GHDL guide

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GHDL guide

GHDL, a VHDL compiler.

Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Tristan Gingold.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

Next: , Previous: Top, Up: Top

1 Introduction

1.1 Content of this manual

This manual is the user and reference manual for GHDL. It does not contain an introduction to VHDL. Thus, the reader should have at least a basic knowledge of VHDL. A good knowledge of VHDL language reference manual (usually called LRM) is a plus.

Next: , Previous: Introduction, Up: Introduction

1.2 What is VHDL?

VHDL is an acronym for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language which is a programming language used to describe a logic circuit by function, data flow behaviour, or structure.

VHDL is a programming language: although VHDL was not designed for writing general purpose programs, you can write any algorithm with the VHDL language. If you are able to write programs, you will find in VHDL features similar to those found in procedural languages such as C, Pascal or Ada. VHDL derives most of its syntax and semantics from Ada. Knowing Ada is an advantage for learning VHDL (it is an advantage in general as well).

However, VHDL was not designed as a general purpose language but as an HDL (hardware description language). As the name implies, VHDL aims at modeling or documenting electronics systems. Due to the nature of hardware components which are always running, VHDL is a highly concurrent language, built upon an event-based timing model.

Like a program written in any other language, a VHDL program can be executed. Since VHDL is used to model designs, the term simulation is often used instead of execution, with the same meaning.

Like a program written in another hardware description language, a VHDL program can be transformed with a synthesis tool into a netlist, that is, a detailed gate-level implementation.

Previous: What is VHDL, Up: Introduction

1.3 What is GHDL?

GHDL is a shorthand for G Hardware Design Language. Currently, G has no meaning.

GHDL is a VHDL compiler that can execute (nearly) any VHDL program. GHDL is not a synthesis tool: you cannot create a netlist with GHDL.

Unlike some other simulators, GHDL is a compiler: it directly translates a VHDL file to machine code, using the GCC back-end and without using an intermediary language such as C or C++. Therefore, the compiled code should be faster and the analysis time should be shorter than with a compiler using an intermediary language.

The Windows(TM) version of GHDL is not based on GCC but on an internal code generator.

The current version of GHDL does not contain any graphical viewer: you cannot see signal waves. You can still check with a test bench. The current version can produce a VCD file which can be viewed with a wave viewer, as well as ghw files to be viewed by `gtkwave'.

GHDL aims at implementing VHDL as defined by IEEE 1076. It supports most of the 1987 standard and most features added by the 1993 standard.

Next: , Previous: Introduction, Up: Top

2 Starting with GHDL

In this chapter, you will learn how to use the GHDL compiler by working on two examples.

Next: , Previous: Starting with GHDL, Up: Starting with GHDL

2.1 The hello world program

To illustrate the large purpose of VHDL, here is a commented VHDL "Hello world" program.

     --  Hello world program.
     use std.textio.all; --  Imports the standard textio package.
     --  Defines a design entity, without any ports.
     entity hello_world is
     end hello_world;
     architecture behaviour of hello_world is
           variable l : line;
           write (l, String'("Hello world!"));
           writeline (output, l);
        end process;
     end behaviour;

Suppose this program is contained in the file hello.vhdl. First, you have to compile the file; this is called analysis of a design file in VHDL terms.

     $ ghdl -a hello.vhdl

This command creates or updates a file, which describes the library `work'. On GNU/Linux, this command generates a file hello.o, which is the object file corresponding to your VHDL program. The object file is not created on Windows.

Then, you have to build an executable file.

     $ ghdl -e hello_world

The `-e' option means elaborate. With this option, GHDL creates code in order to elaborate a design, with the `hello' entity at the top of the hierarchy.

On GNU/Linux, the result is an executable program called hello which can be run:

     $ ghdl -r hello_world

or directly:

     $ ./hello_world

On Windows, no file is created. The simulation is launched using this command:

     > ghdl -r hello_world

The result of the simulation appears on the screen:

     Hello world!

Next: , Previous: The hello word program, Up: Starting with GHDL

2.2 A full adder

VHDL is generally used for hardware design. This example starts with a full adder described in the adder.vhdl file:

     entity adder is
       -- i0, i1 and the carry-in ci are inputs of the adder.
       -- s is the sum output, co is the carry-out.
       port (i0, i1 : in bit; ci : in bit; s : out bit; co : out bit);
     end adder;
     architecture rtl of adder is
        --  This full-adder architecture contains two concurrent assignment.
        --  Compute the sum.
        s <= i0 xor i1 xor ci;
        --  Compute the carry.
        co <= (i0 and i1) or (i0 and ci) or (i1 and ci);
     end rtl;

You can analyze this design file:

     $ ghdl -a adder.vhdl

You can try to execute the `adder' design, but this is useless, since nothing externally visible will happen. In order to check this full adder, a testbench has to be run. This testbench is very simple, since the adder is also simple: it checks exhaustively all inputs. Note that only the behaviour is tested, timing constraints are not checked. The file adder_tb.vhdl contains the testbench for the adder:

     --  A testbench has no ports.
     entity adder_tb is
     end adder_tb;
     architecture behav of adder_tb is
        --  Declaration of the component that will be instantiated.
        component adder
          port (i0, i1 : in bit; ci : in bit; s : out bit; co : out bit);
        end component;
        --  Specifies which entity is bound with the component.
        for adder_0: adder use entity work.adder;
        signal i0, i1, ci, s, co : bit;
        --  Component instantiation.
        adder_0: adder port map (i0 => i0, i1 => i1, ci => ci,
                                 s => s, co => co);
        --  This process does the real job.
           type pattern_type is record
              --  The inputs of the adder.
              i0, i1, ci : bit;
              --  The expected outputs of the adder.
              s, co : bit;
           end record;
           --  The patterns to apply.
           type pattern_array is array (natural range <>) of pattern_type;
           constant patterns : pattern_array :=
             (('0', '0', '0', '0', '0'),
              ('0', '0', '1', '1', '0'),
              ('0', '1', '0', '1', '0'),
              ('0', '1', '1', '0', '1'),
              ('1', '0', '0', '1', '0'),
              ('1', '0', '1', '0', '1'),
              ('1', '1', '0', '0', '1'),
              ('1', '1', '1', '1', '1'));
           --  Check each pattern.
           for i in patterns'range loop
              --  Set the inputs.
              i0 <= patterns(i).i0;
              i1 <= patterns(i).i1;
              ci <= patterns(i).ci;
              --  Wait for the results.
              wait for 1 ns;
              --  Check the outputs.
              assert s = patterns(i).s
                 report "bad sum value" severity error;
              assert co = patterns(i).co
                 report "bad carray out value" severity error;
           end loop;
           assert false report "end of test" severity note;
           --  Wait forever; this will finish the simulation.
        end process;
     end behav;

As usual, you should analyze the design:

     $ ghdl -a adder_tb.vhdl

And build an executable for the testbench:

     $ ghdl -e adder_tb

You do not need to specify which object files are required: GHDL knows them and automatically adds them in the executable. Now, it is time to run the testbench:

     $ ghdl -r adder_tb
     adder_tb.vhdl:52:7:(assertion note): end of test

If your design is rather complex, you'd like to inspect signals. Signals value can be dumped using the VCD file format. The resulting file can be read with a wave viewer such as GTKWave. First, you should simulate your design and dump a waveform file:

     $ ghdl -r adder_tb --vcd=adder.vcd

Then, you may now view the waves:

     $ gtkwave adder.vcd

See Simulation options, for more details on the --vcd option and other run time options.

