path: root/src/synth/synth-environment.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/synth/synth-environment.adb')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-environment.adb b/src/synth/synth-environment.adb
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index 000000000..e02cf12d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/synth/synth-environment.adb
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+-- Environment definition for synthesis.
+-- Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Gingold
+-- This file is part of GHDL.
+-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
+-- MA 02110-1301, USA.
+with Netlists.Utils; use Netlists.Utils;
+with Netlists.Gates; use Netlists.Gates;
+with Netlists.Builders; use Netlists.Builders;
+with Synth.Inference;
+package body Synth.Environment is
+ function Get_Wire_Id (W : Assign) return Wire_Id is
+ begin
+ return Assign_Table.Table (W).Id;
+ end Get_Wire_Id;
+ function Get_Assign_Prev (Asgn : Assign) return Assign is
+ begin
+ return Assign_Table.Table (Asgn).Prev;
+ end Get_Assign_Prev;
+ function Get_Assign_Chain (Asgn : Assign) return Assign is
+ begin
+ return Assign_Table.Table (Asgn).Chain;
+ end Get_Assign_Chain;
+ procedure Set_Assign_Chain (Asgn : Assign; Chain : Assign) is
+ begin
+ Assign_Table.Table (Asgn).Chain := Chain;
+ end Set_Assign_Chain;
+ procedure Push_Phi is
+ begin
+ Phis_Table.Append ((First => No_Assign,
+ Nbr => 0));
+ end Push_Phi;
+ procedure Pop_Phi (Phi : out Phi_Type)
+ is
+ Cur_Phi : constant Phi_Id := Current_Phi;
+ Asgn : Assign;
+ begin
+ Phi := Phis_Table.Table (Cur_Phi);
+ Phis_Table.Decrement_Last;
+ -- Point to previous wires.
+ Asgn := Phi.First;
+ while Asgn /= No_Assign loop
+ pragma Assert (Assign_Table.Table (Asgn).Phi = Cur_Phi);
+ Wire_Id_Table.Table (Get_Wire_Id (Asgn)).Cur_Assign :=
+ Get_Assign_Prev (Asgn);
+ Asgn := Get_Assign_Chain (Asgn);
+ end loop;
+ end Pop_Phi;
+ procedure Pop_And_Merge_Phi (Ctxt : Builders.Context_Acc)
+ is
+ Phi : Phi_Type;
+ Asgn : Assign;
+ begin
+ Pop_Phi (Phi);
+ Asgn := Phi.First;
+ while Asgn /= No_Assign loop
+ declare
+ Asgn_Rec : Assign_Record renames Assign_Table.Table (Asgn);
+ Outport : constant Net := Wire_Id_Table.Table (Asgn_Rec.Id).Gate;
+ -- Must be connected to an Id_Output or Id_Signal
+ pragma Assert (Outport /= No_Net);
+ Gate_Inst : Instance;
+ Gate_In : Input;
+ Drv : Net;
+ New_Sig : Net;
+ begin
+ Gate_Inst := Get_Parent (Outport);
+ Gate_In := Get_Input (Gate_Inst, 0);
+ Drv := Get_Driver (Gate_In);
+ case Wire_Id_Table.Table (Asgn_Rec.Id).Kind is
+ when Wire_Output
+ | Wire_Signal
+ | Wire_Variable =>
+ if Drv /= No_Net then
+ -- Output already assigned
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ else
+ Drv := Inference.Infere (Ctxt, Asgn_Rec.Value, Outport);
+ if Get_Id (Gate_Inst) = Id_Isignal
+ and then Get_Driver (Get_Input (Gate_Inst, 1)) = No_Net
+ then
+ -- Mutate Isignal to signal.
+ New_Sig := Build_Signal
+ (Ctxt, Get_Name (Gate_Inst), Get_Width (Outport));
+ Connect (Get_Input (Get_Parent (New_Sig), 0), Drv);
+ Redirect_Inputs (Outport, New_Sig);
+ Wire_Id_Table.Table (Asgn_Rec.Id).Gate := New_Sig;
+ Free_Instance (Gate_Inst);
+ else
+ Connect (Gate_In, Drv);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Asgn := Asgn_Rec.Chain;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ -- FIXME: free wires.
