/* LLVM binding Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. */ // Style: // C bindings for types, instructions // C++ API for debug // // Later move to C++ only. #include "llvm-c/Target.h" #include "llvm/IR/Type.h" #include "llvm/IR/Value.h" #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h" #include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h" #include "llvm-c/TargetMachine.h" #include "llvm-c/Core.h" #include "llvm-c/BitWriter.h" #include "llvm-c/Analysis.h" #include "llvm-c/Transforms/Scalar.h" #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7 // Not present in llvm-6, present in llvm-7 #include "llvm-c/Transforms/Utils.h" #endif #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 6 #define USE_DEBUG #endif #ifdef USE_DEBUG #include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h" #include "llvm/IR/DIBuilder.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h" #include <vector> #endif #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 #define USE_ATTRIBUTES #endif using namespace llvm; // True if the LLVM output must be displayed (set by '--dump-llvm') static bool FlagDumpLLVM = false; // Verify generated LLVM code. static bool FlagVerifyLLVM = false; static bool FlagDebugLines = true; static bool FlagDebug = false; static LLVMModuleRef TheModule; static LLVMTargetRef TheTarget; static LLVMTargetMachineRef TheTargetMachine; static LLVMTargetDataRef TheTargetData; static LLVMRelocMode TheReloc = LLVMRelocDefault; static LLVMCodeGenOptLevel Optimization = LLVMCodeGenLevelDefault; static LLVMBuilderRef Builder; static LLVMBuilderRef DeclBuilder; static LLVMBuilderRef ExtraBuilder; static LLVMValueRef StackSaveFun; static LLVMValueRef StackRestoreFun; static LLVMValueRef CopySignFun; static LLVMValueRef Fp0_5; #ifdef USE_ATTRIBUTES static LLVMAttributeRef NounwindAttr; static LLVMAttributeRef UwtableAttr; #endif static bool Unreach; #ifdef USE_DEBUG static unsigned DebugCurrentLine; static std::string *DebugCurrentFilename; static std::string *DebugCurrentDirectory; static DIFile *DebugCurrentFile; static DICompileUnit *DebugCurrentCU; // Current subprogram. Used by types, parameters and static consts. static DISubprogram *DebugCurrentSubprg; // Current scope. Used by automatic variables and line locations. static DIScope *DebugCurrentScope; static DIBuilder *DBuilder; #endif extern "C" void set_optimization_level (unsigned level) { switch(level) { case 0: Optimization = LLVMCodeGenLevelNone; break; case 1: Optimization = LLVMCodeGenLevelLess; break; case 2: Optimization = LLVMCodeGenLevelDefault; break; default: Optimization = LLVMCodeGenLevelAggressive; break; } } extern "C" void set_debug_level (unsigned level) { switch(level) { case 0: FlagDebug = false; FlagDebugLines = false; break; case 1: FlagDebug = false; FlagDebugLines = true; break; default: FlagDebug = true; FlagDebugLines = true; break; } } extern "C" void set_dump_llvm (unsigned Flag) { FlagDumpLLVM = Flag != 0; } extern "C" void set_verify_llvm (unsigned Flag) { FlagVerifyLLVM = Flag != 0; } extern "C" void set_pic_flag (unsigned Flag) { TheReloc = Flag ? LLVMRelocPIC : LLVMRelocStatic; } static void generateError(const char *Filename, char *Msg) { fprintf(stderr, "error while writing to %s\n", Filename); if (Msg) { fprintf(stderr, "message: %s\n", Msg); LLVMDisposeMessage(Msg); } exit(2); } static void generateCommon() { char *Msg; #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebugLines) { DBuilder->finalize(); } #endif if (FlagDumpLLVM) LLVMDumpModule(TheModule); if (FlagVerifyLLVM) { if (LLVMVerifyModule(TheModule, LLVMPrintMessageAction, &Msg)) { LLVMDisposeMessage (Msg); abort(); } } if (Optimization > LLVMCodeGenLevelNone) { LLVMPassManagerRef PassManager; PassManager = LLVMCreateFunctionPassManagerForModule (TheModule); LLVMAddCFGSimplificationPass (PassManager); LLVMAddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass (PassManager); for (LLVMValueRef Func = LLVMGetFirstFunction (TheModule); Func != nullptr; Func = LLVMGetNextFunction(Func)) { LLVMRunFunctionPassManager (PassManager, Func); } } } extern "C" void generate_object(char *Filename) { char *Msg; generateCommon(); if (LLVMTargetMachineEmitToFile (TheTargetMachine, TheModule, Filename, LLVMObjectFile, &Msg)) generateError(Filename, Msg); } extern "C" void generate_assembly(char *Filename) { char *Msg; generateCommon(); if (LLVMTargetMachineEmitToFile (TheTargetMachine, TheModule, Filename, LLVMAssemblyFile, &Msg)) generateError(Filename, Msg); } extern "C" void generate_bitcode(const char *Filename) { generateCommon(); if (LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(TheModule, Filename)) { generateError(Filename, nullptr); } } extern "C" void generate_llvm(char *Filename) { char *Msg; generateCommon(); if (LLVMPrintModuleToFile(TheModule, Filename, &Msg)) { generateError(Filename, Msg); } } extern "C" void ortho_llvm_init(const char *Filename, unsigned FilenameLength) { char *Msg; LLVMInitializeNativeTarget(); LLVMInitializeNativeAsmPrinter(); TheModule = LLVMModuleCreateWithName ("ortho"); // Get target triple (from how llvm was configured). char *Triple = LLVMGetDefaultTargetTriple(); #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7 { char *RawTriple = Triple; Triple = LLVMNormalizeTargetTriple(Triple); LLVMDisposeMessage(RawTriple); } #endif LLVMSetTarget(TheModule, Triple); // Get target - this is a struct that corresponds to the triple. if (LLVMGetTargetFromTriple(Triple, &TheTarget, &Msg) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "llvm: cannot find target %s: %s\n", Triple, Msg); LLVMDisposeMessage(Msg); exit (1); } // Create a target machine TheTargetMachine = LLVMCreateTargetMachine (TheTarget, Triple, "", "", Optimization, TheReloc, LLVMCodeModelDefault); #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR < 4 TheTargetData = LLVMGetTargetMachineData (TheTargetMachine); LLVMSetDataLayout (TheModule, LLVMCopyStringRepOfTargetData (TheTargetData)); #else TheTargetData = LLVMCreateTargetDataLayout(TheTargetMachine); LLVMSetModuleDataLayout(TheModule, TheTargetData); #endif Builder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); DeclBuilder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); ExtraBuilder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); LLVMTypeRef I8Ptr = LLVMPointerType(LLVMInt8Type(), 0); StackSaveFun = LLVMAddFunction (TheModule, "llvm.stacksave", LLVMFunctionType (I8Ptr, NULL, 0, false)); LLVMTypeRef ParamTypes[2]; ParamTypes[0] = I8Ptr; StackRestoreFun = LLVMAddFunction (TheModule, "llvm.stackrestore", LLVMFunctionType(LLVMVoidType(), ParamTypes, 1, false)); ParamTypes[0] = LLVMDoubleType(); ParamTypes[1] = LLVMDoubleType(); CopySignFun = LLVMAddFunction (TheModule, "llvm.copysign.f64", LLVMFunctionType(LLVMDoubleType(), ParamTypes, 2, false)); Fp0_5 = LLVMConstReal(LLVMDoubleType(), 0.5); #ifdef USE_ATTRIBUTES unsigned AttrId; AttrId = LLVMGetEnumAttributeKindForName("nounwind", 8); assert (AttrId != 0); NounwindAttr = LLVMCreateEnumAttribute(LLVMGetGlobalContext(), AttrId, 0); AttrId = LLVMGetEnumAttributeKindForName("uwtable", 7); assert (AttrId != 0); UwtableAttr = LLVMCreateEnumAttribute(LLVMGetGlobalContext(), AttrId, 0); #endif #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebugLines) { DBuilder = new DIBuilder(*unwrap(TheModule)); DebugCurrentFilename = new std::string(Filename, FilenameLength); SmallString<128> CurrentDir; llvm::sys::fs::current_path(CurrentDir); DebugCurrentDirectory = new