Previous: A full adder, Up: Starting with GHDL

2.3 Starting with a design

Unless you are only studying VHDL, you will work with bigger designs than the ones of the previous examples.

Let's see how to analyze and run a bigger design, such as the DLX model suite written by Peter Ashenden which is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. A copy is kept on <>

First, untar the sources:

     $ tar zxvf dlx.tar.gz

In order not to pollute the sources with the library, it is a good idea to create a work/ subdirectory for the `WORK' library. To any GHDL commands, we will add the --workdir=work option, so that all files generated by the compiler (except the executable) will be placed in this directory.

     $ cd dlx
     $ mkdir work

We will run the `dlx_test_behaviour' design. We need to analyze all the design units for the design hierarchy, in the correct order. GHDL provides an easy way to do this, by importing the sources:

     $ ghdl -i --workdir=work *.vhdl

and making a design:

     $ ghdl -m --workdir=work dlx_test_behaviour

Before this second stage, GHDL knows all the design units of the DLX, but no one have been analyzed. The make command of GHDL analyzes and elaborates a design. This creates many files in the work/ directory, and the dlx_test_behaviour executable in the current directory.

The simulation needs to have a DLX program contained in the file dlx.out. This memory image will be be loaded in the DLX memory. Just take one sample:

     $ cp test_loop.out dlx.out

And you can run the test suite:

     $ ghdl -r dlx_test_behaviour

The test bench monitors the bus and displays each instruction executed. It finishes with an assertion of severity level note:

     dlx-behaviour.vhdl:395:11:(assertion note): TRAP instruction
      encountered, execution halted

Since the clock is still running, you have to manually stop the program with the C-c key sequence. This behavior prevents you from running the test bench in batch mode. However, you may force the simulator to stop when an assertion above or equal a certain severity level occurs:

     $ ghdl -r dlx_test_behaviour --assert-level=note

With this option, the program stops just after the previous message:

     dlx-behaviour.vhdl:395:11:(assertion note): TRAP instruction
      encountered, execution halted
     error: assertion failed

If you want to make room on your hard drive, you can either:

Sometimes, a design does not fully follow the VHDL standards. For example it uses the badly engineered `std_logic_unsigned' package. GHDL supports this VHDL dialect through some options:

     --ieee=synopsys -fexplicit

See IEEE library pitfalls, for more details.

Next: , Previous: Starting with GHDL, Up: Top

3 Invoking GHDL

The form of the ghdl command is

     $ ghdl command [options...]

The GHDL program has several commands. The first argument selects the commands. The options are used to slighly modify the action.

No options are allowed before the command. Except for the run commands, no options are allowed after a filename or a unit name.

Next: , Previous: Invoking GHDL, Up: Invoking GHDL

3.1 Building commands

The mostly used commands of GHDL are those to analyze and elaborate a design.

Next: , Previous: Building commands, Up: Building commands

3.1.1 Analysis command

     $ ghdl -a [options] files

The analysis command compiles one or more files, and creates an object file for each source file. The analysis command is selected with -a switch. Any argument starting with a dash is a option, the others are filenames. No options are allowed after a filename argument. GHDL analyzes each filename in the given order, and stops the analysis in case of error (the following files are not analyzed).

See GHDL options, for details on the GHDL options. For example, to produce debugging information such as line numbers, use:

     $ ghdl -a -g my_design.vhdl

Next: , Previous: Analysis command, Up: Building commands

3.1.2 Elaboration command

     $ ghdl -e [options] primary_unit [secondary_unit]

On GNU/Linux the elaboration command creates an executable containing the code of the VHDL sources, the elaboration code and simulation code to execute a design hiearachy. On Windows this command elaborates the design but does not generate anything.

The elaboration command is selected with -e switch, and must be followed by either:

Name of the units must be a simple name, without any dot. You can select the name of the `WORK' library with the --work=NAME option, as described in GHDL options.

See Top entity, for the restrictions on the root design of a hierarchy.

On GNU/Linux the file name of the executable is the name of the primary unit, or for the later case, the concatenation of the name of the primary unit, a dash, and the name of the secondary unit (or architecture). On Windows there is no executable generated.

The -o followed by a file name can override the default executable file name.

For the elaboration command, GHDL re-analyzes all the configurations, entities, architectures and package declarations, and creates the default configurations and the default binding indications according to the LRM rules. It also generates the list of objects files required for the executable. Then, it links all these files with the run time library.

The actual elaboration is performed at run-time.

On Windows this command can be skipped because it is also done by the run command.

Next: , Previous: Elaboration command, Up: Building commands

3.1.3 Run command

Run (or simulate) a design.

     $ ghdl -r [options] primary_unit [secondary_unit] [simulation_options]

The options and arguments are the same as the See Elaboration command.

On GNU/Linux this command simply build the filename of the executable and execute it. Options are ignored. You may also directly execute the program.

This command exists for three reasons:

On Windows this command elaborate and launch the simulation. As a consequence you must use the same options used during analysis.

See Simulation and run time, for details on options.

Next: , Previous: Run command, Up: Building commands

3.1.4 Elaborate and run command

Elaborate and then simulate a design unit.

     $ ghdl --elab-run [elab_options] primary_unit [secondary_unit] [run_options]

This command acts like the elaboration command (see Elaboration command) followed by the run command (see Run command).

Next: , Previous: Elaborate and run command, Up: Building commands

3.1.5 Bind command

Bind a design unit and prepare the link step.

     $ ghdl --bind [options] primary_unit [secondary_unit]

This command is only available on GNU/Linux.

This performs only the first stage of the elaboration command; the list of objects files is created but the executable is not built. This command should be used only when the main entry point is not ghdl.

Next: , Previous: Bind command, Up: Building commands

3.1.6 Link command

Link an already bound design unit.

     $ ghdl --link [options] primary_unit [secondary_unit]

This performs only the second stage of the elaboration command: the executable is created by linking the files of the object files list. This command is available only for completness. The elaboration command is equivalent to the bind command followed by the link command.

Next: , Previous: Link command, Up: Building commands

3.1.7 List link command

Disp files which will be linked.

     $ ghdl --list-link primary_unit [secondary_unit]

This command is only available on GNU/Linux.

This command may be used only after a bind command. GHDL displays all the files which will be linked to create an executable. This command is intended to add object files in a link of an foreign program.

Next: , Previous: List link command, Up: Building commands

3.1.8 Check syntax command

Analyze files but do not generate code.

     $ ghdl -s [options] files

This command may be used to check the syntax of files. It does not update the library.

Previous: Check syntax command, Up: Building commands

3.1.9 Analyze and elaborate command

Analyze files and elaborate in the same time.

