
  FileName    [kitPla.c]

  SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]

  PackageName [Computation kit.]

  Synopsis    [Manipulating SOP in the form of a C-string.]

  Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

  Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - Dec 6, 2006.]

  Revision    [$Id: kitPla.c,v 1.00 2006/12/06 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]


#include "kit.h"
#include "aig/aig/aig.h"


///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///


  Synopsis    [Checks if the cover is constant 0.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Kit_PlaIsConst0( char * pSop )
    return pSop[0] == ' ' && pSop[1] == '0';


  Synopsis    [Checks if the cover is constant 1.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Kit_PlaIsConst1( char * pSop )
    return pSop[0] == ' ' && pSop[1] == '1';


  Synopsis    [Checks if the cover is a buffer.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Kit_PlaIsBuf( char * pSop )
    if ( pSop[4] != 0 )
        return 0;
    if ( (pSop[0] == '1' && pSop[2] == '1') || (pSop[0] == '0' && pSop[2] == '0') )
        return 1;
    return 0;


  Synopsis    [Checks if the cover is an inverter.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Kit_PlaIsInv( char * pSop )
    if ( pSop[4] != 0 )
        return 0;
    if ( (pSop[0] == '0' && pSop[2] == '1') || (pSop[0] == '1' && pSop[2] == '0') )
        return 1;
    return 0;


  Synopsis    [Reads the number of variables in the cover.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Kit_PlaGetVarNum( char * pSop )
    char * pCur;
    for ( pCur = pSop; *pCur != '\n'; pCur++ )
        if ( *pCur == 0 )
            return -1;
    return pCur - pSop - 2;


  Synopsis    [Reads the number of cubes in the cover.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Kit_PlaGetCubeNum( char * pSop )
    char * pCur;
    int nCubes = 0;
    if ( pSop == NULL )
        return 0;
    for ( pCur = pSop; *pCur; pCur++ )
        nCubes += (*pCur == '\n');
    return nCubes;


  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Kit_PlaIsComplement( char * pSop )
    char * pCur;
    for ( pCur = pSop; *pCur; pCur++ )
        if ( *pCur == '\n' )
            return (int)(*(pCur - 1) == '0' || *(pCur - 1) == 'n');
    assert( 0 );
    return 0;


  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Kit_PlaComplement( char * pSop )
    char * pCur;
    for ( pCur = pSop; *pCur; pCur++ )
        if ( *pCur == '\n' )
            if ( *(pCur - 1) == '0' )
                *(pCur - 1) = '1';
            else if ( *(pCur - 1) == '1' )
                *(pCur - 1) = '0';
            else if ( *(pCur - 1) == 'x' )
                *(pCur - 1) = 'n';
            else if ( *(pCur - 1) == 'n' )
                *(pCur - 1) = 'x';
                assert( 0 );


  Synopsis    [Creates the constant 1 cover with the given number of variables and cubes.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

char * Kit_PlaStart( void * p, int nCubes, int nVars )
    Aig_MmFlex_t * pMan = (Aig_MmFlex_t *)p;
    char * pSopCover, * pCube;
    int i, Length;

    Length = nCubes * (nVars + 3);
    pSopCover = Aig_MmFlexEntryFetch( pMan, Length + 1 );
    memset( pSopCover, '-', (size_t)Length );
    pSopCover[Length] = 0;

    for ( i = 0; i < nCubes; i++ )
        pCube = pSopCover + i * (nVars + 3);
        pCube[nVars + 0] = ' ';
        pCube[nVars + 1] = '1';
        pCube[nVars + 2] = '\n';
    return pSopCover;


