-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Floating point conversions. -- Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Gingold -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- covered by the GNU Public License. with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; -- Double float (aka binary64 representation): -- exponent bias is 1023 -- -- |----------------------------------------------------------- -- | 63 | 62-52 | 51-0 | -- | sign | exponent | fraction | Value -- |----------------------------------------------------------- -- | s | 0 | f | (-1)**s * 0.f * 2**(1 - 1023) -- |----------------------------------------------------------- -- | s | 1 - 2046 | f | (-1)**s * 1.f * 2**(e - 1023) -- |----------------------------------------------------------- -- | s | 2047 | 0 | (-1)**s * inf -- |----------------------------------------------------------- -- | s | 2047 | /= 0 | NaN -- |----------------------------------------------------------- -- Implement 'dragon4' algorithm described in: -- Printing Floating-Point Numbers Quickly and Accurately -- Robert G. Burger and R. Kent Dybvig -- (http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~dyb/pubs/FP-Printing-PLDI96.pdf) -- -- Notes: -- - Input radix is 2 (so b = 2) package body Grt.Fcvt is function F64_To_U64 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (IEEE_Float_64, Unsigned_64); type Fcvt_Context is record -- Inputs -- v = f * 2**e F : Bignum; E : Integer; B : Natural; -- Deduced from the input (for table1) Is_Pow2 : Boolean; Is_Emin : Boolean; -- If true, Mp = Mm (often the case). In that case Mm is not set. Equal_M : Boolean; -- Log2 (v). Used to estimate k. Log2v : Integer; -- Internal variables -- v = r / s K : Integer; R : Bignum; S : Bignum; Mp : Bignum; Mm : Bignum; end record; procedure Bignum_Normalize (Bn : in out Bignum) is begin while Bn.N > 0 loop exit when Bn.V (Bn.N) /= 0; Bn.N := Bn.N - 1; end loop; end Bignum_Normalize; -- Check invariant within a bignum. function Bignum_Is_Valid (Bn : Bignum) return Boolean is begin return Bn.N <= Bn.V'Last and then (Bn.N = 0 or else Bn.V (Bn.N) /= 0); end Bignum_Is_Valid; -- Create a bignum from a natural. procedure Bignum_Int (Res : out Bignum; N : Natural) is begin if N = 0 then Res.N := 0; else Res.N := 1; Res.V (1) := Unsigned_32 (N); end if; end Bignum_Int; procedure Bignum_To_Int (N : Bignum; Res : out Unsigned_64; OK : out Boolean) is begin OK := True; case N.N is when 0 => Res := 0; when 1 => Res := Unsigned_64 (N.V (1)); when 2 => Res := Shift_Left (Unsigned_64 (N.V (2)), 32) or Unsigned_64 (N.V (1)); when others => Res := 0; OK := False; end case; end Bignum_To_Int; -- Add two bignums, assuming A > B. function Bignum_Add2 (A, B : Bignum) return Bignum is pragma Assert (A.N >= B.N); Res : Bignum; Tmp : Unsigned_64; begin Tmp := 0; for I in 1 .. A.N loop Tmp := Tmp + Unsigned_64 (A.V (I)); if I <= B.N then Tmp := Tmp + Unsigned_64 (B.V (I)); end if; Res.V (I) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp and 16#ffff_ffff#); Tmp := Shift_Right (Tmp, 32); end loop; if Tmp /= 0 then Res.V (A.N + 1) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp); Res.N := A.N + 1; else Res.N := A.N; end if; return Res; end Bignum_Add2; -- Add two bignums. function Bignum_Add (A, B : Bignum) return Bignum is begin if A.N >= B.N then return Bignum_Add2 (A, B); else return Bignum_Add2 (A => B, B => A); end if; end Bignum_Add; type Compare_Type is (Lt, Eq, Gt); -- Compare two bignums. function Bignum_Compare (L, R : Bignum) return Compare_Type is begin if L.N /= R.N then if L.N > R.N then return Gt; else return Lt; end if; end if; -- Same number of digits. for I in reverse 1 .. L.N loop if L.V (I) /= R.V (I) then if L.V (I) > R.V (I) then return Gt; else return Lt; end if; end if; end loop; return Eq; end Bignum_Compare; -- Multiply two bignums. function Bignum_Mul (L, R : Bignum) return Bignum is Res : Bignum; Tmp : Unsigned_64; begin -- Upper bound. Res.N := L.N + R.N; for I in 1 .. Res.N loop Res.V (I) := 0; end loop; for I in 1 .. R.N loop Tmp := 0; for J in 1 .. L.N loop Tmp := Tmp + Unsigned_64 (R.V (I)) * Unsigned_64 (L.V (J)) + Unsigned_64 (Res.V (I + J - 1)); Res.V (I + J - 1) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp and 16#ffff_ffff#); Tmp := Shift_Right (Tmp, 32); end loop; if Tmp /= 0 then Res.V (I + L.N + 1 - 1) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp); end if; end loop; Bignum_Normalize (Res); return Res; end Bignum_Mul; function Bignum_Mul_Int (L : Bignum; R : Positive; Carry_In : Natural := 0) return Bignum is Res : Bignum; Tmp : Unsigned_64; begin Tmp := Unsigned_64 (Carry_In); for I in 1 .. L.N loop Tmp := Tmp + Unsigned_64 (L.V (I)) * Unsigned_64 (R); Res.V (I) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp and 16#ffff_ffff#); Tmp := Shift_Right (Tmp, 32); end loop; if Tmp = 0 then Res.N := L.N; else Res.N := L.N + 1; Res.V (Res.N) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp); end if; pragma Assert (Bignum_Is_Valid (Res)); return Res; end Bignum_Mul_Int; -- In place multiplication. procedure Bignum_Mul_Int (L : in out Bignum; R : Positive; Carry_In : Natural := 0) is Tmp : Unsigned_64; begin Tmp := Unsigned_64 (Carry_In); for I in 1 .. L.N loop Tmp := Tmp + Unsigned_64 (L.V (I)) * Unsigned_64 (R); L.V (I) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp and 16#ffff_ffff#); Tmp := Shift_Right (Tmp, 32); end loop; if Tmp > 0 then L.N := L.N + 1; L.V (L.N) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp); end if; pragma Assert (Bignum_Is_Valid (L)); end Bignum_Mul_Int; -- Compute 2**N function Bignum_Pow2 (N : Natural) return Bignum is Res : Bignum; begin Res.N := 1 + (N / 32); for I in 1 .. Res.N loop Res.V (I) := 0; end loop; Res.V (Res.N) := Shift_Left (1, N mod 32); return Res; end Bignum_Pow2; -- Compute L**N function Bignum_Pow (L : Natural; N : Natural) return Bignum is Res : Bignum; N1 : Natural; T : Bignum; begin Bignum_Int (Res, 1); Bignum_Int (T, L); N1 := N; loop if N1 mod 2 = 1 then Res := Bignum_Mul (Res, T); end if; N1 := N1 / 2; exit when N1 = 0; T := Bignum_Mul (T, T); end loop; return Res; end Bignum_Pow; -- TODO: non-restoring division procedure Bignum_Divstep (N : in out Bignum; Div : Bignum; D : out Boolean) is Tmp : Unsigned_64; begin if N.N < Div.N then D := False; return; end if; Tmp := 0; for I in 