On GNU/Linux:

     $ ghdl -c [options] file... -e primary_unit [secondary_unit]

On Windows:

     $ ghdl -c [options] file... -r primary_unit [secondary_unit]

This command combines analyze and elaboration: files are analyzed and the unit is then elaborated. However, code is only generated during the elaboration. On Windows the simulation is launched.

To be more precise, the files are first parsed, and then the elaboration drives the analysis. Therefore, there is no analysis order, and you don't need to care about it.

All the units of the files are put into the `work' library. But, the work library is neither read from disk nor saved. Therefore, you must give all the files of the `work' library your design needs.

The advantages over the traditionnal approach (analyze and then elaborate) are:

However, you should know that currently most of the time is spent in code generation and the analyze and elaborate command generate code for all units needed, even units of `std' and `ieee' libraries. Therefore, according to the design, the time for this command may be higher than the time for the analyze command followed by the elaborate command.

This command is still experimental. In case of problems, you should go back to the traditionnal way.

Next: , Previous: Building commands, Up: Invoking GHDL

3.2 GHDL options

Besides the options described below, GHDL passes any debugging options (those that begin with -g) and optimizations options (those that begin with -O or -f) to GCC. Refer to the GCC manual for details.

Specify the name of the `WORK' library. Analyzed units are always placed in the library logically named `WORK'. With this option, you can set its name. By default, the name is work.

GHDL checks `WORK' is a valid identifier. Although being more or less supported, the `WORK' identifier should not be an extended identifier, since the filesystem may prevent it from correctly working (due to case sensitivity or forbidden characters in filenames).

VHDL rules forbides you to add units in the `std' library. Furthermode, you should not put units in the `ieee' library.

Specify the directory where the `WORK' library is. When this option is not present, the `WORK' library is in the current directory. The object files created by the compiler are always placed in the same directory as the `WORK' library.
Specify the standard to use. By default, the standard is `93c', which means VHDL-93 accepting VHDL-87 syntax. For details on STD values see VHDL standards.
Select the IEEE library to use. VER must be one of:
Do not supply an IEEE library. Any library clause with the `IEEE' identifier will fail, unless you have created by your own a library with the IEEE name.
Supply an IEEE library containing only packages defined by ieee standards. Currently, there are the multivalue logic system packages `std_logic_1164' defined by IEEE 1164, the synthesis packages , `numeric_bit' and `numeric_std' defined by IEEE 1076.3, and the vital packages `vital_timing' and `vital_primitives', defined by IEEE 1076.4. The version of these packages is defined by the VHDL standard used. See VITAL packages, for more details.
Supply the former packages and the following additionnal packages: `std_logic_arith', `std_logic_signed', `std_logic_unsigned', `std_logic_textio'. These packages were created by some companies, and are popular. However they are not standard packages, and have been placed in the IEEE library without the ieee permission.
Supply the standardr packages and the following additionnal package: `std_logic_arith'. The package is a slight variation on a definitly not standard but widely mis-used package.

To avoid errors, you must use the same IEEE library for all units of your design, and during elaboration.

Add PATH to the end of the list of directories to be searched for library files.

The WORK library is always searched in the path specified by the --workdir= option, or in the current directory if the later option is not specified.

When two operators are overloaded, give preference to the explicit declaration. This may be used to avoid the most common pitfall of the `std_logic_arith' package. See IEEE library pitfalls, for an example.

This option is not set by default. I don't think this option is a good feature, because it breaks the encapsulation rule. When set, an operator can be silently overriden in another package. You'd better to fix your design and use the `numeric_std' package.

Disable or enable checks of restriction on VITAL units. Checks are enabled by default.

Checks are performed only when a design unit is decorated by a VITAL attribute. The VITAL attributes are `VITAL_Level0' and `VITAL_Level1', both declared in the `ieee.VITAL_Timing' package.

Currently, VITAL checks are only partially implemented. See VHDL restrictions for VITAL, for more details.

Use synthetizer rules for component binding. During elaboration, if a component is not bound to an entity using VHDL LRM rules, try to find in any known library an entity whose name is the same as the component name.

This rule is known as synthetizer rule.

There are two key points: normal VHDL LRM rules are tried first and entities are search only in known library. A known library is a library which has been named in your design.

This option is only useful during elaboration.

Use PATH as the prefix path to find commands and pre-installed (std and ieee) libraries.
Use COMMAND as the command name for the compiler. If COMMAND is not a path, then it is search in the list of program directories.
Be verbose. For example, for analysis, elaboration and make commands, GHDL displays the commands executed.

Next: , Previous: GHDL options, Up: Invoking GHDL

3.3 Passing options to other programs

These options are only available on GNU/Linux.

For many commands, GHDL acts as a driver: it invokes programs to perform the command. You can pass arbritrary options to these programs.

Both the compiler and the linker are in fact GCC programs. See GCC options, for details on GCC options.

Pass OPTION as an option to the compiler.
Pass OPTION as an option to the assembler.
Pass OPTION as an option to the linker.

Next: , Previous: Passing options to other programs, Up: Invoking GHDL

3.4 GHDL warnings

Some contructions are not erroneous but dubious. Warnings are diagnostic messages that report such constructions. Some warnings are reported only during analysis, others during elaboration.

You could disable a warning by using the --warn-no-XXX instead of --warn-XXX.

Emit a warning if an identifier is a reserved word in a latter VHDL standard.
During analyze, warns if a component instantiation has neither configuration specification nor default binding. This may be usefull if you want to detect during analyze possibly unbound component if you don't use configuration. See VHDL standards, for more details about default binding rules.
During elaboration, warns if a component instantiation is not bound (and not explicitly left unbound). Also warns if a port of an entity is not bound in a configuration specification or in a component configuration. This warning is enabled by default, since default binding rules are somewhat complex and an unbound component is most often unexpected.

However, warnings are even emitted if a component instantiation is inside a generate statement. As a consequence, if you use conditionnal generate statement to select a component according to the implementation, you will certainly get warnings.

Warns if a design unit replaces another design unit with the same name.
Warns if a generic name of a vital entity is not a vital generic name. This is set by default.
Warns for checks that cannot be done during analysis time and are postponed to elaboration time. This is because not all procedure bodies are available during analysis (either because a package body has not yet been analysed or because GHDL doesn't read not required package bodies).

These are checks for no wait statement in a procedure called in a sensitized process and checks for pure rules of a function.

Emit a warning if a package body which is not required is analyzed. If a package does not declare a subprogram or a deferred constant, the package does not require a body.
Emit a warning if an all or others specification does not apply.
Emit a warning when a subprogram is never used.
When this option is set, warnings are considered as errors.

Next: , Previous: GHDL warnings, Up: Invoking GHDL

3.5 Rebuilding commands

Analyzing and elaborating a design consisting in severals files can be tricky, due to dependences. GHDL has a few commands to rebuild a design.

Next: , Previous: Rebuilding commands, Up: Rebuilding commands

3.5.1 Import command

Add files in the work design library.

     $ ghdl -i [options] file...

All the files specified in the command line are scanned, parsed and added in the libraries but as not yet analyzed. No object files are created.

The purpose of this command is to localize design units in the design files. The make command will then be able to recursively build a hierarchy from an entity name or a configuration name.

