path: root/src/sat/satoko/solver.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/sat/satoko/solver.c')
1 files changed, 718 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sat/satoko/solver.c b/src/sat/satoko/solver.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af3dcffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sat/satoko/solver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+//===--- solver.c -----------------------------------------------------------===
+// satoko: Satisfiability solver
+// This file is distributed under the BSD 2-Clause License.
+// See LICENSE for details.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "act_clause.h"
+#include "act_var.h"
+#include "solver.h"
+#include "utils/heap.h"
+#include "utils/mem.h"
+#include "utils/sort.h"
+#include "misc/util/abc_global.h"
+// Lit funtions
+ * A literal is said to be redundant in a given clause if and only if all
+ * variables in its reason are either present in that clause or (recursevely)
+ * redundant.
+ */
+static inline int lit_is_removable(solver_t* s, unsigned lit, unsigned min_level)
+ unsigned top = vec_uint_size(s->tagged);
+ assert(lit_reason(s, lit) != UNDEF);
+ vec_uint_clear(s->stack);
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->stack, lit2var(lit));
+ while (vec_uint_size(s->stack)) {
+ unsigned i;
+ unsigned var = vec_uint_pop_back(s->stack);
+ struct clause *c = clause_read(s, var_reason(s, var));
+ unsigned *lits = &(c->data[0].lit);
+ assert(var_reason(s, var) != UNDEF);
+ if (c->size == 2 && lit_value(s, lits[0]) == LIT_FALSE) {
+ assert(lit_value(s, lits[1]) == LIT_TRUE);
+ stk_swap(unsigned, lits[0], lits[1]);
+ }
+ /* Check scan the literals of the reason clause.
+ * The first literal is skiped because is the literal itself. */
+ for (i = 1; i < c->size; i++) {
+ var = lit2var(lits[i]);
+ /* Check if the variable has already been seen or if it
+ * was assinged a value at the decision level 0. In a
+ * positive case, there is no need to look any further */
+ if (vec_char_at(s->seen, var) || var_dlevel(s, var) == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* If the variable has a reason clause and if it was
+ * assingned at a 'possible' level, then we need to
+ * check if it is recursively redundant, otherwise the
+ * literal being checked is not redundant */
+ if (var_reason(s, var) != UNDEF && ((1 << (var_dlevel(s, var) & 31)) & min_level)) {
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->stack, var);
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->tagged, var);
+ vec_char_assign(s->seen, var, 1);
+ } else {
+ vec_uint_foreach_start(s->tagged, var, i, top)
+ vec_char_assign(s->seen, var, 0);
+ vec_uint_shrink(s->tagged, top);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Clause functions
+/* Calculate clause LBD (Literal Block Distance):
+ * - It's the number of variables in the final conflict clause that come from
+ * different decision levels
+ */
+static inline unsigned clause_clac_lbd(solver_t *s, unsigned *lits, unsigned size)
+ unsigned i;
+ unsigned lbd = 0;
+ s->cur_stamp++;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ unsigned level = lit_dlevel(s, lits[i]);
+ if (vec_uint_at(s->stamps, level) != s->cur_stamp) {
+ vec_uint_assign(s->stamps, level, s->cur_stamp);
+ lbd++;
+ }
+ }
+ return lbd;
+static inline void clause_bin_resolution(solver_t *s, vec_uint_t *clause_lits)
+ unsigned *lits = vec_uint_data(clause_lits);
+ unsigned counter, sz, i;
+ unsigned lit;
+ unsigned neg_lit = lit_neg(lits[0]);
+ struct watcher *w;
+ s->cur_stamp++;
+ vec_uint_foreach(clause_lits, lit, i)
+ vec_uint_assign(s->stamps, lit2var(lit), s->cur_stamp);
+ counter = 0;
+ watch_list_foreach_bin(s->watches, w, neg_lit) {
+ unsigned imp_lit = w->blocker;
+ if (vec_uint_at(s->stamps, lit2var(imp_lit)) == s->cur_stamp &&
+ lit_value(s, imp_lit) == LIT_TRUE) {
+ counter++;
+ vec_uint_assign(s->stamps, lit2var(imp_lit), (s->cur_stamp - 1));