1 .. Div.N loop Tmp := Tmp + (Unsigned_64 (N.V (I)) - Unsigned_64 (Div.V (I))); N.V (I) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp and 16#ffff_ffff#); Tmp := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Tmp, 32); end loop; if N.N > Div.N then Tmp := Tmp + Unsigned_64 (N.V (N.N)); N.V (N.N) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp and 16#ffff_ffff#); Tmp := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Tmp, 32); end if; if Tmp = 0 then Bignum_Normalize (N); D := True; else -- Restore Tmp := 0; for I in 1 .. Div.N loop Tmp := Tmp + (Unsigned_64 (N.V (I)) + Unsigned_64 (Div.V (I))); N.V (I) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp and 16#ffff_ffff#); Tmp := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Tmp, 32); end loop; if N.N > Div.N then Tmp := Tmp + Unsigned_64 (N.V (N.N)); N.V (N.N) := Unsigned_32 (Tmp and 16#ffff_ffff#); end if; D := False; end if; end Bignum_Divstep; -- N := N * 2 procedure Bignum_Mul2 (N : in out Bignum) is Carry, Carry1 : Unsigned_32; V : Unsigned_32; begin if N.N = 0 then return; end if; Carry := 0; for I in 1 .. N.N loop V := N.V (I); Carry1 := Shift_Right (V, 31); V := Shift_Left (V, 1) or Carry; N.V (I) := V; Carry := Carry1; end loop; if Carry /= 0 then N.N := N.N + 1; N.V (N.N) := Carry; end if; end Bignum_Mul2; function Ffs (V : Unsigned_32) return Natural is T : Unsigned_32; Res : Natural; begin if V = 0 then return 0; end if; -- Compute clz (Count Leading Zero). T := V; Res := 0; if (T and 16#ffff_0000#) = 0 then T := Shift_Left (T, 16); Res := Res + 16; end if; if (T and 16#ff00_0000#) = 0 then T := Shift_Left (T, 8); Res := Res + 8; end if; if (T and 16#f000_0000#) = 0 then T := Shift_Left (T, 4); Res := Res + 4; end if; if (T and 16#c000_0000#) = 0 then T := Shift_Left (T, 2); Res := Res + 2; end if; if (T and 16#8000_0000#) = 0 then Res := Res + 1; end if; return 32 - Res; end Ffs; -- Convert F to M*2**E, M having P bits of precision (2**P > M >= 2**(P-1)) -- P < 64 procedure Bignum_To_Fp (F : Bignum; P : Natural; M : out Unsigned_64; E : out Integer) is Nbits : Natural; P1 : Natural; MSW : Unsigned_32; MSW_Pos : Natural; R : Unsigned_32; Carry : Boolean; begin if F.N = 0 then M := 0; E := 0; return; end if; -- MSW_Pos is the position of the word from which R is extracted. MSW_Pos := F.N; MSW := F.V (MSW_Pos); pragma Assert (MSW /= 0); Nbits := Ffs (MSW); P1 := P; M := 0; E := Nbits + (F.N - 1) * 32 - P; if Nbits > P1 then M := Unsigned_64 (Shift_Right (MSW, Nbits - P1)); R := Shift_Left (MSW, 32 - (Nbits - P1)); else M := Shift_Left (Unsigned_64 (MSW), P1 - Nbits); P1 := P1 - Nbits; loop MSW_Pos := MSW_Pos - 1; if MSW_Pos = 0 then -- No more input bits. R := 0; exit; end if; MSW:= F.V (MSW_Pos); if P1 = 0 then -- No more bits to shift in. R := MSW; exit; end if; if P1 < 32 then M := M or Shift_Right (Unsigned_64 (MSW), 32 - P1); R := Shift_Left (MSW, P1); P1 := 0; exit; else M := M or Shift_Left (Unsigned_64 (MSW), P1 - 32); P1 := P1 - 32; end if; end loop; end if; -- Round. if R > 16#8000_0000# then Carry := True; elsif R < 16#8000_0000# then Carry := False; else -- Tie. loop -- MSW_Pos = 0 means R was 0. pragma Assert (MSW_Pos /= 0); if MSW_Pos = 1 then -- R was extracted from the first word of F. No more input -- bits. -- When exactely half in the middle, truncate. Carry := False; exit; end if; MSW_Pos := MSW_Pos - 1; if F.V (MSW_Pos) /= 0 then Carry := True; exit; end if; MSW_Pos := MSW_Pos - 1; end loop; end if; if Carry then M := M + 1; if M >= Shift_Left (1, P) then E := E + 1; M := Shift_Right (M, 1); end if; end if; end Bignum_To_Fp; -- Multiply N by 2**(32 * Count) procedure Bignum_Shift32_Left (N : in out Bignum; Count : Natural) is begin for I in reverse 1 .. N.N loop N.V (I + Count) := N.V (I); end loop; for I in 1 .. Count loop N.V (I) := 0; end loop; N.N := N.N + Count; end Bignum_Shift32_Left; -- Compute F / Div = M * 2**E, with 2**Precision > M >= 2**(Precision-1) procedure Bignum_Divide_To_Fp (F : in out Bignum; Div : in out Bignum; Precision : Natural; M : out Unsigned_64; E : out Integer) is Ediff : constant Integer := Div.N - (F.N + 1); Dig : Boolean; begin -- Adjust exponents so that Div.N = F.N + 1 E := -Precision + 1; if Ediff > 0 then -- Divider is larger E := E - (32 * Ediff); Bignum_Shift32_Left (F, Ediff); elsif Ediff < 0 then E := E - (32 * Ediff); Bignum_Shift32_Left (Div, -Ediff); end if; pragma Assert (Div.N > F.N); -- Divide until the first 1. loop Bignum_Divstep (F, Div, Dig); Bignum_Mul2 (F); exit when Dig; E := E - 1; end loop; M := 1; -- Do precision steps for I in 1 .. Precision - 1 loop Bignum_Divstep (F, Div, Dig); Bignum_Mul2 (F); M := 2*M + Boolean'Pos (Dig); end loop; -- Round. Bignum_Divstep (F, Div, Dig); if Dig then M := M + 1; if M = Shift_Left (1, Precision) then M := M / 2; E := E + 1; end if; end if; end Bignum_Divide_To_Fp; procedure Append (Str : in out String; Len : in out Natural; C : Character) is P : constant Positive := Str'First + Len; begin if P <= Str'Last then Str (P) := C; end if; Len := Len + 1; end Append; procedure Append_Digit (Str : in out String; Len : in out Natural; D : Natural) is begin if D < 10 then Append (Str, Len, Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + D)); else Append (Str, Len, Character'Val (Character'Pos ('a') + D - 10)); end if; end Append_Digit; -- Implement Table 1 procedure Dragon4_Prepare (Ctxt : in out Fcvt_Context) is Log2_S0 : Natural; begin if Ctxt.E >= 0 then -- Case e >= 0 if not Ctxt.Is_Pow2 then -- Case f /= b**(p-1): -- r = f * b**e * 2 -- s = 2 -- m+ = b**e -- m- = b**e Ctxt.R := Bignum_Mul (Ctxt.F, Bignum_Pow2 (Ctxt.E + 1)); Bignum_Int (Ctxt.S, 2); Log2_S0 := 1; Ctxt.Mp := Bignum_Pow2 (Ctxt.E); Ctxt.Equal_M := True; else -- Case f = b**(p-1) -- r = f * b**(e+1) * 2 -- s = b * 2 -- m+ = b**(e+1) -- m- = b**e Ctxt.R := Bignum_Mul (Ctxt.F, Bignum_Pow2 (Ctxt.E + 1 + 1)); Bignum_Int (Ctxt.S, 2 * 2); Log2_S0 := 2; Ctxt.Mp := Bignum_Pow2 (Ctxt.E + 1); Ctxt.Mm := Bignum_Pow2 (Ctxt.E); Ctxt.Equal_M := False; end if; else -- Case e < 0 if Ctxt.Is_Emin or not Ctxt.Is_Pow2 then -- Case e = min exp or f /= b**(p-1) -- r = f * 2 -- s = b**(-e) * 2 = b**(-e + 1) -- m+ = 1 -- m- = 1 Ctxt.R := Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.F, 2); Log2_S0 := -Ctxt.E + 1; Bignum_Int (Ctxt.Mp, 1); Ctxt.Equal_M := True; else -- Case e > min exp and