Since the files are parsed, there must be correct files. However, since they are not analyzed, many errors are tolerated by this command.

Note that all the files are added in the work library. If you have many libraries, you must use the command for each library.

See Make command, to actually build the design.

Next: , Previous: Import command, Up: Rebuilding commands

3.5.2 Make command

     $ ghdl -m [options] primary [secondary]

Analyze automatically outdated files and elaborate a design.

The primary unit denoted by the primary argument must already be known by the system, either because you have already analyzed it (even if you have modified it) or because you have imported it. GHDL analyzes all outdated files. A file may be outdated because it has been modified (e.g. you just have edited it), or because a design unit contained in the file depends on a unit which is outdated. This rule is of course recursive.

With the -f (force) option, GHDL analyzes all the units of the work library needed to create the design hierarchy. Not outdated units are recompiled. This is useful if you want to compile a design hierarch with new compilation flags (for example, to add the -g debugging option).

The make command will only re-analyze design units in the work library. GHDL fails if it has to analyze an outdated unit from another library.

The purpose of this command is to be able to compile a design without prior knowledge of file order. In the VHDL model, some units must be analyzed before others (e.g. an entity before its architecture). It might be a nightmare to analyze a full design of several files, if you don't have the ordered list of file. This command computes an analysis order.

The make command fails when a unit was not previously parsed. For example, if you split a file containing several design units into several files, you must either import these new files or analyze them so that GHDL knows in which file these units are.

The make command imports files which have been modified. Then, a design hierarchy is internally built as if no units are outdated. Then, all outdated design units, using the dependences of the design hierarchy, are analyzed. If necessary, the design hierarchy is elaborated.

This is not perfect, since defaults architecture (the most recently analyzed one) may change while outdated design files are analyzed. In such a case, re-run the make command of GHDL.

Previous: Make command, Up: Rebuilding commands

3.5.3 Generate Makefile command

Generate a Makefile to build a design unit.

     $ ghdl --gen-makefile [options] primary [secondary]

This command works like the make command (see Make command), but only a makefile is generated on the standard output.

Next: , Previous: Rebuilding commands, Up: Invoking GHDL

3.6 Library commands

GHDL has a few commands which act on a library.

Next: , Previous: Library commands, Up: Library commands

3.6.1 Directory command

Display the name of the units contained in a design library.

     $ ghdl -d [options]

The directory command, selected with the -d command line argument displays the content of the work design library. All options are allowed, but only a few are meaningful: --work=NAME, --workdir=PATH and --std=VER.

Next: , Previous: Directory command, Up: Library commands

3.6.2 Clean command

Remove object and executable files but keep the library.

     $ ghdl --clean [options]

GHDL tries to remove any object, executable or temporary file it could have created. Source files are not removed.

There is no short command line form for this option to prevent accidental clean up.

Previous: Clean command, Up: Library commands

3.6.3 Remove command

Do like the clean command but remove the library too.

     $ ghdl --remove [options]

There is no short command line form for this option to prevent accidental clean up. Note that after removing a design library, the files are not known anymore by GHDL.

Next: , Previous: Library commands, Up: Invoking GHDL

3.7 Cross-reference command

To easily navigate through your sources, you may generate cross-references.

     $ ghdl --xref-html [options] file...

This command generates an html file for each file given in the command line, with syntax highlighting and full cross-reference: every identifier is a link to its declaration. Besides, an index of the files is created too.

The set of file are analyzed, and then, if the analyze is successful, html files are generated in the directory specified by the -o dir option, or html/ directory by default.

If the --format=html2 is specified, then the generated html files follow the HTML 2.0 standard, and colours are specified with `<FONT>' tags. However, colours are hard-coded.

If the --format=css is specified, then the generated html files follow the HTML 4.0 standard, and use the CSS-1 file ghdl.css to specify colours. This file is generated only if it does not already exist (it is never overwritten) and can be customized by the user to change colours or appearance. Refer to a generated file and its comments for more informations.

Next: , Previous: Cross-reference command, Up: Invoking GHDL

3.8 File commands

The following commands act on one or severals files. They do not analysis files, therefore, they work even if a file has semantic errors.

Next: , Previous: File commands, Up: File commands

3.8.1 Pretty print command

Generate HTML on standard output from VHDL.

     $ ghdl --pp-html [options] file...

The files are just scanned and an html file, with syntax highlighting is generated on standard output.

Since the files are not even parsed, erroneous files or uncomplete designs can be pretty printed.

The style of the html file can be modified with the --format= option. By default or when the --format=html2 option is specified, the output is an HTML 2.0 file, with colours set throught `<FONT>' tags. When the --format=css option is specified, the output is an HTML 4.0 file, with colours set through a CSS file, whose name is `ghdl.css'. See Cross-reference command, for more details about this CSS file.

Next: , Previous: Pretty print command, Up: File commands

3.8.2 Find command

Display the name of the design units in files.

     $ ghdl -f file...

The files are scanned, parsed and the names of design units are displayed. Design units marked with two stars are candidate to be at the apex of a design hierarchy.

Next: , Previous: Find command, Up: File commands

3.8.3 Chop command

Chop (or split) files at design unit.

     $ ghdl --chop files

GHDL reads files, and writes a file in the current directory for every design unit.

The file name of a design unit is build according to the unit. For an entity declaration, a package declaration or a configuration the file name is NAME.vhdl, where NAME is the name of the design unit. For a package body, the file name is NAME-body.vhdl. Finally, for an architecture ARCH of an entity ENTITY, the file name is ENTITY-ARCH.vhdl.

Since the input files are parsed, this command aborts in case of syntax error. The command aborts too if a file to be written already exists.

Comments between design units are stored into the most adequate files.

This command may be useful to split big files, if your computer has not enough memory to compile such files. The size of the executable is reduced too.

Previous: Chop command, Up: File commands

3.8.4 Lines command

Display on the standard output lines of files preceded by line number.

     $ ghdl --lines files

Next: , Previous: File commands, Up: Invoking GHDL

3.9 Misc commands

There are a few GHDL commands which are seldom useful.

Next: , Previous: Misc commands, Up: Misc commands

3.9.1 Help command

Display (on the standard output) a short description of the all the commands available. If the help switch is followed by an command switch, then options for this later command are displayed.

     $ ghdl --help
     $ ghdl -h
     $ ghdl -h command

Next: , Previous: Help command, Up: Misc commands

3.9.2 Dispconfig command

Display the program pathes and options used by GHDL.

     $ ghdl --dispconfig [options]

This may be useful to track installation errors.

Next: , Previous: Dispconfig command, Up: Misc commands

3.9.3 Disp standard command

Display the `std.standard' package:

     $ ghdl --disp-standard [options]

Previous: Disp standard command, Up: Misc commands

3.9.4 Version command

Display the GHDL version and exit.

     $ ghdl --version

Next: , Previous: Misc commands, Up: Invoking GHDL

3.10 Installation Directory

During analysis and elaboration GHDL may read the std and ieee files. The location of these files is based on the prefix, which is (in priority order):

  1. the --PREFIX= command line option
  2. the GHDL_PREFIX environment variable
  3. a built-in default path. It is an hard-coded path on GNU/Linux and the value of the `HKLM\Software\Ghdl\Install_Dir' registry entry on Windows.

