path: root/testsuite/gna/issue522/shifter.vhdl
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/gna/issue522/shifter.vhdl')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue522/shifter.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue522/shifter.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ef1a31b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue522/shifter.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
+USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
+entity Shifter is
+port(shift_lsl :in std_logic;
+ shift_lsr :in std_logic;
+ shift_asr :in std_logic;
+ shift_ror :in std_logic;
+ shift_rrx :in std_logic;
+ cin :in std_logic;
+ shift_val :in std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
+ din :in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ dout :out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ cout :out std_logic;
+ vdd :in bit;
+ vss :in bit);
+end Shifter;
+architecture ArchiShifter of Shifter is
+ signal res1, res2, res3, res4, res5, res6, res7 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):=x"00000000";
+ signal carryOut: std_logic;
+ begin
+ --LSL & LSR & ASR
+ res1 <= din(30 downto 0) & '0' when shift_val(0)='1' and shift_lsl='1' else
+ '0' & din(31 downto 1) when shift_val(0)='1' and (shift_lsr='1' or (shift_asr='1' and din(31)='0')) else
+ '1' & din(31 downto 1) when shift_val(0)='1' and (shift_asr='1' and din(31)='1' ) else din;
+ res2 <= res1(29 downto 0) & "00" when shift_val(1)='1' and shift_lsl='1' else
+ "00" & res1(31 downto 2) when shift_val(1)='1' and (shift_lsr='1' or (shift_asr='1' and din(31)='0')) else
+ "11" & res1(31 downto 2) when shift_val(1)='1' and (shift_asr='1'and din(31)='1' ) else res1;
+ res3 <= res2(27 downto 0) & x"0" when shift_val(2)='1' and shift_lsl='1' else
+ x"0" & res2(31 downto 4) when shift_val(2)='1' and (shift_lsr='1' or (shift_asr='1' and din(31)='0')) else
+ x"F" & res2(31 downto 4) when shift_val(2)='1' and (shift_asr='1'and din(31)='1' ) else res2;
+ res4 <= res3(23 downto 0) & x"00" when shift_val(3)='1' and shift_lsl='1' else
+ x"00" & res3(31 downto 8) when shift_val(3)='1' and (shift_lsr='1' or (shift_asr='1' and din(31)='0')) else
+ x"FF" & res3(31 downto 8) when shift_val(3)='1' and (shift_asr='1' and din(31)='1' ) else res3;
+ res5 <= res4(15 downto 0) & x"0000" when shift_val(4)='1' and shift_lsl='1' else
+ x"0000" & res4(31 downto 16) when shift_val(4)='1' and (shift_lsr='1' or (shift_asr='1' and din(31)='0')) else
+ x"FFFF" & res4(31 downto 16) when shift_val(4)='1' and (shift_asr='1' and din(31)='1' ) else res4;
+ carryOut <= din(32-to_integer(unsigned(shift_val))) when shift_val /="00000" and shift_lsl='1' else
+ din(to_integer(unsigned(shift_val))-1) when shift_val /="00000" and (shift_lsr='1' or shift_asr='1' or shift_ror='1') else
+ din(0) when shift_rrx='1' else cin;
+ --RRX
+ res6 <= cin & din(31 downto 1) when shift_rrx='1' else din;
+ --ROR
+ res7(31 downto (32-to_integer(unsigned(shift_val)))) <= din((to_integer(unsigned(shift_val))-1) downto 0) when shift_ror='1' and shift_val /="00000"
+ else din;
+ res7((31-to_integer(unsigned(shift_val))) downto 0) <= din(31 downto to_integer(unsigned(shift_val))) when shift_ror='1' and shift_val /="00000"
+ else din;
+ dout <= res5 when shift_lsl='1' or shift_asr='1' or shift_lsr='1' else
+ res6 when shift_rrx='1' else
+ res7 when shift_ror='1' else
+ din;
+ cout <= carryOut;
+end ArchiShifter;