std::string(CurrentDir.data(), CurrentDir.size()); DebugCurrentFile = DBuilder->createFile(StringRef(*DebugCurrentFilename), StringRef(*DebugCurrentDirectory)); DebugCurrentCU = DBuilder->createCompileUnit (llvm::dwarf::DW_LANG_C, DebugCurrentFile, StringRef("ortho-llvm"), Optimization > LLVMCodeGenLevelNone, StringRef(), 0); DebugCurrentScope = DebugCurrentCU; } #endif } // Set debug location on instruction RES static void setDebugLocation(LLVMValueRef Res) { #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebugLines) { unwrap(Builder)->SetInstDebugLocation(static_cast<Instruction*>(unwrap(Res))); } #endif } enum OTKind : unsigned char { OTKUnsigned, OTKSigned, OTKFloat, OTKEnum, OTKBool, OTKAccess, OTKIncompleteAccess, OTKRecord, OTKIncompleteRecord, OTKUnion, OTKArray }; struct OTnodeBase { LLVMTypeRef Ref; #ifdef USE_DEBUG DIType *Dbg; #endif OTKind Kind; bool Bounded; OTnodeBase (LLVMTypeRef R, OTKind K, bool Bounded) : Ref(R), #ifdef USE_DEBUG Dbg(nullptr), #endif Kind(K), Bounded(Bounded) {} unsigned getAlignment() const { return LLVMABIAlignmentOfType(TheTargetData, Ref); } unsigned long long getSize() const { return LLVMABISizeOfType(TheTargetData, Ref); } unsigned long long getBitSize() const { return 8 * getSize(); } }; typedef OTnodeBase *OTnode; struct OTnodeScal : OTnodeBase { // For scalar: the size in bits unsigned ScalSize; OTnodeScal (LLVMTypeRef R, OTKind K, unsigned Sz) : OTnodeBase(R, K, true), ScalSize(Sz) {} }; struct OTnodeUnsigned : OTnodeScal { OTnodeUnsigned (LLVMTypeRef R, unsigned Sz) : OTnodeScal(R, OTKUnsigned, Sz) {} }; struct OTnodeSigned : OTnodeScal { OTnodeSigned (LLVMTypeRef R, unsigned Sz) : OTnodeScal(R, OTKSigned, Sz) {} }; struct OTnodeFloat : OTnodeScal { OTnodeFloat (LLVMTypeRef R, unsigned Sz) : OTnodeScal(R, OTKFloat, Sz) {} }; static LLVMTypeRef SizeToLLVM (unsigned Sz) { switch (Sz) { case 8: return LLVMInt8Type(); case 32: return LLVMInt32Type(); case 64: return LLVMInt64Type(); default: abort(); } } extern "C" OTnode new_unsigned_type(unsigned Sz) { return new OTnodeUnsigned(SizeToLLVM(Sz), Sz); } extern "C" OTnode new_signed_type(unsigned Sz) { return new OTnodeSigned(SizeToLLVM(Sz), Sz); } extern "C" OTnode new_float_type() { return new OTnodeFloat(LLVMDoubleType(), 64); } struct OTnodeEnumBase : OTnodeScal { #ifdef USE_DEBUG DINodeArray *DbgEls; #endif OTnodeEnumBase (LLVMTypeRef R, OTKind K, unsigned Sz) : OTnodeScal(R, K, Sz) {} }; struct OTnodeEnum : OTnodeEnumBase { OTnodeEnum (LLVMTypeRef R, unsigned Sz) : OTnodeEnumBase(R, OTKEnum, Sz) {} }; struct OEnumList { LLVMTypeRef Ref; unsigned Pos; OTnodeEnum *Etype; #ifdef USE_DEBUG SmallVector<Metadata *, 8> *Dbg; #endif }; extern "C" void start_enum_type (OEnumList *List, unsigned Sz) { LLVMTypeRef T = SizeToLLVM(Sz); *List = {T, 0, new OTnodeEnum(T, Sz) #ifdef USE_DEBUG , nullptr #endif }; #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) List->Dbg = new SmallVector<Metadata *, 8>(); #endif } struct OCnode { LLVMValueRef Ref; OTnode Ctype; }; struct OIdent { const char *cstr; }; extern "C" void new_enum_literal (OEnumList *List, OIdent Ident, OCnode *Res) { *Res = {LLVMConstInt(List->Ref, List->Pos, 0), List->Etype}; #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) { DIEnumerator *D; // Note: IsUnsigned argument is not available in LLVM 6.0 D = DBuilder->createEnumerator (StringRef(Ident.cstr), List->Pos); List->Dbg->push_back(D); } #endif List->Pos++; } extern "C" void finish_enum_type (OEnumList *List, OTnodeEnum **Res) { *Res = List->Etype; #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) { List->Etype->DbgEls = new DINodeArray(DBuilder->getOrCreateArray(*List->Dbg)); delete List->Dbg; } #endif } struct OTnodeBool : OTnodeEnumBase { OTnodeBool (LLVMTypeRef R) : OTnodeEnumBase(R, OTKBool, 1) {} }; extern "C" void new_boolean_type(OTnode *Res, OIdent FalseId, OCnode *False_E, OIdent TrueId, OCnode *True_E) { OTnodeBool *T = new OTnodeBool(LLVMInt1Type()); *Res = T; *False_E = {LLVMConstInt(T->Ref, 0, 0), T}; *True_E = {LLVMConstInt(T->Ref, 1, 0), T}; #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) { SmallVector<Metadata *, 2> DbgEls; DbgEls.push_back(DBuilder->createEnumerator (StringRef(FalseId.cstr), 0)); DbgEls.push_back(DBuilder->createEnumerator (StringRef(TrueId.cstr), 1)); T->DbgEls = new DINodeArray(DBuilder->getOrCreateArray(DbgEls)); } #endif } extern "C" OCnode new_signed_literal (OTnode LType, int64_t Value) { return {LLVMConstInt(LType->Ref, Value, 1), LType}; } extern "C" OCnode new_unsigned_literal (OTnode LType, uint64_t Value) { return {LLVMConstInt(LType->Ref, Value, 0), LType}; } extern "C" OCnode new_float_literal (OTnode LType, double Value) { return {LLVMConstReal(LType->Ref, Value), LType}; } struct OTnodeAccBase : OTnodeBase { // For accesses OTnode Acc; OTnodeAccBase (LLVMTypeRef R, OTKind Kind, OTnode Acc) : OTnodeBase(R, Kind, true), Acc(Acc) {} }; struct OTnodeAcc : OTnodeAccBase { OTnodeAcc (LLVMTypeRef R, OTnode Acc) : OTnodeAccBase(R, OTKAccess, Acc) {} }; struct OTnodeIncompleteAcc : OTnodeAccBase { OTnodeIncompleteAcc () : OTnodeAccBase(nullptr, OTKIncompleteAccess, nullptr) {} }; extern "C" OTnode new_access_type(OTnode DType) { if (DType == nullptr) { return new OTnodeIncompleteAcc(); } else { return new OTnodeAcc(LLVMPointerType(DType->Ref, 0), DType); } } extern "C" void finish_access_type(OTnodeAcc *AccType, OTnode DType) { // Must be incomplete. assert (AccType->Acc == nullptr); LLVMTypeRef Types[1] = { DType->Ref }; LLVMStructSetBody(LLVMGetElementType(AccType->Ref), Types, 1, 0); AccType->Acc = DType; #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) { // The '3' is a little bit magic, but correspond to the base type as // defined (e.g.) in DebugInfoMetadata.h for DIDerivedType::getBaseType() AccType->Dbg->replaceOperandWith(3, DType->Dbg); } #endif } extern "C" OCnode new_null_access (OTnode LType) { return {LLVMConstNull(LType->Ref), LType}; } enum OFKind { OF_Record, OF_Union}; struct OFnodeBase { OFKind Kind; OTnode FType; OIdent Ident; OFnodeBase(OFKind Kind, OTnode FType, OIdent Ident) : Kind(Kind), FType(FType), Ident(Ident) {} }; struct OElementList { OFKind Kind; // Number of fields. unsigned Count; // For record: the access to the incomplete (but named) type. OTnode RecType; // For unions: biggest for size and alignment unsigned Size; unsigned Align; // For unions: type with the biggest alignment. LLVMTypeRef AlignType; std::vector<OFnodeBase *> *Els; }; extern "C" void start_record_type (OElementList *Elements) { *Elements = {OF_Record, 0, nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr, new std::vector<OFnodeBase *>()}; } struct OFnodeRec : OFnodeBase { unsigned Index; OFnodeRec(OTnode Etype, OIdent Ident, unsigned Index) : OFnodeBase(OF_Record, Etype, Ident), Index(Index) {} }; struct OFnodeUnion : OFnodeBase { LLVMTypeRef Utype; // Pointer type - used to do conversion between the union and the field. LLVMTypeRef PtrType; OFnodeUnion(OTnode Etype, OIdent Ident, LLVMTypeRef PtrType) : OFnodeBase(OF_Union, Etype, Ident), Utype(Etype->Ref), PtrType(PtrType) {} }; extern "C" void new_record_field(OElementList *Elements, OFnodeRec **El, OIdent Ident, OTnode Etype) { *El = new OFnodeRec(Etype, Ident, Elements->Count); Elements->Els->push_back(*El); Elements->Count++; } struct OTnodeRecBase : OTnodeBase { std::vector<OFnodeBase *> Els; OTnodeRecBase (LLVMTypeRef R, OTKind Kind, bool Bounded) : OTnodeBase(R, Kind, Bounded) {} }; struct OTnodeRec : OTnodeRecBase { OTnodeRec (LLVMTypeRef R, bool