.. _GETTING:PrecompVendor: Precompile Vendor Primitives ############################ Vendors like Altera, Lattice and Xilinx have their own simulation libraries, especially for FPGA primitives, soft and hard macros. These libraries cannot be shipped with *GHDL*, but we offer prepared compile scripts to pre-compile the vendor libraries, if the vendor tool is present on the computer. There are also popular simulation and verification libraries like OSVVM [#f1]_ or UVVM [#f3]_, which can be pre-compiled, too. The compilation scripts are writen in the shell languages: *PowerShell* for *Windows* |trade| and *Bash* for *GNU/Linux*. The compile scripts can colorize the GHDL warning and error lines with the help of `grc/grcat` [#f4]_. Supported Vendors Libraries =========================== * Altera/Intel Quartus (13.0 or later): * `lpm`, `sgate` * `altera`, `altera_mf`, `altera_lnsim` * `arriaii`, `arriaii_pcie_hip`, `arriaiigz` * `arriav`, `arriavgz`, `arriavgz_pcie_hip` * `cycloneiv`, `cycloneiv_pcie_hip`, `cycloneive` * `cyclonev` * `max`, `maxii`, `maxv` * `stratixiv`, `stratixiv_pcie_hip` * `stratixv`, `stratixv_pcie_hip` * `fiftyfivenm`, `twentynm` * Lattice (3.6 or later): * `ec` * `ecp`, `ecp2`, `ecp3`, `ecp5u` * `lptm`, `lptm2` * `machxo`, `machxo2`, `machxo3l` * `sc`, `scm` * `xp`, `xp2` * Xilinx ISE (14.0 or later): * `unisim` (incl. `secureip`) * `unimacro` * `simprim` (incl. `secureip`) * `xilinxcorelib` * Xilinx Vivado (2014.1 or later): * `unisim` (incl. `secureip`) * `unimacro` Supported Simulation and Verification Libraries =============================================== * OSVVM (for VHDL-2008) * osvvm * UVVM (for VHDL-2008) * uvvm-utilities * uvvm-vvc-framework * uvvm-vip-avalon_mm * uvvm-vip-axi_lite * uvvm-vip-axi_stream * uvvm-vip-gpio * uvvm-vip-i2c * uvvm-vip-sbi * uvvm-vip-spi * uvvm-vip-uart --------------------------------------------------------------------- Script Configuration ==================== The vendor library compile scripts need to know where the used / latest vendor tool chain is installed. Therefore, the scripts implement a default installation directory search as well as environment variable checks. If a vendor tool cannot be detected or the script chooses the wrong vendor library source directory, then it's possible to provide the path via `--source` or `-Source`. The generated output is stored relative to the current working directory. The scripts create a sub-directory for each vendor. The default output directory can be overwritten by the parameter `--output` or `-Output`. To compile all source files with GHDL, the simulator executable is searched in `PATH`. The found default GHDL executable can be overwritten by setting the environment variable `GHDL` or by passing the parameter `--ghdl` or `-GHDL` to the scripts. If the vendor library compilation is used very often, we recommend configuring these parameters in `config.sh` or `config.psm1`, so the command line can be shortened to the essential parts. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiling on Linux ================== * **Step 0 - Configure the scripts (optional)** See the next section for how to configure `config.sh`. * **Step 1 - Browse to your simulation working directory** .. code-block:: Bash $ cd ``` * **Step 2 - Start the compilation script(s)** .. code-block:: Bash $ /usr/local/lib/ghdl/vendors/compile-altera.sh --all $ /usr/local/lib/ghdl/vendors/compile-lattice.sh --all $ /usr/local/lib/ghdl/vendors/compile-xilinx-ise.sh --all $ /usr/local/lib/ghdl/vendors/compile-xilinx-vivado.sh --all $ /usr/local/lib/ghdl/vendors/compile-osvvm.sh --all $ /usr/local/lib/ghdl/vendors/compile-uvvm.sh --all ``` In most cases GHDL is installed into `/usr/local/`. The scripts are installed into the `lib` directory. * **Step 3 - Viewing the result** This creates vendor directories in your current working directory and compiles the vendor files into them. .. code-block:: Bash $ ls -ahl ... drwxr-xr-x 2 56K Mar 09 17:41 altera drwxr-xr-x 2 56K Mar 09 17:42 lattice drwxr-xr-x 2 56K Mar 09 17:48 osvvm drwxr-xr-x 2 56K Mar 09 17:58 uvvm drwxr-xr-x 2 56K Mar 09 17:58 xilinx-ise drwxr-xr-x 2 56K Mar 09 17:48 xilinx-vivado ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiling on Windows ==================== * **Step 0 - Configure the scripts (optional)** See the next section for how to configure `config.psm1`. * **Step 1 - Browse to your simulation working directory** .. code-block:: PowerShell PS> cd * **Step 2 - Start the compilation script(s)** .. code-block:: PowerShell PS> \libraries\vendors\compile-altera.ps1 -All PS> \libraries\vendors\compile-lattice.ps1 -All PS> \libraries\vendors\compile-xilinx-ise.ps1 -All PS> \libraries\vendors\compile-xilinx-vivado.ps1 -All PS> \libraries\vendors\compile-osvvm.ps1 -All PS> \libraries\vendors\compile-uvvm.ps1 -All * **Step 3 - Viewing the result** This creates vendor directories in your current working directory and compiles the vendor files into them. .. code-block:: PowerShell PS> dir Directory: D:\temp\ghdl Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- d---- 09.03.2018 19:33 altera d---- 09.03.2018 19:38 lattice d---- 09.03.2018 19:38 osvvm d---- 09.03.2018 19:45 uvvm d---- 09.03.2018 19:06 xilinx-ise d---- 09.03.2018 19:40 xilinx-vivado --------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration Files ====================== For Linux: `config.sh` ---------------------- Please open the `config.sh` file and set the dictionary entries for the installed vendor tools to your tool's installation directories. Use an empty string `""` for not installed tools. `config.sh`: .. code-block:: Bash declare -A InstallationDirectory