-- Error message handling. -- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. with Name_Table; with Files_Map; use Files_Map; with Str_Table; package body Errorout is -- Messages in a group. -- Set to 0 for individual messages, -- Set to 1 .. n for messages in a group. In_Group : Natural := 0; Report_Handler : Report_Msg_Handler; procedure Set_Report_Handler (Handler : Report_Msg_Handler) is begin Report_Handler := Handler; end Set_Report_Handler; function Natural_Image (Val: Natural) return String is Str: constant String := Natural'Image (Val); begin return Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last); end Natural_Image; function Get_Error_Col (E : Error_Record) return Natural is Line_Pos : Source_Ptr; begin Line_Pos := File_Line_To_Position (E.File, E.Line); return Coord_To_Col (E.File, Line_Pos, E.Offset); end Get_Error_Col; -- Warnings. Warnings_Control : Warnings_Setting := Default_Warnings; procedure Enable_Warning (Id : Msgid_Warnings; Enable : Boolean) is begin Warnings_Control (Id).Enabled := Enable; end Enable_Warning; function Is_Warning_Enabled (Id : Msgid_Warnings) return Boolean is begin return Warnings_Control (Id).Enabled; end Is_Warning_Enabled; procedure Warning_Error (Id : Msgid_All_Warnings; As_Error : Boolean) is begin Warnings_Control (Id).Error := As_Error; end Warning_Error; function Is_Warning_Error (Id : Msgid_All_Warnings) return Boolean is begin return Warnings_Control (Id).Error; end Is_Warning_Error; function Warning_Image (Id : Msgid_Warnings) return String is Img : constant String := Msgid_Warnings'Image (Id); -- Prefix to strip. Prefix : constant String := "WARNID_"; pragma Assert (Img'Length > Prefix'Length); pragma Assert (Img (1 .. Prefix'Length) = Prefix); Res : String (1 .. Img'Last - Prefix'Length); C : Character; begin -- Convert to lower cases, and '_' to '-'. for I in Res'Range loop C := Img (Prefix'Length + I); case C is when '_' => C := '-'; when 'A' .. 'Z' => C := Character'Val (Character'Pos (C) + 32); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; Res (I) := C; end loop; return Res; end Warning_Image; procedure Save_Warnings_Setting (Res : out Warnings_Setting) is begin Res := Warnings_Control; end Save_Warnings_Setting; procedure Disable_All_Warnings is begin Warnings_Control := (others => (Enabled => False, Error => False)); end Disable_All_Warnings; procedure Restore_Warnings_Setting (Res : Warnings_Setting) is begin Warnings_Control := Res; end Restore_Warnings_Setting; -- Error arguments function "+" (V : Location_Type) return Earg_Type is begin return (Kind => Earg_Location, Val_Loc => V); end "+"; function "+" (V : Name_Id) return Earg_Type is begin return (Kind => Earg_Id, Val_Id => V); end "+"; function "+" (V : Character) return Earg_Type is begin return (Kind => Earg_Char, Val_Char => V); end "+"; function "+" (V : Uns32) return Earg_Type is begin return (Kind => Earg_Uns32, Val_Uns32 => V); end "+"; function "+" (V : Int32) return Earg_Type is begin return (Kind => Earg_Int32, Val_Int32 => V); end "+"; function "+" (V : String8_Len_Type) return Earg_Type is begin return (Kind => Earg_String8, Val_Str8 => V); end "+"; function "+" (L : Location_Type) return Source_Coord_Type is Res : Source_Coord_Type; begin Files_Map.Location_To_Coord (L, Res.File, Res.Line_Pos, Res.Line, Res.Offset); return Res; end "+"; procedure Output_Identifier (Id : Name_Id) is begin Report_Handler.Message (""""); Report_Handler.Message (Name_Table.Image (Id)); Report_Handler.Message (""""); end Output_Identifier; procedure Output_Character (C : Character) is begin Report_Handler.Message ("'"); Report_Handler.Message ((1 => C)); Report_Handler.Message ("'"); end Output_Character; procedure Location_To_Position (Location : Location_Type; File : out Source_File_Entry; Line : out Natural; Col : out Natural) is Name : Name_Id; Line_Pos : Source_Ptr; Offset : Natural; begin Location_To_Coord (Location, File, Line_Pos, Line, Offset); Coord_To_Position (File, Line_Pos, Offset, Name, Col); end Location_To_Position; procedure Output_Location (Err : Error_Record; Loc : Location_Type) is Arg_File : Source_File_Entry; Arg_Line : Natural; Arg_Col : Natural; begin Location_To_Position (Loc, Arg_File, Arg_Line, Arg_Col); -- Do not print the filename if in the same file as -- the error location. if Arg_File = Err.File then Report_Handler.Message ("line "); else Report_Handler.Message (Name_Table.Image (Get_File_Name (Arg_File))); Report_Handler.Message (":"); end if; Report_Handler.Message (Natural_Image (Arg_Line)); Report_Handler.Message (":"); Report_Handler.Message (Natural_Image (Arg_Col)); end Output_Location; procedure Output_Uns32 (V : Uns32) is