/**CFile**************************************************************** FileNameIn [parseEqn.c] PackageName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] Synopsis [Boolean formula parser.] Author [Alan Mishchenko] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - December 18, 2006.] Revision [$Id: parseEqn.c,v 1.0 2006/12/18 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// DECLARATIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "parseInt.h" #include "vec.h" #include "hop.h" // the list of operation symbols to be used in expressions #define PARSE_EQN_SYM_OPEN '(' // opening paranthesis #define PARSE_EQN_SYM_CLOSE ')' // closing paranthesis #define PARSE_EQN_SYM_CONST0 '0' // constant 0 #define PARSE_EQN_SYM_CONST1 '1' // constant 1 #define PARSE_EQN_SYM_NEG '!' // negation before the variable #define PARSE_EQN_SYM_AND '*' // logic AND #define PARSE_EQN_SYM_OR '+' // logic OR // the list of opcodes (also specifying operation precedence) #define PARSE_EQN_OPER_NEG 10 // negation #define PARSE_EQN_OPER_AND 9 // logic AND #define PARSE_EQN_OPER_OR 7 // logic OR #define PARSE_EQN_OPER_MARK 1 // OpStack token standing for an opening paranthesis // these are values of the internal Flag #define PARSE_EQN_FLAG_START 1 // after the opening parenthesis #define PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR 2 // after operation is received #define PARSE_EQN_FLAG_OPER 3 // after operation symbol is received #define PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR 4 // when error is detected #define PARSE_EQN_STACKSIZE 1000 static Hop_Obj_t * Parse_ParserPerformTopOp( Hop_Man_t * pMan, Parse_StackFn_t * pStackFn, int Oper ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTION DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Derives the AIG corresponding to the equation.] Description [Takes the stream to output messages, the formula, the vector of variable names and the AIG manager.] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Hop_Obj_t * Parse_FormulaParserEqn( FILE * pOutput, char * pFormInit, Vec_Ptr_t * vVarNames, Hop_Man_t * pMan ) { char * pFormula; Parse_StackFn_t * pStackFn; Parse_StackOp_t * pStackOp; Hop_Obj_t * gFunc; char * pTemp, * pName; int nParans, fFound, Flag; int Oper, Oper1, Oper2; int i, v; // make sure that the number of opening and closing parantheses is the same nParans = 0; for ( pTemp = pFormInit; *pTemp; pTemp++ ) if ( *pTemp == '(' ) nParans++; else if ( *pTemp == ')' ) nParans--; if ( nParans != 0 ) { fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): Different number of opening and closing parantheses ().\n" ); return NULL; } // copy the formula pFormula = ALLOC( char, strlen(pFormInit) + 3 ); sprintf( pFormula, "(%s)", pFormInit ); // start the stacks pStackFn = Parse_StackFnStart( PARSE_EQN_STACKSIZE ); pStackOp = Parse_StackOpStart( PARSE_EQN_STACKSIZE ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_START; for ( pTemp = pFormula; *pTemp; pTemp++ ) { switch ( *pTemp ) { // skip all spaces, tabs, and end-of-lines case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': continue; case PARSE_EQN_SYM_CONST0: Parse_StackFnPush( pStackFn, Hop_ManConst0(pMan) ); // Cudd_Ref( b0 ); if ( Flag == PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR ) { fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): No operation symbol before constant 0.\n" ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR; break; } Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR; break; case PARSE_EQN_SYM_CONST1: Parse_StackFnPush( pStackFn, Hop_ManConst1(pMan) ); // Cudd_Ref( b1 ); if ( Flag == PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR ) { fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): No operation symbol before constant 1.\n" ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR; break; } Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR; break; case PARSE_EQN_SYM_NEG: if ( Flag == PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR ) {// if NEGBEF follows a variable, AND is assumed Parse_StackOpPush( pStackOp, PARSE_EQN_OPER_AND ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_OPER; } Parse_StackOpPush( pStackOp, PARSE_EQN_OPER_NEG ); break; case PARSE_EQN_SYM_AND: case PARSE_EQN_SYM_OR: if ( Flag != PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR ) { fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): There is no variable before AND, EXOR, or OR.\n" ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR; break; } if ( *pTemp == PARSE_EQN_SYM_AND ) Parse_StackOpPush( pStackOp, PARSE_EQN_OPER_AND ); else //if ( *pTemp == PARSE_EQN_SYM_OR ) Parse_StackOpPush( pStackOp, PARSE_EQN_OPER_OR ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_OPER; break; case PARSE_EQN_SYM_OPEN: if ( Flag == PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR ) { // Parse_StackOpPush( pStackOp, PARSE_EQN_OPER_AND ); fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): An opening paranthesis follows a var without operation sign.