path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/libraries.adb b/src/libraries.adb
index 02af0647d..49ae64fa8 100644
--- a/src/libraries.adb
+++ b/src/libraries.adb
@@ -87,11 +87,6 @@ package body Libraries is
if Path'Length = 0 then
end if;
- -- Nice message instead of constraint_error.
- if Path'Length + 2 >= Nam_Buffer'Length then
- Error_Lib_Msg ("argument of -P is too long");
- return;
- end if;
Paths.Append (Path_To_Id (Path));
end Add_Library_Path;
@@ -134,45 +129,50 @@ package body Libraries is
File_Name : constant String := Library_To_File_Name (Library);
Library_Id : constant Name_Id := Get_Identifier (Library);
Id_Len : constant Natural := Get_Name_Length (Library_Id);
- L : Natural;
- Path_Len : Natural;
for I in Paths.First .. Paths.Last loop
- Image (Paths.Table (I));
- Path_Len := Nam_Length;
-- Try PATH/LIBxxx.cf
- L := Path_Len + File_Name'Length;
- Nam_Buffer (Path_Len + 1 .. L) := File_Name;
- Nam_Buffer (L + 1) := Character'Val (0);
- if GNAT.OS_Lib.Is_Regular_File (Nam_Buffer'Address) then
- Set_Library_Directory (Library, Paths.Table (I));
- exit;
- end if;
+ declare
+ Path : constant String :=
+ Image (Paths.Table (I)) & File_Name & ASCII.NUL;
+ begin
+ if GNAT.OS_Lib.Is_Regular_File (Path'Address) then
+ Set_Library_Directory (Library, Paths.Table (I));
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end;
-- Try PATH/LIB/vNN/LIBxxx.cf
- L := Path_Len + Id_Len;
- Nam_Buffer (Path_Len + 1 .. L) := Image (Library_Id);
- Nam_Buffer (L + 1) := GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator;
- case Vhdl_Std is
- when Vhdl_87 =>
- Nam_Buffer (L + 2 .. L + 4) := "v87";
- when Vhdl_93c | Vhdl_93 | Vhdl_00 | Vhdl_02 =>
- Nam_Buffer (L + 2 .. L + 4) := "v93";
- when Vhdl_08 =>
- Nam_Buffer (L + 2 .. L + 4) := "v08";
- end case;
- L := L + 5;
- Nam_Buffer (L) := GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator;
- Nam_Buffer (L + 1 .. L + File_Name'Length) := File_Name;
- Nam_Buffer (L + File_Name'Length + 1) := Character'Val (0);
- if GNAT.OS_Lib.Is_Regular_File (Nam_Buffer'Address) then
- -- For Get_Identifier: keep only the path part (including the
- -- trailing path separator).
- Nam_Length := L;
- Set_Library_Directory (Library, Get_Identifier);
- exit;
- end if;
+ declare
+ Pfx : constant String := Image (Paths.Table (I));
+ Pfx_Len : constant Natural := Pfx'Length;
+ L : Natural;
+ Path : String (1 .. Pfx_Len + Id_Len + 5 + File_Name'Length + 1);
+ begin
+ L := Pfx_Len;
+ Path (1 .. L) := Pfx;
+ Path (L + 1 .. L + Id_Len) := Image (Library_Id);
+ L := L + Id_Len;
+ Path (L + 1) := GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator;
+ case Vhdl_Std is
+ when Vhdl_87 =>
+ Path (L + 2 .. L + 4) := "v87";
+ when Vhdl_93c | Vhdl_93 | Vhdl_00 | Vhdl_02 =>
+ Path (L + 2 .. L + 4) := "v93";
+ when Vhdl_08 =>
+ Path (L + 2 .. L + 4) := "v08";
+ end case;
+ L := L + 5;
+ Path (L) := GNAT.OS_Lib.Directory_Separator;
+ Path (L + 1 .. L + File_Name'Length) := File_Name;
+ Path (L + File_Name'Length + 1) := Character'Val (0);
+ if GNAT.OS_Lib.Is_Regular_File (Path'Address) then
+ -- For Get_Identifier: keep only the path part (including the
+ -- trailing path separator).
+ Set_Library_Directory (Library, Get_Identifier (Path (1 .. L)));
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end;
end loop;
end Search_Library_In_Path;
@@ -364,14 +364,13 @@ package body Libraries is
Len : constant Nat32 := Current_String_Length;
Str_Id : constant String8_Id := Current_String_Id;
+ Buf : String (1 .. Natural (Len));
for I in 1 .. Len loop
- Name_Table.Nam_Buffer (Natural (I)) :=
- Str_Table.Char_String8 (Str_Id, I);
+ Buf (Natural (I)) := Str_Table.Char_String8 (Str_Id, I);
end loop;
- Name_Table.Nam_Length := Natural (Len);
-- FIXME: should remove last string.
- return Get_Identifier;
+ return Get_Identifier (Buf);
end String_To_Name_Id;
Trace_Library_Load : constant Boolean := False;
@@ -1138,8 +1137,7 @@ package body Libraries is
File, Pos);
New_Lib_Checksum := Files_Map.Get_File_Checksum (File);
File_Name := Files_Map.Get_File_Name (File);
- Image (File_Name);
- if GNAT.OS_Lib.Is_Absolute_Path (Nam_Buffer (1 .. Nam_Length)) then
+ if GNAT.OS_Lib.Is_Absolute_Path (Image (File_Name)) then
Dir_Name := Null_Identifier;
Dir_Name := Files_Map.Get_Home_Directory;
@@ -1427,14 +1425,12 @@ package body Libraries is
-- it. This allows to move the library file.
WR (".");
- Image (Dir);
WR ("""");
- WR (Nam_Buffer (1 .. Nam_Length));
+ WR (Image (Dir));
WR ("""");
end if;
WR (" """);
- Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File));
- WR (Nam_Buffer (1 .. Nam_Length));
+ WR (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File)));
WR (""" """);
WR (Files_Map.Get_File_Checksum_String
(Get_File_Checksum (Design_File)));