S : constant String := Uns32'Image (V); begin Report_Handler.Message (S (2 .. S'Last)); end Output_Uns32; procedure Output_String8 (Str : String8_Len_Type) is begin Report_Handler.Message (""""); Report_Handler.Message (Str_Table.String_String8 (Str.Str, Str.Len)); Report_Handler.Message (""""); end Output_String8; procedure Output_Message (S : String) is begin Report_Handler.Message (S); end Output_Message; type Handlers_Array is array (Earg_Lang_Kind) of Earg_Handler; Lang_Handlers : Handlers_Array := (others => null); procedure Register_Earg_Handler (Kind : Earg_Kind; Handler : Earg_Handler) is begin if Lang_Handlers (Kind) /= null then -- Cannot change handler. raise Internal_Error; end if; Lang_Handlers (Kind) := Handler; end Register_Earg_Handler; procedure Report_Msg (Id : Msgid_Type; Origin : Report_Origin; Loc : Source_Coord_Type; Msg : String; Args : Earg_Arr := No_Eargs) is New_Id : Msgid_Type; Err : Error_Record; begin -- Discard warnings that aren't enabled. if Id in Msgid_Warnings and then not Is_Warning_Enabled (Id) then return; end if; -- Reclassify warnings to errors if -Werror. if Id in Msgid_All_Warnings and then Is_Warning_Error (Id) then New_Id := Msgid_Error; else New_Id := Id; end if; pragma Unreferenced (Id); if In_Group <= 1 and then New_Id = Msgid_Error then if Nbr_Errors = Max_Nbr_Errors then -- Limit reached. Emit a message on the first message. Report_Handler.Error_Start (Err => (Option, Msgid_Error, No_Source_File_Entry, 0, 0, 0)); Report_Handler.Message ("error limit reached"); Report_Handler.Message_End.all; end if; Nbr_Errors := Nbr_Errors + 1; end if; -- Limit the number of errors. if New_Id = Msgid_Error and then Nbr_Errors > Max_Nbr_Errors then return; end if; Err := (Origin, New_Id, Loc.File, Loc.Line, Loc.Offset, 0); Report_Handler.Error_Start (Err); if In_Group > 0 then In_Group := In_Group + 1; end if; -- Display message. declare First, N : Positive; Argn : Integer; Format : Character; begin N := Msg'First; First := N; Argn := Args'First; while N <= Msg'Last loop if Msg (N) = '%' then Report_Handler.Message (Msg (First .. N - 1)); First := N + 2; pragma Assert (N < Msg'Last); N := N + 1; Format := Msg (N); if Format = '%' then -- Special case because there is no argument for the -- escape format. Report_Handler.Message ("%"); else declare Arg : Earg_Type renames Args (Argn); begin case Arg.Kind is when Earg_None => raise Internal_Error; when Earg_Location => if Format = 'l' then Output_Location (Err, Arg.Val_Loc); else raise Internal_Error; end if; when Earg_Id => if Format = 'i' then Output_Identifier (Arg.Val_Id); else raise Internal_Error; end if; when Earg_Char => if Format = 'c' then Output_Character (Arg.Val_Char); else raise Internal_Error; end if; when Earg_String8 => if Format = 's' then Output_String8 (Arg.Val_Str8); else raise Internal_Error; end if; when Earg_Uns32 => if Format = 'v' then Output_Uns32 (Arg.Val_Uns32); else raise Internal_Error; end if; when Earg_Int32 => raise Internal_Error; when Earg_Lang_Kind => if Lang_Handlers (Arg.Kind) = null then raise Internal_Error; end if; Lang_Handlers (Arg.Kind) (Format, Err, Arg.Val_Lang); end case; end; Argn := Argn + 1; end if; end if; N := N + 1; end loop; Report_Handler.Message (Msg (First .. N - 1)); -- Are all arguments displayed ? pragma Assert (Argn > Args'Last); end; Report_Handler.Message_End.all; end Report_Msg; procedure Report_Start_Group is begin pragma Assert (In_Group = 0); In_Group := 1; Report_Handler.Message_Group.all (True); end Report_Start_Group; procedure Report_End_Group is begin pragma Assert (In_Group > 0); In_Group := 0; Report_Handler.Message_Group.all (False); end Report_End_Group; procedure Error_Msg_Option (Msg: String) is begin Report_Msg (Msgid_Error, Option, No_Source_Coord, Msg); end Error_Msg_Option; procedure Warning_Msg_Option (Id : Msgid_Warnings; Msg: String) is begin Report_Msg (Id, Option, No_Source_Coord, Msg); end Warning_Msg_Option; function Make_Earg_Vhdl_Node (V : Uns32) return Earg_Type is begin return (Kind => Earg_Vhdl_Node, Val_Lang => V); end Make_Earg_Vhdl_Node; function Make_Earg_Vhdl_Token (V : Uns32) return Earg_Type is begin return (Kind => Earg_Vhdl_Token, Val_Lang => V); end Make_Earg_Vhdl_Token; function Make_Earg_Synth_Instance (V : Uns32) return Earg_Type is begin return (Kind => Earg_Synth_Instance, Val_Lang => V); end Make_Earg_Synth_Instance; function Make_Earg_Synth_Net (V : Uns32) return Earg_Type is begin return (Kind => Earg_Synth_Net, Val_Lang => V); end Make_Earg_Synth_Net; function Make_Earg_Synth_Name (V : Uns32) return Earg_Type is begin return (Kind => Earg_Synth_Name, Val_Lang => V); end Make_Earg_Synth_Name; end Errorout;