path: root/dist/travis
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dist/travis')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 397 deletions
diff --git a/dist/travis/build.sh b/dist/travis/build.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 59438ff56..000000000
--- a/dist/travis/build.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-scriptdir=$(dirname $0)
-. "$scriptdir/utils.sh"
-echo "$0" "$@"
-# Stop in case of error
-set -e
-# Transform long options to short ones
-for arg in "$@"; do
- shift
- case "$arg" in
- "--color"|"-color") set -- "$@" "-c";;
- "--build"|"-build") set -- "$@" "-b";;
- "--pkg"|"-pkg") set -- "$@" "-p";;
- "--gpl"|"-gpl") set -- "$@" "-g";;
- "--synth"|"-synth") set -- "$@" "-s";;
- *) set -- "$@" "$arg"
- esac
-# Parse args
-while getopts ":b:p:cgs" opt; do
- case $opt in
- c) enable_color;;
- b) BLD=$OPTARG ;;
- g) ISGPL=true;;
- s) ISSYNTH=true;;
- \?) printf "$ANSI_RED[GHDL - build] Invalid option: -$OPTARG $ANSI_NOCOLOR\n" >&2
- exit 1 ;;
- :) printf "$ANSI_RED[GHDL - build] Option -$OPTARG requires an argument. $ANSI_NOCOLOR\n" >&2
- exit 1 ;;
- esac
-rm -f build_ok
-#--- Env
-travis_start "env.docker" "$ANSI_YELLOW[Info] Environment $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
-travis_finish "env.docker"
-#--- GPL: gpl-ize sources
-if [ "$ISGPL" = "true" ]; then
- travis_start "gpl.src" "$ANSI_YELLOW[Source] create GPL sources $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
- files=`echo *`
- make -f Makefile.in srcdir=. clean-pure-gpl
- mkdir ${PKG_NAME}
- cp -pdrl $files ${PKG_NAME}
- tar -zcf "${PKG_NAME}.tar.gz" ${PKG_NAME}
- travis_finish "gpl.src"
-#--- Configure
-travis_start "configure" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL - build] Configure $ANSI_NOCOLOR" -notime
-export prefix="$CDIR/install-$BLD"
-mkdir "$prefix"
-mkdir "build-$BLD"
-cd "build-$BLD"
-if [ "x$ISSYNTH" = "xtrue" ]; then
- CONFIG_OPTS+=" --enable-synth"
-case "$BLD" in
- gcc*)
- travis_start "get_gcc" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL] Get gcc sources $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
- echo "https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/archive/$(echo ${BLD} | sed -e 's/\./_/g')-release.tar.gz"
- mkdir gcc-srcs
- curl -L "https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/archive/$(echo ${BLD} | sed -e 's/\./_/g')-release.tar.gz" | tar -xz -C gcc-srcs --strip-components=1
- cd gcc-srcs
- sed -i.bak s/ftp:/http:/g ./contrib/download_prerequisites
- ./contrib/download_prerequisites
- cd ..
- travis_finish "get_gcc"
- travis_start "configure_gcc" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL] Configure gcc $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
- ../configure --with-gcc=gcc-srcs --prefix="$prefix"
- make copy-sources
- mkdir gcc-objs; cd gcc-objs
- ../gcc-srcs/configure --prefix="$prefix" --enable-languages=c,vhdl --disable-bootstrap --disable-lto --disable-multilib --disable-libssp --disable-libgomp --disable-libquadmath "`gcc -v 2>&1 | grep -o -- --enable-default-pie`"
- travis_finish "configure_gcc"
- ;;
- mcode)
- CXX=""
- ;;
- llvm)
- CXX="clang"
- CONFIG_OPTS+=" --with-llvm-config CXX=$CXX"
- ;;
- llvm-3.5)
- CXX="clang++"
- CONFIG_OPTS+=" --with-llvm-config=llvm-config-3.5 CXX=$CXX"
- ;;
- llvm-*)
- llvmver=$(echo $BLD | sed -e "s/llvm-//")
- CXX="clang++-$llvmver"
- CONFIG_OPTS+=" --with-llvm-config=llvm-config-$llvmver CXX=$CXX"
- ;;
- *)
- echo "$ANSI_RED[GHDL - build] Unknown build $BLD $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
- exit 1;;
-if [ ! "$(echo $BLD | grep gcc)" ]; then
- echo "../configure --prefix=$prefix $CONFIG_OPTS"
- ../configure "--prefix=$prefix" $CONFIG_OPTS
-travis_finish "configure" -notime
-#--- make
-travis_start "make" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL - build] Make $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
-set +e
-make LIB_CFLAGS="$LIB_CFLAGS" OPT_FLAGS="$OPT_FLAGS" -j$(nproc) 2>make_err.log
-tail -1000 make_err.log
-set -e
-travis_finish "make"
-travis_start "install" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL - build] Install $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
-make install
-cd ..