+ }
+ }
+ if (counter > 0) {
+ sz = vec_uint_size(clause_lits) - 1;
+ for (i = 1; i < vec_uint_size(clause_lits) - counter; i++)
+ if (vec_uint_at(s->stamps, lit2var(lits[i])) != s->cur_stamp) {
+ stk_swap(unsigned, lits[i], lits[sz]);
+ i--;
+ sz--;
+ }
+ vec_uint_shrink(clause_lits, vec_uint_size(clause_lits) - counter);
+ }
+static inline void clause_minimize(solver_t *s, vec_uint_t *clause_lits)
+ unsigned i, j;
+ unsigned *lits = vec_uint_data(clause_lits);
+ unsigned min_level = 0;
+ unsigned clause_size;
+ for (i = 1; i < vec_uint_size(clause_lits); i++) {
+ unsigned level = lit_dlevel(s, lits[i]);
+ min_level |= 1 << (level & 31);
+ }
+ /* Remove reduntant literals */
+ vec_uint_foreach(clause_lits, i, j)
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->tagged, lit2var(i));
+ for (i = j = 1; i < vec_uint_size(clause_lits); i++)
+ if (lit_reason(s, lits[i]) == UNDEF || !lit_is_removable(s, lits[i], min_level))
+ lits[j++] = lits[i];
+ vec_uint_shrink(clause_lits, j);
+ /* Binary Resolution */
+ clause_size = vec_uint_size(clause_lits);
+ if (clause_size <= s->opts.clause_max_sz_bin_resol &&
+ clause_clac_lbd(s, lits, clause_size) <= s->opts.clause_min_lbd_bin_resol)
+ clause_bin_resolution(s, clause_lits);
+static inline void clause_realloc(struct cdb *dest, struct cdb *src, unsigned *cref)
+ unsigned new_cref;
+ struct clause *new_clause;
+ struct clause *old_clause = cdb_handler(src, *cref);
+ if (old_clause->f_reallocd) {
+ *cref = (unsigned) old_clause->size;
+ return;
+ }
+ new_cref = cdb_append(dest, 3 + old_clause->f_learnt + old_clause->size);
+ new_clause = cdb_handler(dest, new_cref);
+ memcpy(new_clause, old_clause, (3 + old_clause->f_learnt + old_clause->size) * 4);
+ old_clause->f_reallocd = 1;
+ old_clause->size = (unsigned) new_cref;
+ *cref = new_cref;
+// Solver internal functions
+static inline unsigned solver_decide(solver_t *s)
+ unsigned next_var = UNDEF;
+ while (next_var == UNDEF || var_value(s, next_var) != VAR_UNASSING) {
+ if (heap_size(s->var_order) == 0) {
+ next_var = UNDEF;
+ return UNDEF;
+ }
+ next_var = heap_remove_min(s->var_order);
+ if (solver_has_marks(s) && !var_mark(s, next_var))
+ next_var = UNDEF;
+ }
+ return var2lit(next_var, var_polarity(s, next_var));
+static inline void solver_new_decision(solver_t *s, unsigned lit)
+ if (solver_has_marks(s) && !var_mark(s, lit2var(lit)))
+ return;
+ assert(var_value(s, lit2var(lit)) == VAR_UNASSING);
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->trail_lim, vec_uint_size(s->trail));
+ solver_enqueue(s, lit, UNDEF);
+/* Calculate Backtrack Level from the learnt clause */
+static inline unsigned solver_calc_bt_level(solver_t *s, vec_uint_t *learnt)
+ unsigned i, tmp;
+ unsigned i_max = 1;
+ unsigned *lits = vec_uint_data(learnt);
+ unsigned max = lit_dlevel(s, lits[1]);
+ if (vec_uint_size(learnt) == 1)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 2; i < vec_uint_size(learnt); i++) {
+ if (lit_dlevel(s, lits[i]) > max) {
+ max = lit_dlevel(s, lits[i]);
+ i_max = i;
+ }
+ }
+ tmp = lits[1];
+ lits[1] = lits[i_max];
+ lits[i_max] = tmp;
+ return lit_dlevel(s, lits[1]);
+ * Most books and papers explain conflict analysis and the calculation of the
+ * 1UIP (first Unique Implication Point) using an implication graph. This
+ * function, however, do not explicity constructs the graph! It inspects the
+ * trail in reverse and figure out which literals should be added to the
+ * to-be-learnt clause using the reasons of each assignment.
+ *
+ * cur_lit: current literal being analyzed.
+ * n_paths: number of unprocessed paths from conlfict node to the current
+ * literal being analyzed (cur_lit).
+ *
+ * This functions performs a backward BFS (breadth-first search) for 1UIP node.
+ * The trail works as the BFS queue. The counter of unprocessed but seen
+ * variables (n_paths) allows us to identify when 'cur_lit' is the closest
+ * cause of conflict.
