on: [push] jobs: build-windows: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - name: Git Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: submodules: recursive - name: Process project files to compile on Github Actions run: | sed -i 's#ABC_USE_PTHREADS\"#ABC_DONT_USE_PTHREADS\" /D \"_ALLOW_KEYWORD_MACROS=1\"#g' *.dsp awk 'BEGIN { del=0; } /# Begin Group "uap"/ { del=1; } /# End Group/ { if( del > 0 ) {del=0; next;} } del==0 {print;} ' abclib.dsp > tmp.dsp copy tmp.dsp abclib.dsp del tmp.dsp unix2dos *.dsp - name: Prepare MSVC uses: bus1/cabuild/action/msdevshell@v1 with: architecture: x86 - name: Upgrade project files to latest Visual Studio, ignoring upgrade errors, and build run: | devenv abcspace.dsw /upgrade ; if (-not $? ) { cat UpgradeLog.htm } msbuild abcspace.sln /m /nologo /p:Configuration=Release /p:PlatformTarget=x86 - name: Test Executable run: | _TEST\abc.exe -c "r i10.aig; b; ps; b; rw -l; rw -lz; b; rw -lz; b; ps; cec" - name: Stage Executable run: | mkdir staging copy _TEST/abc.exe staging/ copy UpgradeLog.htm staging/ - name: Upload pacakge artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 with: name: package path: staging/