You should use the --dispconfig command (see Dispconfig command for details) to disp and debug installation problems.

Previous: Installation Directory, Up: Invoking GHDL

3.11 IEEE library pitfalls

When you use options --ieee=synopsys or --ieee=mentor, the IEEE library contains non standard packages such as `std_logic_arith'.

These packages are not standard because there are not described by an IEEE standard, even if they have been put in the IEEE library. Furthermore, they are not really de-facto standard, because there a slight differences between the packages of Mentor and those of Synopsys.

Furthermore, since they are not well-thought, their use have pitfalls. For example, this description has error during compilation:

     library ieee;
     use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
     --  A counter from 0 to 10.
     entity counter is
        port (val : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
              ck : std_logic;
              rst : std_logic);
     end counter;
     library ieee;
     use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
     architecture bad of counter
        signal v : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
        process (ck, rst)
          if rst = '1' then
             v <= x"0";
          elsif rising_edge (ck) then
             if v = "1010" then -- Error
                v <= x"0";
                v <= v + 1;
             end if;
          end if;
        end process;
        val <= v;
     end bad;

When you analyze this design, GHDL does not accept it (too long lines have been split for readability):

     $ ghdl -a --ieee=synopsys bad_counter.vhdl
     bad_counter.vhdl:13:14: operator "=" is overloaded
     bad_counter.vhdl:13:14: possible interpretations are:
     ../../libraries/ieee/std_logic_1164.v93:69:5: implicit function "="
         [std_logic_vector, std_logic_vector return boolean]
     ../../libraries/synopsys/std_logic_unsigned.vhdl:64:5: function "="
         [std_logic_vector, std_logic_vector return boolean]
     ../translate/ghdldrv/ghdl: compilation error

Indeed, the "=" operator is defined in both packages, and both are visible at the place it is used. The first declaration is an implicit one, which occurs when the std_logic_vector type is declared and is a element to element comparaison, the second one is an explicit declared function, with the semantic of an unsigned comparaison.

With some analyser, the explicit declaration has priority on the implicit declaration, and this design can be analyzed without error. However, this is not the rule given by the VHDL LRM, and since GHDL follows these rules, it emits an error.

You can force GHDL to use this rule with the -fexplicit option. See GHDL options, for more details.

However it is easy to fix this error, by using a selected name:

     library ieee;
     use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
     architecture fixed_bad of counter
        signal v : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
        process (ck, rst)
          if rst = '1' then
             v <= x"0";
          elsif rising_edge (ck) then
             if ieee.std_logic_unsigned."=" (v, "1010") then
                v <= x"0";
                v <= v + 1;
             end if;
          end if;
        end process;
        val <= v;
     end fixed_bad;

It is better to only use the standard packages defined by IEEE, which provides the same functionnalities:

     library ieee;
     use ieee.numeric_std.all;
     architecture good of counter
        signal v : unsigned (3 downto 0);
        process (ck, rst)
          if rst = '1' then
             v <= x"0";
          elsif rising_edge (ck) then
             if v = "1010" then
                v <= x"0";
                v <= v + 1;
             end if;
          end if;
        end process;
        val <= std_logic_vector (v);
     end good;

Next: , Previous: Invoking GHDL, Up: Top

4 Simulation and run time

Next: , Previous: Simulation and run time, Up: Simulation and run time

4.1 Simulation options

In most system environments, it is possible to pass options while invoking a program. Contrary to most programming language, there is no standard method in VHDL to obtain the arguments or to set the exit status.

In GHDL, it is impossible to pass parameters to your design. A later version could do it through the generics interfaces of the top entity.

However, the GHDL run time behaviour can be modified with some options; for example, it is possible to stop simulation after a certain time.

The exit status of the simulation is `EXIT_SUCCESS' (0) if the simulation completes, or `EXIT_FAILURE' (1) in case of error (assertion failure, overflow or any constraint error).

Here is the list of the most useful options. Some debugging options are also available, but not described here. The `--help' options lists all options available, including the debugging one.

Select the assertion level at which an assertion violation stops the simulation. LEVEL is the name from the severity_level enumerated type defined in the standard package or the `none' name.

By default, only assertion violation of severity level `failure' stops the simulation.

For example, if LEVEL was `warning', any assertion violation with severity level `warning', `error' or `failure' would stop simulation, but the assertion violation at the `note' severity level would only display a message.

`--assert-level=none' prevents any assertion violation to stop simulation.

Stop the simulation after TIME. TIME is expressed as a time value, without any space. The time is the simulation time, not the real clock time.

For examples:

          $ ./my_design --stop-time=10ns
          $ ./my_design --stop-time=ps

Stop the simulation after N delta cycles in the same current time.
Display the time and delta cycle number as simulation advances.
Display the design hierarchy as a tree of instantiated design entities. This may be useful to understand the structure of a complex design. KIND is optional, but if set must be one of:
Do not display hierarchy. Same as if the option was not present.
Display entities, architectures, instances, blocks and generates statements.
Like `inst' but also display processes.
Like `proc' but display ports and signals too.
If KIND is not specified, the hierarchy is displayed with the `port' mode.
Do not simulate, only elaborate. This may be used with --disp-tree to display the tree without simulating the whole design.
--vcd dumps into the VCD file FILENAME the signal values before each non-delta cycle. If FILENAME is `-', then the standard output is used, otherwise a file is created or overwritten.

The --vcdgz option is the same as the --vcd option, but the output is compressed using the zlib (gzip compression). However, you can't use the `-' filename. Furthermore, only one VCD file can be written.

VCD (value change dump) is a file format defined by the verilog standard and used by virtually any wave viewer.

Since it comes from verilog, only a few VHDL types can be dumped. GHDL dumps only signals whose base type is of the following:

I have successfully used gtkwave to view VCD files.

Currently, there is no way to select signals to be dumped: all signals are dumped, which can generate big files.

It is very unfortunate there is no standard or well-known wave file format supporting VHDL types. If you are aware of such a free format, please mail me (see Reporting bugs).

Write the waveforms into a ghw (GHdl Waveform) file. Currently, all the signals are dumped into the waveform file, you cannot select a hierarchy of signals to be dumped.

The format of this file was defined by myself and is not yet completly fixed. It may change slightly.

There is a patch against gtkwave 1.3.72 on the ghdl website at, so that it can read such files.

Contrary to VCD files, any VHDL type can be dumped into a GHW file.

Do VITAL annotation on PATH with SDF file FILENAME.

PATH is a path of instances, separated with `.' or `/'. Any separator can be used. Instances are component instantiation labels, generate labels or block labels. Currently, you cannot use an indexed name.

If the option contains a type of delay, that is min=, typ= or max=, the annotator use respectively minimum, typical or maximum values. If the option does not contain a type of delay, the annotator use the typical delay.

See Backannotation, for more details.

Set the maximum size in bytes of the non-sensitized processes stacks.