Bounded) : OTnodeRecBase(R, OTKRecord, Bounded) {} }; struct OTnodeIncompleteRec : OTnodeRecBase { OTnodeIncompleteRec () : OTnodeRecBase(nullptr, OTKIncompleteRecord, false) {} }; #ifdef USE_DEBUG static DINodeArray buildDebugRecordElements(OTnodeRecBase *Atype) { unsigned Count = Atype->Els.size(); std::vector<Metadata *> els(Count); unsigned i = 0; for (OFnodeBase *e : Atype->Els) { unsigned bitoff = 8 * LLVMOffsetOfElement(TheTargetData, Atype->Ref, i); els[i++] = DBuilder->createMemberType (DebugCurrentSubprg, StringRef(e->Ident.cstr), NULL, 0, e->FType->getBitSize(), /* align */ 0, bitoff, DINode::DIFlags::FlagZero, e->FType->Dbg); } return DBuilder->getOrCreateArray(els); } #endif extern "C" void finish_record_type(OElementList *Els, OTnode *Res) { LLVMTypeRef *Types = new LLVMTypeRef[Els->Count]; // Create types array for elements. int i = 0; bool Bounded = true; for (OFnodeBase *Field : *Els->Els) { Bounded &= Field->FType->Bounded; Types[i++] = Field->FType->Ref; } OTnodeRecBase *T; if (Els->RecType != nullptr) { // Completion LLVMStructSetBody (Els->RecType->Ref, Types, Els->Count, 0); Els->RecType->Bounded = Bounded; T = static_cast<OTnodeRecBase *>(Els->RecType); T->Els = std::move(*Els->Els); #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) { DICompositeType *Dbg; Dbg = DBuilder->createStructType (DebugCurrentSubprg, T->Dbg->getName(), DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, T->getBitSize(), /* Align */ 0, DINode::DIFlags::FlagZero, nullptr, buildDebugRecordElements(T)); llvm::TempMDNode fwd_decl(T->Dbg); T->Dbg = DBuilder->replaceTemporary(std::move(fwd_decl), Dbg); } #endif } else { // Non-completion. // Debug info are created when the type is declared. T = new OTnodeRec(LLVMStructType(Types, Els->Count, 0), Bounded); T->Els = std::move(*Els->Els); } *Res = T; } struct OElementSublist { // Number of fields. unsigned Count; std::vector<OFnodeBase *> *Base_Els; std::vector<OFnodeBase *> *Els; }; extern "C" void start_record_subtype (OTnodeRec *Rtype, OElementSublist *Elements) { *Elements = {0, &Rtype->Els, new std::vector<OFnodeBase *>()}; } extern "C" void new_subrecord_field(OElementSublist *Elements, OFnodeRec **El, OTnode Etype) { OFnodeBase *Bel = (*Elements->Base_Els)[Elements->Count]; *El = new OFnodeRec(Etype, Bel->Ident, Elements->Count); Elements->Els->push_back(*El); Elements->Count++; } extern "C" void finish_record_subtype(OElementSublist *Els, OTnode *Res) { LLVMTypeRef *Types = new LLVMTypeRef[Els->Count]; // Create types array for elements. int i = 0; for (OFnodeBase *Field : *Els->Els) { Types[i++] = Field->FType->Ref; } OTnodeRecBase *T; T = new OTnodeRec(LLVMStructType(Types, Els->Count, 0), true); T->Els = std::move(*Els->Els); *Res = T; } extern "C" void new_uncomplete_record_type(OTnode *Res) { *Res = new OTnodeIncompleteRec(); } extern "C" void start_uncomplete_record_type(OTnodeRec *Res, OElementList *Els) { // Must be incomplete. assert (Res->Kind == OTKIncompleteRecord); *Els = {OF_Record, 0, Res, 0, 0, nullptr, new std::vector<OFnodeBase *>()}; } extern "C" void start_union_type(OElementList *Els) { *Els = {OF_Union, 0, nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr, new std::vector<OFnodeBase *>()}; } extern "C" void new_union_field(OElementList *Els, OFnodeUnion **El, OIdent Ident, OTnode Etype) { unsigned Size = Etype->getSize(); unsigned Align = Etype->getAlignment(); *El = new OFnodeUnion(Etype, Ident, LLVMPointerType(Etype->Ref, 0)); if (Size > Els->Size) Els->Size = Size; if (Els->AlignType == nullptr || Align > Els->Align) { Els->Align = Align; Els->AlignType = Etype->Ref; } Els->Els->push_back(*El); } struct OTnodeUnion : OTnodeBase { // For unions std::vector<OFnodeBase *> Els; unsigned Size; LLVMTypeRef MainField; OTnodeUnion(LLVMTypeRef R, unsigned Sz, LLVMTypeRef Main) : OTnodeBase(R, OTKUnion, true), Size(Sz), MainField(Main) {} }; extern "C" void finish_union_type(OElementList *Els, OTnode *Res) { unsigned Count; LLVMTypeRef Types[2]; if (Els->AlignType == nullptr) { // An empty union Count = 0; } else { unsigned Pad; Types[0] = Els->AlignType; Pad = Els->Size - LLVMABISizeOfType(TheTargetData, Els->AlignType); if (Pad != 0) { Types[1] = LLVMArrayType(LLVMInt8Type(), Pad); Count = 2; } else { Count = 1; } } OTnodeUnion *T; T = new OTnodeUnion(LLVMStructType(Types, Count, 0), Els->Size, Els->AlignType); T->Els = std::move(*Els->Els); *Res = T; delete Els->Els; } struct OTnodeArr : OTnodeBase { // For arrays: type of the element OTnode ElType; OTnodeArr(LLVMTypeRef R, bool Bounded, OTnode E) : OTnodeBase(R, OTKArray, Bounded), ElType(E) {} }; #ifdef USE_DEBUG static void addArrayDebug(OTnodeArr *Atype, unsigned Len) { DISubrange *Rng; Rng = DBuilder->getOrCreateSubrange(0, Len); SmallVector<Metadata *, 1> Subscripts; Subscripts.push_back(Rng); OTnode ElType = static_cast<OTnodeArr *>(Atype)->ElType; Atype->Dbg = DBuilder->createArrayType (Atype->getBitSize(), /* align */ 0, ElType->Dbg, DBuilder->getOrCreateArray(Subscripts)); } #endif extern "C" OTnode new_array_type(OTnode ElType, OTnode IndexType) { OTnodeArr *Res; unsigned Len = 0; Res = new OTnodeArr(LLVMArrayType(ElType->Ref, Len), false, ElType); #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) addArrayDebug(Res, Len); #endif return Res; } extern "C" OTnode new_array_subtype(OTnodeArr *ArrType, OTnode ElType, OCnode *Length) { OTnodeArr *Res; unsigned Len = LLVMConstIntGetZExtValue(Length->Ref); Res = new OTnodeArr(LLVMArrayType(ElType->Ref, Len), ElType->Bounded, ElType); #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) addArrayDebug(Res, Len); #endif return Res; } extern "C" void new_type_decl(OIdent Ident, OTnode Atype) { switch(Atype->Kind) { case OTKIncompleteAccess: Atype->Ref = LLVMPointerType (LLVMStructCreateNamed(LLVMGetGlobalContext(), Ident.cstr), 0); break; case OTKIncompleteRecord: Atype->Ref = LLVMStructCreateNamed(LLVMGetGlobalContext(), Ident.cstr); break; default: break; } #ifdef USE_DEBUG // Add dwarf type. if (FlagDebug) { switch(Atype->Kind) { case OTKUnsigned: Atype->Dbg = DBuilder->createBasicType (StringRef(Ident.cstr), static_cast<OTnodeScal*>(Atype)->ScalSize, dwarf::DW_ATE_unsigned); break; case OTKSigned: Atype->Dbg = DBuilder->createBasicType (StringRef(Ident.cstr), static_cast<OTnodeScal*>(Atype)->ScalSize, dwarf::DW_ATE_signed); break; case OTKFloat: Atype->Dbg = DBuilder->createBasicType (StringRef(Ident.cstr), static_cast<OTnodeScal*>(Atype)->ScalSize, dwarf::DW_ATE_float); break; case OTKEnum: case OTKBool: Atype->Dbg = DBuilder->createEnumerationType (DebugCurrentSubprg, StringRef(Ident.cstr), DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, static_cast<OTnodeEnumBase*>(Atype)->ScalSize, Atype->getAlignment(), *static_cast<OTnodeEnumBase*>(Atype)->DbgEls, nullptr); delete static_cast<OTnodeEnumBase*>(Atype)->DbgEls; break; case OTKIncompleteAccess: if (static_cast<OTnodeAccBase*>(Atype)->Acc == nullptr) { // Still incomplete Atype->Dbg = DBuilder->createPointerType (nullptr, Atype->getBitSize(), 0, None, StringRef(Ident.cstr)); break; } // Fallthrough case OTKAccess: Atype->Dbg = DBuilder->createPointerType (static_cast<OTnodeAcc*>(Atype)->Acc->Dbg, Atype->getBitSize(), 0, None, StringRef(Ident.cstr)); break; case OTKArray: // The debug info has already been created for arrays, as they can be // anonymous Atype->Dbg = DBuilder->createTypedef (Atype->Dbg, StringRef(Ident.cstr), DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, DebugCurrentSubprg); break; case OTKRecord: Atype->Dbg = DBuilder->createStructType (DebugCurrentSubprg, StringRef(Ident.cstr), DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, Atype->getBitSize(), /* align */ 0, DINode::DIFlags::FlagPublic, nullptr, buildDebugRecordElements(static_cast<OTnodeRecBase *>(Atype))); break; case OTKUnion: { unsigned Count = static_cast<OTnodeUnion *>(Atype)->Els.size(); std::vector<Metadata *> els(Count); unsigned i = 0; for (OFnodeBase *e : static_cast<OTnodeUnion *>(Atype)->Els) { els[i++] = DBuilder->createMemberType (DebugCurrentSubprg, StringRef(e->Ident.cstr), DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, e->FType->getBitSize(), e->FType->getAlignment(), 0, DINode::DIFlags::FlagPublic, e->FType->Dbg); } Atype->Dbg = DBuilder->createUnionType (DebugCurrentSubprg, StringRef(Ident.cstr), DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, Atype->getBitSize(), Atype->getAlignment(), DINode::DIFlags::FlagPublic, DBuilder->getOrCreateArray(els)); } break; case OTKIncompleteRecord: Atype->Dbg = DBuilder->createReplaceableCompositeType (dwarf::DW_TAG_structure_type, StringRef(Ident.cstr), DebugCurrentSubprg, DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine); break; } } #endif } struct ORecordAggrList { unsigned Len; LLVMValueRef *Els; OTnode Atype; }; extern "C" void start_record_aggr(ORecordAggrList *List, OTnode Atype) { unsigned Count = LLVMCountStructElementTypes(Atype->Ref); *List = {0, new LLVMValueRef[Count], Atype}; } extern "C" void new_record_aggr_el(ORecordAggrList *List, OCnode *Val) { List->Els[List->Len++] = Val->Ref; } extern "C" void finish_record_aggr(ORecordAggrList *List, OCnode *Res) { *Res = {LLVMConstStruct(List->Els, List->Len, 0), List->Atype}; delete List->Els; } struct OArrayAggrList { unsigned Len; LLVMValueRef *Els; LLVMTypeRef ElType; OTnode Atype; }; extern "C" void start_array_aggr(OArrayAggrList *List, OTnodeArr *Atype, unsigned len) { *List = {0, new LLVMValueRef[len], Atype->ElType->Ref, Atype}; } extern "C" void new_array_aggr_el(OArrayAggrList *List, OCnode *Value) { List->Els[List->Len++] = Value->Ref; } extern "C" void finish_array_aggr(OArrayAggrList *List, OCnode *Res) { *Res = {LLVMConstArray(List->ElType, List->Els, List->Len), List->Atype}; delete List->Els; } extern "C" OCnode new_union_aggr(OTnodeUnion *Atype, OFnodeUnion *Field, OCnode *Value) { unsigned Size = LLVMABISizeOfType(TheTargetData, Field->Utype); LLVMValueRef Vals[2]; unsigned Count; Vals[0] = Value->Ref; if (Size < Atype->Size) { // Add padding. Vals[1] = LLVMGetUndef(LLVMArrayType(LLVMInt8Type(), Atype->Size - Size)); Count = 2; } else { Count = 1; } return {LLVMConstStruct(Vals, Count, false), Atype}; } extern "C" OCnode new_default_value(OTnode Ltype) { return {LLVMConstNull(Ltype->Ref), Ltype}; } static OCnode constToConst(OTnode Rtype, uint64_t Val) { LLVMValueRef Ref; switch (Rtype->Kind) { case OTKUnsigned: case OTKSigned: Ref = LLVMConstInt(Rtype->Ref, Val, 0); break; case OTKAccess: // It is possible to use an access type for offsetof. Ref = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt64Type(), Val, 0); Ref = LLVMConstIntToPtr(Ref, Rtype->Ref); break; default: abort(); } return {Ref, Rtype}; } extern "C" OCnode new_sizeof(OTnode Atype, OTnode Rtype) { return constToConst(Rtype, LLVMABISizeOfType(TheTargetData, Atype->Ref)); } extern "C" OCnode new_record_sizeof(OTnode Atype, OTnode Rtype) { return new_sizeof(Atype, Rtype); } extern "C" OCnode new_alignof(OTnode Atype, OTnode Rtype) { return constToConst (Rtype, LLVMABIAlignmentOfType(TheTargetData, Atype->Ref)); } extern "C" OCnode new_offsetof(OTnode Atype, OFnodeRec *Field, OTnode Rtype) { return constToConst (Rtype, LLVMOffsetOfElement(TheTargetData, Atype->Ref, Field->Index)); } struct OEnode { LLVMValueRef Ref; OTnode Etype; }; extern "C" OEnode new_lit(OCnode *Lit) { return {Lit->Ref, Lit->Ctype}; } enum ODKind : unsigned char { ODKConst, ODKVar, ODKLocal, ODKInterface, ODKType, ODKSubprg }; struct ODnodeBase { LLVMValueRef Ref; OTnode Dtype; virtual ODKind getKind() const = 0; ODnodeBase(LLVMValueRef R, OTnode T) : Ref(R), Dtype(T) {} virtual ~ODnodeBase() {} }; typedef ODnodeBase *ODnode; struct ODnodeVar : ODnodeBase { ODKind getKind() const override { return ODKVar; } ODnodeVar(LLVMValueRef R, OTnode T) : ODnodeBase(R, T) {} }; struct ODnodeLocalVar : ODnodeBase { ODKind getKind() const override { return ODKLocal; } ODnodeLocalVar(LLVMValueRef R, OTnode T) : ODnodeBase(R, T) {} }; enum OStorage { O_Storage_External, O_Storage_Public, O_Storage_Private, O_Storage_Local }; extern "C" void new_var_decl(ODnode *Res, OIdent Ident, OStorage Storage, OTnode Atype) { LLVMValueRef Decl; if (Storage == O_Storage_Local) { if (Unreach) Decl = nullptr; else Decl = LLVMBuildAlloca (DeclBuilder, Atype->Ref, Ident.cstr); *Res = new ODnodeLocalVar(Decl, Atype); #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug && !Unreach) { DILocalVariable *D; D = DBuilder->createAutoVariable (DebugCurrentScope, StringRef(Ident.cstr), DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, Atype->Dbg, true); DBuilder->insertDeclare (unwrap(Decl), D, DBuilder->createExpression(), DebugLoc::get(DebugCurrentLine, 0, DebugCurrentScope), unwrap(LLVMGetInsertBlock(DeclBuilder))); } #endif } else { if (Storage == O_Storage_External) { Decl = LLVMGetNamedGlobal(TheModule, Ident.cstr); } else { Decl = nullptr; } if (Decl == nullptr) Decl = LLVMAddGlobal(TheModule, Atype->Ref, Ident.cstr); *Res = new ODnodeVar(Decl, Atype); if (Storage == O_Storage_Private) LLVMSetLinkage(Decl, LLVMInternalLinkage); switch(Storage) { case O_Storage_Public: case O_Storage_Private: LLVMSetInitializer(Decl, LLVMConstNull(Atype->Ref)); break; case O_Storage_External: case O_Storage_Local: break; } #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) { DIGlobalVariableExpression *GVE; GVE = DBuilder->createGlobalVariableExpression (DebugCurrentSubprg, StringRef(Ident.cstr), StringRef(), DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, Atype->Dbg, Storage == O_Storage_Private); static_cast<GlobalVariable*>(unwrap(Decl))->addDebugInfo(GVE); } #endif } } struct ODnodeConst : ODnodeBase { OStorage Storage; OIdent Ident; ODKind getKind() const override { return ODKConst; } ODnodeConst(LLVMValueRef R, OTnode T, OStorage S, OIdent I) : ODnodeBase(R, T), Storage(S), Ident(I) {} }; static void setConstAttributes(LLVMValueRef Ref, OStorage Storage) { LLVMSetGlobalConstant(Ref, true); if (Storage == O_Storage_Private) LLVMSetLinkage(Ref, LLVMInternalLinkage); } extern "C" void new_const_decl(ODnode *Res, OIdent Ident, OStorage Storage, OTnode Atype) { LLVMValueRef Decl; if (Storage == O_Storage_Local) abort(); if (Storage == O_Storage_External) { // It is possible to re-declare an external const. Decl = LLVMGetNamedGlobal(TheModule, Ident.cstr); if (Decl == nullptr) Decl = LLVMAddGlobal(TheModule, Atype->Ref, Ident.cstr); setConstAttributes(Decl, Storage); } else { // If the type of the constant is not yet bounded, delay the creation // of the constant until its initialization. if (Atype->Bounded) { Decl = LLVMAddGlobal(TheModule, Atype->Ref, Ident.cstr); setConstAttributes(Decl, Storage); } else { Decl = nullptr; } } *Res = new ODnodeConst(Decl, Atype, Storage, Ident); } extern "C" void start_init_value(ODnodeConst **Decl) { } extern "C" void finish_init_value(ODnodeConst **Decl, OCnode *Val) { ODnodeConst *Cst = *Decl; LLVMValueRef Ref = Cst->Ref; if (Ref == nullptr) { Ref = LLVMAddGlobal(TheModule, LLVMTypeOf(Val->Ref), Cst->Ident.cstr); setConstAttributes(Ref, Cst->Storage); Cst->Ref = Ref; } LLVMSetInitializer(Ref, Val->Ref); #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug && Cst->Dtype->Dbg != nullptr) { DIGlobalVariableExpression *GVE; // Note: the scope of a global expression cannot be a lexical scope. GVE = DBuilder->createGlobalVariableExpression (DebugCurrentSubprg, StringRef(Cst->Ident.cstr), StringRef(), DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, DBuilder->createQualifiedType(dwarf::DW_TAG_const_type, Cst->Dtype->Dbg), Cst->Storage == O_Storage_Private); static_cast<GlobalVariable*>(unwrap(Ref))->addDebugInfo(GVE); } #endif } struct ODnodeInter : ODnodeBase { OIdent Ident; ODKind getKind() const override { return ODKInterface; } ODnodeInter(LLVMValueRef R, OTnode T, OIdent Id) : ODnodeBase(R, T), Ident(Id) {} }; struct OInterList { // Subprogram OIdent Ident; OStorage Storage; OTnode Rtype; // Number of interfaces. std::vector<ODnodeInter *> *Inters; }; extern "C" void start_function_decl(OInterList *Inters, OIdent Ident, OStorage Storage, OTnode Rtype) { *Inters = { Ident, Storage, Rtype, new std::vector<ODnodeInter *>() }; } extern "C" void start_procedure_decl(OInterList *Inters, OIdent Ident, OStorage Storage) { *Inters = { Ident, Storage, nullptr, new std::vector<ODnodeInter *>() }; } extern "C" void new_interface_decl(OInterList *Inters, ODnode *Res, OIdent Ident, OTnode Itype) { ODnodeInter *Decl = new ODnodeInter(nullptr, Itype, Ident); *Res = Decl; Inters->Inters->push_back(Decl); } struct ODnodeSubprg : ODnodeBase { // Interfaces std::vector<ODnodeInter *> Inters; // Storage OStorage Storage; OIdent Ident; ODKind getKind() const override { return ODKSubprg; } ODnodeSubprg(LLVMValueRef R, OTnode T, OStorage S, OIdent Id, std::vector<ODnodeInter *> Inters) : ODnodeBase(R, T), Inters(Inters), Storage(S), Ident(Id) {} }; extern "C" void finish_subprogram_decl(OInterList *Inters, ODnodeSubprg **Res) { unsigned ArgsCount = Inters->Inters->size(); LLVMTypeRef *Types = new LLVMTypeRef[ArgsCount]; // Build array of interface types. int i = 0; for (ODnodeInter *Inter: *Inters->Inters) Types[i++] = Inter->Dtype->Ref; // Return type. LLVMTypeRef Rtype; if (Inters->Rtype == nullptr) Rtype = LLVMVoidType(); else Rtype = Inters->Rtype->Ref; LLVMTypeRef Ftype = LLVMFunctionType(Rtype, Types, ArgsCount, 0); LLVMValueRef Decl; if (Inters->Storage == O_Storage_External) Decl = LLVMGetNamedFunction(TheModule, Inters->Ident.cstr); else Decl = nullptr; if (Decl == nullptr) { Decl = LLVMAddFunction(TheModule, Inters->Ident.cstr, Ftype); #ifdef USE_ATTRIBUTES LLVMAddAttributeAtIndex(Decl, LLVMAttributeFunctionIndex, NounwindAttr); LLVMAddAttributeAtIndex(Decl, LLVMAttributeFunctionIndex, UwtableAttr); #else LLVMAddFunctionAttr (Decl, LLVMNoUnwindAttribute); LLVMAddFunctionAttr (Decl, LLVMUWTable); #endif LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(Decl, LLVMCCallConv); } // Translate interfaces i = 0; for (ODnodeInter *Inter: *Inters->Inters) { Inter->Ref = LLVMGetParam(Decl, i); LLVMSetValueName(Inter->Ref, Inter->Ident.cstr); i++; } // Create the result. ODnodeSubprg *R; R = new ODnodeSubprg(Decl, Inters->Rtype, Inters->Storage, Inters->Ident, std::move(*Inters->Inters)); *Res = R; } // Data for a declare block. struct DeclareBlock { // First basic block of the declare. LLVMBasicBlockRef StmtBB; // To handle allocb: stack pointer at the entry of the block, that needs // to be restored when leaving the block (either by falling through or // via exit/next). Set only of New_Alloca is used. LLVMValueRef StackValue; // Previous value block. DeclareBlock *Prev; #ifdef USE_DEBUG DIScope *DebugPrevScope; #endif }; static DeclareBlock *CurrentDeclareBlock; static DeclareBlock *OldDeclareBlock; static LLVMValueRef CurrentFunc; static ODnodeSubprg *CurrentFuncDecl; static void CreateDeclareBlock() { DeclareBlock *Res; // Allocate a declare block if (OldDeclareBlock != nullptr) { Res = OldDeclareBlock; OldDeclareBlock = Res->Prev; } else { Res = new DeclareBlock; } *Res = { nullptr, nullptr, CurrentDeclareBlock #ifdef USE_DEBUG , nullptr #endif }; CurrentDeclareBlock = Res; if (!Unreach) { Res->StmtBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); } } static void DestroyDeclareBlock() { DeclareBlock *Blk = CurrentDeclareBlock; CurrentDeclareBlock = Blk->Prev; Blk->Prev = OldDeclareBlock; OldDeclareBlock = Blk; } extern "C" void start_subprogram_body(ODnodeSubprg *Func) { LLVMBasicBlockRef DeclBB; // Nested subprograms are not supported. assert (CurrentFunc == nullptr); CurrentFunc = Func->Ref; CurrentFuncDecl = Func; assert(!Unreach); DeclBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(DeclBuilder, DeclBB); CreateDeclareBlock(); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, CurrentDeclareBlock->StmtBB); #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebugLines) { DISubroutineType *Ty; std::vector<Metadata *> ParamsArr; if (FlagDebug) { // First, the return type. if (Func->Dtype != nullptr) ParamsArr.push_back(Func->Dtype->Dbg); else ParamsArr.push_back(nullptr); // Then the arguments type. for (ODnodeInter *Inter: Func->Inters) ParamsArr.push_back(Inter->Dtype->Dbg); } DITypeRefArray Params = DBuilder->getOrCreateTypeArray(ParamsArr); Ty = DBuilder->createSubroutineType(Params); #if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 8 // For LLVM 8.0 DebugCurrentSubprg = DBuilder->createFunction (DebugCurrentScope, StringRef(Func->Ident.cstr), StringRef(), DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, Ty, DebugCurrentLine, Func->Storage == O_Storage_Private ? DINode::FlagPrivate : DINode::FlagPublic, DISubprogram::SPFlagDefinition); #else DebugCurrentSubprg = DBuilder->createFunction (DebugCurrentScope, StringRef(Func->Ident.cstr), StringRef(), DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, Ty, Func->Storage == O_Storage_Private, true, DebugCurrentLine); #endif static_cast<Function*>(unwrap(CurrentFunc))->setSubprogram(DebugCurrentSubprg); DebugCurrentScope = DebugCurrentSubprg; unwrap(Builder)->SetCurrentDebugLocation (DebugLoc::get(DebugCurrentLine, 0, DebugCurrentScope)); } if (FlagDebug) { // Crate local variables for arguments unsigned ArgNo = 1; for (ODnodeInter *Inter: Func->Inters) { LLVMValueRef Var; Var = LLVMBuildAlloca(DeclBuilder, Inter->Dtype->Ref, ""); DILocalVariable *D = DBuilder->createParameterVariable (DebugCurrentSubprg, StringRef(Inter->Ident.cstr), ArgNo++, DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, Inter->Dtype->Dbg, true); DBuilder->insertDeclare (unwrap(Var), D, DBuilder->createExpression(), DebugLoc::get(DebugCurrentLine, 0, DebugCurrentSubprg), unwrap(LLVMGetInsertBlock(DeclBuilder))); LLVMBuildStore(DeclBuilder, Inter->Ref, Var); Inter->Ref = Var; } } #endif } extern "C" void finish_subprogram_body() { // Add a jump from the declare basic block to the first statement BB. LLVMBuildBr(DeclBuilder, CurrentDeclareBlock->StmtBB); // Terminate the statement BB if (!Unreach) { if (CurrentFuncDecl->Dtype == nullptr) LLVMBuildRetVoid (Builder); else LLVMBuildUnreachable (Builder); } DestroyDeclareBlock(); CurrentFunc = nullptr; Unreach = false; #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebugLines) { DBuilder->finalizeSubprogram(DebugCurrentSubprg); DebugCurrentSubprg = nullptr; DebugCurrentScope = DebugCurrentCU; } #endif } extern "C" void start_declare_stmt () { CreateDeclareBlock(); if (Unreach) return; // Add a jump to the new