_Ucarray => Put ("array ["); Disp_Type (Get_Type_Ucarray_Index (Atype)); Put ("] of "); Disp_Type (Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Atype)); when OT_Subarray => Put ("subarray "); Disp_Type (Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype)); Put ("["); Put_Trim (Uns32'Image (Get_Type_Subarray_Length (Atype))); Put ("]"); Put (" "); Put ("of"); Put (" "); Disp_Type (Get_Type_Subarray_Element (Atype)); when OT_Record => Put_Line ("record"); Disp_Fields (1, Atype); Put ("end record"); when OT_Subrecord => Put_Line ("subrecord"); Disp_Type (Get_Type_Subrecord_Base (Atype)); Put ("("); Disp_Fields (1, Atype); Put (")"); when OT_Union => Put_Line ("union"); Disp_Fields (1, Atype); Put ("end union"); when OT_Boolean => declare Lit : O_Cnode; begin Put ("boolean {"); Lit := Get_Type_Bool_False (Atype); Disp_Ident (Consts.Get_Lit_Ident (Lit)); Put (", "); Lit := Get_Type_Bool_True (Atype); Disp_Ident (Consts.Get_Lit_Ident (Lit)); Put ("}"); end; when OT_Enum => declare use Consts; Lit : O_Cnode; begin Put ("enum {"); Lit := Get_Type_Enum_Lits (Atype); for I in 1 .. Get_Type_Enum_Nbr_Lits (Atype) loop if I /= 1 then Put (", "); end if; Disp_Ident (Get_Lit_Ident (Lit)); Put (" ="); Put (Uns32'Image (I - 1)); Lit := Get_Lit_Chain (Lit); end loop; Put ('}'); end; when OT_Complete => Put ("-- complete: "); Disp_Type (Get_Type_Complete_Type (Atype)); end case; end Disp_Type; procedure Debug_Tnode (Atype : O_Tnode) is Decl : O_Dnode; begin Decl := Decls.Get_Type_Decl (Atype); if Decl /= O_Dnode_Null then Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Decl); Put (": "); end if; Disp_Type (Atype, True); New_Line; end Debug_Tnode; pragma Unreferenced (Debug_Tnode); procedure Debug_Enode (Expr : O_Enode) is begin Disp_Expr (Expr); New_Line; end Debug_Enode; pragma Unreferenced (Debug_Enode); procedure Debug_Lnode (Expr : O_Lnode) is begin Disp_Expr (O_Enode (Expr)); New_Line; end Debug_Lnode; pragma Unreferenced (Debug_Lnode); procedure Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl : O_Dnode) is begin Disp_Storage (Decls.Get_Decl_Storage (Decl)); Put (' '); end Disp_Decl_Storage; procedure Disp_Subprg_Decl (Indent : Natural; Decl : O_Dnode) is use Decls; Kind : OD_Kind; Inter : O_Dnode; begin Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl); Kind := Get_Decl_Kind (Decl); case Kind is when OD_Function => Put ("function "); when OD_Procedure => Put ("procedure "); when others => raise Program_Error; end case; Disp_Decl_Name (Decl); Inter := Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Decl); Put (" ("); New_Line; if Inter /= O_Dnode_Null then loop Disp_Indent (Indent + 1); Disp_Decl_Name (Inter); Put (": "); Disp_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Inter)); Inter := Get_Interface_Chain (Inter); exit when Inter = O_Dnode_Null; Put (";"); New_Line; end loop; else Disp_Indent (Indent + 1); end if; Put (")"); if Kind = OD_Function then New_Line; Disp_Indent (Indent + 1); Put ("return "); Disp_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)); end if; end Disp_Subprg_Decl; procedure Disp_Decl (Indent : Natural; Decl : O_Dnode; Nl : Boolean := False) is use Decls; Kind : OD_Kind; Dtype : O_Tnode; begin Kind := Get_Decl_Kind (Decl); if Kind = OD_Interface then return; end if; Disp_Indent (Indent); case Kind is when OD_Type => Dtype := Get_Decl_Type (Decl); Put ("type "); Disp_Decl_Name (Decl); Put (" is "); Disp_Type (Dtype, True); Put_Line (";"); when OD_Local | OD_Var => Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl); Put ("var "); Disp_Decl_Name (Decl); Put (" : "); Dtype := Get_Decl_Type (Decl); Disp_Type (Dtype); if True then Put (" {size=" & Uns32'Image (Types.Get_Type_Size (Dtype)) & "}"); end if; Put_Line (";"); when OD_Const => Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl); Put ("constant "); Disp_Decl_Name (Decl); Put (" : "); Disp_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)); Put_Line (";"); when OD_Init_Val => Put ("constant "); Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Val_Decl (Decl)); Put (" := "); Disp_Lit (Get_Val_Val (Decl)); Put_Line (";"); when OD_Function | OD_Procedure => Disp_Subprg_Decl (Indent, Decl); Put_Line (";"); when OD_Interface => null; when OD_Body => -- Put ("body "); Disp_Subprg_Decl (Indent, Get_Body_Decl (Decl)); -- Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Body_Decl (Decl)); New_Line; Disp_Subprg (Indent, Get_Body_Stmt (Decl)); when OD_Block | OD_Subprg_Ext => null; end case; if Nl then New_Line; end if; end Disp_Decl; procedure Disp_Stmt (Indent : in out Natural; Stmt : O_Enode) is use Decls; Expr : O_Enode; begin case Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) is when OE_Beg => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put_Line ("declare"); declare Last : O_Dnode; Decl : O_Dnode; begin Decl := Get_Block_Decls (Stmt); Last := Get_Block_Last (Decl); Decl := Decl + 1; while Decl <= Last loop case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is