If the value SIZE is followed (without any space) by the `k', `K', `kb', `Kb', `ko' or `Ko' multiplier, then the size is the numeric value multiplied by 1024.

If the value SIZE is followed (without any space) by the `m', `M', `mb', `Mb', `mo' or `Mo' multiplier, then the size is the numeric value multiplied by 1024 * 1024 = 1048576.

Each non-sensitized process has its own stack, while the sensitized processes share the same and main stack. This stack is the stack created by the operating system.

Using too small stacks may result in simulation failure due to lack of memory. Using too big stacks may reduce the maximum number of processes.

Set the initial size in bytes of the non-sensitized processes stack. The SIZE value has the same format as the previous option.

The stack of the non-sensitized processes grows until reaching the maximum size limit.

Display a short description of the options accepted by the run time library.

Previous: Simulation options, Up: Simulation and run time

4.2 Debugging VHDL programs

Debugging VHDL programs usign GDB is possible only on GNU/Linux systems.

GDB is a general purpose debugger for programs compiled by GCC. Currently, there is no VHDL support for GDB. It may be difficult to inspect variables or signals in GDB, however, GDB is still able to display the stack frame in case of error or to set a breakpoint at a specified line.

GDB can be useful to precisely catch a run-time error, such as indexing an array beyond its bounds. All error check subprograms call the __ghdl_fatal procedure. Therefore, to catch run-time error, set a breakpoint like this:

     (gdb) break __ghdl_fatal

When the breakpoint is hit, use the where or bt command to display the stack frames.

Next: , Previous: Simulation and run time, Up: Top

5 GHDL implementation of VHDL

This chapter describes several implementation defined aspect of VHDL in GHDL.

Next: , Previous: GHDL implementation of VHDL, Up: GHDL implementation of VHDL

5.1 VHDL standards

This is very unfortunate, but there are many versions of the VHDL language.

The VHDL language was first standardized in 1987 by IEEE as IEEE 1076-1987, and is commonly referred as VHDL-87. This is certainly the most important version, since most of the VHDL tools are still based on this standard.

Various problems of this first standard have been analyzed by experts groups to give reasonable ways of interpreting the unclear portions of the standard.

VHDL was revised in 1993 by IEEE as IEEE 1076-1993. This revision is still well-known.

Unfortunatly, VHDL-93 is not fully compatible with VHDL-87, ie some perfectly valid VHDL-87 programs are invalid VHDL-93 programs. Here are some of the reasons:

Shared variables were replaced by protected types in the 2000 revision of the VHDL standard. This modification is also known as 1076a. Note that this standard is not fully backward compatible with VHDL-93, since the type of a shared variable must now be a protected type (there was no such restriction before).

Minors corrections were added by the 2002 revision of the VHDL standard. This revision is not fully backward compatible with VHDL-00 since, for example, the value of the 'instance_name attribute has slighly changed.

You can select the VHDL standard expected by GHDL with the `--std=VER' option, where VER is one of the left column of the table below:

Select VHDL-87 standard as defined by IEEE 1076-1987. LRM bugs corrected by later revisions are taken into account.
Select VHDL-93; VHDL-87 file declarations are not accepted.
Select VHDL-93 standard with relaxed rules:
Select VHDL-2000 standard, which adds protected types.
Select VHDL-2002 standard (partially implemented).

You cannot mix VHDL-87 and VHDL-93 units. A design hierarchy must have been completly analyzed using either the 87 or the 93 version of the VHDL standard.

Next: , Previous: VHDL standards, Up: GHDL implementation of VHDL

5.2 Source representation

According to the VHDL standard, design units (i.e. entities, architectures, packages, package bodies and configurations) may be independently analyzed.

Several design units may be grouped into a design file.

In GHDL, a system file represents a design file. That is, a file compiled by GHDL may contain one or more design units.

It is common to have several design units in a design file.

GHDL does not impose any restriction on the name of a design file (except that the file name may not contain any control character or spaces).

GHDL do not keep a binary representation of the design units analyzed like other VHDL analyzers. The sources of the design units are re-read when needed (for example, an entity is re-read when one of its architecture is analyzed). Therefore, if you delete or modify a source file of a unit analyzed, GHDL will refuse to use it.

Next: , Previous: Source representation, Up: GHDL implementation of VHDL

5.3 Library database

Each design unit analyzed is placed into a design library. By default, the name of this design library is `work'; however, this can be changed with the --work=NAME option of GHDL.

To keep the list of design units in a design library, GHDL creates library files. The name of these files is `', where NAME is the name of the library, and VER the VHDL version (87 or 93) used to analyze the design units.

You don't have to know how to read a library file. You can display it using the -d of ghdl. The file contains the name of the design units, as well as the location and the dependences.

The format may change with the next version of GHDL.

Next: , Previous: Library database, Up: GHDL implementation of VHDL

5.4 VHDL files format

VHDL has features to handle files.

GHDL associates a file logical name (the VHDL file name) to an operating system file name. The logical name `STD_INPUT' is associated to the standard input as defined by `stdin' stream of the C library, while the logical name `STD_OUTPUT' is associated to the standard output, as defined by the `stdout' stream of the C library. Other logical name are directly mapped to a file name as defined by the first (`path') argument of the `fopen' function of the C library. For a binary file, the `b' character is appended to the mode argument (binary mode).

If multiple file objects are associated with the same external file, a stream is created for each object, except for the standard input or output.

GHDL has no internal restrictions on the number of file objects that are associated at one time with a given external file, but the operating system may restrict the maximum number of file open at the same time.

For more details about these point, please refer to your operation system documentation.

There are two kinds of files: binary or text files.

Text files are files of type `std.textio.text'. The format is the same as the format of any ascii file. In VHDL-87, only the first 128 characters (7 bits) are allowed, since the character type has only 128 literals. The end of line is system dependent. Note that the stdio functions with the text mode are used to handle text files: the fgets function is used to read lines. Please, refer to the manual of your C library for more information.

There are two kind of binary files, according to the type mark of the file. According to the VHDL standard, binary files must be read using the same type they are written.

If the type mark is a non-composite type (integer, floating type enumeration, physical), the file is a raw stream: elements are read or written using the same format as is used to represent the data in memory. This is highly non-portable, but you should be able to read file written by a non-GHDL program.

If the type mark is a composite type (record or array), the file is composed of a 2 lines signature, followed by a raw stream.

Next: , Previous: VHDL files format, Up: GHDL implementation of VHDL

5.5 Top entity

There are some restrictions on the entity being at the apex of a design hierarchy:

Next: , Previous: Top entity, Up: GHDL implementation of VHDL

5.6 Using vendor libraries

Many vendors libraries have been analyzed with GHDL. There are usually no problems. Be sure to use the --work= option. However, some problems have been encountered.

GHDL follows the VHDL LRM (the manual which defines VHDL) more strictly than other VHDL tools. You could try to relax the restrictions by using the --std=93c, -fexplicit and --warn-no-vital-generic.

Even with these relaxations, some broken libraries may fail.

