path: root/testsuite/gna/issue317/OSVVM/RandomBasePkg.vhd
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1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/OSVVM/RandomBasePkg.vhd b/testsuite/gna/issue317/OSVVM/RandomBasePkg.vhd
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index 000000000..9dc00d8e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/OSVVM/RandomBasePkg.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+-- File Name: RandomBasePkg.vhd
+-- Design Unit Name: RandomBasePkg
+-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com
+-- Contributor(s):
+-- Jim Lewis jim@synthworks.com
+-- Description:
+-- Defines Base randomization, seed definition, seed generation,
+-- and seed IO functionality for RandomPkg.vhd
+-- Defines:
+-- Procedure Uniform - baseline randomization
+-- Type RandomSeedType - the seed as a single object
+-- function GenRandSeed from integer_vector, integer, or string
+-- IO function to_string, & procedures write, read
+-- In revision 2.0 these types and functions are included by package reference.
+-- Long term these will be passed as generics to RandomGenericPkg
+-- Developed for:
+-- SynthWorks Design Inc.
+-- VHDL Training Classes
+-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223
+-- http://www.SynthWorks.com
+-- Revision History:
+-- Date Version Description
+-- 01/2008: 0.1 Initial revision
+-- Numerous revisions for VHDL Testbenches and Verification
+-- 02/2009: 1.0 First Public Released Version
+-- 02/25/2009 1.1 Replaced reference to std_2008 with a reference
+-- to ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all ;
+-- 03/01/2011 2.0 STANDARD VERSION
+-- Fixed abstraction by moving RandomParmType to RandomPkg.vhd
+-- 4/2013 2013.04 No Changes
+-- 5/2013 2013.05 No Changes
+-- 1/2015 2015.01 Changed Assert/Report to Alert
+-- 6/2015 2015.06 Changed GenRandSeed to impure
+-- Copyright (c) 2008 - 2015 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved.
+-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and
+-- distributed without restriction.
+-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it
+-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License
+-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of
+-- the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be
+-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source.
+-- If not download it from,
+-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0
+library ieee ;
+use ieee.math_real.all ;
+use std.textio.all ;
+use work.OsvvmGlobalPkg.all ;
+use work.AlertLogPkg.all ;
+-- comment out following 2 lines with VHDL-2008. Leave in for VHDL-2002
+-- library ieee_proposed ; -- remove with VHDL-2008
+-- use ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all ; -- remove with VHDL-2008
+package RandomBasePkg is
+ -- RandomSeedType and Uniform can be replaced by any procedure that
+ -- produces a uniform distribution with 0 <= Value < 1 or 0 < Value < 1
+ -- and maintains the same call interface
+ type RandomSeedType is array (1 to 2) of integer ;
+ procedure Uniform (Result : out real ; Seed : inout RandomSeedType) ;
+ -- Translate from integer_vector, integer, or string to RandomSeedType
+ -- Required by RandomPkg.InitSeed
+ -- GenRandSeed makes sure all values are in a valid range
+ impure function GenRandSeed(IV : integer_vector) return RandomSeedType ;
+ impure function GenRandSeed(I : integer) return RandomSeedType ;
+ impure function GenRandSeed(S : string) return RandomSeedType ;
+ -- IO for RandomSeedType. If use subtype, then create aliases here
+ -- in a similar fashion VHDL-2008 std_logic_textio.
+ -- Not required by RandomPkg
+ function to_string(A : RandomSeedType) return string ;
+ procedure write(variable L: inout line ; A : RandomSeedType ) ;
+ procedure read (variable L: inout line ; A : out RandomSeedType ; good : out boolean ) ;
+ procedure read (variable L: inout line ; A : out RandomSeedType ) ;
+end RandomBasePkg ;
+--- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+--- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+--- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+package body RandomBasePkg is
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Uniform
+ -- Generate a random number with a Uniform distribution
+ -- Required by RandomPkg. All randomization is derived from here.
