-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - command line options. -- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- covered by the GNU Public License. with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors; with Grt.Astdio; with Grt.Hooks; package body Grt.Options is Std_Standard_Time_Fs : Std_Time; Std_Standard_Time_Ps : Std_Time; Std_Standard_Time_Ns : Std_Time; Std_Standard_Time_Us : Std_Time; Std_Standard_Time_Ms : Std_Time; Std_Standard_Time_Sec : Std_Time; Std_Standard_Time_Min : Std_Time; Std_Standard_Time_Hr : Std_Time; pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Fs, "std__standard__time__BT__fs"); pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Fs); pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Ps, "std__standard__time__BT__ps"); pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Ps); pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Ns, "std__standard__time__BT__ns"); pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Ns); pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Us, "std__standard__time__BT__us"); pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Us); pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Ms, "std__standard__time__BT__ms"); pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Ms); pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Sec, "std__standard__time__BT__sec"); pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Sec); pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Min, "std__standard__time__BT__min"); pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Min); pragma Export (C, Std_Standard_Time_Hr, "std__standard__time__BT__hr"); pragma Weak_External (Std_Standard_Time_Hr); procedure Set_Time_Resolution (Res : Character) is begin Std_Standard_Time_Hr := 0; case Res is when 'f' => Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 1; Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 1000; Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 1000_000; Std_Standard_Time_Us := 1000_000_000; Std_Standard_Time_Ms := Std_Time'Last; Std_Standard_Time_Sec := Std_Time'Last; Std_Standard_Time_Min := Std_Time'Last; Std_Standard_Time_Hr := Std_Time'Last; when 'p' => Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 1; Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 1000; Std_Standard_Time_Us := 1000_000; Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 1000_000_000; Std_Standard_Time_Sec := Std_Time'Last; Std_Standard_Time_Min := Std_Time'Last; Std_Standard_Time_Hr := Std_Time'Last; when 'n' => Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 1; Std_Standard_Time_Us := 1000; Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 1000_000; Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 1000_000_000; Std_Standard_Time_Min := Std_Time'Last; Std_Standard_Time_Hr := Std_Time'Last; when 'u' => Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Us := 1; Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 1000; Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 1000_000; Std_Standard_Time_Min := 60_000_000; Std_Standard_Time_Hr := Std_Time'Last; when 'm' => Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Us := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 1; Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 1000; Std_Standard_Time_Min := 60_000; Std_Standard_Time_Hr := 3600_000; when 's' => Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Us := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 1; Std_Standard_Time_Min := 60; Std_Standard_Time_Hr := 3600; when 'M' => Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Us := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Min := 1; Std_Standard_Time_Hr := 60; when 'h' => Std_Standard_Time_Fs := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ps := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ns := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Us := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Ms := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Sec := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Min := 0; Std_Standard_Time_Hr := 1; when others => Error ("bad time resolution"); end case; end Set_Time_Resolution; procedure Help is use Grt.Astdio; procedure P (Str : String) renames Put_Line; Prog_Name : Ghdl_C_String; begin if Argc > 0 then Prog_Name := Argv (0); Put ("Usage: "); Put (Prog_Name (1 .. strlen (Prog_Name))); Put (" [OPTIONS]"); New_Line; end if; P ("Options are:"); P (" --help, -h disp this help"); P (" --assert-level=LEVEL stop simulation if assert at LEVEL"); P (" LEVEL is note,warning,error,failure,none"); P (" --ieee-asserts=POLICY enable or disable asserts from IEEE"); P (" POLICY is enable,disable,disable-at-0"); P (" --stop-time=X stop the simulation at time X"); P (" X is expressed