-travis_finish "install"
-if [ "$(echo $BLD | grep gcc)" ]; then
- travis_start "make_ghdllib" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL - build] Make ghdllib $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
- make ghdllib
- travis_finish "make_ghdllib"
- travis_start "install_ghdllib" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL - build] Install ghdllib $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
- make install
- cd ..
- travis_finish "install_ghdllib"
-#--- package
-travis_start "tar.bin" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL - build] Create package ${ANSI_DARKCYAN}${PKG_NAME}.tgz $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
-tar -zcvf "${PKG_NAME}.tgz" -C "$prefix" .
-travis_finish "tar.bin"
-#--- build tools versions
- make --version | grep 'Make'
- gnatls --version | grep 'GNATLS'
- gcc --version | grep 'gcc'
- if [ "$CXX" != "" ]; then
- $CXX --version | grep 'clang'
- fi
-echo "[SUCCESSFUL]"
-touch build_ok
diff --git a/dist/travis/man.sh b/dist/travis/man.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index ab00cb4c9..000000000
--- a/dist/travis/man.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-rm -rf doc/_build/man/*
-set -e
-docker run --rm -it \
- -v /$(pwd):/src \
- -w //src/doc \
- btdi/sphinx:py2-featured \
- sh -c "sphinx-build -T -b man . ./_build/man"
-nroff -man doc/_build/man/ghdl.1
diff --git a/dist/travis/travis-ci.sh b/dist/travis/travis-ci.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 676d9dcf2..000000000
--- a/dist/travis/travis-ci.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# This script is executed in the travis-ci environment.
-build_img_ghdl() {
- travis_start "build_run" "$ANSI_BLUE[DOCKER build] ghdl/ghdl:${GHDL_IMAGE_TAG}$ANSI_NOCOLOR"
- docker build -t ghdl/ghdl:$GHDL_IMAGE_TAG . -f-<<EOF
-ADD `ls | grep '^ghdl.*\.tgz'` /usr/local
- travis_finish "build_run"
-set -e
-scriptdir=$(dirname $0)
-. "$scriptdir/utils.sh"
-# Display env (to debug)
-travis_start "travis_env" "$ANSI_YELLOW[TRAVIS] Travis environment $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
-env | grep TRAVIS
-travis_finish "travis_env"
-if [ "$IMAGE" = "" ]; then
- echo "IMAGE not defined"
- exit 1
-travis_start "fetch" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL - build] git fetch --unshallow $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
-# The command 'git describe' (used for version) needs the history. Get it.
-# But the following command fails if the repository is complete.
-git fetch --unshallow || true
-travis_finish "fetch"
-if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then
- travis_start "ada" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL - build] Install gnat compiler (use cache) $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
- ./dist/macosx/install-ada.sh || exit 1
- PATH=$PWD/gnat/bin:$PATH
- travis_finish "ada"
-# Get build command options
-travis_start "opts" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL - build] Get build command options $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
-buildCmdOpts "$EXTRA"
-echo "build cmd: $BUILD_CMD_OPTS"
-travis_finish "opts"
-# Build
-RUN="docker run --rm -t -e TRAVIS=$TRAVIS -e CONFIG_OPTS="$CONFIG_OPTS" -v $(pwd):/work -w /work"
-if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then
- CONFIG_OPTS="--disable-libghdl" bash -c "${scriptdir}/build.sh $BUILD_CMD_OPTS"
- # Assume linux
- travis_start "version" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL - build] Build version.tmp and replace version.in with it (so that the version is correctly set) $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
- # This is a little bit hack-ish, as it assumes that 'git' is not
- # available in docker (otherwise it will describe as -dirty
- # because this modifies the source file version.in).
