/* * This file is part of the flashrom project. * * Copyright (C) 2020 The Chromium OS Authors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <errno.h> #include "programmer.h" #include "spi.h" #include "i2c_helper.h" #define REGISTER_ADDRESS (0x94 >> 1) #define PAGE_ADDRESS (0x9e >> 1) #define LSPCON_PAGE_SIZE 256 #define MAX_SPI_WAIT_RETRIES 1000 #define CLT2_SPI 0x82 #define SPIEDID_BASE_ADDR2 0x8d #define ROMADDR_BYTE1 0x8e #define ROMADDR_BYTE2 0x8f #define SWSPI_WDATA 0x90 #define SWSPI_WDATA_CLEAR_STATUS 0x00 #define SWSPI_WDATA_WRITE_REGISTER 0x01 #define SWSPI_WDATA_READ_REGISTER 0x05 #define SWSPI_WDATA_ENABLE_REGISTER 0x06 #define SWSPI_WDATA_SECTOR_ERASE 0x20 #define SWSPI_WDATA_PROTECT_BP 0x8c #define SWSPI_RDATA 0x91 #define SWSPI_LEN 0x92 #define SWSPICTL 0x93 #define SWSPICTL_ACCESS_TRIGGER 1 #define SWSPICTL_CLEAR_PTR (1 << 1) #define SWSPICTL_NO_READ (1 << 2) #define SWSPICTL_ENABLE_READBACK (1 << 3) #define SWSPICTL_MOT (1 << 4) #define SPISTATUS 0x9e #define SPISTATUS_BYTE_PROGRAM_FINISHED 0 #define SPISTATUS_BYTE_PROGRAM_IN_IF 1 #define SPISTATUS_BYTE_PROGRAM_SEND_DONE (1 << 1) #define SPISTATUS_SECTOR_ERASE_FINISHED 0 #define SPISTATUS_SECTOR_ERASE_IN_IF (1 << 2) #define SPISTATUS_SECTOR_ERASE_SEND_DONE (1 << 3) #define SPISTATUS_CHIP_ERASE_FINISHED 0 #define SPISTATUS_CHIP_ERASE_IN_IF (1 << 4) #define SPISTATUS_CHIP_ERASE_SEND_DONE (1 << 5) #define SPISTATUS_FW_UPDATE_ENABLE (1 << 6) #define WRITE_PROTECTION 0xb3 #define WRITE_PROTECTION_ON 0 #define WRITE_PROTECTION_OFF 0x10 #define MPU 0xbc #define PAGE_HW_WRITE 0xda #define PAGE_HW_WRITE_DISABLE 0 #define PAGE_HW_COFIG_REGISTER 0xaa #define PAGE_HW_WRITE_ENABLE 0x55 struct lspcon_i2c_spi_data { int fd; }; typedef struct { uint8_t command; const uint8_t *data; uint8_t data_size; uint8_t control; } packet_t; static int lspcon_i2c_spi_write_data(int fd, uint16_t addr, void *buf, uint16_t len) { i2c_buffer_t data; if (i2c_buffer_t_fill(&data, buf, len)) return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; return i2c_write(fd, addr, &data) == len ? 0 : SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_read_data(int fd, uint16_t addr, void *buf, uint16_t len) { i2c_buffer_t data; if (i2c_buffer_t_fill(&data, buf, len)) return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; return i2c_read(fd, addr, &data) == len ? 0 : SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } static int get_fd_from_context(const struct flashctx *flash) { if (!flash || !flash->mst || !flash->mst->spi.data) { msg_perr("Unable to extract fd from flash context.\n"); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } const struct lspcon_i2c_spi_data *data = (const struct lspcon_i2c_spi_data *)flash->mst->spi.data; return data->fd; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(int fd, uint8_t i2c_register, uint8_t value) { uint8_t command[] = { i2c_register, value }; return lspcon_i2c_spi_write_data(fd, REGISTER_ADDRESS, command, 2); } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_read_register(int fd, uint8_t i2c_register, uint8_t *value) { uint8_t command[] = { i2c_register }; int ret = lspcon_i2c_spi_write_data(fd, REGISTER_ADDRESS, command, 1); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_read_data(fd, REGISTER_ADDRESS, value, 1); return ret ? SPI_GENERIC_ERROR : 0; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_register_control(int fd, packet_t *packet) { int i; int ret = lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, SWSPI_WDATA, packet->command); if (ret) return ret; /* Higher 4 bits are read size. */ int write_size = packet->data_size & 0x0f; for (i = 0; i < write_size; ++i) { ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, SWSPI_WDATA, packet->data[i]); } ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, SWSPI_LEN, packet->data_size); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, SWSPICTL, packet->control); return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_wait_command_done(int fd, unsigned int offset, int mask) { uint8_t val; int tried = 0; int ret = 0; do { ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_read_register(fd, offset, &val); } while (!ret && (val & mask) && ++tried < MAX_SPI_WAIT_RETRIES); if (tried == MAX_SPI_WAIT_RETRIES) { msg_perr("%s: Time out on sending command.