+ end Pop_And_Merge_Phi;
+ -- Sort the LEN first wires of chain W (linked by Chain) in Id increasing
+ -- values. The result is assigned to FIRST and the first non-sorted wire
+ -- (the one after LEN) is assigned to NEXT. The chain headed by FIRST
+ -- is truncated to LEN elements.
+ -- Use a merge sort.
+ procedure Sort_Wires
+ (Asgn : Assign; Len : Uns32; First : out Assign; Next : out Assign)
+ is
+ Left, Right : Assign;
+ Last : Assign;
+ El : Assign;
+ begin
+ if Len = 0 then
+ -- Empty chain.
+ First := No_Assign;
+ Next := Asgn;
+ return;
+ elsif Len = 1 then
+ -- Chain with one element.
+ First := Asgn;
+ Next := Get_Assign_Chain (First);
+ Set_Assign_Chain (First, No_Assign);
+ return;
+ else
+ -- Divide.
+ Sort_Wires (Asgn, Len / 2, Left, Right);
+ Sort_Wires (Right, Len - Len / 2, Right, Next);
+ -- Conquer: merge.
+ First := No_Assign;
+ Last := No_Assign;
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ if Left /= No_Assign
+ and then (Right = No_Assign
+ or else Get_Wire_Id (Left) <= Get_Wire_Id (Right))
+ then
+ El := Left;
+ Left := Get_Assign_Chain (Left);
+ else
+ pragma Assert (Right /= No_Assign);
+ El := Right;
+ Right := Get_Assign_Chain (Right);
+ end if;
+ -- Append
+ if First = No_Assign then
+ First := El;
+ else
+ Set_Assign_Chain (Last, El);
+ end if;
+ Last := El;
+ end loop;
+ Set_Assign_Chain (Last, No_Assign);
+ end if;
+ end Sort_Wires;
+ function Sort_Phi (P : Phi_Type) return Assign
+ is
+ Res, Last : Assign;
+ begin
+ Sort_Wires (P.First, P.Nbr, Res, Last);
+ pragma Assert (Last = No_Assign);
+ return Res;
+ end Sort_Phi;
+ function Get_Assign_Value (Asgn : Assign) return Net
+ is
+ Asgn_Rec : Assign_Record renames Assign_Table.Table (Asgn);
+ begin
+ case Wire_Id_Table.Table (Asgn_Rec.Id).Kind is
+ when Wire_Signal | Wire_Output | Wire_Inout | Wire_Variable =>
+ return Asgn_Rec.Value;
+ when Wire_Input | Wire_None =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Assign_Value;
+ function Get_Current_Value (Wid : Wire_Id) return Net
+ is
+ Wid_Rec : Wire_Id_Record renames Wire_Id_Table.Table (Wid);
+ begin
+ case Wid_Rec.Kind is
+ when Wire_Variable =>
+ if Wid_Rec.Cur_Assign = No_Assign then
+ return Wid_Rec.Gate;
+ else
+ return Assign_Table.Table (Wid_Rec.Cur_Assign).Value;
+ end if;
+ when Wire_Signal | Wire_Output | Wire_Inout | Wire_Input =>
+ return Wid_Rec.Gate;
+ when Wire_None =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Current_Value;
+ function Get_Last_Assigned_Value (Wid : Wire_Id) return Net
+ is
+ Wid_Rec : Wire_Id_Record renames Wire_Id_Table.Table (Wid);
+ begin
+ if Wid_Rec.Cur_Assign = No_Assign then
+ return Wid_Rec.Gate;
+ else
+ return Get_Assign_Value (Wid_Rec.Cur_Assign);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Last_Assigned_Value;
+ procedure Merge_Phis (Ctxt : Builders.Context_Acc;
+ Sel : Net;
+ T, F : Phi_Type)
+ is
+ T_Asgns : Assign;
+ F_Asgns : Assign;
+ W : Wire_Id;
+ Te, Fe : Net;
+ Res : Net;
+ begin
+ T_Asgns := Sort_Phi (T);
+ F_Asgns := Sort_Phi (F);
+ while T_Asgns /= No_Assign or F_Asgns /= No_Assign loop
+ -- Extract a wire.