+ *
+ * When 'n_paths' reaches zero it means there are no unprocessed reverse paths
+ * back from the conflict node to 'cur_lit' - meaning it is the 1UIP decision
+ * variable.
+ *
+ */
+static inline void solver_analyze(solver_t *s, unsigned cref, vec_uint_t *learnt,
+ unsigned *bt_level, unsigned *lbd)
+ unsigned i;
+ unsigned *trail = vec_uint_data(s->trail);
+ unsigned idx = vec_uint_size(s->trail) - 1;
+ unsigned n_paths = 0;
+ unsigned p = UNDEF;
+ unsigned var;
+ vec_uint_push_back(learnt, UNDEF);
+ do {
+ struct clause *clause;
+ unsigned *lits;
+ unsigned j;
+ assert(cref != UNDEF);
+ clause = clause_read(s, cref);
+ lits = &(clause->data[0].lit);
+ if (p != UNDEF && clause->size == 2 && lit_value(s, lits[0]) == LIT_FALSE) {
+ assert(lit_value(s, lits[1]) == LIT_TRUE);
+ stk_swap(unsigned, lits[0], lits[1] );
+ }
+ if (clause->f_learnt)
+ clause_act_bump(s, clause);
+ if (clause->f_learnt && clause->lbd > 2) {
+ unsigned n_levels = clause_clac_lbd(s, lits, clause->size);
+ if (n_levels + 1 < clause->lbd) {
+ if (clause->lbd <= s->opts.lbd_freeze_clause)
+ clause->f_deletable = 0;
+ clause->lbd = n_levels;
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = (p == UNDEF ? 0 : 1); j < clause->size; j++) {
+ var = lit2var(lits[j]);
+ if (vec_char_at(s->seen, var) || var_dlevel(s, var) == 0)
+ continue;
+ vec_char_assign(s->seen, var, 1);
+ var_act_bump(s, var);
+ if (var_dlevel(s, var) == solver_dlevel(s)) {
+ n_paths++;
+ if (var_reason(s, var) != UNDEF && clause_read(s, var_reason(s, var))->f_learnt)
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->last_dlevel, var);
+ } else
+ vec_uint_push_back(learnt, lits[j]);
+ }
+ while (!vec_char_at(s->seen, lit2var(trail[idx--])));
+ p = trail[idx + 1];
+ cref = lit_reason(s, p);
+ vec_char_assign(s->seen, lit2var(p), 0);
+ n_paths--;
+ } while (n_paths > 0);
+ vec_uint_data(learnt)[0] = lit_neg(p);
+ clause_minimize(s, learnt);
+ *bt_level = solver_calc_bt_level(s, learnt);
+ *lbd = clause_clac_lbd(s, vec_uint_data(learnt), vec_uint_size(learnt));
+ if (vec_uint_size(s->last_dlevel) > 0) {
+ vec_uint_foreach(s->last_dlevel, var, i) {
+ if (clause_read(s, var_reason(s, var))->lbd < *lbd)
+ var_act_bump(s, var);
+ }
+ vec_uint_clear(s->last_dlevel);
+ }
+ vec_uint_foreach(s->tagged, var, i)
+ vec_char_assign(s->seen, var, 0);
+ vec_uint_clear(s->tagged);
+static inline int solver_rst(solver_t *s)
+ return b_queue_is_valid(s->bq_lbd) &&
+ (((long)b_queue_avg(s->bq_lbd) * s->opts.f_rst) > (s->sum_lbd / s->stats.n_conflicts));
+static inline int solver_block_rst(solver_t *s)
+ return s->stats.n_conflicts > (int)s->opts.fst_block_rst &&
+ b_queue_is_valid(s->bq_lbd) &&
+ ((long)vec_uint_size(s->trail) > (s->opts.b_rst * (long)b_queue_avg(s->bq_trail)));
+static inline void solver_handle_conflict(solver_t *s, unsigned confl_cref)
+ unsigned bt_level;
+ unsigned lbd;
+ unsigned cref;
+ vec_uint_clear(s->temp_lits);
+ solver_analyze(s, confl_cref, s->temp_lits, &bt_level, &lbd);
+ s->sum_lbd += lbd;
+ b_queue_push(s->bq_lbd, lbd);
+ solver_cancel_until(s, bt_level);
+ cref = UNDEF;
+ if (vec_uint_size(s->temp_lits) > 1) {
+ cref = solver_clause_create(s, s->temp_lits, 1);
+ clause_watch(s, cref);
+ }
+ solver_enqueue(s, vec_uint_at(s->temp_lits, 0), cref);
+ var_act_decay(s);
+ clause_act_decay(s);
+static inline void solver_analyze_final(solver_t *s, unsigned lit)