For example, unisim_VITAL.vhd from Xilinx can't be compiled because lines such as:

      variable Write_A_Write_B : memory_collision_type := Write_A_Write_B;
      variable Read_A_Write_B  : memory_collision_type := Read_A_Write_B;

(there are 6 such lines). According to VHDL visibility rules, `Write_A_Write_B' cannot be used while it is defined. This is very logical because it prevents from silly declarations such as

       constant k : natural := 2 * k;

This files must be modified. Fortunatly, in the example the variables are never written. So it is enough to remove them.

Next: , Previous: Using vendor libraries, Up: GHDL implementation of VHDL

5.7 Using ieee.math_real or ieee.math_complex

Contrary to other `ieee' libraries, the math packages sources are not freely available. The sources provided with GHDL are based on an early draft and use the C libraries. As a consequence, you should link your design with the `libm.a' library using the -Wl, option like:

     $ ghdl -e -Wl,-lm my_design

Please, refer to your system manual for more details.

Please also note that the `ieee' libraries are not the same as the drafts.

If you really need the `ieee' math libraries, they are available on the web, but they cannot be included in GHDL.

Previous: Using ieee.math_real or ieee.math_complex, Up: GHDL implementation of VHDL

5.8 Interfacing to other languages

Interfacing with foreign languages is possible only on GNU/Linux systems.

You can define a subprogram in a foreign language (such as C or Ada) and import it in a VHDL design.

5.8.1 Foreign declarations

Only subprograms (functions or procedures) can be imported, using the foreign attribute. In this example, the sin function is imported:

     package math is
       function sin (v : real) return real;
       attribute foreign of sin : function is "VHPIDIRECT sin";
     end math;
     package body math is
       function sin (v : real) return real is
         assert false severity failure;
       end sin;
     end math;

A subprogram is made foreign if the foreign attribute decorates it. This attribute is declared in the 1993 revision of the `std.standard' package. Therefore, you cannot use this feature in VHDL 1987.

The decoration is achived through an attribute specification. The attribute specification must be in the same declarative part as the subprogram and must be after it. This is a general rule for specifications. The value of the specification must be a locally static string.

Even when a subprogram is foreign, its body must be present. However, since it won't be called, you can made it empty or simply but an assertion.

The value of the attribute must start with `VHPIDIRECT ' (an upper-case keyword followed by one or more blanks). The linkage name of the subprogram follows.

Next: , Previous: Interfacing to other languages, Up: Interfacing to other languages

5.8.2 Restrictions on foreign declarations

Any subprogram can be imported. GHDL puts no restrictions on foreign subprograms. However, the representation of a type or of an interface in a foreign language may be obscur. Most of non-composite types are easily imported:

`integer types'
They are represented on a 32 bits word. This generally corresponds to int for C or Integer for Ada.
`physical types'
They are represented on a 64 bits word. This generally corresponds to the long long for C or Long_Long_Integer for Ada.
`floating point types'
They are represented on a 64 bits floating point word. This generally corresponds to double for C or Long_Float for Ada.
`enumeration types'
They are represented on 8 bits or 32 bits word, if the number of literals is greater than 256. There is no corresponding C types, since arguments are not promoted.

Non-composite types are passed by value. For the in mode, this corresponds to the C or Ada mechanism. The out and inout interfaces of non-composite types are gathered in a record and this record is passed by reference as the first argument to the subprogram. As a consequence, you shouldn't use in and inout modes in foreign subprograms, since they are not portable.

Records are represented like a C structure and are passed by reference to subprograms.

Arrays with static bounds are represented like a C array, whose length is the number of elements, and are passed by reference to subprograms.

Unconstrained array are represented by a fat pointer. Do not use unconstrained arrays in foreign subprograms.

Accesses to an unconstrained array is a fat pointer. Other accesses corresponds a an address and are passed to a subprogram like other non-composite types.

Files are represented by a 32 bits word, which corresponds to an index in a table.

Next: , Previous: Restrictions on foreign declarations, Up: Interfacing to other languages

5.8.3 Linking with foreign object files

You may add additionnal files or options during the link using the -Wl, of GHDL, as described in Elaboration command. For example:

     $ ghdl -e -Wl,-lm math_tb

will create the math_tb executable with the lm (mathematical) library.

Note the c library is always linked with an executable.

Next: , Previous: Linking with foreign object files, Up: Interfacing to other languages

5.8.4 Starting a simulation from a foreign program

You main run your design from an external program. You just have to call the `ghdl_main' function which can be defined:

in C:

     extern int ghdl_main (int argc, char **argv);

in Ada:

     with System;
     function Ghdl_Main (Argc : Integer; Argv : System.Address)
        return Integer;
     pragma import (C, Ghdl_Main, "ghdl_main");

This function must be called once, and returns 0 at the end of the simulation. In case of failure, this function does not return. This has to be fixed.

Next: , Previous: Starting a simulation from a foreign program, Up: Interfacing to other languages

5.8.5 Linking with Ada

As explained previously in Starting a simulation from a foreign program, you can start a simulation from an Ada program. However the build process is not trivial: you have to elaborate your Ada program and your VHDL design.

First, you have to analyze all your design files. In this example, we suppose there is only one design file, design.vhdl.

     $ ghdl -a design.vhdl

Then, bind your design. In this example, we suppose the entity at the design apex is `design'.

     $ ghdl --bind design

Finally, compile, bind your Ada program at link it with your VHDL design:

     $ gnatmake my_prog -largs `ghdl --list-link design`

Previous: Linking with Ada, Up: Interfacing to other languages

5.8.6 Using GRT from Ada

Warning: This topic is only for advanced users knowing how to use Ada and GNAT. This is provided only for reference, I have tested this once before releasing GHDL 0.19 but this is not checked at each release.

The simulator kernel of GHDL named GRT is written in Ada95 and contains a very light and slighly adapted version of VHPI. Since it is an Ada implementation it is called AVHPI. Although being tough, you may interface to AVHPI.

For using AVHPI, you need the sources of GHDL and to recompile them (at least the GRT library). This library is usually compiled with a No_Run_Time pragma, so that the user does not need to install the GNAT run time library. However, you certainly want to use the usual run time library and want to avoid this pragma. For this, reset the GRT_PRAGMA_FLAG variable.

     $ make GRT_PRAGMA_FLAG= grt-all

Since GRT is a self-contained library, you don't want gnatlink to fetch individual object files (furthermore this doesn't always work due to tricks used in GRT). For this, remove all the object files and make the .ali files read-only.

     $ rm *.o
     $ chmod -w *.ali

You may then install the sources files and the .ali files. I have never tested this step.

You are now ready to use it.