BB. LLVMBuildBr(Builder, CurrentDeclareBlock->StmtBB); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, CurrentDeclareBlock->StmtBB); #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) { CurrentDeclareBlock->DebugPrevScope = DebugCurrentScope; DebugCurrentScope = DBuilder->createLexicalBlock (DebugCurrentScope, DebugCurrentFile, DebugCurrentLine, 0); } #endif } extern "C" void finish_declare_stmt () { if (!Unreach) { LLVMBasicBlockRef Bb; // Create a basic block for the statements after the dclare Bb = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); if (CurrentDeclareBlock->StackValue != nullptr) { // Restore stack pointer LLVMBuildCall(Builder, StackRestoreFun, &CurrentDeclareBlock->StackValue, 1, ""); } // Execution will continue on the next statement LLVMBuildBr(Builder, Bb); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, Bb); #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) { DebugCurrentScope = CurrentDeclareBlock->DebugPrevScope; } #endif } // Do not reset Unreach. DestroyDeclareBlock(); } struct OSNode { // BB at the entry of the loop. Will branch to it on next statement and // at the end of the loop. LLVMBasicBlockRef BBEntry; // BB after the loop. Exit statement branches to it. LLVMBasicBlockRef BBExit; }; extern "C" void start_loop_stmt (OSNode *Label) { if (Unreach) { *Label = { nullptr, nullptr }; return; } *Label = { LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""), nullptr }; #if 1 Label->BBExit = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); #endif LLVMBuildBr(Builder, Label->BBEntry); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, Label->BBEntry); } extern "C" void finish_loop_stmt (OSNode *Label) { if (!Unreach) LLVMBuildBr(Builder, Label->BBEntry); if (Label->BBExit != nullptr) { // Continue only if the exit was reachable. LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, Label->BBExit); Unreach = false; } else { Unreach = true; } } extern "C" void new_exit_stmt (OSNode *Label) { if (Unreach) return; #if 0 // Currently LABEL is an input (so cannot be modified) if (Label->BBExit == nullptr) { // We know the end of the loop is reachable Label->BBExit = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); } #endif LLVMBuildBr(Builder, Label->BBExit); Unreach = true; } extern "C" void new_next_stmt (OSNode *Label) { if (Unreach) return; LLVMBuildBr(Builder, Label->BBEntry); Unreach = true; } struct OIFBlock { LLVMBasicBlockRef Bb; }; extern "C" void start_if_stmt (OIFBlock *Blk, OEnode Cond) { if (Unreach) { *Blk = { nullptr}; return; } LLVMBasicBlockRef BBThen; // Create BB for Then and Else. BBThen = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); *Blk = { LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, "") }; LLVMBuildCondBr(Builder, Cond.Ref, BBThen, Blk->Bb); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, BBThen); } extern "C" void new_else_stmt (OIFBlock *Blk) { LLVMBasicBlockRef BBNext; if (!Unreach) { // Create a BB for after the If statement BBNext = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); // And jump to it. LLVMBuildBr(Builder, BBNext); } else { if (Blk->Bb == nullptr) { // The IF statement was unreachable, so is the Else part. return; } // Do not yet create the BB for after the If statement, as we don't // know if it is reachable. BBNext = nullptr; } // Use the BB for the Else part. LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, Blk->Bb); Blk->Bb = BBNext; // The Else part is reachable. Unreach = false; } extern "C" void finish_if_stmt (OIFBlock *Blk) { LLVMBasicBlockRef BBNext; if (!Unreach) { if (Blk->Bb == nullptr) BBNext = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); else BBNext = Blk->Bb; LLVMBuildBr(Builder, BBNext); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, BBNext); } else { // The branch doesn't continue. if (Blk->Bb != nullptr) { // There is at least one fall-through (either from the Then or from // the Else. Unreach = false; LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, Blk->Bb); } } } struct OChoice { LLVMValueRef Low, High; LLVMBasicBlockRef BB; }; struct OCaseBlock { // BB before the case. LLVMBasicBlockRef BBPrev; // Select expression LLVMValueRef Value; OTnode Vtype; // BB after the case statement LLVMBasicBlockRef BBNext; // BB for others LLVMBasicBlockRef BBOthers; // BB for the current choice LLVMBasicBlockRef BBChoice; std::vector<OChoice> *Choices; }; extern "C" void start_case_stmt (OCaseBlock *Blk, OEnode Value) { LLVMBasicBlockRef BB; std::vector<OChoice> *Choices; if (Unreach) { // The case statement is unreachable, discard it completly. BB = nullptr; Choices = nullptr; } else { BB = LLVMGetInsertBlock(Builder); Choices = new std::vector<OChoice>; } *Blk = { BB, Value.Ref, Value.Etype, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, Choices }; } // Close previous branch static void finishBranch (OCaseBlock *Blk) { if (Unreach) { // No need to close it as this point is not reachable. return; } if (Blk->BBNext == nullptr) { // Create the BB for after the case statement. // It also means the end is reachable. Blk->BBNext = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); } LLVMBuildBr(Builder, Blk->BBNext); } extern "C" void start_choice (OCaseBlock *Blk) { if (Blk->BBPrev == nullptr) { // The wholse case statement was unreachable assert(Unreach); return; } if (Blk->BBChoice != nullptr) { // Close previous branch finishBranch(Blk); } // This new choice is reachable from the start of the case statement. Unreach = false; // Create a new BB. Blk->BBChoice = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, Blk->BBChoice); } // Add a choice that will branch to Blk->BBChoice. static void newChoice(OCaseBlock *Blk, LLVMValueRef Low, LLVMValueRef High) { if (Unreach) return; Blk->Choices->push_back({Low, High, Blk->BBChoice}); } extern "C" void new_expr_choice (OCaseBlock *Blk, OCnode *Expr) { newChoice(Blk, Expr->Ref, nullptr); } extern "C" void new_range_choice (OCaseBlock *Blk, OCnode *Low, OCnode *High) { newChoice(Blk, Low->Ref, High->Ref); } extern "C" void new_default_choice (OCaseBlock *Blk) { if (Unreach) return; Blk->BBOthers = Blk->BBChoice; } extern "C" void finish_choice (OCaseBlock *Blk) { } extern "C" void finish_case_stmt (OCaseBlock *Blk) { LLVMIntPredicate GE, LE; if (Blk->BBPrev == nullptr) { // The whole case statement is not reachable. return; } if (Blk->BBChoice != nullptr) { // Close previous branch finishBranch(Blk); } // Strategy: use a switch instruction for simple choices, put range choices // in the default branch, using if statements. // TODO: could improve the handling of ranges (dichotomy, decision tree...) switch (Blk->Vtype->Kind) { case OTKUnsigned: case OTKEnum: case OTKBool: GE = LLVMIntUGE; LE = LLVMIntULE; break; case OTKSigned: GE = LLVMIntSGE; LE = LLVMIntSLE; break; default: llvm_unreachable("bad expr type for case"); } // BB for the default case. LLVMBasicBlockRef BBDefault = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, BBDefault); // Put range choices in the default case. unsigned int Count = 0; LLVMBasicBlockRef BBLast = BBDefault; for(auto &c: *Blk->Choices) { if (c.High != nullptr) { BBLast = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); LLVMBuildCondBr(Builder, LLVMBuildAnd(Builder, LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, GE, Blk->Value, c.Low, ""), LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LE, Blk->Value, c.High, ""), ""), c.BB, BBLast); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, BBLast); } else { Count++; } } // Insert the switch LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, Blk->BBPrev); LLVMValueRef