# Top level -*- Makefile -*- for GHDL. # Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold # # GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later # version. # # GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307, USA. CC=@CC@ build=@build@ srcdir=@srcdir@ GNATMAKE=@GNATMAKE@ GNATFLAGS=-gnaty3befhkmr -gnata -gnatwael -aO. -g -gnatf -gnat05 GRT_FLAGS=-g LIB_CFLAGS=-g -O2 # Optimize, do not forget to use MODE=--genfast for iirs.adb. #GNATFLAGS+=-O -gnatn #GRT_FLAGS+=-O # Profiling. #GNATFLAGS+=-pg -gnatn -O #GRT_FLAGS+=-pg -O # Coverage #GNATFLAGS+=-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage GNAT_BARGS=-bargs -E LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config all: Makefile ghdl_mcode Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in ./config.status target=$(build) #target=i686-pc-linux-gnu #target=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu #target=i686-apple-darwin #target=x86_64-apple-darwin #target=i386-pc-mingw32 GRTSRCDIR=$(srcdir)/src/grt include $(GRTSRCDIR)/Makefile.inc ghdl_mcode: GRT_FLAGS+=-DWITH_GNAT_RUN_TIME ghdl_mcode: $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) $(ORTHO_DEPS) memsegs_c.o chkstk.o force $(GNATMAKE) -o $@ -aI$(srcdir)/src -aI$(srcdir)/src/vhdl -aI$(srcdir)/src/psl -aI$(srcdir)/src/ghdldrv -aI$(srcdir)/src/grt -aI$(srcdir)/src/vhdl/translate -aI$(srcdir)/src/ortho/mcode -aI$(srcdir)/src/ortho $(GNATFLAGS) ghdl_jit.adb $(GNAT_BARGS) -largs memsegs_c.o chkstk.o $(GNAT_LARGS) $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) $(subst @,$(GRTSRCDIR),$(GRT_EXTRA_LIB)) memsegs_c.o: $(srcdir)/src/ortho/mcode/memsegs_c.c $(CC) -c -g -o $@ $< ghdl_llvm_jit: GRT_FLAGS+=-DWITH_GNAT_RUN_TIME ghdl_llvm_jit: $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) $(ORTHO_DEPS) llvm-cbindings.o force $(GNATMAKE) -o $@ -aI../../ortho/llvm -aI../../ortho $(GNATFLAGS) ghdl_jit.adb $(GNAT_BARGS) -largs llvm-cbindings.o $(GNAT_LARGS) $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) $(subst @,$(GRTSRCDIR),$(GRT_EXTRA_LIB)) `$(LLVM_CONFIG) --ldflags --libs --system-libs` -lc++ llvm-cbindings.o: ../../ortho/llvm/llvm-cbindings.cpp $(CXX) -c -m64 `$(LLVM_CONFIG) --includedir --cxxflags` -g -o $@ $< ghdl_simul: $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) force $(GNATMAKE) -aI../../simulate $(GNATFLAGS) ghdl_simul $(GNAT_BARGS) -largs $(GNAT_LARGS) $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) $(subst @,$(GRTSRCDIR),$(GRT_EXTRA_LIB)) ghdl_gcc: force $(GNATMAKE) $(GNATFLAGS) ghdl_gcc $(GNAT_BARGS) -largs $(GNAT_LARGS) ghdl_llvm: force $(GNATMAKE) $(GNATFLAGS) ghdl_llvm $(GNAT_BARGS) -largs $(GNAT_LARGS) LIB87_DIR:=lib/v87 LIB93_DIR:=lib/v93 LIB08_DIR:=lib/v08 LIBSRC_DIR:=libraries REL_DIR:=../../.. GHDL=ghdl ANALYZE:=../../../$(GHDL) -a $(LIB_CFLAGS) LN=ln -s CP=cp $(LIB87_DIR) $(LIB93_DIR) $(LIB08_DIR): [ -d lib ] || mkdir lib [ -d $@ ] || mkdir $@ include $(srcdir)/libraries/Makefile.inc GHDL1=./ghdl1-gcc $(LIB93_DIR)/std/std_standard.o: $(GHDL1) ifeq ($(GHDL),ghdl_llvm) $(GHDL1) --std=93 -quiet $(LIB_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ --compile-standard else $(GHDL1) --std=93 -quiet $(LIB_CFLAGS) -o std_standard.s \ --compile-standard $(CC) -c -o $@ std_standard.s $(RM) std_standard.s endif $(LIB87_DIR)/std/std_standard.o: $(GHDL1) ifeq ($(GHDL),ghdl_llvm) $(GHDL1) --std=87 -quiet $(LIB_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ --compile-standard else $(GHDL1) --std=87 -quiet $(LIB_CFLAGS) -o std_standard.s \ --compile-standard $(CC) -c -o $@ std_standard.s $(RM) std_standard.s endif $(LIB08_DIR)/std/std_standard.o: $(GHDL1) ifeq ($(GHDL),ghdl_llvm) $(GHDL1) --std=08 -quiet $(LIB_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ --compile-standard else $(GHDL1) --std=08 -quiet $(LIB_CFLAGS) -o std_standard.s \ --compile-standard $(CC) -c -o $@ std_standard.s $(RM) std_standard.s endif install.v93: std.v93 ieee.v93 synopsys.v93 mentor.v93 install.v87: std.v87 ieee.v87 synopsys.v87 install.v08: std.v08 ieee.v08 install.standard: $(LIB93_DIR)/std/std_standard.o \ $(LIB87_DIR)/std/std_standard.o \ $(LIB08_DIR)/std/std_standard.o grt.links: cd ../lib; ln -sf $(GRTSRCDIR)/grt.lst .; ln -sf $(GRTSRCDIR)/libgrt.a .; ln -sf $(GRTSRCDIR)/grt.ver . install.all: install.v87 install.v93 install.v08 install.gcc: $(MAKE) GHDL=ghdl_gcc install.all $(MAKE) GHDL1=./ghdl1-gcc install.standard install.mcode: $(MAKE) GHDL=ghdl_mcode install.all install.simul: $(MAKE) GHDL=ghdl_simul install.all install.llvm: $(MAKE) GHDL=ghdl_llvm install.all $(MAKE) GHDL1=./ghdl1-llvm install.standard clean: force $(RM) -f *.o *.ali b~*.ad? *~ *.d b__*.ad? $(RM) -f ghdl_gcc ghdl_mcode ghdl_llvm ghdl_llvm_jit ghdl_simul $(RM) -rf lib distclean: clean $(RM) -f default_pathes.ads ortho_code-x86-flags.ads $(RM) -f Makefile config.status ghdl.gpr clean-c: force $(RM) -f memsegs_c.o chkstk.o linux.o times.o grt-cbinding.o grt-cvpi.o force: .PHONY: force clean