-- Type interning - set of unique objects. -- Copyright (C) 2019 Tristan Gingold -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; package body Dyn_Maps is procedure Deallocate is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Hash_Array, Hash_Array_Acc); procedure Init (Inst : out Instance) is begin Inst.Size := Initial_Size; Inst.Hash_Table := new Hash_Array'(0 .. Initial_Size - 1 => No_Index); Wrapper_Tables.Init (Inst.Els, 128); pragma Assert (Wrapper_Tables.Last (Inst.Els) = No_Index); end Init; procedure Free (Inst : in out Instance) is begin Deallocate (Inst.Hash_Table); Inst.Size := 0; Wrapper_Tables.Free (Inst.Els); end Free; -- Expand the hash table (double the size). procedure Expand (Inst : in out Instance) is Old_Hash_Table : Hash_Array_Acc; Idx : Index_Type; begin Old_Hash_Table := Inst.Hash_Table; Inst.Size := Inst.Size * 2; Inst.Hash_Table := new Hash_Array'(0 .. Inst.Size - 1 => No_Index); -- Rehash. for I in Old_Hash_Table'Range loop Idx := Old_Hash_Table (I); while Idx /= No_Index loop -- Note: collisions are put in reverse order. declare Ent : Element_Wrapper renames Inst.Els.Table (Idx); Hash_Index : constant Hash_Value_Type := Ent.Hash and (Inst.Size - 1); Next_Idx : constant Index_Type := Ent.Next; begin Ent.Next := Inst.Hash_Table (Hash_Index); Inst.Hash_Table (Hash_Index) := Idx; Idx := Next_Idx; end; end loop; end loop; Deallocate (Old_Hash_Table); end Expand; function Get_Index_With_Hash (Inst : Instance; Params : Params_Type; Hash_Value : Hash_Value_Type) return Index_Type is Hash_Index : Hash_Value_Type; Idx : Index_Type; begin Hash_Index := Hash_Value and (Inst.Size - 1); Idx := Inst.Hash_Table (Hash_Index); while Idx /= No_Index loop declare E : Element_Wrapper renames Inst.Els.Table (Idx); begin if E.Hash = Hash_Value and then Equal (E.Obj, Params) then return Idx; end if; Idx := E.Next; end; end loop; return No_Index; end Get_Index_With_Hash; function Get_Index_Soft (Inst : Instance; Params : Params_Type) return Index_Type is begin -- Check if the package was initialized. pragma Assert (Inst.Hash_Table /= null); return Get_Index_With_Hash (Inst, Params, Hash (Params)); end Get_Index_Soft; procedure Get_Index (Inst : in out Instance; Params : Params_Type; Idx : out Index_Type) is Hash_Value : constant Hash_Value_Type := Hash (Params); Hash_Index : Hash_Value_Type; begin -- Check if the package was initialized. pragma Assert (Inst.Hash_Table /= null); Idx := Get_Index_With_Hash (Inst, Params, Hash_Value); if Idx /= No_Index then return; end if; -- Insert. -- Maybe expand the table. if Hash_Value_Type (Wrapper_Tables.Last (Inst.Els)) > 2 * Inst.Size then Expand (Inst); end if; -- Compute hash index. Hash_Index := Hash_Value and (Inst.Size - 1); declare Res : Object_Type; Val : Value_Type; begin Res := Build (Params); Val := Build_Value (Res); -- Insert. Wrapper_Tables.Append (Inst.Els, (Hash => Hash_Value, Next => Inst.Hash_Table (Hash_Index), Obj => Res, Val => Val)); Inst.Hash_Table (Hash_Index) := Wrapper_Tables.Last (Inst.Els); end; Idx := Wrapper_Tables.Last (Inst.Els); end Get_Index; function Last_Index (Inst : Instance) return Index_Type is begin return Wrapper_Tables.Last (Inst.Els); end Last_Index; function Get_By_Index (Inst : Instance; Index : Index_Type) return Object_Type is begin pragma Assert (Index <= Wrapper_Tables.Last (Inst.Els)); return Inst.Els.Table (Index).Obj; end Get_By_Index; function Get_Value (Inst : Instance; Index : Index_Type) return Value_Type is begin pragma Assert (Index <= Wrapper_Tables.Last (Inst.Els)); return Inst.Els.Table (Index).Val; end Get_Value; procedure Set_Value (Inst : in out Instance; Index : Index_Type; Val : Value_Type) is begin pragma Assert (Index <= Wrapper_Tables.Last (Inst.Els)); Inst.Els.Table (Index).Val := Val; end Set_Value; end Dyn_Maps;