-- Command line options. -- Copyright (C) 2008 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Name_Table; with Errorout; use Errorout; with Libraries; with Std_Names; with PSL.Nodes; with PSL.Dump_Tree; with Disp_Tree; with Scanner; with Back_End; use Back_End; with Flags; use Flags; with Files_Map; package body Options is procedure Initialize is begin Std_Names.Std_Names_Initialize; Libraries.Init_Pathes; PSL.Nodes.Init; PSL.Dump_Tree.Dump_Hdl_Node := Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree_For_Psl'Access; end Initialize; function Option_Warning (Opt: String; Val : Boolean) return Boolean is begin -- Handle -Werror. if Opt = "error" then Warn_Error := Val; return True; end if; -- Normal warnings. for I in Msgid_Warnings loop if Warning_Image (I) = Opt then Enable_Warning (I, Val); return True; end if; end loop; -- -Wreserved is an alias for -Wreserved-word. if Opt = "reserved" then Enable_Warning (Warnid_Reserved_Word, Val); return True; end if; -- Unknown warning. return False; end Option_Warning; function Parse_Option (Option : String) return Boolean is subtype Option_String is String (1 .. Option'Length); Opt : Option_String renames Option; begin if Opt'Last > 5 and then Opt (1 .. 6) = "--std=" then if Opt'Length = 8 then if Opt (7 .. 8) = "87" then Vhdl_Std := Vhdl_87; elsif Opt (7 .. 8) = "93" then Vhdl_Std := Vhdl_93; elsif Opt (7 .. 8) = "00" then Vhdl_Std := Vhdl_00; elsif Opt (7 .. 8) = "02" then Vhdl_Std := Vhdl_02; elsif Opt (7 .. 8) = "08" then Vhdl_Std := Vhdl_08; else return False; end if; elsif Opt'Length = 9 and then Opt (7 .. 9) = "93c" then Vhdl_Std := Vhdl_93c; else return False; end if; elsif Opt'Length = 5 and then Opt (1 .. 5) = "--ams" then AMS_Vhdl := True; elsif Opt'Length >= 2 and then Opt (1 .. 2) = "-P" then if Opt'Last = 2 then Error_Msg_Option ("missing directory after -P"); return True; end if; if Opt (3) = '=' then if Opt'Last = 3 then Error_Msg_Option ("missing directory after -P="); return True; end if; Libraries.Add_Library_Path (Opt (4 .. Opt'Last)); else Libraries.Add_Library_Path (Opt (3 .. Opt'Last)); end if; elsif Opt'Length > 10 and then Opt (1 .. 10) = "--workdir=" then Libraries.Set_Work_Library_Path (Opt (11 .. Opt'Last)); elsif Opt'Length > 10 and then Opt (1 .. 10) = "--warn-no-" then -- Handle --warn-no before -warn-! return Option_Warning (Opt (11 .. Opt'Last), False); elsif Opt'Length > 7 and then Opt (1 .. 7) = "--warn-" then return Option_Warning (Opt (8 .. Opt'Last), True); elsif Opt'Length > 5 and then Opt (1 .. 5) = "-Wno-" then -- Handle -Wno before -W! return Option_Warning (Opt (6 .. Opt'Last), False); elsif Opt'Length > 2 and then Opt (1 .. 2) = "-W" then return Option_Warning (Opt (3 .. Opt'Last), True); elsif Opt'Length > 7 and then Opt (1 .. 7) = "--work=" then declare use Name_Table; begin Nam_Length := Opt'Last - 8 + 1; Nam_Buffer (1 .. Nam_Length) := Opt (8 .. Opt'Last); Scanner.Convert_Identifier; Libraries.Work_Library_Name := Get_Identifier; end; elsif Opt = "-C" or else Opt = "--mb-comments" then Mb_Comment := True; elsif Opt = "-fcaret-diagnostics" then Flag_Caret_Diagnostics := True; elsif Opt = "-fno-caret-diagnostics" then Flag_Caret_Diagnostics := False; elsif Opt = "-fcolor-diagnostics" then Flag_Color_Diagnostics := On; elsif Opt = "-fno-color-diagnostics" then Flag_Color_Diagnostics := Off; elsif Opt = "-fdiagnostics-show-option" then Flag_Diagnostics_Show_Option := True; elsif Opt = "-fno-diagnostics-show-option" then Flag_Diagnostics_Show_Option := False; elsif Opt'Length > 10 and then Opt (1 .. 