\n", __func__); return -MAX_SPI_WAIT_RETRIES; } return (val & mask) ? SPI_GENERIC_ERROR : ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_wait_rom_free(int fd) { uint8_t val; int tried = 0; int ret = 0; ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_wait_command_done(fd, SPISTATUS, SPISTATUS_SECTOR_ERASE_IN_IF | SPISTATUS_SECTOR_ERASE_SEND_DONE); if (ret) return ret; do { packet_t packet = { SWSPI_WDATA_READ_REGISTER, NULL, 0, SWSPICTL_ACCESS_TRIGGER }; ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_register_control(fd, &packet); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_wait_command_done(fd, SWSPICTL, SWSPICTL_ACCESS_TRIGGER); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_read_register(fd, SWSPI_RDATA, &val); } while (!ret && (val & SWSPICTL_ACCESS_TRIGGER) && ++tried < MAX_SPI_WAIT_RETRIES); if (tried == MAX_SPI_WAIT_RETRIES) { msg_perr("%s: Time out on waiting ROM free.\n", __func__); return -MAX_SPI_WAIT_RETRIES; } return (val & SWSPICTL_ACCESS_TRIGGER) ? SPI_GENERIC_ERROR : ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_toggle_register_protection(int fd, int toggle) { return lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, WRITE_PROTECTION, toggle ? WRITE_PROTECTION_OFF : WRITE_PROTECTION_ON); } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_enable_write_status_register(int fd) { int ret = lspcon_i2c_spi_toggle_register_protection(fd, 1); packet_t packet = { SWSPI_WDATA_ENABLE_REGISTER, NULL, 0, SWSPICTL_ACCESS_TRIGGER | SWSPICTL_NO_READ }; ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_register_control(fd, &packet); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_toggle_register_protection(fd, 0); return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_enable_write_status_register_protection(int fd) { int ret = lspcon_i2c_spi_toggle_register_protection(fd, 1); uint8_t data[] = { SWSPI_WDATA_PROTECT_BP }; packet_t packet = { SWSPI_WDATA_WRITE_REGISTER, data, 1, SWSPICTL_ACCESS_TRIGGER | SWSPICTL_NO_READ }; ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_register_control(fd, &packet); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_toggle_register_protection(fd, 0); return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_disable_protection(int fd) { int ret = lspcon_i2c_spi_toggle_register_protection(fd, 1); uint8_t data[] = { SWSPI_WDATA_CLEAR_STATUS }; packet_t packet = { SWSPI_WDATA_WRITE_REGISTER, data, 1, SWSPICTL_ACCESS_TRIGGER | SWSPICTL_NO_READ }; ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_register_control(fd, &packet); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_toggle_register_protection(fd, 0); return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_disable_hw_write(int fd) { return lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, PAGE_HW_WRITE, PAGE_HW_WRITE_DISABLE); } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_enable_write_protection(int fd) { int ret = lspcon_i2c_spi_enable_write_status_register(fd); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_enable_write_status_register_protection(fd); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_wait_rom_free(fd); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_disable_hw_write(fd); return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_disable_all_protection(int fd) { int ret = lspcon_i2c_spi_enable_write_status_register(fd); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_disable_protection(fd); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_wait_rom_free(fd); return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_send_command(const struct flashctx *flash, unsigned int writecnt, unsigned int readcnt, const unsigned char *writearr, unsigned char *readarr) { unsigned int i; if (writecnt > 16 || readcnt > 16 || writecnt == 0) { msg_perr("%s: Invalid read/write count for send command.