\n" ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR; break; } Parse_StackOpPush( pStackOp, PARSE_EQN_OPER_MARK ); // after an opening bracket, it feels like starting over again Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_START; break; case PARSE_EQN_SYM_CLOSE: if ( !Parse_StackOpIsEmpty( pStackOp ) ) { while ( 1 ) { if ( Parse_StackOpIsEmpty( pStackOp ) ) { fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): There is no opening paranthesis\n" ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR; break; } Oper = Parse_StackOpPop( pStackOp ); if ( Oper == PARSE_EQN_OPER_MARK ) break; // perform the given operation if ( Parse_ParserPerformTopOp( pMan, pStackFn, Oper ) == NULL ) { fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): Unknown operation\n" ); free( pFormula ); return NULL; } } } else { fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): There is no opening paranthesis\n" ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR; break; } if ( Flag != PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR ) Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR; break; default: // scan the next name for ( i = 0; pTemp[i] && pTemp[i] != ' ' && pTemp[i] != '\t' && pTemp[i] != '\r' && pTemp[i] != '\n' && pTemp[i] != PARSE_EQN_SYM_AND && pTemp[i] != PARSE_EQN_SYM_OR && pTemp[i] != PARSE_EQN_SYM_CLOSE; i++ ) { if ( pTemp[i] == PARSE_EQN_SYM_NEG || pTemp[i] == PARSE_EQN_SYM_OPEN ) { fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): The negation sign or an opening paranthesis inside the variable name.\n" ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR; break; } } // variable name is found fFound = 0; Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vVarNames, pName, v ) if ( strncmp(pTemp, pName, i) == 0 && strlen(pName) == (unsigned)i ) { pTemp += i-1; fFound = 1; break; } if ( !fFound ) { fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): The parser cannot find var \"%s\" in the input var list.\n", pTemp ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR; break; } if ( Flag == PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR ) { fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): The variable name \"%s\" follows another var without operation sign.\n", pTemp ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR; break; } Parse_StackFnPush( pStackFn, Hop_IthVar( pMan, v ) ); // Cudd_Ref( pbVars[v] ); Flag = PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR; break; } if ( Flag == PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR ) break; // error exit else if ( Flag == PARSE_EQN_FLAG_START ) continue; // go on parsing else if ( Flag == PARSE_EQN_FLAG_VAR ) while ( 1 ) { // check if there are negations in the OpStack if ( Parse_StackOpIsEmpty(pStackOp) ) break; Oper = Parse_StackOpPop( pStackOp ); if ( Oper != PARSE_EQN_OPER_NEG ) { Parse_StackOpPush( pStackOp, Oper ); break; } else { Parse_StackFnPush( pStackFn, Hop_Not(Parse_StackFnPop(pStackFn)) ); } } else // if ( Flag == PARSE_EQN_FLAG_OPER ) while ( 1 ) { // execute all the operations in the OpStack // with precedence higher or equal than the last one Oper1 = Parse_StackOpPop( pStackOp ); // the last operation if ( Parse_StackOpIsEmpty(pStackOp) ) { // if it is the only operation, push it back Parse_StackOpPush( pStackOp, Oper1 ); break; } Oper2 = Parse_StackOpPop( pStackOp ); // the operation before the last one if ( Oper2 >= Oper1 ) { // if Oper2 precedence is higher or equal, execute it if ( Parse_ParserPerformTopOp( pMan, pStackFn, Oper2 ) == NULL ) { fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): Unknown operation\n" ); free( pFormula ); return NULL; } Parse_StackOpPush( pStackOp, Oper1 ); // push the last operation back } else { // if Oper2 precedence is lower, push them back and done Parse_StackOpPush( pStackOp, Oper2 ); Parse_StackOpPush( pStackOp, Oper1 ); break; } } } if ( Flag != PARSE_EQN_FLAG_ERROR ) { if ( !Parse_StackFnIsEmpty(pStackFn) ) { gFunc = Parse_StackFnPop(pStackFn); if ( Parse_StackFnIsEmpty(pStackFn) ) if ( Parse_StackOpIsEmpty(pStackOp) ) { Parse_StackFnFree(pStackFn); Parse_StackOpFree(pStackOp); // Cudd_Deref( gFunc ); free( pFormula ); return gFunc; } else fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): Something is left in the operation stack\n" ); else fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): Something is left in the function stack\n" ); } else fprintf( pOutput, "Parse_FormulaParserEqn(): The input string is empty\n" ); } free( pFormula ); return NULL; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Performs the operation on the top entries in the stack.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Hop_Obj_t * Parse_ParserPerformTopOp( Hop_Man_t * pMan, Parse_StackFn_t * pStackFn, int Oper ) { Hop_Obj_t * gArg1, * gArg2, * gFunc; // perform the given operation gArg2 = Parse_StackFnPop( pStackFn ); gArg1 = Parse_StackFnPop( pStackFn ); if ( Oper == PARSE_EQN_OPER_AND ) gFunc = Hop_And( pMan, gArg1, gArg2 ); else if ( Oper == PARSE_EQN_OPER_OR ) gFunc = Hop_Or( pMan, gArg1, gArg2 ); else return NULL; // Cudd_Ref( gFunc ); // Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, gArg1 ); // Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, gArg2 ); Parse_StackFnPush( pStackFn, gFunc ); return gFunc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// END OF FILE /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////