+ int i;
+ vec_uint_clear(s->final_conflict);
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->final_conflict, lit);
+ if (solver_dlevel(s) == 0)
+ return;
+ vec_char_assign(s->seen, lit2var(lit), 1);
+ for (i = (int) vec_uint_size(s->trail) - 1; i >= (int) vec_uint_at(s->trail_lim, 0); i--) {
+ unsigned var = lit2var(vec_uint_at(s->trail, i));
+ if (vec_char_at(s->seen, var)) {
+ unsigned reason = var_reason(s, var);
+ if (reason == UNDEF) {
+ assert(var_dlevel(s, var) > 0);
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->final_conflict, lit_neg(vec_uint_at(s->trail, i)));
+ } else {
+ unsigned j;
+ struct clause *clause = clause_read(s, reason);
+ for (j = (clause->size == 2 ? 0 : 1); j < clause->size; j++) {
+ if (lit_dlevel(s, clause->data[j].lit) > 0)
+ vec_char_assign(s->seen, lit2var(clause->data[j].lit), 1);
+ }
+ }
+ vec_char_assign(s->seen, var, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ vec_char_assign(s->seen, lit2var(lit), 0);
+static inline void solver_garbage_collect(solver_t *s)
+ unsigned i;
+ unsigned *array;
+ struct cdb *new_cdb = cdb_alloc(cdb_capacity(s->all_clauses) - cdb_wasted(s->all_clauses));
+ if (s->book_cdb)
+ s->book_cdb = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 2 * vec_char_size(s->assigns); i++) {
+ struct watcher *w;
+ watch_list_foreach(s->watches, w, i)
+ clause_realloc(new_cdb, s->all_clauses, &(w->cref));
+ }
+ /* Update CREFS */
+ for (i = 0; i < vec_uint_size(s->trail); i++)
+ if (lit_reason(s, vec_uint_at(s->trail, i)) != UNDEF)
+ clause_realloc(new_cdb, s->all_clauses, &(vec_uint_data(s->reasons)[lit2var(vec_uint_at(s->trail, i))]));
+ array = vec_uint_data(s->learnts);
+ for (i = 0; i < vec_uint_size(s->learnts); i++)
+ clause_realloc(new_cdb, s->all_clauses, &(array[i]));
+ array = vec_uint_data(s->originals);
+ for (i = 0; i < vec_uint_size(s->originals); i++)
+ clause_realloc(new_cdb, s->all_clauses, &(array[i]));
+ cdb_free(s->all_clauses);
+ s->all_clauses = new_cdb;
+static inline void solver_reduce_cdb(solver_t *s)
+ unsigned i, limit;
+ unsigned n_learnts = vec_uint_size(s->learnts);
+ unsigned cref;
+ struct clause *clause;
+ struct clause **learnts_cls;
+ learnts_cls = satoko_alloc(struct clause *, n_learnts);
+ vec_uint_foreach_start(s->learnts, cref, i, s->book_cl_lrnt)
+ learnts_cls[i] = clause_read(s, cref);
+ limit = (unsigned)(n_learnts * s->opts.learnt_ratio);
+ satoko_sort((void *)learnts_cls, n_learnts,
+ (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) clause_compare);
+ if (learnts_cls[n_learnts / 2]->lbd <= 3)
+ s->RC2 += s->opts.inc_special_reduce;
+ if (learnts_cls[n_learnts - 1]->lbd <= 6)
+ s->RC2 += s->opts.inc_special_reduce;
+ vec_uint_clear(s->learnts);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_learnts; i++) {
+ clause = learnts_cls[i];
+ cref = cdb_cref(s->all_clauses, (unsigned *)clause);
+ assert(clause->f_mark == 0);
+ if (clause->f_deletable && clause->lbd > 2 && clause->size > 2 && lit_reason(s, clause->data[0].lit) != cref && (i < limit)) {
+ clause->f_mark = 1;
+ s->stats.n_learnt_lits -= clause->size;
+ clause_unwatch(s, cref);
+ cdb_remove(s->all_clauses, clause);
+ } else {
+ if (!clause->f_deletable)
+ limit++;
+ clause->f_deletable = 1;
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->learnts, cref);
+ }
+ }
+ satoko_free(learnts_cls);
+ if (s->opts.verbose) {
