/* * This file is part of the flashrom project. * * Copyright (C) 2010 Mark Marshall * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <strings.h> #include <string.h> #include "flash.h" #include "programmer.h" #include "hwaccess_physmap.h" #include "platform/pci.h" #define PCI_VENDOR_ID_OGP 0x1227 /* These are the register addresses for the OGD1 / OGA1. If they are * different for later versions of the hardware then we will need * logic to select between the different hardware versions. */ #define OGA1_XP10_BPROM_SI 0x0040 /* W */ #define OGA1_XP10_BPROM_SO 0x0040 /* R */ #define OGA1_XP10_BPROM_CE_BAR 0x0044 /* W */ #define OGA1_XP10_BPROM_SCK 0x0048 /* W */ #define OGA1_XP10_BPROM_REG_SEL 0x004C /* W */ #define OGA1_XP10_CPROM_SI 0x0050 /* W */ #define OGA1_XP10_CPROM_SO 0x0050 /* R */ #define OGA1_XP10_CPROM_CE_BAR 0x0054 /* W */ #define OGA1_XP10_CPROM_SCK 0x0058 /* W */ #define OGA1_XP10_CPROM_REG_SEL 0x005C /* W */ struct ogp_spi_data { uint8_t *spibar; uint32_t reg_sel; uint32_t reg_siso; uint32_t reg__ce; uint32_t reg_sck; }; static const struct dev_entry ogp_spi[] = { {PCI_VENDOR_ID_OGP, 0x0000, OK, "Open Graphics Project", "Development Board OGD1"}, {0}, }; static void ogp_request_spibus(void *spi_data) { struct ogp_spi_data *data = spi_data; pci_mmio_writel(1, data->spibar + data->reg_sel); } static void ogp_release_spibus(void *spi_data) { struct ogp_spi_data *data = spi_data; pci_mmio_writel(0, data->spibar + data->reg_sel); } static void ogp_bitbang_set_cs(int val, void *spi_data) { struct ogp_spi_data *data = spi_data; pci_mmio_writel(val, data->spibar + data->reg__ce); } static void ogp_bitbang_set_sck(int val, void *spi_data) { struct ogp_spi_data *data = spi_data; pci_mmio_writel(val, data->spibar + data->reg_sck); } static void ogp_bitbang_set_mosi(int val, void *spi_data) { struct ogp_spi_data *data = spi_data; pci_mmio_writel(val, data->spibar + data->reg_siso); } static int ogp_bitbang_get_miso(void *spi_data) { struct ogp_spi_data *data = spi_data; uint32_t tmp; tmp = pci_mmio_readl(data->spibar + data->reg_siso); return tmp & 0x1; } static const struct bitbang_spi_master bitbang_spi_master_ogp = { .set_cs = ogp_bitbang_set_cs, .set_sck = ogp_bitbang_set_sck, .set_mosi = ogp_bitbang_set_mosi, .get_miso = ogp_bitbang_get_miso, .request_bus = ogp_request_spibus, .release_bus = ogp_release_spibus, .half_period = 0, }; static int ogp_spi_shutdown(void *data) { free(data); return 0; } static int ogp_spi_init(const struct programmer_cfg *cfg) { struct pci_dev *dev = NULL; char *type; uint8_t *ogp_spibar; uint32_t ogp_reg_sel; uint32_t ogp_reg_siso; uint32_t ogp_reg__ce; uint32_t ogp_reg_sck; type = extract_programmer_param_str(cfg, "rom"); if (!type) { msg_perr("Please use flashrom -p ogp_spi:rom=... to specify " "which flashchip you want to access.\n"); return 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "bprom") || !strcasecmp(type, "bios")) { ogp_reg_sel = OGA1_XP10_BPROM_REG_SEL; ogp_reg_siso = OGA1_XP10_BPROM_SI; ogp_reg__ce = OGA1_XP10_BPROM_CE_BAR; ogp_reg_sck = OGA1_XP10_BPROM_SCK; } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "cprom") || !strcasecmp(type, "s3")) { ogp_reg_sel = OGA1_XP10_CPROM_REG_SEL; ogp_reg_siso = OGA1_XP10_CPROM_SI; ogp_reg__ce = OGA1_XP10_CPROM_CE_BAR; ogp_reg_sck = OGA1_XP10_CPROM_SCK; } else { msg_perr("Invalid or missing rom= parameter.\n"); free(type); return 1; } free(type); dev = pcidev_init(cfg, ogp_spi, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0); if (!dev) return 1; uint32_t io_base_addr = pcidev_readbar(dev, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0); if (!io_base_addr) return 1; ogp_spibar = rphysmap("OGP registers", io_base_addr, 4096); if (ogp_spibar == ERROR_PTR) return 1; struct ogp_spi_data *data = calloc(1, sizeof(*data)); if (!data) { msg_perr("Unable to allocate space for SPI master data\n"); return 1; } data->spibar = ogp_spibar; data->reg_sel = ogp_reg_sel; data->reg_siso = ogp_reg_siso; data->reg__ce = ogp_reg__ce; data->reg_sck = ogp_reg_sck; if (register_shutdown(ogp_spi_shutdown, data)) { free(data); return 1; } if (register_spi_bitbang_master(&bitbang_spi_master_ogp, data)) return 1; return 0; } const struct programmer_entry programmer_ogp_spi = { .name = "ogp_spi", .type = PCI, .devs.dev = ogp_spi, .init = ogp_spi_init, };