+ -- Value produced must be either:
+ -- 0 <= Value < 1 or 0 < Value < 1
+ --
+ -- Current version uses ieee.math_real.Uniform
+ -- This abstraction allows higher precision version
+ -- of a uniform distribution to be used provided
+ --
+ procedure Uniform (
+ Result : out real ;
+ Seed : inout RandomSeedType
+ ) is
+ begin
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform (Seed(Seed'left), Seed(Seed'right), Result) ;
+ end procedure Uniform ;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- GenRandSeed
+ -- Convert integer_vector to RandomSeedType
+ -- Uniform requires two seed values of the form:
+ -- 1 <= SEED1 <= 2147483562; 1 <= SEED2 <= 2147483398
+ --
+ -- if 2 seed values are passed to GenRandSeed and they are
+ -- in the above range, then they must remain unmodified.
+ --
+ impure function GenRandSeed(IV : integer_vector) return RandomSeedType is
+ alias iIV : integer_vector(1 to IV'length) is IV ;
+ variable Seed1 : integer ;
+ variable Seed2 : integer ;
+ constant SEED1_MAX : integer := 2147483562 ;
+ constant SEED2_MAX : integer := 2147483398 ;
+ begin
+ if iIV'Length <= 0 then -- no seed
+ Alert(OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, "RandomBasePkg.GenRandSeed received NULL integer_vector", FAILURE) ;
+ return (3, 17) ; -- if continue seed = (3, 17)
+ elsif iIV'Length = 1 then -- one seed value
+ -- inefficient handling, but condition is unlikely
+ return GenRandSeed(iIV(1)) ; -- generate a seed
+ else -- only use the left two values
+ -- 1 <= SEED1 <= 2147483562
+ -- mod returns 0 to MAX-1, the -1 adjusts legal values, +1 adjusts them back
+ Seed1 := ((iIV(1)-1) mod SEED1_MAX) + 1 ;
+ -- 1 <= SEED2 <= 2147483398
+ Seed2 := ((iIV(2)-1) mod SEED2_MAX) + 1 ;
+ return (Seed1, Seed2) ;
+ end if ;
+ end function GenRandSeed ;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- GenRandSeed
+ -- transform a single integer into the internal seed
+ --
+ impure function GenRandSeed(I : integer) return RandomSeedType is
+ variable result : integer_vector(1 to 2) ;
+ begin
+ result(1) := I ;
+ result(2) := I/3 + 1 ;
+ return GenRandSeed(result) ; -- make value ranges legal
+ end function GenRandSeed ;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- GenRandSeed
+ -- transform a string value into the internal seed
+ -- usage: RV.GenRandSeed(RV'instance_path));
+ --
+ impure function GenRandSeed(S : string) return RandomSeedType is
+ constant LEN : integer := S'length ;
+ constant HALF_LEN : integer := LEN/2 ;
+ alias revS : string(LEN downto 1) is S ;
+ variable result : integer_vector(1 to 2) ;
+ variable temp : integer := 0 ;
+ begin
+ for i in 1 to HALF_LEN loop
+ temp := (temp + character'pos(revS(i))) mod (integer'right - 2**8) ;
+ end loop ;
+ result(1) := temp ;
+ for i in HALF_LEN + 1 to LEN loop
+ temp := (temp + character'pos(revS(i))) mod (integer'right - 2**8) ;
+ end loop ;
+ result(2) := temp ;
+ return GenRandSeed(result) ; -- make value ranges legal
+ end function GenRandSeed ;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ function to_string(A : RandomSeedType) return string is
+ begin
+ return to_string(A(A'left)) & " " & to_string(A(A'right)) ;
+ end function to_string ;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure write(variable L: inout line ; A : RandomSeedType ) is
+ begin
+ write(L, to_string(A)) ;
+ end procedure ;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure read(variable L: inout line ; A : out RandomSeedType ; good : out boolean ) is
+ variable iReadValid : boolean ;
+ begin
+ for i in A'range loop
+ read(L, A(i), iReadValid) ;
+ exit when not iReadValid ;
+ end loop ;
+ good := iReadValid ;
+ end procedure read ;
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ procedure read(variable L: inout line ; A : out RandomSeedType ) is
+ variable ReadValid : boolean ;
+ begin
+ read(L, A, ReadValid) ;
+ AlertIfNot(ReadValid, OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, "RandomBasePkg.read[line, RandomSeedType] failed", FAILURE) ;
+ end procedure read ;
+end RandomBasePkg ; \ No newline at end of file