10) = "-ftabstop=" then declare use Files_Map; V : Natural; begin V := Natural'Value (Opt (11 .. Opt'Last)); if V not in Tab_Stop_Range then Error_Msg_Option ("incorrect value for -ftabstop"); return True; end if; Tab_Stop := V; exception when Constraint_Error => Error_Msg_Option ("numeric value expected after -ftabstop="); return True; end; elsif Opt = "--bootstrap" then Bootstrap := True; elsif Opt = "-fexplicit" then Flag_Explicit := True; elsif Opt = "-frelaxed-rules" then Flag_Relaxed_Rules := True; elsif Opt = "--syn-binding" then Flag_Syn_Binding := True; elsif Opt = "--no-vital-checks" then Flag_Vital_Checks := False; elsif Opt = "--vital-checks" then Flag_Vital_Checks := True; elsif Opt = "-fpsl" then Scanner.Flag_Psl_Comment := True; Scanner.Flag_Comment_Keyword := True; elsif Opt = "-dp" then Dump_Parse := True; elsif Opt = "-ds" then Dump_Sem := True; elsif Opt = "-dc" then Dump_Canon := True; elsif Opt = "-da" then Dump_Annotate := True; elsif Opt = "-do" then Dump_Origin_Flag := False; elsif Opt = "--dall" then Dump_All := True; elsif Opt = "-dstats" then Dump_Stats := True; elsif Opt = "--lall" then List_All := True; elsif Opt = "-lv" then List_Verbose := True; elsif Opt = "-ls" then List_Sem := True; elsif Opt = "-lc" then List_Canon := True; elsif Opt = "-la" then List_Annotate := True; elsif Opt = "-v" then Verbose := True; elsif Opt = "--finteger64" then Flag_Integer_64 := True; elsif Opt = "--ftime32" then Flag_Time_64 := False; -- elsif Opt'Length > 17 -- and then Opt (Beg .. Beg + 17) = "--time-resolution=" -- then -- Beg := Beg + 18; -- if Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "fs" then -- Time_Resolution := 'f'; -- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "ps" then -- Time_Resolution := 'p'; -- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "ns" then -- Time_Resolution := 'n'; -- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "us" then -- Time_Resolution := 'u'; -- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "ms" then -- Time_Resolution := 'm'; -- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 2) = "sec" then -- Time_Resolution := 's'; -- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 2) = "min" then -- Time_Resolution := 'M'; -- elsif Opt (Beg .. Beg + 1) = "hr" then -- Time_Resolution := 'h'; -- else -- return False; -- end if; elsif Back_End.Parse_Option /= null and then Back_End.Parse_Option.all (Opt) then null; else return False; end if; return True; end Parse_Option; -- Disp help about these options. procedure Disp_Options_Help is procedure P (S : String) renames Put_Line; begin P ("Main options:"); P (" --work=LIB use LIB as work library"); P (" --workdir=DIR use DIR for the file library"); P (" -PPATH add PATH in the library path list"); P (" --std=87/93/00/02/08 select vhdl 87/93/00/02/08 standard"); P (" --std=93c select vhdl 93 standard and allow 87 syntax"); P (" --[no-]vital-checks do [not] check VITAL restrictions"); P ("Warnings:"); -- P (" --warn-undriven disp undriven signals"); P (" -Wbinding warns for component not bound"); P (" -Wreserved warns use of 93 reserved words in vhdl87"); P (" -Wlibrary warns for redefinition of a design unit"); P (" -Wvital-generic warns of non-vital generic names"); P (" -Wdelayed-checks warns for checks performed at elaboration"); P (" -Wbody warns for not necessary package body"); P (" -Wspecs warns if a all/others spec does not apply"); P (" -Wunused warns if a subprogram is never used"); P (" -Werror turns warnings into errors"); -- P ("Simulation option:"); -- P (" --time-resolution=UNIT set the resolution of type time"); -- P (" UNIT can be fs, ps, ns, us, ms, sec, min or hr"); -- P (" --assert-level=LEVEL set the level which stop the"); -- P (" simulation. LEVEL is note, warning, error,"); -- P (" failure or none"); P ("Extensions:"); P (" -fexplicit give priority to explicitly declared operator"); P (" -frelaxed-rules relax some LRM rules"); P (" -C --mb-comments allow multi-bytes chars in a comment"); P (" --bootstrap allow --work=std"); P (" --syn-binding use synthesis default binding rule"); P (" -fpsl parse psl in comments"); P ("Compilation list:"); P (" -l[sca] after semantics, canon or annotation"); P (" --lall -lX options apply to all files"); P (" -lv verbose list"); P (" -v disp compilation stages"); P ("Compilation dump:"); P (" -d[psa] dump tree after parse, semantics or annotate"); P (" --dall -dX options apply to all files"); if Back_End.Disp_Option /= null then Back_End.Disp_Option.all; end if; end Disp_Options_Help; end Options;