For example, here is an example, test_grt.adb which displays the top level design name.

     with System; use System;
     with Grt.Avhpi; use Grt.Avhpi;
     with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
     with Ghdl_Main;
     procedure Test_Grt is
        --  VHPI handle.
        H : VhpiHandleT;
        Status : Integer;
        --  Name.
        Name : String (1 .. 64);
        Name_Len : Integer;
        --  Elaborate and run the design.
        Status := Ghdl_Main (0, Null_Address);
        --  Display the status of the simulation.
        Put_Line ("Status is " & Integer'Image (Status));
        --  Get the root instance.
        --  Disp its name using vhpi API.
        Vhpi_Get_Str (VhpiNameP, H, Name, Name_Len);
        Put_Line ("Root instance name: " & Name (1 .. Name_Len));
     end Test_Grt;

First, analyze and bind your design:

     $ ghdl -a counter.vhdl
     $ ghdl --bind counter

Then build the whole:

     $ gnatmake test_grt -aLgrt_ali_path -aIgrt_src_path -largs
      `ghdl --list-link counter`

Finally, run your design:

     $ ./test_grt
     Status is  0
     Root instance name: counter

Next: , Previous: GHDL implementation of VHDL, Up: Top

6 GHDL implementation of VITAL

This chapter describes how VITAL is implemented in GHDL. Support of VITAL is really in a preliminary stage. Do not expect too much of it as now.

Next: , Previous: GHDL implementation of VITAL, Up: GHDL implementation of VITAL

6.1 VITAL packages

The VITAL standard or IEEE 1076.4 was first published in 1995, and revised in 2000.

The version of the VITAL packages depends on the VHDL standard. VITAL 1995 packages are used with the VHDL 1987 standard, while VITAL 2000 packages are used with other standards. This choice is based on the requirements of VITAL: VITAL 1995 requires the models follow the VHDL 1987 standard, while VITAL 2000 requires the models follow VHDL 1993.

The VITAL 2000 packages were slighly modified so that they conform to the VHDL 1993 standard (a few functions are made pure and a few one impure).

Next: , Previous: VITAL packages, Up: GHDL implementation of VITAL

6.2 VHDL restrictions for VITAL

The VITAL standard (partially) implemented is the IEEE 1076.4 standard published in 1995.

This standard defines restriction of the VHDL language usage on VITAL model. A VITAL model is a design unit (entity or architecture) decorated by the VITAL_Level0 or VITAL_Level1 attribute. These attributes are defined in the ieee.VITAL_Timing package.

Currently, only VITAL level 0 checks are implemented. VITAL level 1 models can be analyzed, but GHDL doesn't check they comply with the VITAL standard.

Moreover, GHDL doesn't check (yet) that timing generics are not read inside a VITAL level 0 model prior the VITAL annotation.

The analysis of a non-conformant VITAL model fails. You can disable the checks of VITAL restrictions with the --no-vital-checks. Even when restrictions are not checked, SDF annotation can be performed.

Next: , Previous: VHDL restrictions for VITAL, Up: GHDL implementation of VITAL

6.3 Backannotation

Backannotation is the process of setting VITAL generics with timing information provided by an external files.

The external files must be SDF (Standard Delay Format) files. GHDL supports a tiny subset of SDF version 2.1, other version number can be used, provided no features added by the next version are used.

Hierarchical instance names are not supported. However you can use a list of instances. If there is no instance, the top entity will be annotated and the celltype must be the name of the top entity. If there is at least one instance, the last instance name must be a component instantiation labe, and the celltype must be the name of the component declaration instantiated.

Instances being annotated are not required to be VITAL compliant. However generics being annotated must follow rules of VITAL (eg, type must be a suitable vital delay type).

Currently, only timing constraints applying on a timing generic of type VitalDelayType01 has been implemented. This SDF annotator is just a proof of concept. Features will be added with the following GHDL release.

Previous: Backannotation, Up: GHDL implementation of VITAL

6.4 Negative constraint calculation

Negative constraint delay adjustement are necessary to handle negative constraint such as a negative setup time. This step is defined in the VITAL standard and should occurs after backannotation.

GHDL does not do negative constraint calculation. It fails to handle models with negative constraint. I hope to be able to add this phase soon.

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7 Flaws and bugs report

The current version of GHDL is really a beta version. Some features of VHDL have not been implemented or are only partially implemented. Besides, GHDL has not been extensively tested yet.

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7.1 Deficiencies

Here is the non-exhaustive list of flaws:

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7.2 Reporting bugs

In order to improve GHDL, we welcome bugs report and suggestions for any aspect of GHDL. Please use the bug tracker on <>. You may also send an email to

If the compiler crashes, this is a bug. Reliable tools never crash.

If your compiled VHDL executable crashes, this may be a bug at run time or the code produced may be wrong. However, since VHDL has a notion of pointers, an erroneous VHDL program (using invalid pointers for example) may crash.

If the compiler emits an error message for a perfectly valid input or does not emit an error message for an invalid input, this may be a bug. Please send the input file and what you expected. If you know the LRM well enough, please specify the paragraph which has not been well implemented. If you don't know the LRM, maybe your bug report will be rejected simply because there is no bug. In the latter case, it may be difficult to discuss the issue; and comparisons with other VHDL tools is not a very strong argument.

If a compiler message is not clear enough for you, please tell me. The error messages can be improved, but I have not enough experience with them.

If you have found a mistake in the manual, please send a comment. If you have not understood some parts of this manual, please tell me. English is not my mother tongue, so this manual may not be well-written. Again, rewriting part of it is a good way to improve it.

If you send a VHDL file producing a bug, it is a good idea to try to make it as short as possible. It is also a good idea to make it looking like a test: write a comment which explains wether the file should compile, and if yes, whether or not it should run successfully. In the latter case, an assert statement should finish the test; the severity level note indicates success, while a severity level failure indicates failure.

For bug reports, please include enough information for the maintainers to reproduce the problem. This includes:

Previous: Reporting bugs, Up: Flaws and bugs report

7.3 Future improvements

I have several axes for GHDL improvements:

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8 Copyrights

The GHDL front-end, the `std.textio' package and the run-time library (grt) are copyrighted Tristan Gingold, come with absolutely no warranty, and are distributed under the conditions of the General Public License.

The `ieee.numeric_bit' and `ieee.numeric_std' packages are copyrighted by the IEEE. The source files may be distributed without change, except as permitted by the standard. This source file may not be sold or distributed for profit. See the source file and the IEEE 1076.3 standard for more information.

The `ieee.std_logic_1164' package is copyrighted by the IEEE. See source file and the IEEE 1164 standard for more information.

The `ieee.VITAL_Primitives', `ieee.VITAL_Timing' and `ieee.VITAL_Memory' packages are copyrighted by IEEE. See source file and the IEEE 1076.4 standards for more information.

The `ieee.Math_Real' and `ieee.Math_Complex' packages are copyrighted by IEEE. These are draft versions which may used and distributed without restriction. These packages cannot be sold or distributed for profit. See source files for more information.

The packages `std_logic_arith', `std_logic_signed', `std_logic_unsigned' and `std_logic_textio' contained in the `synopsys' directory are copyrighted by Synopsys, Inc. The source files may be used and distributed without restriction provided that the copyright statements are not removed from the files and that any derivative work contains the copyright notice. See the source files for more information.

The package `std_logic_arith' contained in the `mentor' directory is copyrighted by Mentor Graphics. The source files may be distributed in whole without restriction provided that the copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice. See the source files for more information.

As a consequence of the run-time copyright, you may not be allowed to distribute an executable produced by GHDL without the VHDL sources. To my mind, this is not a real restriction, since there is no points in distributing VHDL executable. Please, send a comment (see Reporting bugs) if you don't like this policy.

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