+ if T_Asgns = No_Assign
+ or else (F_Asgns /= No_Assign
+ and then Get_Wire_Id (F_Asgns) < Get_Wire_Id (T_Asgns))
+ then
+ W := Get_Wire_Id (F_Asgns);
+ Te := Get_Last_Assigned_Value (W);
+ Fe := Get_Assign_Value (F_Asgns);
+ F_Asgns := Get_Assign_Chain (F_Asgns);
+ elsif F_Asgns = No_Assign
+ or else (T_Asgns /= No_Assign
+ and then Get_Wire_Id (T_Asgns) < Get_Wire_Id (F_Asgns))
+ then
+ W := Get_Wire_Id (T_Asgns);
+ Te := Get_Assign_Value (T_Asgns);
+ Fe := Get_Last_Assigned_Value (W);
+ T_Asgns := Get_Assign_Chain (T_Asgns);
+ else
+ pragma Assert (Get_Wire_Id (F_Asgns) = Get_Wire_Id (T_Asgns));
+ W := Get_Wire_Id (F_Asgns);
+ Te := Get_Assign_Value (T_Asgns);
+ Fe := Get_Assign_Value (F_Asgns);
+ T_Asgns := Get_Assign_Chain (T_Asgns);
+ F_Asgns := Get_Assign_Chain (F_Asgns);
+ end if;
+ Res := Netlists.Builders.Build_Mux2 (Ctxt, Sel, Fe, Te);
+ Phi_Assign (W, Res);
+ end loop;
+ end Merge_Phis;
+ procedure Phi_Insert_Assign (Asgn : Assign)
+ is
+ pragma Assert (Asgn /= No_Assign);
+ Asgn_Rec : Assign_Record renames Assign_Table.Table (Asgn);
+ pragma Assert (Asgn_Rec.Phi = Current_Phi);
+ pragma Assert (Asgn_Rec.Chain = No_Assign);
+ P : Phi_Type renames Phis_Table.Table (Phis_Table.Last);
+ begin
+ Asgn_Rec.Chain := P.First;
+ P.First := Asgn;
+ P.Nbr := P.Nbr + 1;
+ end Phi_Insert_Assign;
+ procedure Phi_Assign (Dest : Wire_Id; Val : Net)
+ is
+ Cur_Asgn : constant Assign := Wire_Id_Table.Table (Dest).Cur_Assign;
+ begin
+ if Cur_Asgn = No_Assign
+ or else Assign_Table.Table (Cur_Asgn).Phi < Current_Phi
+ then
+ -- Never assigned, or first assignment in that level
+ Assign_Table.Append ((Phi => Current_Phi,
+ Id => Dest,
+ Prev => Cur_Asgn,
+ Chain => No_Assign,
+ Value => Val));
+ Wire_Id_Table.Table (Dest).Cur_Assign := Assign_Table.Last;
+ Phi_Insert_Assign (Assign_Table.Last);
+ else
+ -- Overwrite.
+ -- FIXME: may need to merge in case of partial assignment.
+ Assign_Table.Table (Cur_Asgn).Value := Val;
+ end if;
+ end Phi_Assign;
+ function Current_Phi return Phi_Id is
+ begin
+ return Phis_Table.Last;
+ end Current_Phi;
+ Wire_Id_Table.Append ((Kind => Wire_None,
+ Mark_Flag => False,
+ Decl => Source.No_Syn_Src,
+ Gate => No_Net,
+ Cur_Assign => No_Assign));
+ pragma Assert (Wire_Id_Table.Last = No_Wire_Id);
+ Assign_Table.Append ((Phi => No_Phi_Id,
+ Id => No_Wire_Id,
+ Prev => No_Assign,
+ Chain => No_Assign,
+ Value => No_Net));
+ pragma Assert (Assign_Table.Last = No_Assign);
+ Phis_Table.Append ((First => No_Assign,
+ Nbr => 0));
+ pragma Assert (Phis_Table.Last = No_Phi_Id);
+end Synth.Environment;