InstallationDirectory[AlteraQuartus]="/opt/Altera/17.1" InstallationDirectory[LatticeDiamond]="/opt/Diamond/3.9_x64" InstallationDirectory[OSVVM]="/home//git/GitHub/osvvm" InstallationDirectory[UVVM]="/home//git/GitHub/uvvm_all" InstallationDirectory[XilinxISE]="/opt/Xilinx/14.7" InstallationDirectory[XilinxVivado]="/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.4" For Windows: `config.psm1` -------------------------- Please open the `config.psm1` file and set the dictionary entries for the installed vendor tools to your tool's installation folder. Use an empty string `""` for not installed tools. `config.psm1`: .. code-block:: PowerShell $InstallationDirectory = @{ "AlteraQuartus" = "C:\Altera\17.1"; "LatticeDiamond" = "C:\Lattice\Diamond\3.9_x64"; "XilinxISE" = "C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS"; "XilinxVivado" = "C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2017.4"; "OSVVM" = "D:\git\GitHub\osvvm"; "UVVM" = "D:\git\GitHub\uvvm_all" } Selectable Options for the Bash Scripts: ---------------------------------------- * Common parameters to most scripts: .. code-block:: none --help, -h Print the embedded help page(s). --clean, -c Cleanup directory before analyzing. --no-warnings, -n Don't show warnings. Report errors only. --skip-existing, -s Skip already compiled files (an *.o file exists). --skip-largefiles, -S Don't compile large entities like DSP and PCIe primitives. --halt-on-error, -H Stop compiling if an error occurred. * `compile-altera.sh` Selectable libraries: .. code-block:: none --all, -a Compile all libraries, including common libraries, packages and device libraries. --altera Compile base libraries like 'altera' and 'altera_mf' --max Compile device libraries for Max CPLDs --arria Compile device libraries for Arria FPGAs --cyclone Compile device libraries for Cyclone FPGAs --stratix Compile device libraries for Stratix FPGAs Compile options: .. code-block:: none --vhdl93 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-93 (default). --vhdl2008 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-2008. * `compile-xilinx-ise.sh` Selectable libraries: .. code-block:: none --all, -a Compile all libraries, including common libraries, packages and device libraries. --unisim Compile the unisim primitives --unimacro Compile the unimacro macros --simprim Compile the simprim primitives --corelib Compile the xilinxcorelib macros --secureip Compile the secureip primitives Compile options: .. code-block:: none --vhdl93 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-93 (default). --vhdl2008 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-2008. * `compile-xilinx-vivado.sh` Selectable libraries: .. code-block:: none --all, -a Compile all libraries, including common libraries, packages and device libraries. --unisim Compile the unisim primitives --unimacro Compile the unimacro macros --secureip Compile the secureip primitives Compile options: .. code-block:: none --vhdl93 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-93 (default). --vhdl2008 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-2008. * `compile-osvvm.sh` Selectable libraries: .. code-block:: none --all, -a Compile all. --osvvm Compile the OSVVM library. * `compile-uvvm.sh` Selectable libraries: .. code-block:: none --all, -a Compile all. --uvvm Compile the UVVM libraries. Selectable Options for the PowerShell Scripts: ---------------------------------------------- * Common parameters to all scripts: .. code-block:: none -Help Print the embedded help page(s). -Clean Cleanup directory before analyzing. -SuppressWarnings Don't show warnings. Report errors only. * `compile-altera.ps1` Selectable libraries: .. code-block:: none -All Compile all libraries, including common libraries, packages and device libraries. -Altera Compile base libraries like 'altera' and 'altera_mf' -Max Compile device libraries for Max CPLDs -Arria Compile device libraries for Arria FPGAs -Cyclone Compile device libraries for Cyclone FPGAs -Stratix Compile device libraries for Stratix FPGAs Compile options: .. code-block:: none -VHDL93 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-93 (default). -VHDL2008 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-2008. * `compile-xilinx-ise.ps1` Selectable libraries: .. code-block:: none -All Compile all libraries, including common libraries, packages and device libraries. -Unisim Compile the unisim primitives -Unimacro Compile the unimacro macros -Simprim Compile the simprim primitives -CoreLib Compile the xilinxcorelib macros -Secureip Compile the secureip primitives Compile options: .. code-block:: none -VHDL93 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-93 (default). -VHDL2008 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-2008. * `compile-xilinx-vivado.ps1` Selectable libraries: .. code-block:: none -All Compile all libraries, including common libraries, packages and device libraries. -Unisim Compile the unisim primitives -Unimacro Compile the unimacro macros -Secureip Compile the secureip primitives Compile options: .. code-block:: none -VHDL93 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-93 (default). -VHDL2008 Compile selected libraries with VHDL-2008. * `compile-osvvm.ps1` Selectable libraries: .. code-block:: none -All Compile all. -OSVVM Compile the OSVVM library. * `compile-uvvm.ps1` Selectable libraries: .. code-block:: none -All Compile all. -UVVM Compile the UVVM libraries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. container:: footnotes .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] OSVVM http://github.com/OSVVM/OSVVM .. [#f3] UVVM https://github.com/UVVM/UVVM_All .. [#f4] Generic Colourizer http://kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk/~garabik/software/grc.html