when OD_Block => Decl := Get_Block_Last (Decl) + 1; when others => Disp_Decl (Indent + 1, Decl, False); Decl := Decl + 1; end case; end loop; end; Disp_Indent (Indent); Put_Line ("begin"); Indent := Indent + 1; when OE_End => Indent := Indent - 1; Disp_Indent (Indent); Put_Line ("end;"); when OE_Line => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put_Line ("--#" & Int32'Image (Get_Expr_Line_Number (Stmt))); when OE_BB => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put_Line ("# BB" & Int32'Image (Get_BB_Number (Stmt))); when OE_Asgn => Disp_Indent (Indent); Disp_Expr (Get_Assign_Target (Stmt)); Put (" := "); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); Put_Line (";"); when OE_Call => Disp_Indent (Indent); Disp_Call (Stmt); Put_Line (";"); when OE_Jump_F => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put ("jump "); Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt)); Put (" if not "); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Jump_T => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put ("jump "); Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt)); Put (" if "); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Jump => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put ("jump "); Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt)); New_Line; when OE_Label => Disp_Indent (Indent); Disp_Label (Stmt); New_Line; when OE_Ret => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put ("return"); Expr := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt); if Expr /= O_Enode_Null then Put (" "); Disp_Expr (Expr); end if; Put_Line (";"); when OE_Set_Stack => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put ("%sp := "); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); Put_Line (";"); when OE_Leave => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put_Line ("# leave"); when OE_If => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put ("if "); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); Put (" then"); New_Line; Indent := Indent + 1; when OE_Else => Disp_Indent (Indent - 1); Put ("else"); New_Line; when OE_Endif => Indent := Indent - 1; Disp_Indent (Indent); Put_Line ("end if;"); when OE_Loop => Disp_Indent (Indent); Disp_Label (Stmt); New_Line; Indent := Indent + 1; when OE_Exit => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put ("exit "); Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt)); Put (";"); New_Line; when OE_Next => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put ("next "); Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt)); Put (";"); New_Line; when OE_Eloop => Indent := Indent - 1; Disp_Indent (Indent); Put_Line ("end loop;"); when OE_Case => Disp_Indent (Indent); Put ("case "); Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)); Put (" is"); New_Line; if Debug.Flag_Debug_Hli then Indent := Indent + 2; end if; when OE_Case_Branch => Disp_Indent (Indent - 1); Put ("when "); declare C : O_Enode; L, H : O_Enode; begin C := Get_Case_Branch_Choice (Stmt); loop L := Get_Expr_Left (C); H := Get_Expr_Right (C); if L = O_Enode_Null then Put ("others"); else Disp_Expr (L); if H /= O_Enode_Null then Put (" ... "); Disp_Expr (H); end if; end if; C := Get_Case_Choice_Link (C); exit when C = O_Enode_Null; New_Line; Disp_Indent (Indent - 1); Put (" | "); end loop; Put (" =>"); New_Line; end; when OE_Case_End => Indent := Indent - 2; Disp_Indent (Indent); Put ("end case;"); New_Line; when others => Put_Line (Standard_Error, "debug.disp_stmt: unknown statement " & OE_Kind'Image (Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt))); end case; end Disp_Stmt; procedure Disp_Subprg (Ident : Natural; S_Entry : O_Enode) is Stmt : O_Enode; N_Ident : Natural := Ident; begin Stmt := S_Entry; loop Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt); Disp_Stmt (N_Ident, Stmt); exit when Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) = OE_Leave; end loop; end Disp_Subprg; Last_Decl : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_First; procedure Disp_Decls_Until (Last : O_Dnode; Nl : Boolean := False) is begin while Last_Decl <= Last loop Disp_Decl (0, Last_Decl, Nl); Last_Decl := Last_Decl + 1; end loop; end Disp_Decls_Until; procedure Disp_Subprg (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc) is use Decls; begin Disp_Decls_Until (Subprg.D_Body, True); if Get_Decl_Kind (Last_Decl) /= OD_Block then raise Program_Error; end if; if Debug.Flag_Debug_Keep then -- If nodes are kept, the next declaration to be displayed (at top -- level) is the one that follow the subprogram block. Last_Decl := Get_Block_Last (Last_Decl) + 1; else -- If nodes are not kept, this subprogram block will be freed, and -- the next declaration is the block itself. Last_Decl := Subprg.D_Body; end if; end Disp_Subprg; procedure Init is begin Flags.Flag_Type_Name := True; end Init; procedure Finish is begin Disp_Decls_Until (Decls.Get_Decl_Last, True); end Finish; end Ortho_Code.Disps;