-- EDIF main program. -- Copyright (C) 2019 Tristan Gingold -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Types; use Types; with Name_Table; with Std_Names; with Files_Map; with Str_Table; with Errorout; with Errorout.Console; with Edif.Tokens; use Edif.Tokens; with Edif.Scans; use Edif.Scans; with Edif.Nodes; use Edif.Nodes; with Edif.Parse; use Edif.Parse; with Edif.Disp_Edif; procedure Dump_Edif is procedure Usage is begin Put_Line ("usage: " & Command_Name & " [--scan|--raw] FILE"); end Usage; procedure Error_Msg_Option (Msg : String) is begin Put_Line (Standard_Error, Msg); raise Fatal_Error; end Error_Msg_Option; N : Natural; type Cmd_Type is (Cmd_None, Cmd_Scan, Cmd_Raw); Cmd : Cmd_Type; Id : Name_Id; Dir_Id : Name_Id; Sfe : Source_File_Entry; begin Set_Exit_Status (Failure); Errorout.Console.Install_Handler; Errorout.Console.Set_Program_Name (Command_Name); Std_Names.Std_Names_Initialize; Files_Map.Initialize; -- Decode options. Cmd := Cmd_None; N := 1; while N <= Argument_Count loop declare Opt : constant String := Argument (N); begin exit when Opt (1) /= '-' and Opt (1) /= '+'; if Opt = "--scan" then Cmd := Cmd_Scan; elsif Opt = "--raw" then Cmd := Cmd_Raw; else Usage; return; end if; end; N := N + 1; end loop; -- Stop now if no arguments. if N > Argument_Count then Usage; return; end if; -- Parse files on the command line. while N <= Argument_Count loop -- Load the file. Id := Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Argument (N)); Dir_Id := Null_Identifier; Files_Map.Normalize_Pathname (Dir_Id, Id); Sfe := Files_Map.Read_Source_File (Dir_Id, Id); if Sfe = No_Source_File_Entry then Error_Msg_Option ("cannot open " & Argument (N)); end if; -- Parse file. Set_File (Sfe); case Cmd is when Cmd_Scan => declare Indent : Natural; Need_Nl : Boolean; Need_Sp : Boolean; procedure Maybe_Nl is begin if Need_Nl then New_Line; Put ((1 .. 2 * Indent => ' ')); Need_Nl := False; Need_Sp := False; elsif Need_Sp then Put (' '); Need_Sp := False; end if; end Maybe_Nl; begin Indent := 0; Need_Nl := False; Need_Sp := False; loop Scan; case Current_Token is when Tok_Keyword => New_Line; Put ((1 .. 2 * Indent => ' ')); Need_Nl := False; Put ('('); Put (Name_Table.Image (Current_Identifier)); Need_Sp := True; Indent := Indent + 1; when Tok_Right_Paren => Put (')'); Need_Nl := True; Indent := Indent - 1; when Tok_Symbol => Maybe_Nl; Put (Name_Table.Image (Current_Identifier)); Need_Sp := True; when Tok_String => Maybe_Nl; Put ('"'); Put (Str_Table.String_String8 (Current_String, Nat32 (Current_String_Len))); Put ('"'); Need_Sp := True; when Tok_Number => Maybe_Nl; declare S : constant String := Int32'Image (Current_Number); F : Natural; begin if S (1) = ' ' then F := 2; else F := 1; end if; Put (S (F .. S'Last)); end; Need_Sp := True; when Tok_Eof => exit; end case; end loop; end; when Cmd_Raw => declare T : Node; begin T := Parse_File_Simple; if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then raise Fatal_Error; end if; Edif.Disp_Edif.Disp_Node (T); end; when Cmd_None => declare T : Node; begin T := Parse_Edif200; if Errorout.Nbr_Errors > 0 then raise Fatal_Error; end if; Edif.Disp_Edif.Disp_Node (T); end; end case; N := N + 1; end loop; Set_Exit_Status (Success); exception when Fatal_Error => null; end Dump_Edif;