as a time value, without spaces: 1ns, ps..."); P (" --stop-delta=X stop the simulation cycle after X delta"); P (" --expect-failure invert exit status"); P (" --no-run do not simulate, only elaborate"); -- P (" --threads=N use N threads for simulation"); P ("Additional features:"); P (" --has-feature=X test presence of feature X"); P (" --list-features display the list of features"); Grt.Hooks.Call_Help_Hooks; P ("trace options:"); P (" --disp-time disp time as simulation advances"); P (" --trace-signals disp signals after each cycle"); P (" --trace-processes disp process name before each cycle"); P (" --stats display run-time statistics"); P ("debug options:"); P (" --disp-order disp signals order"); P (" --disp-sources disp sources while displaying signals"); P (" --disp-sig-types disp signal types"); P (" --disp-signals-map disp map bw declared sigs and internal sigs"); P (" --disp-signals-table disp internal signals"); P (" --checks do internal checks after each process run"); P (" --activity=LEVEL watch activity of LEVEL signals"); P (" LEVEL is all, min (default) or none (unsafe)"); end Help; -- Extract from STR a number. -- First, all leading blanks are skipped. -- Then, all next digits are eaten. -- The position of the first non digit or one past the upper bound is -- returned into POS. -- If there is no digits, OK is set to false, else to true. procedure Extract_Integer (Str : String; Ok : out Boolean; Result : out Integer_64; Pos : out Natural) is begin Pos := Str'First; -- Skip blanks. while Pos <= Str'Last and then Str (Pos) = ' ' loop Pos := Pos + 1; end loop; Ok := False; Result := 0; loop exit when Pos > Str'Last or else Str (Pos) not in '0' .. '9'; Ok := True; Result := Result * 10 + (Character'Pos (Str (Pos)) - Character'Pos ('0')); Pos := Pos + 1; end loop; end Extract_Integer; function To_Lower (C : Character) return Character is begin if C in 'A' .. 'Z' then return Character'Val (Character'Pos (C) + 32); else return C; end if; end To_Lower; procedure Decode_Option (Option : String; Status : out Decode_Option_Status) is pragma Assert (Option'First = 1); Len : constant Natural := Option'Last; begin Status := Decode_Option_Ok; if Option = "--" then Status := Decode_Option_Last; elsif Option = "--help" or else Option = "-h" then Help; Status := Decode_Option_Stop; elsif Option = "--list-features" then Grt.Hooks.Display_Hooks_Desc; Status := Decode_Option_Stop; elsif Len > 14 and then Option (1 .. 14) = "--has-feature=" then if Grt.Hooks.Has_Feature (Option (15 .. Len)) then Grt.Errors.Exit_Status := 0; else Grt.Errors.Exit_Status := 1; end if; Status := Decode_Option_Stop; elsif Option = "--disp-time" then Disp_Time := True; elsif Option = "--trace-signals" then Trace_Signals := True; Disp_Time := True; elsif Option = "--trace-processes" then Trace_Processes := True; Disp_Time := True; elsif Option = "--disp-order" then Disp_Signals_Order := True; elsif Option = "--checks" then Checks := True; elsif Option = "--disp-sources" then Disp_Sources := True; elsif Option = "--disp-sig-types" then Disp_Sig_Types := True; elsif Option = "--disp-signals-map" then Disp_Signals_Map := True; elsif Option = "--disp-signals-table" then Disp_Signals_Table := True; elsif Option = "--disp-sensitivity" then Disp_Sensitivity := True; elsif Option = "--stats" then Flag_Stats := True; elsif Option = "--no-run" then Flag_No_Run := True; elsif Len > 18 and then Option (1 .. 18) = "--time-resolution=" then declare Res : Character; Unit : String (1 .. 3); begin Res := '?'; if Len >= 20 then Unit (1) := To_Lower (Option (19)); Unit (2) := To_Lower (Option (20)); if Len = 20 then if Unit (1 .. 2) = "fs" then Res := 'f'; elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ps" then Res := 'p'; elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ns" then Res := 'n'; elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "us" then Res := 'u'; elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "ms" then Res := 'm'; elsif Unit (1 .. 2) = "hr" then Res := 'h'; end if; elsif Len = 21 then Unit (3) := To_Lower (Option (21)); if Unit = "min" then Res := 'M'; elsif Unit = "sec" then Res := 's'; end if; end if; end if; if Res = '?' then Error_C ("bad unit for '"); Error_C (Option); Error_E ("'"); else if Flag_String (5) = '-' then Error ("time resolution is ignored"); elsif Flag_String (5) = '?' then if Stop_Time /= Std_Time'Last then Error ("time resolution must be set " & "before --stop-time"); else Set_Time_Resolution (Res); end if; elsif Flag_String (5) /= Res then Error ("time resolution is fixed during analysis"); end if; end if; end; elsif Len > 12 and then Option (1 .. 12) = "--stop-time=" then declare Ok : Boolean; Pos : Natural; Time : Integer_64; Unit : String (1 .. 3); begin Extract_Integer (Option (13 .. Len), Ok, Time, Pos); if not Ok then Time := 1; end if; if (Len - Pos + 1) not in 2 .. 