+ printf("reduceDB: Keeping %7d out of %7d clauses (%5.2f %%) \n",
+ vec_uint_size(s->learnts), n_learnts,
+ 100.0 * vec_uint_size(s->learnts) / n_learnts);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ if (cdb_wasted(s->all_clauses) > cdb_size(s->all_clauses) * s->opts.garbage_max_ratio)
+ solver_garbage_collect(s);
+// Solver external functions
+unsigned solver_clause_create(solver_t *s, vec_uint_t *lits, unsigned f_learnt)
+ struct clause *clause;
+ unsigned cref;
+ unsigned n_words;
+ assert(vec_uint_size(lits) > 1);
+ assert(f_learnt == 0 || f_learnt == 1);
+ n_words = 3 + f_learnt + vec_uint_size(lits);
+ cref = cdb_append(s->all_clauses, n_words);
+ clause = clause_read(s, cref);
+ clause->f_learnt = f_learnt;
+ clause->f_mark = 0;
+ clause->f_reallocd = 0;
+ clause->f_deletable = f_learnt;
+ clause->size = vec_uint_size(lits);
+ memcpy(&(clause->data[0].lit), vec_uint_data(lits), sizeof(unsigned) * vec_uint_size(lits));
+ if (f_learnt) {
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->learnts, cref);
+ clause->lbd = clause_clac_lbd(s, vec_uint_data(lits), vec_uint_size(lits));
+ clause->data[clause->size].act = 0;
+ s->stats.n_learnt_lits += vec_uint_size(lits);
+ clause_act_bump(s, clause);
+ } else {
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->originals, cref);
+ s->stats.n_original_lits += vec_uint_size(lits);
+ }
+ return cref;
+void solver_cancel_until(solver_t *s, unsigned level)
+ int i;
+ if (solver_dlevel(s) <= level)
+ return;
+ for (i = (int) vec_uint_size(s->trail) - 1; i >= (int) vec_uint_at(s->trail_lim, level); i--) {
+ unsigned var = lit2var(vec_uint_at(s->trail, (unsigned) i));
+ vec_char_assign(s->assigns, var, VAR_UNASSING);
+ vec_uint_assign(s->reasons, var, UNDEF);
+ vec_char_assign(s->polarity, var, lit_polarity(vec_uint_at(s->trail, (unsigned) i)));
+ if (!heap_in_heap(s->var_order, var))
+ heap_insert(s->var_order, var);
+ }
+ s->i_qhead = vec_uint_at(s->trail_lim, level);
+ vec_uint_shrink(s->trail, vec_uint_at(s->trail_lim, level));
+ vec_uint_shrink(s->trail_lim, level);
+unsigned solver_propagate(solver_t *s)
+ unsigned conf_cref = UNDEF;
+ unsigned *lits;
+ unsigned neg_lit;
+ unsigned n_propagations = 0;
+ while (s->i_qhead < vec_uint_size(s->trail)) {
+ unsigned p = vec_uint_at(s->trail, s->i_qhead++);
+ struct watch_list *ws;
+ struct watcher *begin;
+ struct watcher *end;
+ struct watcher *i, *j;
+ n_propagations++;
+ watch_list_foreach_bin(s->watches, i, p) {
+ if (solver_has_marks(s) && !var_mark(s, lit2var(i->blocker)))
+ continue;
+ if (var_value(s, lit2var(i->blocker)) == VAR_UNASSING)
+ solver_enqueue(s, i->blocker, i->cref);
+ else if (lit_value(s, i->blocker) == LIT_FALSE)
+ return i->cref;
+ }
+ ws = vec_wl_at(s->watches, p);
+ begin = watch_list_array(ws);
+ end = begin + watch_list_size(ws);
+ for (i = j = begin + ws->n_bin; i < end;) {
+ struct clause *clause;
+ struct watcher w;
+ if (solver_has_marks(s) && !var_mark(s, lit2var(i->blocker))) {
+ *j++ = *i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (lit_value(s, i->blocker) == LIT_TRUE) {
+ *j++ = *i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ clause = clause_read(s, i->cref);
+ lits = &(clause->data[0].lit);
+ // Make sure the false literal is data[1]:
+ neg_lit = lit_neg(p);
+ if (lits[0] == neg_lit)
+ stk_swap(unsigned, lits[0], lits[1]);
+ assert(lits[1] == neg_lit);
