********** Copyrights ********** The GHDL front-end, the :samp:`std.textio` package and the runtime library (:samp:`grt`) are copyrighted Tristan Gingold, come with **absolutely no warranty**, and are distributed under the conditions of the General Public License. The :samp:`ieee.numeric_bit` and :samp:`ieee.numeric_std` packages are copyrighted by the IEEE. The source files may be distributed without change, except as permitted by the standard. This source file may not be sold or distributed for profit. See the source file and the IEEE 1076.3 standard for more information. The :samp:`ieee.std_logic_1164`, :samp:`ieee.Math_Real` and :samp:`ieee.Math_Complex` packages are copyrighted by the IEEE. See source files for more information. The :samp:`ieee.VITAL_Primitives`, :samp:`ieee.VITAL_Timing` and :samp:`ieee.VITAL_Memory` packages are copyrighted by IEEE. See source file and the IEEE 1076.4 standards for more information. The packages :samp:`std_logic_arith`, :samp:`std_logic_signed`, :samp:`std_logic_unsigned` and :samp:`std_logic_textio` contained in the :samp:`synopsys` directory are copyrighted by Synopsys, Inc. The source files may be used and distributed without restriction provided that the copyright statements are not removed from the files and that any derivative work contains the copyright notice. See the source files for more information. The package :samp:`std_logic_arith` contained in the :samp:`mentor` directory is copyrighted by Mentor Graphics. The source files may be distributed in whole without restriction provided that the copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice. See the source files for more information. As a consequence of the runtime copyright, you may not be allowed to distribute an executable produced by `GHDL` without the VHDL sources. To my mind, this is not a real restriction, since there is no points in distributing VHDL executable. Please, send a comment (:ref:`Reporting_bugs`) if you don't like this policy.