3 then Error_C ("bad unit for '"); Error_C (Option); Error_E ("'"); return; end if; Unit (1) := To_Lower (Option (Pos)); Unit (2) := To_Lower (Option (Pos + 1)); if Len = Pos + 2 then Unit (3) := To_Lower (Option (Pos + 2)); else Unit (3) := ' '; end if; if Unit = "fs " then null; elsif Unit = "ps " then Time := Time * (10 ** 3); elsif Unit = "ns " then Time := Time * (10 ** 6); elsif Unit = "us " then Time := Time * (10 ** 9); elsif Unit = "ms " then Time := Time * (10 ** 12); elsif Unit = "sec" then Time := Time * (10 ** 15); elsif Unit = "min" then Time := Time * (10 ** 15) * 60; elsif Unit = "hr " then Time := Time * (10 ** 15) * 3600; else Error_C ("bad unit name for '"); Error_C (Option); Error_E ("'"); end if; Stop_Time := Std_Time (Time); end; elsif Len > 13 and then Option (1 .. 13) = "--stop-delta=" then declare Ok : Boolean; Pos : Natural; Time : Integer_64; begin Extract_Integer (Option (14 .. Len), Ok, Time, Pos); if not Ok or else Pos <= Len then Error_C ("bad value in '"); Error_C (Option); Error_E ("'"); else if Time > Integer_64 (Integer'Last) then Stop_Delta := Integer'Last; else Stop_Delta := Integer (Time); end if; end if; end; elsif Len > 15 and then Option (1 .. 15) = "--assert-level=" then if Option (16 .. Len) = "note" then Severity_Level := Note_Severity; elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "warning" then Severity_Level := Warning_Severity; elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "error" then Severity_Level := Error_Severity; elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "failure" then Severity_Level := Failure_Severity; elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "none" then Severity_Level := 4; else Error ("bad argument for --assert-level option, try --help"); end if; elsif Len > 15 and then Option (1 .. 15) = "--ieee-asserts=" then if Option (16 .. Len) = "disable" then Ieee_Asserts := Disable_Asserts; elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "enable" then Ieee_Asserts := Enable_Asserts; elsif Option (16 .. Len) = "disable-at-0" then Ieee_Asserts := Disable_Asserts_At_Time_0; else Error ("bad argument for --ieee-asserts option, try --help"); end if; elsif Option = "--expect-failure" then Expect_Failure := True; elsif Len >= 13 and then Option (1 .. 13) = "--stack-size=" then Warning ("option --stack-size is deprecated"); elsif Len >= 17 and then Option (1 .. 17) = "--stack-max-size=" then Warning ("option --stack-max-size is deprecated"); elsif Len >= 11 and then Option (1 .. 11) = "--activity=" then if Option (12 .. Len) = "none" then Flag_Activity := Activity_None; elsif Option (12 .. Len) = "min" then Flag_Activity := Activity_Minimal; elsif Option (12 .. Len) = "all" then Flag_Activity := Activity_All; else Error ("bad argument for --activity, try --help"); end if; elsif Len > 10 and then Option (1 .. 10) = "--threads=" then declare Ok : Boolean; Pos : Natural; Val : Integer_64; begin Extract_Integer (Option (11 .. Len), Ok, Val, Pos); if not Ok or else Pos <= Len then Error_C ("bad value in '"); Error_C (Option); Error_E ("'"); else Nbr_Threads := Integer (Val); end if; end; elsif Len > 4 and then Option (1 .. 2) = "-g" then if Option (3) = '=' then Error_C ("missing generic name in '"); Error_C (Option); Error_E ("'"); return; end if; declare Eq_Pos : Natural; Over : Generic_Override_Acc; Name : String_Access; begin if Option (3) = '\' then -- Extended identifier (not yet handled). raise Program_Error; else -- Search for '='. Eq_Pos := 0; for I in 3 .. Option'Last loop if Option (I) = '=' then Eq_Pos := I; exit; end if; end loop; if Eq_Pos = 0 then Error_C ("missing '=' after generic name in '"); Error_C (Option); Error_E ("'"); end if; Name := new String (1 .. Eq_Pos - 3); for I in 3 .. Eq_Pos - 1 loop Name (I - 2) := To_Lower (Option (I)); end loop; end if; Over := new Generic_Override_Type' (Name => Name, Value => new String'(Option (Eq_Pos + 1 .. Option'Last)), Next => null); -- Append. if Last_Generic_Override /= null then Last_Generic_Override.Next := Over; else First_Generic_Override := Over; end if; Last_Generic_Override := Over; end; elsif not Grt.Hooks.Call_Option_Hooks (Option) then Error_C ("unknown option '"); Error_C (Option); Error_E ("', try --help"); end if; end Decode_Option; procedure Decode (Stop : out Boolean) is Arg : Ghdl_C_String; Len : Natural; Status : Decode_Option_Status; begin Stop := False; Last_Opt := Argc - 1; for I in 1 .. Argc - 1 loop Arg := Argv (I); Len := strlen (Arg); declare Argument : constant String := Arg (1 .. Len); begin Decode_Option (Argument, Status); case Status is when Decode_Option_Last => Last_Opt := I; exit; when Decode_Option_Stop => Stop := True; when Decode_Option_Ok => null; end case; end; end loop; end Decode; end Grt.Options;