--  GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Wave option file package for reading the tree.
--  Copyright (C) 2016 Jonas Baggett
--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
--  As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
--  unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
--  this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
--  covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
--  however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
--  covered by the GNU Public License.

-- Description: See package specifications

with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
with Grt.Wave_Opt.File; use Grt.Wave_Opt.File;

package body Grt.Wave_Opt.Design is

   -- Find the element that matches the name given. Starts with the element
   -- given, then go thru all its siblings
   function Find_Cursor (Name : String;
                         Parent : Match_List;
                         Is_Signal : Boolean := False)
                        return Match_List;

   -- If the name of the current design object matches with the child tree
   -- element given in parameter (Elem_Acc), this procedure is called to add
   -- the latter to the list of all the child tree elements that match a design
   -- object.
   -- A list needs to be done, because if /top/sub/a, /top/sub/b and /top/sub/c
   -- exist in the design and if we have /top/sub/a, /top/*/b and /top/**/c in
   -- the tree, then a list of the child tree elements of /top will be done
   -- with sub, * and ** so that /top/sub/a, /top/sub/b and /top/sub/c can be
   -- matched with respectively /top/sub/a, /top/*/b and /top/**/c
   procedure Match_List_Append
     (List : in out Match_List; Tree_Elem : Elem_Acc);
   -- TODO : Deallocate the list somewhere, but the memory gain shouldn't be
   --        significative

   function Get_Top_Cursor (Tree_Index : Tree_Index_Type; Name : Ghdl_C_String)
                           return Match_List
      Root : Match_List;
      if State = Write_File and then Trees (Tree_Index).Next_Child = null then
         Write_Tree_Comment (Tree_Index);
      end if;
      Root := new Match_Elem_Type'(Trees (Tree_Index), null);
      return Get_Cursor (Root, Name);
   end Get_Top_Cursor;

   function Get_Cursor (Parent : Match_List;
                        Name : Ghdl_C_String;
                        Is_Signal : Boolean := False) return Match_List
      Tree_Elem_Cursor : Elem_Acc;
      Last_Updated : Boolean;
      Str_Name : constant String := Name (1 .. strlen (Name));
      case State is
         when Write_File =>
            Tree_Elem_Cursor := Parent.Tree_Elem;
            Last_Updated := True;
            Update_Tree (Cursor => Tree_Elem_Cursor,
                         Last_Updated => Last_Updated,
                         Elem_Expr => Str_Name,
                         Level => Tree_Elem_Cursor.Level + 1);
            if Is_Signal then
               Write_Signal_Path (Tree_Elem_Cursor);
            end if;
            return new Match_Elem_Type'(Tree_Elem_Cursor, null);
         when Display_Tree =>
            return Find_Cursor (Str_Name, Parent, Is_Signal);
         when Display_All =>
            return null;
      end case;
   end Get_Cursor;

   function Find_Cursor (Name : String;
                         Parent : Match_List;
                         Is_Signal : Boolean := False)
                        return Match_List
      Tree_Elem_Cursor : Elem_Acc;
      Parent_Cursor, List : Match_List;
      function Match_Expr return Boolean is
         if Tree_Elem_Cursor.Expr.all = Name then
            return True;
         elsif Tree_Elem_Cursor.Expr.all = "*" then
            -- Returns true in the following cases :
            --    Design object : /top/a       | Tree element : /top/*
            --    Design object : /top/sub/... | Tree element : /top/*/...
            if Is_Signal xor Tree_Elem_Cursor.Next_Child /= null then
               return True;
            end if;
         elsif Tree_Elem_Cursor.Expr.all = "**" then
            -- Returns true in the following cases :
            --    Design object : /top/sub/... | Tree element : /top/**
            --    Design object : /top/a       | Tree element : /top/**
            -- But will return false in the following case :
            --    Design object : /top/a       | Tree element : /top/**/x
            if not Is_Signal or else Tree_Elem_Cursor.Next_Child = null then
               return True;
            end if;
         end if;
         return False;
      end Match_Expr;

