/**CFile**************************************************************** FileName [ioReadAiger.c] SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.] PackageName [Command processing package.] Synopsis [Procedures to read binary AIGER format developed by Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University (http://fmv.jku.at/)] Author [Alan Mishchenko] Affiliation [UC Berkeley] Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - December 16, 2006.] Revision [$Id: ioReadAiger.c,v 1.00 2006/12/16 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $] ***********************************************************************/ #include "io.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// DECLARATIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned Io_ReadAigerDecode( char ** ppPos ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FUNCTION DEFINITIONS /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Reads the AIG in the binary AIGER format.] Description [] SideEffects [] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ Abc_Ntk_t * Io_ReadAiger( char * pFileName, int fCheck ) { ProgressBar * pProgress; FILE * pFile; Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes, * vTerms; Abc_Obj_t * pObj, * pNode0, * pNode1; Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew; int nTotal, nInputs, nOutputs, nLatches, nAnds, nFileSize, iTerm, nDigits, i; char * pContents, * pDrivers, * pSymbols, * pCur, * pName, * pType; unsigned uLit0, uLit1, uLit; // read the file into the buffer nFileSize = Extra_FileSize( pFileName ); pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" ); pContents = ALLOC( char, nFileSize ); fread( pContents, nFileSize, 1, pFile ); fclose( pFile ); // check if the input file format is correct if ( strncmp(pContents, "aig", 3) != 0 ) { fprintf( stdout, "Wrong input file format.\n" ); return NULL; } // allocate the empty AIG pNtkNew = Abc_NtkAlloc( ABC_NTK_STRASH, ABC_FUNC_AIG, 1 ); pName = Extra_FileNameGeneric( pFileName ); pNtkNew->pName = Extra_UtilStrsav( pName ); pNtkNew->pSpec = Extra_UtilStrsav( pFileName ); free( pName ); // read the file type pCur = pContents; while ( *pCur++ != ' ' ); // read the number of objects nTotal = atoi( pCur ); while ( *pCur++ != ' ' ); // read the number of inputs nInputs = atoi( pCur ); while ( *pCur++ != ' ' ); // read the number of latches nLatches = atoi( pCur ); while ( *pCur++ != ' ' ); // read the number of outputs nOutputs = atoi( pCur ); while ( *pCur++ != ' ' ); // read the number of nodes nAnds = atoi( pCur ); while ( *pCur++ != '\n' ); // check the parameters if ( nTotal != nInputs + nLatches + nAnds ) { fprintf( stdout, "The paramters are wrong.\n" ); return NULL; } // prepare the array of nodes vNodes = Vec_PtrAlloc( 1 + nInputs + nLatches + nAnds ); Vec_PtrPush( vNodes, Abc_ObjNot( Abc_AigConst1(pNtkNew) ) ); // create the PIs for ( i = 0; i < nInputs; i++ ) { pObj = Abc_NtkCreatePi(pNtkNew); Vec_PtrPush( vNodes, pObj ); } // create the POs for ( i = 0; i < nOutputs; i++ ) { pObj = Abc_NtkCreatePo(pNtkNew); } // create the latches nDigits = Extra_Base10Log( nLatches ); for ( i = 0; i < nLatches; i++ ) { pObj = Abc_NtkCreateLatch(pNtkNew); Abc_LatchSetInit0( pObj ); pNode0 = Abc_NtkCreateBi(pNtkNew); pNode1 = Abc_NtkCreateBo(pNtkNew); Abc_ObjAddFanin( pObj, pNode0 ); Abc_ObjAddFanin( pNode1, pObj ); Vec_PtrPush( vNodes, pNode1 ); // assign names to latch and its input // Abc_ObjAssignName( pObj, Abc_ObjNameDummy("_L", i, nDigits), NULL ); // printf( "Creating latch %s with input %d and output %d.\n", Abc_ObjName(pObj), pNode0->Id, pNode1->Id ); } // remember the beginning of latch/PO literals pDrivers = pCur; // scroll to the beginning of the binary data for ( i = 0; i < nLatches + nOutputs; ) if ( *pCur++ == '\n' ) i++; // create the AND gates pProgress = Extra_ProgressBarStart( stdout, nAnds ); for ( i = 0; i < nAnds; i++ ) { Extra_ProgressBarUpdate( pProgress, i, NULL ); uLit = ((i + 1 + nInputs + nLatches) << 1); uLit1 = uLit - Io_ReadAigerDecode( &pCur ); uLit0 = uLit1 - Io_ReadAigerDecode( &pCur ); // assert( uLit1 > uLit0 ); pNode0 = Abc_ObjNotCond( Vec_PtrEntry(vNodes, uLit0 >> 1), uLit0 & 1 ); pNode1 = Abc_ObjNotCond( Vec_PtrEntry(vNodes, uLit1 >> 1), uLit1 & 1 ); assert( Vec_PtrSize(vNodes) == i + 1 + nInputs + nLatches ); Vec_PtrPush( vNodes, Abc_AigAnd(pNtkNew->pManFunc, pNode0, pNode1) ); } Extra_ProgressBarStop( pProgress ); // remember the place where symbols begin pSymbols = pCur; // read the latch driver literals pCur = pDrivers; Abc_NtkForEachLatchInput( pNtkNew, pObj, i ) { uLit0 = atoi( pCur ); while ( *pCur++ != '\n' ); pNode0 = Abc_ObjNotCond( Vec_PtrEntry(vNodes, uLit0 >> 1), (uLit0 & 1) );//^ (uLit0 < 2) ); Abc_ObjAddFanin( pObj, pNode0 ); // printf( "Adding input %d to latch input %d.