travis_start () { : } travis_finish () { : } if [ -n "$TRAVIS" ]; then # This is a trimmed down copy of* travis_time_start() { # `date +%N` returns the date in nanoseconds. It is used as a replacement for $RANDOM, which is only available in bash. travis_timer_id=`date +%N` travis_start_time=$(travis_nanoseconds) echo "travis_time:start:$travis_timer_id" } travis_time_finish() { travis_end_time=$(travis_nanoseconds) local duration=$(($travis_end_time-$travis_start_time)) echo "travis_time:end:$travis_timer_id:start=$travis_start_time,finish=$travis_end_time,duration=$duration" } if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then travis_nanoseconds() { date -u '+%s000000000' } else travis_nanoseconds() { date -u '+%s%N' } fi travis_start () { echo "travis_fold:start:$1" if [ -z "$3" ]; then travis_time_start fi printf "$2\n" } travis_finish () { if [ -z "$2" ]; then travis_time_finish fi echo "travis_fold:end:$1" } fi #-- buildCmdOpts () { # Extract from IMAGE (defined in .travis.yml) BUILD_ARG="$IMAGE" if [ "x$1" != "x" ]; then BUILD_ARG="$IMAGE+$1" fi # Compute package name PKG_SHORTCOMMIT="$(printf $TRAVIS_COMMIT | cut -c1-10)" PKG_VER=`grep "ghdl_version=" configure | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)";/\1/'` if [ -z "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]; then # No tag: use date + commit id PKG_TAG="$(date -u +%Y%m%d)-$PKG_SHORTCOMMIT"; elif expr "$TRAVIS_TAG" : 'v[0-9].*' > /dev/null; then # Remove leading 'v' in tags in the filenames. PKG_TAG="$(echo $TRAVIS_TAG | cut -c2-)" else # Regular tag (like snapshots), nothing to change. PKG_TAG="$TRAVIS_TAG" fi # Extract from BUILD_ARG IFS='+' read -ra REFS <<< "$BUILD_ARG" DDIST=${REFS[0]} # Linux distro (eg: ubuntuXX, fedoraXX) DBLD=${REFS[1]} # Build/backend (eg: mcode, llvm) DEXT=${REFS[2]} # Extra constraints: GPL, synth PKG_NAME="ghdl-${PKG_TAG}-${DDIST}-${DBLD}" BUILD_CMD_OPTS="$ENABLECOLOR -b $DBLD" if [ "x$DEXT" = "xgpl" ]; then BUILD_CMD_OPTS="$BUILD_CMD_OPTS --gpl" PKG_NAME="ghdl-$DEXT-${PKG_TAG}" fi if [ "x$DEXT" = "xsynth" ]; then BUILD_CMD_OPTS="$BUILD_CMD_OPTS --synth" PKG_NAME="ghdl-$DEXT-${PKG_TAG}" fi export BUILD_CMD_OPTS="${BUILD_CMD_OPTS} -p $PKG_NAME" GHDL_IMAGE_TAG="`echo $IMAGE | sed -e 's/+/-/g'`" BUILD_IMAGE_TAG="$GHDL_IMAGE_TAG" case $BUILD_ARG in *gcc*) BUILD_IMAGE_TAG="`echo $GHDL_IMAGE_TAG | sed 's#\(.*\)-gcc.*#\1-gcc#g'`" ;; esac if [ "x$DEXT" != "x" ]; then GHDL_IMAGE_TAG="$GHDL_IMAGE_TAG-$DEXT" fi } #-- . "$scriptdir/../" #disable_color