f = b**(p-1) -- r = f * b * 2 -- s = b**(-e+1) * 2 = b**(-e+1+1) -- m+ = b -- m- = 1 Ctxt.R := Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.F, 2 * 2); Log2_S0 := -Ctxt.E + 1 + 1; Bignum_Int (Ctxt.Mp, 2); Bignum_Int (Ctxt.Mm, 1); Ctxt.Equal_M := False; end if; Ctxt.S := Bignum_Pow2 (Log2_S0); end if; end Dragon4_Prepare; procedure Dragon4_Fixup (Ctxt : in out Fcvt_Context) is begin if Bignum_Compare (Bignum_Add (Ctxt.R, Ctxt.Mp), Ctxt.S) = Gt then Ctxt.K := Ctxt.K + 1; else Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.R, 10); Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.Mp, 10); if not Ctxt.Equal_M then Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.Mm, 10); end if; end if; end Dragon4_Fixup; -- 2. Find the smallest integer k such that (r + m+) / s <= B**k; ie: -- k = ceil (logB ((r+m+)/s)) -- 3. If k >= 0, let r0 = r, s0 = s * B**k, m0+=m+ and m0-=m- -- If k < 0, let r0 = r * B**-k, s0=s, m0+=m+ * B**-k, m0-=m- * B**-k -- -- Note: -- with high = (r+m+)/s: -- k = ceil (logB (high)) procedure Dragon4_Scale (Ctxt : in out Fcvt_Context) is L2 : Integer_64; T1 : Bignum; begin -- Estimate k. -- log10(2) ~= 0.301029995664 -- log10(2) * 2**32 ~= 1292913986 L2 := Integer_64 (Ctxt.Log2v) * 1292913986; Ctxt.K := Integer (L2 / 2**32); -- Ceiling. -- If L2 < 0, L2 rem 2**32 <= 0 if L2 rem 2**32 > 0 then Ctxt.K := Ctxt.K + 1; end if; -- Need to compute B**k if Ctxt.K >= 0 then T1 := Bignum_Pow (10, Ctxt.K); Ctxt.S := Bignum_Mul (Ctxt.S, T1); else T1 := Bignum_Pow (10, -Ctxt.K); Ctxt.R := Bignum_Mul (Ctxt.R, T1); Ctxt.Mp := Bignum_Mul (Ctxt.Mp, T1); if not Ctxt.Equal_M then Ctxt.Mm := Bignum_Mul (Ctxt.Mm, T1); end if; end if; Dragon4_Fixup (Ctxt); end Dragon4_Scale; procedure Dragon4_Generate (Str : in out String; Len : in out Natural; Ctxt : in out Fcvt_Context) is S8 : constant Bignum := Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.S, 8); S4 : constant Bignum := Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.S, 4); S2 : constant Bignum := Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.S, 2); S1 : Bignum renames Ctxt.S; D : Natural; Step : Boolean; Cond1, Cond2 : Boolean; begin loop Bignum_Divstep (Ctxt.R, S8, Step); D := Boolean'Pos (Step) * 8; Bignum_Divstep (Ctxt.R, S4, Step); D := D + Boolean'Pos (Step) * 4; Bignum_Divstep (Ctxt.R, S2, Step); D := D + Boolean'Pos (Step) * 2; Bignum_Divstep (Ctxt.R, S1, Step); D := D + Boolean'Pos (Step); -- Stop conditions. -- Note: there is a typo for condition (2) in the original paper -- (was fixed in 2006 - check the publish note at the bottom of the -- first page). if not Ctxt.Equal_M then Cond1 := Bignum_Compare (Ctxt.R, Ctxt.Mm) = Lt; else Cond1 := Bignum_Compare (Ctxt.R, Ctxt.Mp) = Lt; end if; Cond2 := Bignum_Compare (Bignum_Add (Ctxt.R, Ctxt.Mp), Ctxt.S) = Gt; exit when Cond1 or Cond2; Append_Digit (Str, Len, D); Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.R, 10); Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.Mp, 10); if not Ctxt.Equal_M then Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.Mm, 10); end if; end loop; if Cond1 and not Cond2 then null; elsif not Cond1 and Cond2 then D := D + 1; else if Bignum_Compare (Bignum_Mul_Int (Ctxt.R, 2), Ctxt.S) = Gt then D := D + 1; end if; end if; Append_Digit (Str, Len, D); end Dragon4_Generate; procedure Dragon4 (Str : in out String; Len : in out Natural; Ctxt : in out Fcvt_Context) is begin Dragon4_Prepare (Ctxt); Dragon4_Scale (Ctxt); Dragon4_Generate (Str, Len, Ctxt); end Dragon4; procedure Output_Nan_Inf (Str : out String; Len : in out Natural; Is_Inf : Boolean) is begin if Is_Inf then -- Infinite Append (Str, Len, 'i'); Append (Str, Len, 'n'); Append (Str, Len, 'f'); else Append (Str, Len, 'n'); Append (Str, Len, 'a'); Append (Str, Len, 'n'); end if; end Output_Nan_Inf; procedure To_String (Str : out String; Len : out Natural; Is_Num : out Boolean; Is_Neg : out Boolean; Exp : out Integer; V : IEEE_Float_64) is pragma Assert (Str'First = 1); -- Decompose V (assuming same endianness). V_Bits : constant Unsigned_64 := F64_To_U64 (V); S : constant Boolean := Shift_Right (V_Bits, 63) = 1; M : constant Unsigned_64 := V_Bits and 16#f_ff_ff_ff_ff_ff_ff#; E : constant Integer := Integer (Shift_Right (V_Bits, 52) and 16#7_ff#); Ctxt : Fcvt_Context; begin Is_Neg := S; Len := 0; -- Handle NaN & Inf if E = 2047 then Output_Nan_Inf (Str, Len, M = 0); Is_Num := False; return; end if; -- Normal or denormal float. Is_Num := True; Ctxt.F.N := 2; Ctxt.F.V (1) := Unsigned_32 (M and 16#ffff_ffff#); Ctxt.F.V (2) := Unsigned_32 (Shift_Right (M, 32) and 16#ffff_ffff#); if E = 0 then -- Denormal. Ctxt.E := -1022 - 52; -- Bignum digits may be 0. Bignum_Normalize (Ctxt.F); Ctxt.Is_Emin := True; Ctxt.Is_Pow2 := False; -- Not needed. -- Compute len(M). Don't use a dichotomy as the distribution is -- not uniform but exponential. Ctxt.Log2v := -1022 - 53; for I in reverse 0 .. 51 loop if M >= Shift_Left (1, I) then Ctxt.Log2v := -1022 - 53 + I + 1; exit; end if; end loop; else -- Normal. Ctxt.E := E - 1023 - 52; -- Implicit leading 1. Ctxt.F.V (2) := Ctxt.F.V (2) or 16#10_00_00#; Ctxt.Is_Emin := False; Ctxt.Is_Pow2 := M = 0; Ctxt.Log2v := E - 1023; end if; pragma Assert (Bignum_Is_Valid (Ctxt.F)); -- At this point, the number is represented as: -- F * 2**K if Ctxt.F.N = 0 then -- Zero is special, handle it directly. Append (Str, Len, '0'); Ctxt.K := 1; else Dragon4 (Str, Len, Ctxt); end if; Exp := Ctxt.K; end To_String; -- Input is: (-1)**S * M * 2**E function Pack (M : Unsigned_64; E : Integer; S : Boolean) return IEEE_Float_64 is function To_IEEE_Float_64 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Unsigned_64, IEEE_Float_64); T : Unsigned_64; begin pragma Assert (M < 16#20_00_00_00_00_00_00#); if M = 0 then T := 0; else pragma Assert (M >= 16#10_00_00_00_00_00_00#); -- Note: input is (-1)**S * 1.FFFFF... * 2**(E + 52) if E + 52 + 1023 >= 2047 then -- Above greatest IEEE number, use Inf. T := 16#7ff_0000000000000#; elsif E + 52 + 1023 < 1 then -- Denormal if E + 52 + 1023 < -52 then -- Below small IEEE number, use 0 T := 0; else -- Denormal T := Shift_Right (M, 52 + E + 52 + 1023); end if; else -- Normal T := M and 16#f_ff_ff_ff_ff_ff_ff#; T := T or Shift_Left (Unsigned_64 (E + 52 + 1023), 52); end if; end if; if S then T := T or Shift_Left (1, 63); end if; return To_IEEE_Float_64 (T); end Pack; -- Return (-1)**Neg * F * BASE**EXP to a float. function To_Float_64 (Neg : Boolean; F : Bignum; Base : Positive; Exp : Integer) return IEEE_Float_64 is M : Unsigned_64; T : Bignum; Frac : Bignum; E : Integer; begin if F.N = 0 then -- 0 is always special... M := 0; E := 0; elsif Exp >= 0 then -- TODO: Multiply by 2**EXP * 5**EXP Frac := Bignum_Mul (F, Bignum_Pow (Base, Exp)); Bignum_To_Fp (Frac, 53, M, E); else T := Bignum_Pow (Base, -Exp); -- M = F / 10**-Exp -- = F / T Frac := F; Bignum_Divide_To_Fp (Frac, T, 53, M, E); end if; return Pack (M, E, Neg); end To_Float_64; function From_String (Str : String) return IEEE_Float_64 is P : Positive; C : Character; Neg : Boolean; Nbr_Digits : Natural; Point_Position : Integer; F : Bignum; Exp : Integer; Exp_Neg : Boolean; begin Neg := False; P := Str'First; -- A correctly formatted number has at least one character. -- Leading (and optional) sign. C := Str (P); if C = '-' then Neg := True; P := P + 1; C := Str (P); elsif C = '+' then P := P + 1; C := Str (P); end if; Nbr_Digits := 0; Point_Position := -1; F.N := 0; loop case C is when '0' .. '9' => F := Bignum_Mul_Int (F, 10, Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0')); Nbr_Digits := Nbr_Digits + 1; when '.' => Point_Position := Nbr_Digits; when '_' => null; when 'e' | 'E' => Exp := 0; exit; when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; P := P + 1; if P > Str'Last then Exp := -1; exit; end if; C := Str (P); end loop; if Exp = 0 then P := P + 1; C := Str (P); -- Sign of the exponent. Exp_Neg := False; if C = '-' then Exp_Neg := True; P := P + 1; C := Str (P); elsif C = '+' then P := P + 1; C := Str (P); end if; -- Exponent. loop case C is when '0' .. '9' => Exp := Exp * 10 + Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0'); when '_' => null; when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; P := P + 1; exit when P > Str'Last; C := Str (P); end loop; if Exp_Neg then Exp := -Exp; end if; else Exp := 0; end if; if Point_Position /= -1 then Exp := Exp - (Nbr_Digits - Point_Position); end if; -- The internal representation of the number is: -- F * 10**EXP return To_Float_64 (Neg, F, 10, Exp); end From_String; procedure Format_Image (Str : out String; Last : out Natural; N : IEEE_Float_64) is P : Natural; S : String (1 .. 20); Len : Natural; Is_Num : Boolean; Is_Neg : Boolean; Exp : Integer; begin To_String (S, Len, Is_Num, Is_Neg, Exp, N); -- The sign. P := Str'First; if Is_Neg then Str (P) := '-'; P := P + 1; end if; -- Non numbers if not Is_Num then Str (P .. P + Len - 1) := S (1 .. Len); Last := P + Len - 1; return; end if; -- Mantissa N.NNNNN Str (P) := S (1); Str (P + 1) := '.'; Exp := Exp - 1; if Len = 1 then Str (P + 2) := '0'; P := P + 3; else Str (P + 2 .. P + 2 + Len - 2) := S (2 .. Len); P := P + 2 + Len - 2 + 1; end if; -- Exponent if Exp /= 0 then -- LRM93 14.3 -- if the exponent is present, the `e' is written as a lower case -- character. Str (P) := 'e'; P := P + 1; if Exp < 0 then Str (P) := '-'; P := P + 1; Exp := -Exp; end if; declare B : Boolean; D : Natural; begin B := False; for I in 0 .. 