\n", __func__); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } int fd = get_fd_from_context(flash); if (fd < 0) return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; int ret = lspcon_i2c_spi_disable_all_protection(fd); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_enable_write_status_register(fd); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_toggle_register_protection(fd, 1); /* First byte of writearr shuld be the command value, followed by the value to write. Read length occupies 4 bit and represents 16 level, thus if read 1 byte, read length should be set 0. */ packet_t packet = { writearr[0], &writearr[1], (writecnt - 1) | ((readcnt - 1) << 4), SWSPICTL_ACCESS_TRIGGER | (readcnt ? 0 : SWSPICTL_NO_READ), }; ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_register_control(fd, &packet); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_wait_command_done(fd, SWSPICTL, SWSPICTL_ACCESS_TRIGGER); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_toggle_register_protection(fd, 0); if (ret) return ret; for (i = 0; i < readcnt; ++i) { ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_read_register(fd, SWSPI_RDATA, &readarr[i]); } ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_wait_rom_free(fd); return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_enable_hw_write(int fd) { int ret = 0; ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, PAGE_HW_WRITE, PAGE_HW_COFIG_REGISTER); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, PAGE_HW_WRITE, PAGE_HW_WRITE_ENABLE); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, PAGE_HW_WRITE, 0x50); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, PAGE_HW_WRITE, 0x41); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, PAGE_HW_WRITE, 0x52); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, PAGE_HW_WRITE, 0x44); return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_clt2_spi_reset(int fd) { int ret = 0; ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, CLT2_SPI, 0x20); struct timespec wait_100ms = { 0, (unsigned)1e8 }; nanosleep(&wait_100ms, NULL); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, CLT2_SPI, 0x00); return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_reset_mpu_stop(int fd) { int ret = 0; ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, MPU, 0xc0); // cmd mode ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, MPU, 0x40); // stop mcu return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_map_page(int fd, unsigned int offset) { int ret = 0; /* Page number byte, need to / LSPCON_PAGE_SIZE. */ ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, ROMADDR_BYTE1, (offset >> 8) & 0xff); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_register(fd, ROMADDR_BYTE2, (offset >> 16)); return ret ? SPI_GENERIC_ERROR : 0; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_read(struct flashctx *flash, uint8_t *buf, unsigned int start, unsigned int len) { unsigned int i; int ret = 0; if (start & 0xff) return default_spi_read(flash, buf, start, len); int fd = get_fd_from_context(flash); if (fd < 0) return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < len; i += LSPCON_PAGE_SIZE) { ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_map_page(fd, start + i); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_read_data(fd, PAGE_ADDRESS, buf + i, min(len - i, LSPCON_PAGE_SIZE)); } return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_write_page(int fd, const uint8_t *buf, unsigned int len) { /** * Using static buffer with maximum possible size, * extra byte is needed for prefixing zero at index 0. */ uint8_t write_buffer[LSPCON_PAGE_SIZE + 1] = { 0 }; if (len > LSPCON_PAGE_SIZE) return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; /* First byte represents the writing offset and should always be zero. */ memcpy(&write_buffer[1], buf, len); return lspcon_i2c_spi_write_data(fd, PAGE_ADDRESS, write_buffer, len + 1); } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_write_256(struct flashctx *flash, const uint8_t *buf, unsigned int start, unsigned int len) { int ret = 0; if (start & 0xff) return default_spi_write_256(flash, buf, start, len); int fd = get_fd_from_context(flash); if (fd < 0) return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_disable_all_protection(fd); /* Enable hardware write and reset clt2SPI interface. */ ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_enable_hw_write(fd); ret |= lspcon_i2c_clt2_spi_reset(fd); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i += LSPCON_PAGE_SIZE) { ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_map_page(fd, start + i); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_write_page(fd, buf + i, min(len - i, LSPCON_PAGE_SIZE)); } ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_enable_write_protection(fd); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_disable_hw_write(fd); return ret; } static int lspcon_i2c_spi_write_aai(struct flashctx *flash, const uint8_t *buf, unsigned int start, unsigned int len) { msg_perr("%s: AAI write function is not supported.\n", __func__); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } static struct spi_master spi_master_i2c_lspcon = { .max_data_read = 16, .max_data_write = 12, .command = lspcon_i2c_spi_send_command, .multicommand = default_spi_send_multicommand, .read = lspcon_i2c_spi_read, .write_256 = lspcon_i2c_spi_write_256, .write_aai = lspcon_i2c_spi_write_aai, }; /* TODO: MPU still stopped at this point, probably need to reset it. */ static int lspcon_i2c_spi_shutdown(void *data) { int ret = 0; struct lspcon_i2c_spi_data *lspcon_data = (struct lspcon_i2c_spi_data *)data; int fd = lspcon_data->fd; ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_enable_write_protection(fd); ret |= lspcon_i2c_spi_toggle_register_protection(fd, 0); i2c_close(fd); free(data); return ret; } /* TODO: remove this out of the specific SPI master implementation. */ static int get_bus_number(void) { char *bus_str = extract_programmer_param("bus"); /* Return INVALID_ADDRESS if bus value was given but invalid, and GENERIC_ERROR * if no value was provided. */ int ret = SPI_INVALID_ADDRESS; if (bus_str == NULL) return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; char *bus_suffix; errno = 0; int bus = (int)strtol(bus_str, &bus_suffix, 10); if (errno != 0 || bus_str == bus_suffix) { msg_perr("%s: Could not convert 'bus'.\n", __func__); goto get_bus_done; } if (bus < 0 || bus > 255) { msg_perr("%s: Value for 'bus' is out of range(0-255).\n", __func__); goto get_bus_done; } if (strlen(bus_suffix) > 0) { msg_perr("%s: Garbage following 'bus' value.\n", __func__); goto get_bus_done; } msg_pinfo("Using i2c bus %i.\n", bus); ret = bus; get_bus_done: free(bus_str); return ret; } int lspcon_i2c_spi_init(void) { int fd = -1; int bus_number = get_bus_number(); if (bus_number == SPI_INVALID_ADDRESS) { /* Bus was specified but unusable, bail out immediately */ return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } char *device_path = extract_programmer_param("devpath"); if (device_path != NULL && bus_number >= 0) { msg_perr("%s: only one of bus and devpath may be specified\n", __func__); free(device_path); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } else if (device_path == NULL && bus_number < 0) { msg_perr("%s: one of bus and devpath must be specified\n", __func__); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } if (device_path != NULL) { fd = i2c_open_path(device_path, REGISTER_ADDRESS, 0); free(device_path); } else { fd = i2c_open(bus_number, REGISTER_ADDRESS, 0); } if (fd < 0) return fd; int ret = lspcon_i2c_spi_reset_mpu_stop(fd); if (ret) { msg_perr("%s: call to reset_mpu_stop failed.\n", __func__); return ret; } struct lspcon_i2c_spi_data *data = calloc(1, sizeof(struct lspcon_i2c_spi_data)); if (!data) { msg_perr("Unable to allocate space for extra SPI master data.\n"); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } data->fd = fd; spi_master_i2c_lspcon.data = data; ret |= register_shutdown(lspcon_i2c_spi_shutdown, data); ret |= register_spi_master(&spi_master_i2c_lspcon); return ret; }