\n", pNode0->Id, pObj->Id ); } // read the PO driver literals Abc_NtkForEachPo( pNtkNew, pObj, i ) { uLit0 = atoi( pCur ); while ( *pCur++ != '\n' ); pNode0 = Abc_ObjNotCond( Vec_PtrEntry(vNodes, uLit0 >> 1), (uLit0 & 1) );//^ (uLit0 < 2) ); Abc_ObjAddFanin( pObj, pNode0 ); } // read the names if present pCur = pSymbols; if ( *pCur != 'c' ) { int Counter = 0; while ( pCur < pContents + nFileSize && *pCur != 'c' ) { // get the terminal type pType = pCur; if ( *pCur == 'i' ) vTerms = pNtkNew->vPis; else if ( *pCur == 'l' ) vTerms = pNtkNew->vBoxes; else if ( *pCur == 'o' ) vTerms = pNtkNew->vPos; else { fprintf( stdout, "Wrong terminal type.\n" ); return NULL; } // get the terminal number iTerm = atoi( ++pCur ); while ( *pCur++ != ' ' ); // get the node if ( iTerm >= Vec_PtrSize(vTerms) ) { fprintf( stdout, "The number of terminal is out of bound.\n" ); return NULL; } pObj = Vec_PtrEntry( vTerms, iTerm ); if ( *pType == 'l' ) pObj = Abc_ObjFanout0(pObj); // assign the name pName = pCur; while ( *pCur++ != '\n' ); // assign this name *(pCur-1) = 0; Abc_ObjAssignName( pObj, pName, NULL ); if ( *pType == 'l' ) { Abc_ObjAssignName( Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj), Abc_ObjName(pObj), "L" ); Abc_ObjAssignName( Abc_ObjFanin0(Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj)), Abc_ObjName(pObj), "_in" ); } // mark the node as named pObj->pCopy = (Abc_Obj_t *)Abc_ObjName(pObj); } // assign the remaining names Abc_NtkForEachPi( pNtkNew, pObj, i ) { if ( pObj->pCopy ) continue; Abc_ObjAssignName( pObj, Abc_ObjName(pObj), NULL ); Counter++; } Abc_NtkForEachLatchOutput( pNtkNew, pObj, i ) { if ( pObj->pCopy ) continue; Abc_ObjAssignName( pObj, Abc_ObjName(pObj), NULL ); Abc_ObjAssignName( Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj), Abc_ObjName(pObj), "L" ); Abc_ObjAssignName( Abc_ObjFanin0(Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj)), Abc_ObjName(pObj), "_in" ); Counter++; } Abc_NtkForEachPo( pNtkNew, pObj, i ) { if ( pObj->pCopy ) continue; Abc_ObjAssignName( pObj, Abc_ObjName(pObj), NULL ); Counter++; } if ( Counter ) printf( "Io_ReadAiger(): Added %d default names for nameless I/O/register objects.\n", Counter ); } else { // printf( "Io_ReadAiger(): I/O/register names are not given. Generating short names.\n" ); Abc_NtkShortNames( pNtkNew ); } // read the name of the model if given if ( *pCur == 'c' ) { if ( !strncmp( pCur + 2, ".model", 6 ) ) { char * pTemp; for ( pTemp = pCur + 9; *pTemp && *pTemp != '\n'; pTemp++ ); *pTemp = 0; free( pNtkNew->pName ); pNtkNew->pName = Extra_UtilStrsav( pCur + 9 ); } } // skipping the comments free( pContents ); Vec_PtrFree( vNodes ); // remove the extra nodes Abc_AigCleanup( pNtkNew->pManFunc ); // check the result if ( fCheck && !Abc_NtkCheckRead( pNtkNew ) ) { printf( "Io_ReadAiger: The network check has failed.\n" ); Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkNew ); return NULL; } return pNtkNew; } /**Function************************************************************* Synopsis [Extracts one unsigned AIG edge from the input buffer.] Description [This procedure is a slightly modified version of Armin Biere's procedure "unsigned decode (FILE * file)". ] SideEffects [Updates the current reading position.] SeeAlso [] ***********************************************************************/ unsigned Io_ReadAigerDecode( char ** ppPos ) { unsigned x = 0, i = 0; unsigned char ch; // while ((ch = getnoneofch (file)) & 0x80) while ((ch = *(*ppPos)++) & 0x80) x |= (ch & 0x7f) << (7 * i++); return x | (ch << (7 * i)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// END OF FILE /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////