Sw = LLVMBuildSwitch(Builder, Blk->Value, BBDefault, Count); for(auto &c: *Blk->Choices) { if (c.High == nullptr) { LLVMAddCase(Sw, c.Low, c.BB); } } // Insert the others (if there is one). LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, BBLast); if (Blk->BBOthers != nullptr) LLVMBuildBr(Builder, Blk->BBOthers); else LLVMBuildUnreachable(Builder); // Next BB. if (Blk->BBNext != nullptr) { Unreach = false; LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, Blk->BBNext); } else { // No branch falls through Unreach = true; } delete Blk->Choices; } struct OAssocList { ODnodeSubprg *Subprg; unsigned Idx; LLVMValueRef *Vals; }; extern "C" void start_association (OAssocList *Assocs, ODnodeSubprg *Subprg) { *Assocs = { Subprg, 0, new LLVMValueRef[Subprg->Inters.size()] }; } extern "C" void new_association (OAssocList *Assocs, OEnode Val) { Assocs->Vals[Assocs->Idx++] = Val.Ref; } extern "C" OEnode new_function_call (OAssocList *Assocs) { LLVMValueRef Res; if (!Unreach) { Res = LLVMBuildCall(Builder, Assocs->Subprg->Ref, Assocs->Vals, Assocs->Subprg->Inters.size(), ""); } else { Res = nullptr; } delete Assocs->Vals; return { Res, Assocs->Subprg->Dtype }; } extern "C" void new_procedure_call (OAssocList *Assocs) { if (!Unreach) { LLVMBuildCall(Builder, Assocs->Subprg->Ref, Assocs->Vals, Assocs->Subprg->Inters.size(), ""); } delete Assocs->Vals; } extern "C" void new_func_return_stmt (OEnode Value) { if (Unreach) return; LLVMValueRef Res = LLVMBuildRet(Builder, Value.Ref); setDebugLocation(Res); Unreach = true; } extern "C" void new_proc_return_stmt () { if (Unreach) return; LLVMValueRef Res = LLVMBuildRetVoid(Builder); setDebugLocation(Res); Unreach = true; } enum ONOpKind { /* Not an operation; invalid. */ ON_Nil, /* Dyadic operations. */ ON_Add_Ov, ON_Sub_Ov, ON_Mul_Ov, ON_Div_Ov, ON_Rem_Ov, ON_Mod_Ov, /* Binary operations. */ ON_And, ON_Or, ON_Xor, /* Monadic operations. */ ON_Not, ON_Neg_Ov, ON_Abs_Ov, /* Comparaisons */ ON_Eq, ON_Neq, ON_Le, ON_Lt, ON_Ge, ON_Gt, ON_LAST }; struct ComparePred { LLVMIntPredicate SignedPred; LLVMIntPredicate UnsignedPred; LLVMRealPredicate RealPred; }; static const ComparePred CompareTable[] = { {LLVMIntEQ, LLVMIntEQ, LLVMRealOEQ }, // Eq {LLVMIntNE, LLVMIntNE, LLVMRealONE }, // Ne {LLVMIntSLE, LLVMIntULE, LLVMRealOLE }, // Le {LLVMIntSLT, LLVMIntULT, LLVMRealOLT }, // Lt {LLVMIntSGE, LLVMIntUGE, LLVMRealOGE }, // Ge {LLVMIntSGT, LLVMIntUGT, LLVMRealOGT } // Gt }; extern "C" OEnode new_compare_op (ONOpKind Kind, OEnode Left, OEnode Right, OTnode Rtype) { LLVMValueRef Res; if (Unreach) return {nullptr, Rtype}; // Cannot apply C convention to ON_Op_Kind, so we need to truncate it // (as it is represented by a byte from Ada and by int from C) Kind = static_cast<ONOpKind>(Kind & 0xff); switch(Left.Etype->Kind) { case OTKUnsigned: case OTKEnum: case OTKBool: case OTKAccess: case OTKIncompleteAccess: Res = LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, CompareTable[Kind - ON_Eq].UnsignedPred, Left.Ref, Right.Ref, ""); break; case OTKSigned: Res = LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, CompareTable[Kind - ON_Eq].SignedPred, Left.Ref, Right.Ref, ""); break; case OTKFloat: Res = LLVMBuildFCmp(Builder, CompareTable[Kind - ON_Eq].RealPred, Left.Ref, Right.Ref, ""); break; default: abort(); } return {Res, Rtype}; } extern "C" OEnode new_monadic_op (ONOpKind Kind, OEnode Operand) { LLVMValueRef Res; if (Unreach) return { nullptr, Operand.Etype}; // Cannot apply C convention to ON_Op_Kind, so we need to truncate it // (as it is represented by a byte from Ada and by int from C) Kind = static_cast<ONOpKind>(Kind & 0xff); switch (Operand.Etype->Kind) { case OTKUnsigned: case OTKSigned: case OTKBool: switch (Kind) { case ON_Not: Res = LLVMBuildNot(Builder, Operand.Ref, ""); break; case ON_Neg_Ov: Res = LLVMBuildNeg(Builder, Operand.Ref, ""); break; case ON_Abs_Ov: Res = LLVMBuildSelect (Builder, LLVMBuildICmp (Builder, LLVMIntSLT, Operand.Ref, LLVMConstInt(Operand.Etype->Ref, 0, 0), ""), LLVMBuildNeg(Builder, Operand.Ref, ""), Operand.Ref, ""); break; default: llvm_unreachable("bad scalar monadic op"); } break; case OTKFloat: switch (Kind) { case ON_Neg_Ov: Res = LLVMBuildFNeg(Builder, Operand.Ref, ""); break; case ON_Abs_Ov: Res = LLVMBuildSelect (Builder, LLVMBuildFCmp (Builder, LLVMRealOLT, Operand.Ref, LLVMConstReal(Operand.Etype->Ref, 0.0), ""), LLVMBuildFNeg(Builder, Operand.Ref, ""), Operand.Ref, ""); break; default: abort(); } break; default: abort(); } return {Res, Operand.Etype}; } static LLVMValueRef BuildSMod(LLVMBuilderRef Build, LLVMValueRef L, LLVMValueRef R, const char *s) { LLVMTypeRef T = LLVMTypeOf(L); LLVMBasicBlockRef NormalBB; LLVMBasicBlockRef AdjustBB; LLVMBasicBlockRef NextBB; LLVMValueRef PhiVals[3]; LLVMBasicBlockRef PhiBB[3]; NextBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); NormalBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); // Avoid overflow with -1 // if R = -1 then // result := 0; // else // ... LLVMValueRef Cond; Cond = LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntEQ, R, LLVMConstAllOnes(T), ""); LLVMBuildCondBr(Builder, Cond, NextBB, NormalBB); PhiBB[0] = LLVMGetInsertBlock(Builder); PhiVals[0] = LLVMConstNull(T); // Rm := Left rem Right LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, NormalBB); LLVMValueRef Rm = LLVMBuildSRem(Builder, L, R, s); // if Rm = 0 then // result := 0 // else AdjustBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(CurrentFunc, ""); Cond = LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntEQ, Rm, LLVMConstNull(T), ""); LLVMBuildCondBr(Builder, Cond, NextBB, AdjustBB); PhiBB[1] = NormalBB; PhiVals[1] = LLVMConstNull(T); // if (L xor R) < 0 then // result := Rm + R // else // result := Rm LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, AdjustBB); LLVMValueRef RXor = LLVMBuildXor(Builder, L, R, ""); Cond = LLVMBuildICmp(Builder, LLVMIntSLT, RXor, LLVMConstNull(T), ""); LLVMValueRef RmPlusR = LLVMBuildAdd(Builder, Rm, R, ""); LLVMValueRef Adj = LLVMBuildSelect(Builder, Cond, RmPlusR, Rm, ""); LLVMBuildBr(Builder, NextBB); PhiBB[2] = AdjustBB; PhiVals[2] = Adj; // The Phi node LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder, NextBB); LLVMValueRef Phi = LLVMBuildPhi(Builder, T, ""); LLVMAddIncoming(Phi, PhiVals, PhiBB, 3); return Phi; } extern "C" OEnode new_dyadic_op (ONOpKind Kind, OEnode Left, OEnode Right) { LLVMValueRef Res; LLVMValueRef (*Build)(LLVMBuilderRef, LLVMValueRef, LLVMValueRef, const char *); OTKind ArgKind = Left.Etype->Kind; if (Unreach) return { nullptr, Left.Etype}; // Cannot apply C convention to ON_Op_Kind, so we need to truncate it // (as it is represented by a byte from Ada and by int from C) Kind = static_cast<ONOpKind>(Kind & 0xff); switch (ArgKind) { case OTKUnsigned: case OTKSigned: case OTKBool: case OTKEnum: switch (Kind) { case ON_And: Build = &LLVMBuildAnd; break; case ON_Or: Build = &LLVMBuildOr; break; case ON_Xor: Build = &LLVMBuildXor; break; case ON_Add_Ov: Build = &LLVMBuildAdd; break; case ON_Sub_Ov: Build = &LLVMBuildSub; break; case ON_Mul_Ov: Build = &LLVMBuildMul; break; case ON_Div_Ov: if (ArgKind == OTKUnsigned) Build = &LLVMBuildUDiv; else Build = &LLVMBuildSDiv; break; case ON_Mod_Ov: if (ArgKind == OTKUnsigned) Build = &LLVMBuildURem; else Build = &BuildSMod; break; case ON_Rem_Ov: if (ArgKind == OTKUnsigned) Build = &LLVMBuildURem; else Build = &LLVMBuildSRem; break; default: abort(); } break; case OTKFloat: switch (Kind) { case