-- Lists data type. -- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. with Tables; package body Lists is type List_Record is record First : Chunk_Index_Type; Last : Chunk_Index_Type; Chunk_Idx : Nat32; Nbr : Natural; end record; package Listt is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => List_Record, Table_Index_Type => List_Type, Table_Low_Bound => 2, Table_Initial => 128); package Chunkt is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => Chunk_Type, Table_Index_Type => Chunk_Index_Type, Table_Low_Bound => 1, Table_Initial => 128); Chunk_Free_List : Chunk_Index_Type := No_Chunk_Index; procedure Free_Chunk (Idx : Chunk_Index_Type) is begin Chunkt.Table (Idx).Next := Chunk_Free_List; Chunk_Free_List := Idx; end Free_Chunk; function Get_Free_Chunk return Chunk_Index_Type is Res : Chunk_Index_Type; begin if Chunk_Free_List /= No_Chunk_Index then Res := Chunk_Free_List; Chunk_Free_List := Chunkt.Table (Res).Next; return Res; else return Chunkt.Allocate; end if; end Get_Free_Chunk; function Get_Nbr_Elements (List: List_Type) return Natural is begin return Listt.Table (List).Nbr; end Get_Nbr_Elements; function Is_Empty (List : List_Type) return Boolean is begin return Listt.Table (List).Nbr = 0; end Is_Empty; procedure Append_Element (List: List_Type; Element: El_Type) is L : List_Record renames Listt.Table (List); C : Chunk_Index_Type; begin L.Chunk_Idx := L.Chunk_Idx + 1; if L.Chunk_Idx < Chunk_Len then Chunkt.Table (L.Last).Els (L.Chunk_Idx) := Element; else C := Get_Free_Chunk; Chunkt.Table (C).Next := No_Chunk_Index; Chunkt.Table (C).Els (0) := Element; L.Chunk_Idx := 0; if L.Nbr = 0 then L.First := C; else Chunkt.Table (L.Last).Next := C; end if; L.Last := C; end if; L.Nbr := L.Nbr + 1; end Append_Element; function Get_First_Element (List: List_Type) return El_Type is L : List_Record renames Listt.Table (List); begin pragma Assert (L.Nbr > 0); return Chunkt.Table (L.First).Els (0); end Get_First_Element; -- Add (append) an element only if it was not already present in the list. procedure Add_Element (List: List_Type; El: El_Type) is It : Iterator; begin It := Iterate (List); while Is_Valid (It) loop if Get_Element (It) = El then return; end if; Next (It); end loop; Append_Element (List, El); end Add_Element; -- Chain of unused lists. List_Free_Chain : List_Type := Null_List; function Create_List return List_Type is Res : List_Type; begin if List_Free_Chain = Null_List then Listt.Increment_Last; Res := Listt.Last; else Res := List_Free_Chain; List_Free_Chain := List_Type (Listt.Table (Res).Chunk_Idx); end if; Listt.Table (Res) := List_Record'(First => No_Chunk_Index, Last => No_Chunk_Index, Chunk_Idx => Chunk_Len, Nbr => 0); return Res; end Create_List; procedure Destroy_List (List : in out List_Type) is C, Next_C : Chunk_Index_Type; begin if List = Null_List then return; end if; C := Listt.Table (List).First; while C /= No_Chunk_Index loop Next_C := Chunkt.Table (C).Next; Free_Chunk (C); C := Next_C; end loop; Listt.Table (List).Chunk_Idx := Nat32 (List_Free_Chain); List_Free_Chain := List; List := Null_List; end Destroy_List; procedure Finalize is begin Listt.Free; Chunkt.Free; end Finalize; procedure Initialize is begin Listt.Init; Chunkt.Init; List_Free_Chain := Null_List; Chunk_Free_List := No_Chunk_Index; end Initialize; function Iterate (List : List_Valid_Type) return Iterator is L : List_Record renames Listt.Table (List); begin return Iterator'(Chunk => L.First, Chunk_Idx => 0, Remain => Int32 (L.Nbr)); end Iterate; function Iterate_Safe (List : List_Type) return Iterator is begin if List = Null_List then return Iterator'(Chunk => No_Chunk_Index, Chunk_Idx => 0, Remain => 0); end if; return Iterate (List); end Iterate_Safe; function Is_Valid (It : Iterator) return Boolean is begin return It.Remain > 0; end Is_Valid; procedure Next (It : in out Iterator) is begin It.Chunk_Idx := It.Chunk_Idx + 1; if It.Chunk_Idx = Chunk_Len then It.Chunk := Chunkt.Table (It.Chunk).Next; It.Chunk_Idx := 0; end if; It.Remain := It.Remain - 1; end Next; function Get_Element (It : Iterator) return El_Type is begin return Chunkt.Table (It.Chunk).Els (It.Chunk_Idx); end Get_Element; procedure Set_Element (It : Iterator; El : El_Type) is begin Chunkt.Table (It.Chunk).Els (It.Chunk_Idx) := El; end Set_Element; end Lists;