-- Macho definitions. -- Copyright (C) 2015 Tristan Gingold -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with System; use System; package Macho is type Header_32 is record Magic : Unsigned_32; Cputype : Unsigned_32; Cpusubtype : Unsigned_32; Filetype : Unsigned_32; Ncmds : Unsigned_32; Sizeofcmds : Unsigned_32; Flags : Unsigned_32; end record; type Header_64 is record Magic : Unsigned_32; Cputype : Unsigned_32; Cpusubtype : Unsigned_32; Filetype : Unsigned_32; Ncmds : Unsigned_32; Sizeofcmds : Unsigned_32; Flags : Unsigned_32; Reserved : Unsigned_32; end record; -- Size of Filehdr. Header_32_Size : constant Natural := Header_32'Size / Storage_Unit; Header_64_Size : constant Natural := Header_64'Size / Storage_Unit; -- Magic numbers. Magic_32 : constant Unsigned_32 := 16#feed_face#; Magic_64 : constant Unsigned_32 := 16#feed_facf#; Cpu_Arch_64 : constant Unsigned_32 := 16#0100_0000#; Cputype_I386 : constant Unsigned_32 := 7; Cpusubtype_I386_All : constant Unsigned_32 := 3; Mh_Object : constant Unsigned_32 := 1; Mh_Execute : constant Unsigned_32 := 2; -- Load commands. type Load_Command is record Cmd : Unsigned_32; Cmdsize : Unsigned_32; end record; Lc_Size : constant Natural := Load_Command'Size / Storage_Unit; Lc_Segment_32 : constant Unsigned_32 := 1; type Segment_Command_32 is record Segname : String (1 .. 16); Vmaddr : Unsigned_32; Vmsize : Unsigned_32; Fileoff : Unsigned_32; Filesize : Unsigned_32; Maxprot : Unsigned_32; Initprot : Unsigned_32; Nsects : Unsigned_32; Flags : Unsigned_32; end record; Segment_Command_32_Size : constant Natural := Segment_Command_32'Size / Storage_Unit; type Section_32 is record Sectname : String (1 .. 16); Segname : String (1 .. 16); Addr : Unsigned_32; Size : Unsigned_32; Offset : Unsigned_32; Align : Unsigned_32; Reloff : Unsigned_32; Nreloc : Unsigned_32; Flags : Unsigned_32; Reserved1 : Unsigned_32; Reserved2 : Unsigned_32; end record; Section_32_Size : constant Natural := Section_32'Size / Storage_Unit; Lc_Segment_64 : constant Unsigned_32 := 16#19#; type Segment_Command_64 is record Segname : String (1 .. 16); Vmaddr : Unsigned_64; Vmsize : Unsigned_64; Fileoff : Unsigned_64; Filesize : Unsigned_64; Maxprot : Unsigned_32; Initprot : Unsigned_32; Nsects : Unsigned_32; Flags : Unsigned_32; end record; Segment_Command_64_Size : constant Natural := Segment_Command_64'Size / Storage_Unit; type Section_64 is record Sectname : String (1 .. 16); Segname : String (1 .. 16); Addr : Unsigned_64; Size : Unsigned_64; Offset : Unsigned_32; Align : Unsigned_32; Reloff : Unsigned_32; Nreloc : Unsigned_32; Flags : Unsigned_32; Reserved1 : Unsigned_32; Reserved2 : Unsigned_32; Reserved3 : Unsigned_32; end record; Section_64_Size : constant Natural := Section_64'Size / Storage_Unit; Lc_Symtab : constant Unsigned_32 := 2; type Symtab_Command is record Symoff : Unsigned_32; Nsyms : Unsigned_32; Stroff : Unsigned_32; Strsize : Unsigned_32; end record; Symtab_Command_Size : constant Natural := Symtab_Command'Size / Storage_Unit; type Nlist_32 is record N_Strx : Unsigned_32; N_Type : Unsigned_8; N_Sect : Unsigned_8; N_Desc : Unsigned_16; N_Value : Unsigned_32; end record; Nlist_32_Size : constant Natural := Nlist_32'Size / Storage_Unit; type Nlist_64 is record N_Strx : Unsigned_32; N_Type : Unsigned_8; N_Sect : Unsigned_8; N_Desc : Unsigned_16; N_Value : Unsigned_64; end record; Nlist_64_Size : constant Natural := Nlist_64'Size / Storage_Unit; N_Undf : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#00#; N_Ext : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#01#; N_Sect : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#0e#; end Macho;