  Synopsis    [Creates the cover from the ISOP computed from TT.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

char * Kit_PlaCreateFromIsop( void * p, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover )
    Aig_MmFlex_t * pMan = (Aig_MmFlex_t *)p;
    char * pSop, * pCube;
    int i, k, Entry, Literal;
    assert( Vec_IntSize(vCover) > 0 );
    if ( Vec_IntSize(vCover) == 0 )
        return NULL;
    // start the cover
    pSop = Kit_PlaStart( pMan, Vec_IntSize(vCover), nVars );
    // create cubes
    Vec_IntForEachEntry( vCover, Entry, i )
        pCube = pSop + i * (nVars + 3);
        for ( k = 0; k < nVars; k++ )
            Literal = 3 & (Entry >> (k << 1));
            if ( Literal == 1 )
                pCube[k] = '0';
            else if ( Literal == 2 )
                pCube[k] = '1';
            else if ( Literal != 0 )
                assert( 0 );
    return pSop;


  Synopsis    [Creates the cover from the ISOP computed from TT.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Kit_PlaToIsop( char * pSop, Vec_Int_t * vCover )
    char * pCube;
    int k, nVars, Entry;
    nVars = Kit_PlaGetVarNum( pSop );
    assert( nVars > 0 );
    // create cubes
    Vec_IntClear( vCover );
    for ( pCube = pSop; *pCube; pCube += nVars + 3 )
        Entry = 0;
        for ( k = nVars - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
            if ( pCube[k] == '0' )
                Entry = (Entry << 2) | 1;
            else if ( pCube[k] == '1' )
                Entry = (Entry << 2) | 2;
            else if ( pCube[k] == '-' )
                Entry = (Entry << 2);
                assert( 0 );
        Vec_IntPush( vCover, Entry );


  Synopsis    [Allocates memory and copies the SOP into it.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

char * Kit_PlaStoreSop( void * p, char * pSop )
    Aig_MmFlex_t * pMan = (Aig_MmFlex_t *)p;
    char * pStore;
    pStore = Aig_MmFlexEntryFetch( pMan, strlen(pSop) + 1 );
    strcpy( pStore, pSop );
    return pStore;


  Synopsis    [Transforms truth table into the SOP.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

char * Kit_PlaFromTruth( void * p, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover )
    Aig_MmFlex_t * pMan = (Aig_MmFlex_t *)p;
    char * pSop;
    int RetValue;
    if ( Kit_TruthIsConst0(pTruth, nVars) )
        return Kit_PlaStoreSop( pMan, " 0\n" );
    if ( Kit_TruthIsConst1(pTruth, nVars) )
        return Kit_PlaStoreSop( pMan, " 1\n" );
    RetValue = Kit_TruthIsop( pTruth, nVars, vCover, 0 ); // 1 );
    assert( RetValue == 0 || RetValue == 1 );
    pSop = Kit_PlaCreateFromIsop( pMan, nVars, vCover );
    if ( RetValue )
        Kit_PlaComplement( pSop );
    return pSop;


  Synopsis    [Creates the cover from the ISOP computed from TT.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

char * Kit_PlaFromIsop( Vec_Str_t * vStr, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover )
    int i, k, Entry, Literal;
    assert( Vec_IntSize(vCover) > 0 );
    if ( Vec_IntSize(vCover) == 0 )
        return NULL;
    Vec_StrClear( vStr );
    Vec_IntForEachEntry( vCover, Entry, i )
        for ( k = 0; k < nVars; k++ )
            Literal = 3 & (Entry >> (k << 1));
            if ( Literal == 1 )
                Vec_StrPush( vStr, '0' );
            else if ( Literal == 2 )
                Vec_StrPush( vStr, '1' );
            else if ( Literal == 0 )
                Vec_StrPush( vStr, '-' );
                assert( 0 );
        Vec_StrPush( vStr, ' ' );
        Vec_StrPush( vStr, '1' );
        Vec_StrPush( vStr, '\n' );
    Vec_StrPush( vStr, '\0' );
    return Vec_StrArray( vStr );