4 loop D := (Exp / 10000) mod 10; if D /= 0 or B or I = 4 then Str (P) := Character'Val (48 + D); P := P + 1; B := True; end if; Exp := (Exp - D * 10000) * 10; end loop; end; end if; Last := P - 1; end Format_Image; procedure Format_Precision (Str : in out String; Len : in out Natural; Exp : in out Integer; Prec : Positive) is pragma Assert (Str'First = 1); -- LEN is the number of digits, so there are LEN - EXP digits after the -- point. Ndigits : constant Integer := Len - Exp; Nlen : Integer; Inc : Boolean; begin if Ndigits <= Prec then -- Already precise enough. return; end if; Nlen := Prec + Exp; if Nlen < 0 then -- Number is too small Str (1) := '0'; Len := 1; Exp := 0; return; end if; if Nlen < Len then -- Round. if Str (Nlen + 1) < '5' then Inc := False; elsif Str (Nlen + 1) > '5' then Inc := True; else Inc := False; for I in Nlen + 2 .. Len loop if Str (I) /= '0' then Inc := True; exit; end if; end loop; end if; if Inc then -- Increment the last digit and handle carray propagation if any. Inc := True; for I in reverse 1 .. Nlen loop if Str (I) < '9' then Str (I) := Character'Val (Character'Pos (Str (I)) + 1); Inc := False; exit; else Str (I) := '0'; end if; end loop; if Inc then -- The digits were 9999... so becomes 10000... -- Change the exponent so recompute the length. Exp := Exp + 1; Nlen := Prec + Exp; Str (1) := '1'; Str (2 .. Nlen) := (others => '0'); end if; end if; Len := Nlen; end if; end Format_Precision; procedure Format_Digits (Str : out String; Last : out Natural; N : IEEE_Float_64; Ndigits : Natural) is procedure Append (C : Character) is begin Last := Last + 1; if Last <= Str'Last then Str (Last) := C; end if; end Append; S : String (1 .. 20); Len : Natural; Exp : Integer; Is_Num, Is_Neg : Boolean; begin -- LRM08 5.2.6 Predefined operations on scalar types -- If DIGITS is 0, then the string representation is the same as that -- produced by the TO_STRING operation without the DIGITS or FORMAT -- parameter. if Ndigits = 0 then Format_Image (Str, Last, N); return; end if; -- Radix conversion. Grt.Fcvt.To_String (S, Len, Is_Num, Is_Neg, Exp, N); -- Sign. Last := Str'First - 1; if Is_Neg then Append ('-'); end if; -- Non finite numbers. That shouldn't appear in VHDL, but let's handle -- them. if not Is_Num then for I in 1 .. Len loop Append (S (I)); end loop; return; end if; -- Finite numbers. Set precision. Grt.Fcvt.Format_Precision (S, Len, Exp, Ndigits); if Exp <= 0 then -- Integer part is 0. Append ('0'); Append ('.'); if Len - Exp <= Ndigits then for I in 1 .. -Exp loop Append ('0'); end loop; for I in 1 .. Len loop Append (S (I)); end loop; for I in Len - Exp + 1 .. Ndigits loop Append ('0'); end loop; else for I in 1 .. Ndigits loop Append ('0'); end loop; end if; elsif Exp >= Len then -- No fractional part. for I in 1 .. Len loop Append (S (I)); end loop; for I in Len + 1 .. Exp loop Append ('0'); end loop; Append ('.'); for I in 1 .. Ndigits loop Append ('0'); end loop; else for I in 1 .. Exp loop Append (S (I)); end loop; Append ('.'); for I in Exp + 1 .. Len loop Append (S (I)); end loop; -- Len - (Exp + 1) + 1 digits after the point have been added. -- Complete with '0'. for I in Len - (Exp + 1) + 1 + 1 .. Ndigits loop Append ('0'); end loop; end if; end Format_Digits; end Grt.Fcvt;