- ghdl_version_line=`grep -e '^ghdl_version' configure`
- make -f Makefile.in srcdir=. $ghdl_version_line version.tmp
- cp version.tmp src/version.in
- travis_finish "version"
- travis_start "pull" "$ANSI_YELLOW[GHDL - build] Docker pull ghdl/build:$BUILD_IMAGE_TAG $ANSI_NOCOLOR"
- docker pull ghdl/build:$BUILD_IMAGE_TAG
- travis_finish "pull"
- # Run build in docker
- $RUN "ghdl/build:$BUILD_IMAGE_TAG" bash -c "${scriptdir}/build.sh $BUILD_CMD_OPTS"
-if [ ! -f build_ok ]; then
- exit 1
-# Test
-if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then
- bash -c "prefix=$(realpath ./install-mcode) ${scriptdir}/../../testsuite/testsuite.sh sanity gna vests"
- # Build ghdl/ghdl:$GHDL_IMAGE_TAG image
- build_img_ghdl
- # Run test in docker container
- tests="sanity"
- if [ "x$EXTRA" != "xgpl" ]; then
- tests="$tests gna"
- fi
- tests="$tests vests"
- if [ "x$EXTRA" = "xsynth" ]; then
- tests="$tests synth"
- fi
- $RUN "ghdl/ghdl:$GHDL_IMAGE_TAG" bash -c "GHDL=ghdl ${scriptdir}/../../testsuite/testsuite.sh $tests"
-if [ ! -f "${scriptdir}/../../testsuite/test_ok" ]; then
- printf "$ANSI_RED[TRAVIS] TEST failed $ANSI_NOCOLOR\n"
- exit 1
diff --git a/dist/travis/utils.sh b/dist/travis/utils.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cbf186d7..000000000
--- a/dist/travis/utils.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-travis_start () {
- :
-travis_finish () {
- :
-if [ -n "$TRAVIS" ]; then
- # This is a trimmed down copy of https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-build/blob/master/lib/travis/build/bash/*
- travis_time_start() {
- # `date +%N` returns the date in nanoseconds. It is used as a replacement for $RANDOM, which is only available in bash.
- travis_timer_id=`date +%N`
- travis_start_time=$(travis_nanoseconds)
- echo "travis_time:start:$travis_timer_id"
- }
- travis_time_finish() {
- travis_end_time=$(travis_nanoseconds)
- local duration=$(($travis_end_time-$travis_start_time))
- echo "travis_time:end:$travis_timer_id:start=$travis_start_time,finish=$travis_end_time,duration=$duration"
- }
- if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then
- travis_nanoseconds() {
- date -u '+%s000000000'
- }
- else
- travis_nanoseconds() {
- date -u '+%s%N'
- }
- fi
- travis_start () {
- echo "travis_fold:start:$1"
- if [ -z "$3" ]; then
- travis_time_start
- fi
- printf "$2\n"
- }
- travis_finish () {
- if [ -z "$2" ]; then
- travis_time_finish
- fi
- echo "travis_fold:end:$1"
- }
-buildCmdOpts () {
- # Extract from IMAGE (defined in .travis.yml)
- if [ "x$1" != "x" ]; then
- fi
- # Compute package name
- PKG_SHORTCOMMIT="$(printf $TRAVIS_COMMIT | cut -c1-10)"
- PKG_VER=`grep "ghdl_version=" configure | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)";/\1/'`
- if [ -z "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]; then
- # No tag: use date + commit id
- PKG_TAG="$(date -u +%Y%m%d)-$PKG_SHORTCOMMIT";
- elif expr "$TRAVIS_TAG" : 'v[0-9].*' > /dev/null; then
- # Remove leading 'v' in tags in the filenames.
- PKG_TAG="$(echo $TRAVIS_TAG | cut -c2-)"
- else
- # Regular tag (like snapshots), nothing to change.
- fi
- # Extract from BUILD_ARG
- IFS='+' read -ra REFS <<< "$BUILD_ARG"
- DDIST=${REFS[0]} # Linux distro (eg: ubuntuXX, fedoraXX)
- DBLD=${REFS[1]} # Build/backend (eg: mcode, llvm)
- DEXT=${REFS[2]} # Extra constraints: GPL, synth
- PKG_NAME="ghdl-${PKG_TAG}-${DDIST}-${DBLD}"
- if [ "x$DEXT" = "xgpl" ]; then
- PKG_NAME="ghdl-$DEXT-${PKG_TAG}"
- fi
- if [ "x$DEXT" = "xsynth" ]; then
- PKG_NAME="ghdl-$DEXT-${PKG_TAG}"
- fi
- GHDL_IMAGE_TAG="`echo $IMAGE | sed -e 's/+/-/g'`"
- case $BUILD_ARG in
- *gcc*)
- BUILD_IMAGE_TAG="`echo $GHDL_IMAGE_TAG | sed 's#\(.*\)-gcc.*#\1-gcc#g'`"
- ;;
- esac
- if [ "x$DEXT" != "x" ]; then
- fi
-. "$scriptdir/../ansi_color.sh"