/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [sclLibUtil.c] SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageName [Standard-cell library representation.] Synopsis [Various library utilities.] Author [Alan Mishchenko, Niklas Een] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - August 24, 2012.] Revision [$Id: sclLibUtil.c,v 1.0 2012/08/24 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ #include "sclLib.h" #include "misc/st/st.h" #include "map/mio/mio.h" #include "bool/kit/kit.h" ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// DECLARATIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTION DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Reading library from file.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static unsigned Abc_SclHashString( char * pName, int TableSize ) { static int s_Primes[10] = { 1291, 1699, 2357, 4177, 5147, 5647, 6343, 7103, 7873, 8147 }; unsigned i, Key = 0; for ( i = 0; pName[i] != '\0'; i++ ) Key += s_Primes[i%10]*pName[i]*pName[i]; return Key % TableSize; } int * Abc_SclHashLookup( SC_Lib * p, char * pName ) { int i; for ( i = Abc_SclHashString(pName, p->nBins); i < p->nBins; i = (i + 1) % p->nBins ) if ( p->pBins[i] == -1 || !strcmp(pName, SC_LibCell(p, p->pBins[i])->pName) ) return p->pBins + i; assert( 0 ); return NULL; } void Abc_SclHashCells( SC_Lib * p ) { SC_Cell * pCell; int i, * pPlace; assert( p->nBins == 0 ); p->nBins = Abc_PrimeCudd( 5 * SC_LibCellNum(p) ); p->pBins = ABC_FALLOC( int, p->nBins ); SC_LibForEachCell( p, pCell, i ) { pPlace = Abc_SclHashLookup( p, pCell->pName ); if ( *pPlace != -1 && pCell->pName ) printf( "There are two standard cells with the same name (%s).\n", pCell->pName ); assert( *pPlace == -1 ); *pPlace = i; } } int Abc_SclCellFind( SC_Lib * p, char * pName ) { int *pPlace = Abc_SclHashLookup( p, pName ); return pPlace ? *pPlace : -1; } int Abc_SclClassCellNum( SC_Cell * pClass ) { SC_Cell * pCell; int i, Count = 0; SC_RingForEachCell( pClass, pCell, i ) if ( !pCell->fSkip ) Count++; return Count; } int Abc_SclLibClassNum( SC_Lib * pLib ) { SC_Cell * pRepr; int i, Count = 0; SC_LibForEachCellClass( pLib, pRepr, i ) Count++; return Count; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Change cell names and pin names.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static inline int Abc_SclIsChar( char c ) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_'; } static inline int Abc_SclIsName( char c ) { return Abc_SclIsChar(c) || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); } static inline char * Abc_SclFindLimit( char * pName ) { assert( Abc_SclIsChar(*pName) ); while ( Abc_SclIsName(*pName) ) pName++; return pName; } static inline int Abc_SclAreEqual( char * pBase, char * pName, char * pLimit ) { return !strncmp( pBase, pName, pLimit - pName ); } void Abc_SclShortFormula( SC_Cell * pCell, char * pForm, char * pBuffer ) { SC_Pin * pPin; int i; char * pTemp, * pLimit; for ( pTemp = pForm; *pTemp; ) { if ( !Abc_SclIsChar(*pTemp) ) { *pBuffer++ = *pTemp++; continue; } pLimit = Abc_SclFindLimit( pTemp ); SC_CellForEachPinIn( pCell, pPin, i ) if ( Abc_SclAreEqual( pPin->pName, pTemp, pLimit ) ) { *pBuffer++ = 'a' + i; break; } assert( i < pCell->n_inputs ); pTemp = pLimit; } *pBuffer++ = 0; } static inline void Abc_SclTimingUpdate( SC_Cell * pCell, SC_Timing * p, char * Buffer ) { SC_Pin * pPin; int i; SC_CellForEachPinIn( pCell, pPin, i ) if ( p->related_pin && !strcmp(p->related_pin, pPin->pName) ) { ABC_FREE( p->related_pin ); sprintf( Buffer, "%c", 'a'+i ); p->related_pin = Abc_UtilStrsav( Buffer ); } } static inline void Abc_SclTimingsUpdate( SC_Cell * pCell, SC_Timings * p, char * Buffer ) { SC_Timing * pTemp; int i; Vec_PtrForEachEntry( SC_Timing *, &p->vTimings, pTemp, i ) Abc_SclTimingUpdate( pCell, pTemp, Buffer ); } static inline void Abc_SclPinUpdate( SC_Cell * pCell, SC_Pin * p, char * Buffer ) { // update pin names in the timing SC_Timings * pTemp; int i; SC_PinForEachRTiming( p, pTemp, i ) { SC_Pin * pPin; int k; Abc_SclTimingsUpdate( pCell, pTemp, Buffer ); SC_CellForEachPinIn( pCell, pPin, k ) if ( pTemp->pName && !strcmp(pTemp->pName, pPin->pName) ) { ABC_FREE( pTemp->pName ); sprintf( Buffer, "%c", 'a'+k ); pTemp->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( Buffer ); } } // update formula Abc_SclShortFormula( pCell, p->func_text, Buffer ); ABC_FREE( p->func_text ); p->func_text = Abc_UtilStrsav( Buffer ); } void Abc_SclShortNames( SC_Lib * p ) { char Buffer[10000]; SC_Cell * pClass, * pCell; SC_Pin * pPin; int i, k, n, nClasses = Abc_SclLibClassNum(p); int nDigits = Abc_Base10Log( nClasses ); // itereate through classes SC_LibForEachCellClass( p, pClass, i ) { int nDigits2 = Abc_Base10Log( Abc_SclClassCellNum(pClass) ); SC_RingForEachCell( pClass, pCell, k ) { ABC_FREE( pCell->pName ); sprintf( Buffer, "g%0*d_%0*d", nDigits, i, nDigits2, k ); pCell->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( Buffer ); // formula SC_CellForEachPinOut( pCell, pPin, n ) Abc_SclPinUpdate( pCell, pPin, Buffer ); // pin names SC_CellForEachPinIn( pCell, pPin, n ) { ABC_FREE( pPin->pName ); sprintf( Buffer, "%c", 'a'+n ); pPin->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( Buffer ); } SC_CellForEachPinOut( pCell, pPin, n ) { ABC_FREE( pPin->pName ); sprintf( Buffer, "%c", 'z'-n+pCell->n_inputs ); pPin->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( Buffer ); } } } p->nBins = 0; ABC_FREE( p->pBins ); Abc_SclHashCells( p ); // update library name printf( "Renaming library \"%s\" into \"%s%d\".\n", p->pName, "lib", SC_LibCellNum(p) ); ABC_FREE( p->pName ); sprintf( Buffer, "lib%d", SC_LibCellNum(p) ); p->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( Buffer ); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Links equal gates into rings while sorting them by area.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ static int Abc_SclCompareCells( SC_Cell ** pp1, SC_Cell ** pp2 ) { if ( (*pp1)->n_inputs < (*pp2)->n_inputs ) return -1; if ( (*pp1)->n_inputs > (*pp2)->n_inputs ) return 1; // if ( (*pp1)->area < (*pp2)->area ) // return -1; // if ( (*pp1)->area > (*pp2)->area ) // return 1; if ( SC_CellPinCapAve(*pp1) < SC_CellPinCapAve(*pp2) ) return -1; if ( SC_CellPinCapAve(*pp1) > SC_CellPinCapAve(*pp2) ) return 1; return strcmp( (*pp1)->pName, (*pp2)->pName ); } void Abc_SclLinkCells( SC_Lib * p ) { Vec_Ptr_t * vList; SC_Cell * pCell, * pRepr = NULL; int i, k; assert( Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCellClasses) == 0 ); SC_LibForEachCell( p, pCell, i ) { // find gate with the same function SC_LibForEachCellClass( p, pRepr, k ) if ( pCell->n_inputs == pRepr->n_inputs && pCell->n_outputs == pRepr->n_outputs && Vec_WrdEqual(SC_CellFunc(pCell), SC_CellFunc(pRepr)) ) break; if ( k == Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCellClasses) ) { Vec_PtrPush( &p->vCellClasses, pCell ); pCell->pNext = pCell->pPrev = pCell; continue; } // add it to the list before the cell pRepr->pPrev->pNext = pCell; pCell->pNext = pRepr; pCell->pPrev = pRepr->pPrev; pRepr->pPrev = pCell; } // sort cells by size then by name qsort( (void *)Vec_PtrArray(&p->vCellClasses), Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCellClasses), sizeof(void *), (int(*)(const void *,const void *))Abc_SclCompareCells ); // sort cell lists vList = Vec_PtrAlloc( 100 ); SC_LibForEachCellClass( p, pRepr, k ) { Vec_PtrClear( vList ); SC_RingForEachCell( pRepr, pCell, i ) Vec_PtrPush( vList, pCell ); qsort( (void *)Vec_PtrArray(vList), (size_t)Vec_PtrSize(vList), sizeof(void *), (int(*)(const void *,const void *))Abc_SclCompareCells ); // create new representative pRepr = (SC_Cell *)Vec_PtrEntry( vList, 0 ); pRepr->pNext = pRepr->pPrev = pRepr; pRepr->pRepr = pRepr; pRepr->pAve = (SC_Cell *)Vec_PtrEntry( vList, Vec_PtrSize(vList)/2 ); pRepr->Order = 0; pRepr->nGates = Vec_PtrSize(vList); // relink cells Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart( SC_Cell *, vList, pCell, i, 1 ) { pRepr->pPrev->pNext = pCell; pCell->pNext = pRepr; pCell->pPrev = pRepr->pPrev; pRepr->pPrev = pCell; pCell->pRepr = pRepr; pCell->pAve = (SC_Cell *)Vec_PtrEntry( vList, Vec_PtrSize(vList)/2 ); pCell->Order = i; pCell->nGates = Vec_PtrSize(vList); } // update list Vec_PtrWriteEntry( &p->vCellClasses, k, pRepr ); } Vec_PtrFree( vList ); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns the largest inverter.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ SC_Cell * Abc_SclFindInvertor( SC_Lib * p, int fFindBuff ) { SC_Cell * pCell = NULL; word Truth = fFindBuff ? ABC_CONST(0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) : ABC_CONST(0x5555555555555555); int k; SC_LibForEachCellClass( p, pCell, k ) if ( pCell->n_inputs == 1 && Vec_WrdEntry(&SC_CellPin(pCell, 1)->vFunc, 0) == Truth ) break; // take representative return pCell ? pCell->pRepr : NULL; } SC_Cell * Abc_SclFindSmallestGate( SC_Cell * p, float CinMin ) { SC_Cell * pRes = NULL; int i; SC_RingForEachCell( p->pRepr, pRes, i ) if ( SC_CellPinCapAve(pRes) > CinMin ) return pRes; // take the largest gate return p->pRepr->pPrev; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns the wireload model for the given area.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ SC_WireLoad * Abc_SclFetchWireLoadModel( SC_Lib * p, char * pWLoadUsed ) { SC_WireLoad * pWL = NULL; int i; // Get the actual table and reformat it for 'wire_cap' output: assert( pWLoadUsed != NULL ); SC_LibForEachWireLoad( p, pWL, i ) if ( !strcmp(pWL->pName, pWLoadUsed) ) break; if ( i == Vec_PtrSize(&p->vWireLoads) ) { Abc_Print( -1, "Cannot find wire load model \"%s\".\n", pWLoadUsed ); exit(1); } // printf( "Using wireload model \"%s\".\n", pWL->pName ); return pWL; } SC_WireLoad * Abc_SclFindWireLoadModel( SC_Lib * p, float Area ) { char * pWLoadUsed = NULL; int i; if ( p->default_wire_load_sel && strlen(p->default_wire_load_sel) ) { SC_WireLoadSel * pWLS = NULL; SC_LibForEachWireLoadSel( p, pWLS, i ) if ( !strcmp(pWLS->pName, p->default_wire_load_sel) ) break; if ( i == Vec_PtrSize(&p->vWireLoadSels) ) { Abc_Print( -1, "Cannot find wire load selection model \"%s\".\n", p->default_wire_load_sel ); exit(1); } for ( i = 0; i < Vec_FltSize(&pWLS->vAreaFrom); i++) if ( Area >= Vec_FltEntry(&pWLS->vAreaFrom, i) && Area < Vec_FltEntry(&pWLS->vAreaTo, i) ) { pWLoadUsed = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(&pWLS->vWireLoadModel, i); break; } if ( i == Vec_FltSize(&pWLS->vAreaFrom) ) pWLoadUsed = (char *)Vec_PtrEntryLast(&pWLS->vWireLoadModel); } else if ( p->default_wire_load && strlen(p->default_wire_load) ) pWLoadUsed = p->default_wire_load; else { // Abc_Print( 0, "No wire model given.\n" ); return NULL; } return Abc_SclFetchWireLoadModel( p, pWLoadUsed ); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns 1 if the library has delay info.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_SclHasDelayInfo( void * pScl ) { SC_Lib * p = (SC_Lib *)pScl; SC_Cell * pCell; SC_Timing * pTime; pCell = Abc_SclFindInvertor(p, 0); if ( pCell == NULL ) return 0; pTime = Scl_CellPinTime( pCell, 0 ); if ( pTime == NULL ) return 0; return 1; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Returns "average" slew.