with PSL.Nodes; use PSL.Nodes; with Interfaces; use Interfaces; package PSL.QM is type Primes_Set (<>) is private; function Build_Primes (N : Node) return Primes_Set; function Build_Node (Ps : Primes_Set) return Node; function Reduce (N : Node) return Node; -- The maximum number of terms that this package can handle. -- The algorithm is in O(2**n) Max_Terms : constant Natural := 12; type Term_Assoc_Type is array (1 .. Max_Terms) of Node; Term_Assoc : Term_Assoc_Type := (others => Null_Node); Nbr_Terms : Natural := 0; procedure Reset; procedure Disp_Primes_Set (Ps : Primes_Set); private -- Scalar type used to represent a vector of booleans for terms. subtype Vector_Type is Unsigned_16; pragma Assert (Vector_Type'Modulus >= 2 ** Max_Terms); -- States of a vector of term. -- If SET is 0, this is a don't care: the term has no influence. -- If SET is 1, the value of the term is in VAL. type Prime_Type is record Val : Unsigned_16; Set : Unsigned_16; end record; subtype Len_Type is Natural range 0 .. 2 ** Max_Terms; type Set_Type is array (Natural range <>) of Prime_Type; -- A set of primes is a collection of at most MAX prime. type Primes_Set (Max : Len_Type) is record Nbr : Len_Type := 0; Set : Set_Type (1 .. Max); end record; end PSL.QM;