## Pseudo Cells Pseudo PIPs and site pseudo PIPs are edges in the device graph that route through other sites and/or BELs. Pseudo cells are the expression of what routing resources are "blocked" by the use of a pseudo PIP. The device database currently expresses pseudo PIPs as using BEL pins within the site that the pseudo PIP is attached too. Both input and output BEL pins are included in the pseudo cell definition, but only output BEL pins "block" the site wire. ### Example In the case of a Xilinx 7-series `CLBLL`'s `CLBLL_LL_A1` to `CLBLL_LL_A` pseudo PIP, this PIP connects a signal from an input site port to an output site port. Each site wire that is consumed has **both** a output BEL pin (from the site wire source) and a input BEL pin (connected to either a logic BEL, e.g. `A6LUT` or routing BEL, e.g. `AUSED` or output site port BEL, e.g. `A`). In the case of a `CLBLL`'s `CLBLL_LL_A` to `CLBLL_LL_AMUX` pseudo PIP, this PIP connects a signal from an output site port to an output site port. In this case, it is assumed and required that some of the site wires are already bound to the relevant net (by virtue of the wire `CLBLL_LL_A` already being part of the net). In this case, the first BEL pin will be an input BEL pin (specifically `AOUTMUX/O6`) that indicates that a site PIP is used as part of the pseudo PIP. However in this case, this edge does **not** block the site wire, instead it only requires it. The following output BEL pin (specifically `AOUTMUX/OUT`) blocks the site wire `AMUX`. ### Future enhancements Pseudo cells right now only have BEL pins used by the pseudo PIP. This ignores the fact that some BEL's when route through may have constraint implications. For example, routing through a LUT BEL requires that it be in LUT mode. If that BEL is in either a SRL or LUT-RAM mode, the LUT route through may not operate properly.