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ float Abc_SclComputeAverageSlew( SC_Lib * p ) { SC_Cell * pCell; SC_Timing * pTime; Vec_Flt_t * vIndex; pCell = Abc_SclFindInvertor(p, 0); if ( pCell == NULL ) return 0; pTime = Scl_CellPinTime( pCell, 0 ); if ( pTime == NULL ) return 0; vIndex = &pTime->pCellRise.vIndex0; // slew return Vec_FltEntry( vIndex, Vec_FltSize(vIndex)/3 ); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Compute delay parameters of pin/cell/class.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ int Abc_SclComputeParametersPin( SC_Lib * p, SC_Cell * pCell, int iPin, float Slew, float * pLD, float * pPD ) { SC_Pair Load0, Load1, Load2; SC_Pair ArrIn = { 0.0, 0.0 }; SC_Pair SlewIn = { Slew, Slew }; SC_Pair ArrOut0 = { 0.0, 0.0 }; SC_Pair ArrOut1 = { 0.0, 0.0 }; SC_Pair ArrOut2 = { 0.0, 0.0 }; SC_Pair SlewOut = { 0.0, 0.0 }; SC_Timing * pTime = Scl_CellPinTime( pCell, iPin ); Vec_Flt_t * vIndex = pTime ? &pTime->pCellRise.vIndex1 : NULL; // capacitance if ( vIndex == NULL ) return 0; // handle constant table if ( Vec_FltSize(vIndex) == 1 ) { *pLD = 0; *pPD = Vec_FltEntry( (Vec_Flt_t *)Vec_PtrEntry(&pTime->pCellRise.vData, 0), 0 ); return 1; } // get load points Load0.rise = Load0.fall = 0.0; Load1.rise = Load1.fall = Vec_FltEntry( vIndex, 0 ); Load2.rise = Load2.fall = Vec_FltEntry( vIndex, Vec_FltSize(vIndex) - 2 ); // compute delay Scl_LibPinArrival( pTime, &ArrIn, &SlewIn, &Load0, &ArrOut0, &SlewOut ); Scl_LibPinArrival( pTime, &ArrIn, &SlewIn, &Load1, &ArrOut1, &SlewOut ); Scl_LibPinArrival( pTime, &ArrIn, &SlewIn, &Load2, &ArrOut2, &SlewOut ); ArrOut0.rise = 0.5 * ArrOut0.rise + 0.5 * ArrOut0.fall; ArrOut1.rise = 0.5 * ArrOut1.rise + 0.5 * ArrOut1.fall; ArrOut2.rise = 0.5 * ArrOut2.rise + 0.5 * ArrOut2.fall; // get tangent *pLD = (ArrOut2.rise - ArrOut1.rise) / ((Load2.rise - Load1.rise) / SC_CellPinCap(pCell, iPin)); // get constant *pPD = ArrOut0.rise; return 1; } int Abc_SclComputeParametersCell( SC_Lib * p, SC_Cell * pCell, float Slew, float * pLD, float * pPD ) { SC_Pin * pPin; float LD, PD, ld, pd; int i; LD = PD = ld = pd = 0; SC_CellForEachPinIn( pCell, pPin, i ) { if ( !Abc_SclComputeParametersPin( p, pCell, i, Slew, &ld, &pd ) ) return 0; LD += ld; PD += pd; } *pLD = LD / Abc_MaxInt(1, pCell->n_inputs); *pPD = PD / Abc_MaxInt(1, pCell->n_inputs); return 1; } void Abc_SclComputeParametersClass( SC_Lib * p, SC_Cell * pRepr, float Slew, float * pLD, float * pPD ) { SC_Cell * pCell; float LD, PD, ld, pd; int i, Count = 0; LD = PD = ld = pd = 0; SC_RingForEachCell( pRepr, pCell, i ) { Abc_SclComputeParametersCell( p, pCell, Slew, &ld, &pd ); LD += ld; PD += pd; Count++; } *pLD = LD / Abc_MaxInt(1, Count); *pPD = PD / Abc_MaxInt(1, Count); } void Abc_SclComputeParametersClassPin( SC_Lib * p, SC_Cell * pRepr, int iPin, float Slew, float * pLD, float * pPD ) { SC_Cell * pCell; float LD, PD, ld, pd; int i, Count = 0; LD = PD = ld = pd = 0; SC_RingForEachCell( pRepr, pCell, i ) { Abc_SclComputeParametersPin( p, pCell, iPin, Slew, &ld, &pd ); LD += ld; PD += pd; Count++; } *pLD = LD / Abc_MaxInt(1, Count); *pPD = PD / Abc_MaxInt(1, Count); } float Abc_SclComputeDelayCellPin( SC_Lib * p, SC_Cell * pCell, int iPin, float Slew, float Gain ) { float LD = 0, PD = 0; Abc_SclComputeParametersPin( p, pCell, iPin, Slew, &LD, &PD ); return 0.01 * LD * Gain + PD; } float Abc_SclComputeDelayClassPin( SC_Lib * p, SC_Cell * pRepr, int iPin, float Slew, float Gain ) { SC_Cell * pCell; float Delay = 0; int i, Count = 0; SC_RingForEachCell( pRepr, pCell, i ) { if ( pCell->fSkip ) continue; // if ( pRepr == pCell ) // skip the first gate // continue; Delay += Abc_SclComputeDelayCellPin( p, pCell, iPin, Slew, Gain ); Count++; } return Delay / Abc_MaxInt(1, Count); } float Abc_SclComputeAreaClass( SC_Cell * pRepr ) { SC_Cell * pCell; float Area = 0; int i, Count = 0; SC_RingForEachCell( pRepr, pCell, i ) { if ( pCell->fSkip ) continue; Area += pCell->area; Count++; } return Area / Abc_MaxInt(1, Count); } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Print cells] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ void Abc_SclMarkSkippedCells( SC_Lib * p ) { char FileName[1000]; char Buffer[1000], * pName; SC_Cell * pCell; FILE * pFile; int CellId, nSkipped = 0; sprintf( FileName, "%s.skip", p->pName ); pFile = fopen( FileName, "rb" ); if ( pFile == NULL ) return; while ( fgets( Buffer, 999, pFile ) != NULL ) { pName = strtok( Buffer, "\r\n\t " ); if ( pName == NULL ) continue; CellId = Abc_SclCellFind( p, pName ); if ( CellId == -1 ) { printf( "Cannot find cell \"%s\" in the library \"%s\".\n", pName, p->pName ); continue; } pCell = SC_LibCell( p, CellId ); pCell->fSkip = 1; nSkipped++; } fclose( pFile ); printf( "Marked %d cells for skipping in the library \"%s\".\n", nSkipped, p->pName ); } void Abc_SclPrintCells( SC_Lib * p, float SlewInit, float Gain, int fInvOnly, int fShort ) { SC_Cell * pCell, * pRepr; SC_Pin * pPin; int i, j, k, nLength = 0; float Slew = (SlewInit == 0) ? Abc_SclComputeAverageSlew(p) : SlewInit; float LD = 0, PD = 0; assert( Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCellClasses) > 0 ); printf( "Library \"%s\" ", p->pName ); printf( "has %d cells in %d classes. ", Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCells), Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCellClasses) ); if ( !fShort ) printf( "Delay estimate is based on slew %.2f ps and gain %.2f.", Slew, Gain ); printf( "\n" ); Abc_SclMarkSkippedCells( p ); // find the longest name SC_LibForEachCellClass( p, pRepr, k ) SC_RingForEachCell( pRepr, pCell, i ) nLength = Abc_MaxInt( nLength, strlen(pRepr->pName) ); // print cells SC_LibForEachCellClass( p, pRepr, k ) { if ( fInvOnly && pRepr->n_inputs != 1 ) continue; SC_CellForEachPinOut( pRepr, pPin, i ) { if ( i == pRepr->n_inputs ) { printf( "Class%4d : ", k ); printf( "Cells =%3d ", Abc_SclClassCellNum(pRepr) ); printf( "Ins =%2d ", pRepr->n_inputs ); printf( "Outs =%2d ", pRepr->n_outputs ); } else printf( " " ); if ( pPin->func_text ) printf( "%-30s", pPin->func_text ); printf( " " ); Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( (unsigned *)Vec_WrdArray(&pPin->vFunc), pRepr->n_inputs ); printf( "\n" ); if ( fShort ) continue; SC_RingForEachCell( pRepr, pCell, j ) { printf( " %3d ", j+1 ); printf( "%s", pCell->fSkip ? "s" : " " ); printf( " : " ); printf( "%-*s ", nLength, pCell->pName ); printf( "%2d ", pCell->drive_strength ); printf( "A =%8.2f ", pCell->area ); printf( "L =%8.2f ", pCell->leakage ); if ( pCell->n_outputs == 1 ) { if ( Abc_SclComputeParametersCell( p, pCell, Slew, &LD, &PD ) ) { printf( "D =%6.1f ps ", 0.01 * Gain * LD + PD ); printf( "LD =%6.1f ps ", LD ); printf( "PD =%6.1f ps ", PD ); printf( "C =%5.1f ff ", SC_CellPinCapAve(pCell) ); printf( "Cm =%5.0f ff ", SC_CellPin(pCell, pCell->n_inputs)->max_out_cap ); printf( "Sm =%5.1f ps ", SC_CellPin(pCell, pCell->n_inputs)->max_out_slew ); } } printf( "\n" ); } break; } } } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ void Abc_SclConvertLeakageIntoArea( SC_Lib * p, float A, float B ) { SC_Cell * pCell; int i; SC_LibForEachCell( p, pCell, i ) pCell->area = A * pCell->area + B * pCell->leakage; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Print cells] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ void Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( SC_Surface * p, float Time, float Load ) { Vec_Flt_t * vArray; int i, k; float Entry; Vec_FltForEachEntry( &p->vIndex0, Entry, i ) // slew Vec_FltWriteEntry( &p->vIndex0, i, Time * Entry ); Vec_FltForEachEntry( &p->vIndex1, Entry, i ) // load Vec_FltWriteEntry( &p->vIndex1, i, Load * Entry ); Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Vec_Flt_t *, &p->vData, vArray, k ) Vec_FltForEachEntry( vArray, Entry, i ) // delay/slew Vec_FltWriteEntry( vArray, i, Time * Entry ); } void Abc_SclLibNormalize( SC_Lib * p ) { SC_WireLoad * pWL; SC_Cell * pCell; SC_Pin * pPin; SC_Timings * pTimings; SC_Timing * pTiming; int i, k, m, n; float Time = 1.0 * pow(10.0, 12 - p->unit_time); float Load = p->unit_cap_fst * pow(10.0, 15 - p->unit_cap_snd); if ( Time == 1 && Load == 1 ) return; p->unit_time = 12; p->unit_cap_fst = 1; p->unit_cap_snd = 15; p->default_max_out_slew *= Time; SC_LibForEachWireLoad( p, pWL, i ) pWL->cap *= Load; SC_LibForEachCell( p, pCell, i ) SC_CellForEachPin( pCell, pPin, k ) { pPin->cap *= Load; pPin->rise_cap *= Load; pPin->fall_cap *= Load; pPin->max_out_cap *= Load; pPin->max_out_slew *= Time; SC_PinForEachRTiming( pPin, pTimings, m ) Vec_PtrForEachEntry( SC_Timing *, &pTimings->vTimings, pTiming, n ) { Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( &pTiming->pCellRise, Time, Load ); Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( &pTiming->pCellFall, Time, Load ); Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( &pTiming->pRiseTrans, Time, Load ); Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( &pTiming->pFallTrans, Time, Load ); } } } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Derives simple GENLIB library.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Vec_Str_t * Abc_SclProduceGenlibStrSimple( SC_Lib * p ) { char Buffer[200]; Vec_Str_t * vStr; SC_Cell * pCell; SC_Pin * pPin, * pPinOut; int i, j, k, Count = 2; // mark skipped cells // Abc_SclMarkSkippedCells( p ); vStr = Vec_StrAlloc( 1000 ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "GATE _const0_ 0.00 z=CONST0;\n" ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "GATE _const1_ 0.00 z=CONST1;\n" ); SC_LibForEachCell( p, pCell, i ) { if ( pCell->n_inputs == 0 ) continue; assert( strlen(pCell->pName) < 200 ); SC_CellForEachPinOut( pCell, pPinOut, j ) { Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "GATE " ); sprintf( Buffer, "%-16s", pCell->pName ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " " ); sprintf( Buffer, "%7.2f", pCell->area ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " " ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pPinOut->pName ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "=" ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pPinOut->func_text ? pPinOut->func_text : "?" ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, ";\n" ); SC_CellForEachPinIn( pCell, pPin, k ) { Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " PIN " ); sprintf( Buffer, "%-4s", pPin->pName ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); sprintf( Buffer, " UNKNOWN 1 999 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00\n" ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); } Count++; } } Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "\n.end\n" ); Vec_StrPush( vStr, '\0' ); // printf( "GENLIB library with %d gates is produced:\n", Count ); // printf( "%s", Vec_StrArray(vStr) ); return vStr; } Mio_Library_t * Abc_SclDeriveGenlibSimple( void * pScl ) { SC_Lib * p = (SC_Lib *)pScl; Vec_Str_t * vStr = Abc_SclProduceGenlibStrSimple( p ); Mio_Library_t * pLib = Mio_LibraryRead( p->pFileName, Vec_StrArray(vStr), NULL, 0 ); Vec_StrFree( vStr ); if ( pLib ) printf( "Derived GENLIB library \"%s\" with %d gates.\n", p->pName, SC_LibCellNum(p) ); else printf( "Reading library has filed.\n" ); return pLib; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Derive GENLIB library.