      function Get_Cursor_Kind return Elem_Kind_Type is
         if Tree_Elem_Cursor.Expr.all = "**" then
            return Recursion;
         elsif Is_Signal then
            return Signal;
            return Pkg_Entity;
         end if;
      end Get_Cursor_Kind;
      Parent_Cursor := Parent;
         exit when Parent_Cursor = null;
         Tree_Elem_Cursor := Parent_Cursor.Tree_Elem.Next_Child;
         if Parent_Cursor.Tree_Elem.Expr.all = "**" then
            -- Add the current tree element to the list in the following cases:
            --    Design object : /top/y/x     | Tree element : /top/**/x
            --    Design object : /top/y/x/... | Tree element : /top/**/x/...
            -- where x matchs the Name parameter, ** is the parent expression
            if Tree_Elem_Cursor /= null
              and then Tree_Elem_Cursor.Expr.all = Name
               Match_List_Append (List, Tree_Elem_Cursor);
            -- Add the parent tree element (**) to the list in the following
            -- cases:
            --    Design object : /top/y/x/... | Tree element : /top/**
            --    Design object : /top/y/x     | Tree element : /top/**
            -- But it won't do it in the following case:
            --    Design object : /top/y/x       | Tree element : /top/**/z
            -- as x != z
            elsif not Is_Signal or else Tree_Elem_Cursor = null then
               Match_List_Append (List, Parent_Cursor.Tree_Elem);
            end if;
         end if;
            exit when Tree_Elem_Cursor = null;
            if Match_Expr then
               Tree_Elem_Cursor.Kind := Get_Cursor_Kind;
               Match_List_Append (List, Tree_Elem_Cursor);
            end if;
            Tree_Elem_Cursor := Tree_Elem_Cursor.Next_Sibling;
         end loop;
         Parent_Cursor := Parent_Cursor.Next;
      end loop;
      return List;
   end Find_Cursor;

   procedure Match_List_Append (List : in out Match_List; Tree_Elem : Elem_Acc)
      List := new Match_Elem_Type'(Tree_Elem => Tree_Elem, Next => List);
   end Match_List_Append;

   function Is_Displayed (Cursor : Match_List) return Boolean is
      if State /= Display_Tree or else Cursor /= null then
         return True;
      end if;
      return False;
   end Is_Displayed;

   -- Read the whole sub tree given and check if every element was found in
   -- design.  Called by Last_Checks
   procedure Check_Sub_Tree_If_All_Found (Previous_Cursor : Elem_Acc);

   procedure Last_Checks is
      if Wave_Opt.State = Display_Tree then
         for Index in Tree_Index_Type'Range loop
            Check_Sub_Tree_If_All_Found (Trees (Index).Next_Child);
         end loop;
      end if;
      -- TODO : The tree of the wave option file should be deallocated here,
      --        but the memory gain shouldn't be significative
   end Last_Checks;

   procedure Check_Sub_Tree_If_All_Found (Previous_Cursor : Elem_Acc)
      Cursor : Elem_Acc;
      Cursor := Previous_Cursor;
      while Cursor /= null loop
         if Cursor.Kind = Not_Found then
            Diag_C_Context (Cursor);
            Diag_C (Cursor.Expr.all);
            Diag_C (" : first element of the path not found in design.");
            Diag_C (" More references may follow");
         elsif Cursor.Next_Child = null and then Cursor.Kind = Pkg_Entity then
            Diag_C_Context (Cursor);
            Diag_C (Cursor.Expr.all);
            Diag_C (" is not a signal");
            Check_Sub_Tree_If_All_Found (Cursor.Next_Child);
         end if;
         Cursor := Cursor.Next_Sibling;
      end loop;

   end Check_Sub_Tree_If_All_Found;

end Grt.Wave_Opt.Design;