+ w.cref = i->cref;
+ w.blocker = lits[0];
+ /* If 0th watch is true, then clause is already satisfied. */
+ if (lits[0] != i->blocker && lit_value(s, lits[0]) == LIT_TRUE)
+ *j++ = w;
+ else {
+ /* Look for new watch */
+ unsigned k;
+ for (k = 2; k < clause->size; k++) {
+ if (lit_value(s, lits[k]) != LIT_FALSE) {
+ lits[1] = lits[k];
+ lits[k] = neg_lit;
+ watch_list_push(vec_wl_at(s->watches, lit_neg(lits[1])), w, 0);
+ goto next;
+ }
+ }
+ *j++ = w;
+ /* Clause becomes unit under this assignment */
+ if (lit_value(s, lits[0]) == LIT_FALSE) {
+ conf_cref = i->cref;
+ s->i_qhead = vec_uint_size(s->trail);
+ i++;
+ // Copy the remaining watches:
+ while (i < end)
+ *j++ = *i++;
+ } else
+ solver_enqueue(s, lits[0], i->cref);
+ }
+ next:
+ i++;
+ }
+ s->stats.n_inspects += j - watch_list_array(ws);
+ watch_list_shrink(ws, j - watch_list_array(ws));
+ }
+ s->stats.n_propagations += n_propagations;
+ s->n_props_simplify -= n_propagations;
+ return conf_cref;
+char solver_search(solver_t *s)
+ s->stats.n_starts++;
+ while (1) {
+ unsigned confl_cref = solver_propagate(s);
+ if (confl_cref != UNDEF) {
+ s->stats.n_conflicts++;
+ if (solver_dlevel(s) == 0)
+ return SATOKO_UNSAT;
+ /* Restart heuristic */
+ b_queue_push(s->bq_trail, vec_uint_size(s->trail));
+ if (solver_block_rst(s))
+ b_queue_clean(s->bq_lbd);
+ solver_handle_conflict(s, confl_cref);
+ } else {
+ /* No conflict */
+ unsigned next_lit;
+ if (solver_rst(s)) {
+ b_queue_clean(s->bq_lbd);
+ solver_cancel_until(s, 0);
+ return SATOKO_UNDEC;
+ }
+ if (solver_dlevel(s) == 0)
+ satoko_simplify(s);
+ /* Reduce the set of learnt clauses */
+ if (s->opts.learnt_ratio &&
+ s->stats.n_conflicts >= s->n_confl_bfr_reduce) {
+ s->RC1 = (s->stats.n_conflicts / s->RC2) + 1;
+ solver_reduce_cdb(s);
+ s->RC2 += s->opts.inc_reduce;
+ s->n_confl_bfr_reduce = s->RC1 * s->RC2;
+ }
+ /* Make decisions based on user assumptions */
+ next_lit = UNDEF;
+ while (solver_dlevel(s) < vec_uint_size(s->assumptions)) {
+ unsigned lit = vec_uint_at(s->assumptions, solver_dlevel(s));
+ if (lit_value(s, lit) == LIT_TRUE) {
+ vec_uint_push_back(s->trail_lim, vec_uint_size(s->trail));
+ } else if (lit_value(s, lit) == LIT_FALSE) {
+ solver_analyze_final(s, lit_neg(lit));
+ return SATOKO_UNSAT;
+ } else {
+ next_lit = lit;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (next_lit == UNDEF) {
+ s->stats.n_decisions++;
+ next_lit = solver_decide(s);
+ if (next_lit == UNDEF)
+ return SATOKO_SAT;
+ }
+ solver_new_decision(s, next_lit);
+ }
+ }
+// Debug procedure
+void solver_debug_check(solver_t *s, int result)
+ unsigned cref, i;
+ unsigned *array;
+ printf("Checking for trail(%u) inconsistencies...", vec_uint_size(s->trail));
+ array = vec_uint_data(s->trail);
+ for (i = 1; i < vec_uint_size(s->trail); i++)
+ if (array[i - 1] == lit_neg(array[i])) {
+ printf("Inconsistent trail: %u %u\n", array[i - 1], array[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ printf(" TRAIL OK\n");
+ printf("Checking clauses... \n");
+ vec_uint_foreach(s->originals, cref, i) {
+ unsigned j;
+ struct clause *clause = clause_read(s, cref);
+ for (j = 0; j < clause->size; j++) {
+ if (vec_uint_find(s->trail, clause->data[j].lit)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result == SATOKO_SAT && j == clause->size) {
+ printf("FOUND UNSAT CLAUSE!!!!\n");
+ clause_print(clause);
+ }
+ }