  Synopsis    [Creates the SOP from TT.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

char * Kit_PlaFromTruthNew( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover, Vec_Str_t * vStr )
    char * pResult;
    // transform truth table into the SOP
    int RetValue = Kit_TruthIsop( pTruth, nVars, vCover, 1 );
    assert( RetValue == 0 || RetValue == 1 );
    // check the case of constant cover
    if ( Vec_IntSize(vCover) == 0 || (Vec_IntSize(vCover) == 1 && Vec_IntEntry(vCover,0) == 0) )
        assert( RetValue == 0 );
        Vec_StrClear( vStr );
        Vec_StrAppend( vStr, (Vec_IntSize(vCover) == 0) ? " 0\n" : " 1\n" );
        Vec_StrPush( vStr, '\0' );
        return Vec_StrArray( vStr );
    pResult = Kit_PlaFromIsop( vStr, nVars, vCover );
    if ( RetValue )
        Kit_PlaComplement( pResult );
    if ( nVars < 6 )
        assert( pTruth[0] == (unsigned)Kit_PlaToTruth6(pResult, nVars) );
    else if ( nVars == 6 )
        assert( *((ABC_UINT64_T*)pTruth) == Kit_PlaToTruth6(pResult, nVars) );
    return pResult;


  Synopsis    [Converts SOP into a truth table.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

ABC_UINT64_T Kit_PlaToTruth6( char * pSop, int nVars )
    static ABC_UINT64_T Truth[8] = {
    ABC_UINT64_T valueAnd, valueOr = Truth[6];
    int v, lit = 0;
    assert( nVars < 7 );
    do {
        valueAnd = Truth[7];
        for ( v = 0; v < nVars; v++, lit++ )
            if ( pSop[lit] == '1' )
                valueAnd &=  Truth[v];
            else if ( pSop[lit] == '0' )
                valueAnd &= ~Truth[v];
            else if ( pSop[lit] != '-' )
                assert( 0 );
        valueOr |= valueAnd;
        assert( pSop[lit] == ' ' );
        assert( pSop[lit] == '\n' );
    } while ( pSop[lit] );
    if ( Kit_PlaIsComplement(pSop) )
        valueOr = ~valueOr;
    return valueOr;


  Synopsis    [Converting SOP into a truth table.]

  Description [The SOP is represented as a C-string, as documented in 
  file "bblif.h". The truth table is returned as a bit-string composed 
  of 2^nVars bits. For functions of less than 6 variables, the full
  machine word is returned. (The truth table looks as if the function
  had 5 variables.) The use of this procedure should be limited to 
  Boolean functions with no more than 16 inputs.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Kit_PlaToTruth( char * pSop, int nVars, Vec_Ptr_t * vVars, unsigned * pTemp, unsigned * pTruth )
    int v, c, nCubes, fCompl = 0;
    assert( pSop != NULL );
    assert( nVars >= 0 );
    if ( strlen(pSop) % (nVars + 3) != 0 )
        printf( "Kit_PlaToTruth(): SOP is represented incorrectly.\n" );
    // iterate through the cubes
    Kit_TruthClear( pTruth, nVars );
    nCubes =  strlen(pSop) / (nVars + 3);
    for ( c = 0; c < nCubes; c++ )
        fCompl = (pSop[nVars+1] == '0');
        Kit_TruthFill( pTemp, nVars );
        // iterate through the literals of the cube
        for ( v = 0; v < nVars; v++ )
            if ( pSop[v] == '1' )
                Kit_TruthAnd( pTemp, pTemp, (unsigned *)Vec_PtrEntry(vVars, v), nVars );
            else if ( pSop[v] == '0' )
                Kit_TruthSharp( pTemp, pTemp, (unsigned *)Vec_PtrEntry(vVars, v), nVars );
        // add cube to storage
        Kit_TruthOr( pTruth, pTruth, pTemp, nVars );
        // go to the next cube
        pSop += (nVars + 3);
    if ( fCompl )
        Kit_TruthNot( pTruth, pTruth, nVars );

///                       END OF FILE                                ///