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Vec_Str_t * Abc_SclProduceGenlibStr( SC_Lib * p, float Slew, float Gain, int nGatesMin, int * pnCellCount ) { char Buffer[200]; Vec_Str_t * vStr; SC_Cell * pRepr; SC_Pin * pPin; int i, k, Count = 2, nClassMax = 0; // find the largest number of cells in a class SC_LibForEachCellClass( p, pRepr, i ) if ( pRepr->n_outputs == 1 ) nClassMax = Abc_MaxInt( nClassMax, Abc_SclClassCellNum(pRepr) ); // update the number if ( nGatesMin && nGatesMin >= nClassMax ) nGatesMin = 0; // mark skipped cells Abc_SclMarkSkippedCells( p ); vStr = Vec_StrAlloc( 1000 ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "GATE _const0_ 0.00 z=CONST0;\n" ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "GATE _const1_ 0.00 z=CONST1;\n" ); SC_LibForEachCellClass( p, pRepr, i ) { if ( pRepr->n_inputs == 0 ) continue; if ( pRepr->n_outputs > 1 ) continue; if ( nGatesMin && pRepr->n_inputs > 2 && Abc_SclClassCellNum(pRepr) < nGatesMin ) continue; assert( strlen(pRepr->pName) < 200 ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "GATE " ); sprintf( Buffer, "%-16s", pRepr->pName ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " " ); // sprintf( Buffer, "%7.2f", Abc_SclComputeAreaClass(pRepr) ); sprintf( Buffer, "%7.2f", pRepr->area ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " " ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, SC_CellPinName(pRepr, pRepr->n_inputs) ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "=" ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, SC_CellPinOutFunc(pRepr, 0) ? SC_CellPinOutFunc(pRepr, 0) : "?" ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, ";\n" ); SC_CellForEachPinIn( pRepr, pPin, k ) { float Delay = Abc_SclComputeDelayClassPin( p, pRepr, k, Slew, Gain ); assert( Delay > 0 ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " PIN " ); sprintf( Buffer, "%-4s", pPin->pName ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); sprintf( Buffer, " UNKNOWN 1 999 %7.2f 0.00 %7.2f 0.00\n", Delay, Delay ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); } Count++; } Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "\n.end\n" ); Vec_StrPush( vStr, '\0' ); // printf( "GENLIB library with %d gates is produced:\n", Count ); // printf( "%s", Vec_StrArray(vStr) ); if ( pnCellCount ) *pnCellCount = Count; return vStr; } Vec_Str_t * Abc_SclProduceGenlibStrProfile( SC_Lib * p, Mio_Library_t * pLib, float Slew, float Gain, int nGatesMin, int * pnCellCount ) { char Buffer[200]; Vec_Str_t * vStr; SC_Cell * pRepr; SC_Pin * pPin; int i, k, Count = 2, nClassMax = 0; // find the largest number of cells in a class SC_LibForEachCellClass( p, pRepr, i ) if ( pRepr->n_outputs == 1 ) nClassMax = Abc_MaxInt( nClassMax, Abc_SclClassCellNum(pRepr) ); // update the number if ( nGatesMin && nGatesMin >= nClassMax ) nGatesMin = 0; // mark skipped cells Abc_SclMarkSkippedCells( p ); vStr = Vec_StrAlloc( 1000 ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "GATE _const0_ 0.00 z=CONST0;\n" ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "GATE _const1_ 0.00 z=CONST1;\n" ); SC_LibForEachCell( p, pRepr, i ) { if ( pRepr->n_inputs == 0 ) continue; if ( pRepr->n_outputs > 1 ) continue; if ( nGatesMin && pRepr->n_inputs > 2 && Abc_SclClassCellNum(pRepr) < nGatesMin ) continue; // check if the gate is in the profile if ( pRepr->n_inputs > 1 ) { Mio_Gate_t * pGate = Mio_LibraryReadGateByName( pLib, pRepr->pName, NULL ); if ( pGate == NULL || Mio_GateReadProfile(pGate) == 0 ) continue; } // process gate assert( strlen(pRepr->pName) < 200 ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "GATE " ); sprintf( Buffer, "%-16s", pRepr->pName ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " " ); // sprintf( Buffer, "%7.2f", Abc_SclComputeAreaClass(pRepr) ); sprintf( Buffer, "%7.2f", pRepr->area ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " " ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, SC_CellPinName(pRepr, pRepr->n_inputs) ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "=" ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, SC_CellPinOutFunc(pRepr, 0) ? SC_CellPinOutFunc(pRepr, 0) : "?" ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, ";\n" ); SC_CellForEachPinIn( pRepr, pPin, k ) { float Delay = Abc_SclComputeDelayClassPin( p, pRepr, k, Slew, Gain ); assert( Delay > 0 ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " PIN " ); sprintf( Buffer, "%-4s", pPin->pName ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); sprintf( Buffer, " UNKNOWN 1 999 %7.2f 0.00 %7.2f 0.00\n", Delay, Delay ); Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Buffer ); } Count++; } Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "\n.end\n" ); Vec_StrPush( vStr, '\0' ); // printf( "GENLIB library with %d gates is produced:\n", Count ); // printf( "%s", Vec_StrArray(vStr) ); if ( pnCellCount ) *pnCellCount = Count; return vStr; } void Abc_SclDumpGenlib( char * pFileName, SC_Lib * p, float SlewInit, float Gain, int nGatesMin ) { int nCellCount = 0; char FileName[1000]; float Slew = (SlewInit == 0) ? Abc_SclComputeAverageSlew(p) : SlewInit; Vec_Str_t * vStr; FILE * pFile; if ( pFileName == NULL ) sprintf( FileName, "%s_s%03d_g%03d_m%d.genlib", p->pName, (int)Slew, (int)Gain, nGatesMin ); else sprintf( FileName, "%s", pFileName ); pFile = fopen( FileName, "wb" ); if ( pFile == NULL ) { printf( "Cannot open file \"%s\" for writing.\n", FileName ); return; } vStr = Abc_SclProduceGenlibStr( p, Slew, Gain, nGatesMin, &nCellCount ); fprintf( pFile, "%s", Vec_StrArray(vStr) ); Vec_StrFree( vStr ); fclose( pFile ); printf( "Written GENLIB library with %d gates into file \"%s\".\n", nCellCount, FileName ); } Mio_Library_t * Abc_SclDeriveGenlib( void * pScl, void * pMio, float SlewInit, float Gain, int nGatesMin, int fVerbose ) { int nCellCount = 0; SC_Lib * p = (SC_Lib *)pScl; float Slew = (SlewInit == 0) ? Abc_SclComputeAverageSlew(p) : SlewInit; Vec_Str_t * vStr; Mio_Library_t * pLib; if ( pMio == NULL ) vStr = Abc_SclProduceGenlibStr( p, Slew, Gain, nGatesMin, &nCellCount ); else vStr = Abc_SclProduceGenlibStrProfile( p, (Mio_Library_t *)pMio, Slew, Gain, nGatesMin, &nCellCount ); pLib = Mio_LibraryRead( p->pFileName, Vec_StrArray(vStr), NULL, 0 ); Vec_StrFree( vStr ); if ( !pLib ) printf( "Reading library has filed.\n" ); else if ( fVerbose ) printf( "Derived GENLIB library \"%s\" with %d gates using slew %.2f ps and gain %.2f.\n", p->pName, nCellCount, Slew, Gain ); return pLib; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Install library.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ void Abc_SclInstallGenlib( void * pScl, float SlewInit, float Gain, int nGatesMin ) { SC_Lib * p = (SC_Lib *)pScl; Vec_Str_t * vStr, * vStr2; float Slew = (SlewInit == 0) ? Abc_SclComputeAverageSlew(p) : SlewInit; int RetValue, nGateCount = SC_LibCellNum(p); if ( Gain == 0 ) vStr = Abc_SclProduceGenlibStrSimple(p); else vStr = Abc_SclProduceGenlibStr( p, Slew, Gain, nGatesMin, &nGateCount ); vStr2 = Vec_StrDup( vStr ); RetValue = Mio_UpdateGenlib2( vStr, vStr2, p->pName, 0 ); Vec_StrFree( vStr ); Vec_StrFree( vStr2 ); if ( !RetValue ) printf( "Reading library has filed.\n" ); else if ( Gain != 0 ) printf( "Derived GENLIB library \"%s\" with %d gates using slew %.2f ps and gain %.2f.\n", p->pName, nGateCount, Slew, Gain ); // else // printf( "Derived unit-delay GENLIB library \"%s\" with %d gates.\n", p->pName, nGateCount ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// END OF FILE /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_END