ON_Add_Ov: Build = &LLVMBuildFAdd; break; case ON_Sub_Ov: Build = &LLVMBuildFSub; break; case ON_Mul_Ov: Build = &LLVMBuildFMul; break; case ON_Div_Ov: Build = &LLVMBuildFDiv; break; default: llvm_unreachable("bad float dyadic op"); } break; default: abort(); } Res = Build(Builder, Left.Ref, Right.Ref, ""); return {Res, Left.Etype}; } extern "C" OEnode new_convert (OEnode Val, OTnode Rtype) { if (Unreach) { return {nullptr, Rtype}; } if (Rtype == Val.Etype) { // Same type, nothing to do return Val; } if (Rtype->Ref == Val.Etype->Ref) { // Same undelaying LLVM type. No conversion. return {Val.Ref, Rtype}; } LLVMValueRef Res; switch(Rtype->Kind) { case OTKUnsigned: case OTKSigned: case OTKEnum: case OTKBool: switch(Val.Etype->Kind) { case OTKUnsigned: case OTKSigned: case OTKEnum: case OTKBool: // Int to Int if (static_cast<OTnodeScal*>(Val.Etype)->ScalSize > static_cast<OTnodeScal*>(Rtype)->ScalSize) Res = LLVMBuildTrunc(Builder, Val.Ref, Rtype->Ref, ""); else if (static_cast<OTnodeScal*>(Val.Etype)->ScalSize < static_cast<OTnodeScal*>(Rtype)->ScalSize) { if (Val.Etype->Kind == OTKSigned) Res = LLVMBuildSExt(Builder, Val.Ref, Rtype->Ref, ""); else Res = LLVMBuildZExt(Builder, Val.Ref, Rtype->Ref, ""); } else { Res = LLVMBuildBitCast(Builder, Val.Ref, Rtype->Ref, ""); } break; case OTKFloat: // Float to Int { LLVMValueRef V; LLVMValueRef Args[2]; Args[0] = Fp0_5; Args[1] = Val.Ref; V = LLVMBuildCall(Builder, CopySignFun, Args, 2, ""); V = LLVMBuildFAdd(Builder, V, Val.Ref, ""); Res = LLVMBuildFPToSI(Builder, V, Rtype->Ref, ""); } break; default: llvm_unreachable("bad convert type"); } break; case OTKFloat: // x to Float switch (Val.Etype->Kind) { case OTKSigned: Res = LLVMBuildSIToFP(Builder, Val.Ref, Rtype->Ref, ""); break; case OTKUnsigned: Res = LLVMBuildUIToFP(Builder, Val.Ref, Rtype->Ref, ""); break; default: abort(); } break; case OTKAccess: case OTKIncompleteAccess: assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeOf(Val.Ref)) == LLVMPointerTypeKind); Res = LLVMBuildBitCast(Builder, Val.Ref, Rtype->Ref, ""); break; default: abort(); } return {Res, Rtype}; } extern "C" OEnode new_convert_ov (OEnode Val, OTnode Rtype) { return new_convert(Val, Rtype); } extern "C" OEnode new_alloca (OTnode Rtype, OEnode Size) { LLVMValueRef Res; if (Unreach) Res = nullptr; else { if (CurrentDeclareBlock->StackValue != nullptr && CurrentDeclareBlock->Prev != nullptr) { // Save the stack pointer at the entry of the block. LLVMValueRef FirstInsn = LLVMGetFirstInstruction(CurrentDeclareBlock->StmtBB); LLVMBuilderRef Bld; if (FirstInsn == nullptr) { // Alloca is the first instruction Bld = Builder; } else { LLVMPositionBuilderBefore(ExtraBuilder, FirstInsn); Bld = ExtraBuilder; } CurrentDeclareBlock->StackValue = LLVMBuildCall(Bld, StackSaveFun, nullptr, 0, ""); } Res = LLVMBuildArrayAlloca(Builder, LLVMInt8Type(), Size.Ref, ""); // Convert Res = LLVMBuildBitCast(Builder, Res, Rtype->Ref, ""); } return {Res, Rtype}; } extern "C" OCnode new_subprogram_address (ODnodeSubprg *Subprg, OTnode Atype) { return { LLVMConstBitCast(Subprg->Ref, Atype->Ref), Atype }; } struct OGnode { LLVMValueRef Ref; OTnode Gtype; }; extern "C" OGnode new_global (ODnode Decl) { return {Decl->Ref, Decl->Dtype }; } extern "C" OGnode new_global_selected_element (OGnode Rec, OFnodeBase *El) { LLVMValueRef Res; switch(El->Kind) { case OF_Record: { LLVMValueRef Idx[2]; Idx[0] = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0); Idx[1] = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), static_cast<OFnodeRec *>(El)->Index, 0); Res = LLVMConstGEP(Rec.Ref, Idx, 2); } break; case OF_Union: Res = LLVMConstBitCast(Rec.Ref, static_cast<OFnodeUnion *>(El)->PtrType); break; } return {Res, El->FType}; } extern "C" OCnode new_global_unchecked_address (OGnode Lvalue, OTnode Atype) { return {LLVMConstBitCast(Lvalue.Ref, Atype->Ref), Atype}; } extern "C" OCnode new_global_address (OGnode Lvalue, OTnode Atype) { return new_global_unchecked_address(Lvalue, Atype); } struct OLnode { bool Direct; LLVMValueRef Ref; OTnode Ltype; }; extern "C" OLnode new_obj (ODnode Obj) { switch(Obj->getKind()) { case ODKConst: case ODKVar: case ODKLocal: return { false, Obj->Ref, Obj->Dtype }; case ODKInterface: #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebug) { // The argument was allocated on the stack return { false, Obj->Ref, Obj->Dtype }; } #endif return { true, Obj->Ref, Obj->Dtype }; case ODKType: case ODKSubprg: default: llvm_unreachable("bad new_obj obj"); } } extern "C" OEnode new_value (OLnode *Lvalue) { LLVMValueRef Res; if (Unreach) Res = nullptr; else { if (Lvalue->Direct) Res = Lvalue->Ref; else Res = LLVMBuildLoad(Builder, Lvalue->Ref, ""); } return {Res, Lvalue->Ltype }; } extern "C" OEnode new_obj_value (ODnode Obj) { OLnode t = new_obj(Obj); return new_value (&t); } extern "C" OLnode new_indexed_element (OLnode *Arr, OEnode Index) { LLVMValueRef Idx[2]; LLVMValueRef Res; if (Unreach) Res = nullptr; else { Idx[0] = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0); Idx[1] = Index.Ref; Res = LLVMBuildGEP(Builder, Arr->Ref, Idx, 2, ""); } return { false, Res, static_cast<OTnodeArr *>(Arr->Ltype)->ElType }; } extern "C" OLnode new_slice (OLnode *Arr, OTnode Rtype, OEnode Index) { LLVMValueRef Idx[2]; LLVMValueRef Res; if (Unreach) Res = nullptr; else { Idx[0] = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0); Idx[1] = Index.Ref; Res = LLVMBuildGEP(Builder, Arr->Ref, Idx, 2, ""); Res = LLVMBuildBitCast(Builder, Res, LLVMPointerType(Rtype->Ref, 0), ""); } return { false, Res, Rtype}; } extern "C" OLnode new_selected_element (OLnode *Rec, OFnodeBase *El) { LLVMValueRef Res; if (Unreach) Res = nullptr; else { switch(El->Kind) { case OF_Record: { LLVMValueRef Idx[2]; Idx[0] = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0); Idx[1] = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), static_cast<OFnodeRec *>(El)->Index, 0); Res = LLVMBuildGEP(Builder, Rec->Ref, Idx, 2, ""); } break; case OF_Union: Res = LLVMBuildBitCast(Builder, Rec->Ref, static_cast<OFnodeUnion *>(El)->PtrType, ""); break; } } return { false, Res, El->FType }; } extern "C" OLnode new_access_element (OEnode Acc) { LLVMValueRef Res; switch(Acc.Etype->Kind) { case OTKAccess: Res = Acc.Ref; break; case OTKIncompleteAccess: // Unwrap the structure { LLVMValueRef Idx[2]; Idx[0] = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0); Idx[1] = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0); Res = LLVMBuildGEP(Builder, Acc.Ref, Idx, 2, ""); } break; default: llvm_unreachable("bad new_access_element"); } return {false, Res, static_cast<OTnodeAccBase *>(Acc.Etype)->Acc }; } extern "C" OEnode new_unchecked_address (OLnode *Lvalue, OTnode Atype) { LLVMValueRef Res; if (Unreach) Res = nullptr; else Res = LLVMBuildBitCast(Builder, Lvalue->Ref, Atype->Ref, ""); return {Res, Atype}; } extern "C" OEnode new_address (OLnode *Lvalue, OTnode Atype) { return new_unchecked_address(Lvalue, Atype); } extern "C" void new_assign_stmt (OLnode *Target, OEnode Value) { assert (!Target->Direct); if (Unreach) return; LLVMValueRef Res = LLVMBuildStore(Builder, Value.Ref, Target->Ref); setDebugLocation(Res); } extern "C" void new_debug_line_decl (unsigned Line) { #ifdef USE_DEBUG DebugCurrentLine = Line; #endif } extern "C" void new_debug_line_stmt (unsigned Line) { #ifdef USE_DEBUG if (FlagDebugLines && Line != DebugCurrentLine) { DebugCurrentLine = Line; unwrap(Builder)->SetCurrentDebugLocation (DebugLoc::get(DebugCurrentLine, 0, DebugCurrentScope)); } #endif }