path: root/src/sat/fraig/fraigMan.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/sat/fraig/fraigMan.c')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 305 deletions
diff --git a/src/sat/fraig/fraigMan.c b/src/sat/fraig/fraigMan.c
index 7fd937d5..e5979c93 100644
--- a/src/sat/fraig/fraigMan.c
+++ b/src/sat/fraig/fraigMan.c
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ int timeSelect;
int timeAssign;
@@ -40,89 +40,12 @@ int timeAssign;
SeeAlso []
-void Prove_ParamsSetDefault( Prove_Params_t * pParams )
- // clean the parameter structure
- memset( pParams, 0, sizeof(Prove_Params_t) );
- // general parameters
- pParams->fUseFraiging = 1; // enables fraiging
- pParams->fUseRewriting = 1; // enables rewriting
- pParams->fUseBdds = 0; // enables BDD construction when other methods fail
- pParams->fVerbose = 0; // prints verbose stats
- // iterations
- pParams->nItersMax = 6; // the number of iterations
- // mitering
- pParams->nMiteringLimitStart = 300; // starting mitering limit
- pParams->nMiteringLimitMulti = 2.0; // multiplicative coefficient to increase the limit in each iteration
- // rewriting (currently not used)
- pParams->nRewritingLimitStart = 3; // the number of rewriting iterations
- pParams->nRewritingLimitMulti = 1.0; // multiplicative coefficient to increase the limit in each iteration
- // fraiging
- pParams->nFraigingLimitStart = 2; // starting backtrack(conflict) limit
- pParams->nFraigingLimitMulti = 8.0; // multiplicative coefficient to increase the limit in each iteration
- // last-gasp BDD construction
- pParams->nBddSizeLimit = 1000000; // the number of BDD nodes when construction is aborted
- pParams->fBddReorder = 1; // enables dynamic BDD variable reordering
- // last-gasp mitering
-// pParams->nMiteringLimitLast = 1000000; // final mitering limit
- pParams->nMiteringLimitLast = 0; // final mitering limit
- // global SAT solver limits
- pParams->nTotalBacktrackLimit = 0; // global limit on the number of backtracks
- pParams->nTotalInspectLimit = 0; // global limit on the number of clause inspects
-// pParams->nTotalInspectLimit = 100000000; // global limit on the number of clause inspects
- Synopsis [Prints out the current values of CEC engine parameters.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Prove_ParamsPrint( Prove_Params_t * pParams )
- printf( "CEC enging parameters:\n" );
- printf( "Fraiging enabled: %s\n", pParams->fUseFraiging? "yes":"no" );
- printf( "Rewriting enabled: %s\n", pParams->fUseRewriting? "yes":"no" );
- printf( "BDD construction enabled: %s\n", pParams->fUseBdds? "yes":"no" );
- printf( "Verbose output enabled: %s\n", pParams->fVerbose? "yes":"no" );
- printf( "Solver iterations: %d\n", pParams->nItersMax );
- printf( "Starting mitering limit: %d\n", pParams->nMiteringLimitStart );
- printf( "Multiplicative coeficient for mitering: %.2f\n", pParams->nMiteringLimitMulti );
- printf( "Starting number of rewriting iterations: %d\n", pParams->nRewritingLimitStart );
- printf( "Multiplicative coeficient for rewriting: %.2f\n", pParams->nRewritingLimitMulti );
- printf( "Starting number of conflicts in fraiging: %d\n", pParams->nFraigingLimitMulti );
- printf( "Multiplicative coeficient for fraiging: %.2f\n", pParams->nRewritingLimitMulti );
- printf( "BDD size limit for bailing out: %.2f\n", pParams->nBddSizeLimit );
- printf( "BDD reordering enabled: %s\n", pParams->fBddReorder? "yes":"no" );
- printf( "Last-gasp mitering limit: %d\n", pParams->nMiteringLimitLast );
- printf( "Total conflict limit: %d\n", pParams->nTotalBacktrackLimit );
- printf( "Total inspection limit: %d\n", pParams->nTotalInspectLimit );
- printf( "Parameter dump complete.\n" );
- Synopsis [Sets the default parameters of the package.]
- Description [This set of parameters is tuned for equivalence checking.]
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
void Fraig_ParamsSetDefault( Fraig_Params_t * pParams )
memset( pParams, 0, sizeof(Fraig_Params_t) );
pParams->nPatsRand = FRAIG_PATTERNS_RANDOM; // the number of words of random simulation info
pParams->nPatsDyna = FRAIG_PATTERNS_DYNAMIC; // the number of words of dynamic simulation info
pParams->nBTLimit = 99; // the max number of backtracks to perform
- pParams->nSeconds = 20; // the max number of seconds to solve the miter
pParams->fFuncRed = 1; // performs only one level hashing
pParams->fFeedBack = 1; // enables solver feedback
pParams->fDist1Pats = 1; // enables distance-1 patterns
@@ -132,39 +55,6 @@ void Fraig_ParamsSetDefault( Fraig_Params_t * pParams )
pParams->fVerbose = 0; // the verbosiness flag
pParams->fVerboseP = 0; // the verbose flag for reporting the proof
pParams->fInternal = 0; // the flag indicates the internal run
- pParams->nConfLimit = 0; // the limit on the number of conflicts
- pParams->nInspLimit = 0; // the limit on the number of inspections
- Synopsis [Sets the default parameters of the package.]
- Description [This set of parameters is tuned for complete FRAIGing.]
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Fraig_ParamsSetDefaultFull( Fraig_Params_t * pParams )
- memset( pParams, 0, sizeof(Fraig_Params_t) );
- pParams->nPatsRand = FRAIG_PATTERNS_RANDOM; // the number of words of random simulation info
- pParams->nPatsDyna = FRAIG_PATTERNS_DYNAMIC; // the number of words of dynamic simulation info
- pParams->nBTLimit = -1; // the max number of backtracks to perform
- pParams->nSeconds = 20; // the max number of seconds to solve the miter
- pParams->fFuncRed = 1; // performs only one level hashing
- pParams->fFeedBack = 1; // enables solver feedback
- pParams->fDist1Pats = 1; // enables distance-1 patterns
- pParams->fDoSparse = 1; // performs equiv tests for sparse functions
- pParams->fChoicing = 0; // enables recording structural choices
- pParams->fTryProve = 0; // tries to solve the final miter
- pParams->fVerbose = 0; // the verbosiness flag
- pParams->fVerboseP = 0; // the verbose flag for reporting the proof
- pParams->fInternal = 0; // the flag indicates the internal run
- pParams->nConfLimit = 0; // the limit on the number of conflicts
- pParams->nInspLimit = 0; // the limit on the number of inspections
@@ -184,8 +74,7 @@ Fraig_Man_t * Fraig_ManCreate( Fraig_Params_t * pParams )
Fraig_Man_t * p;
// set the random seed for simulation
-// srand( 0xFEEDDEAF );
- srand( 0xDEADCAFE );
+ srand( 0xFEEDDEAF );
// set parameters for equivalence checking
if ( pParams == NULL )
@@ -211,7 +100,6 @@ Fraig_Man_t * Fraig_ManCreate( Fraig_Params_t * pParams )
p->nWordsRand = FRAIG_NUM_WORDS( pParams->nPatsRand ); // the number of words of random simulation info
p->nWordsDyna = FRAIG_NUM_WORDS( pParams->nPatsDyna ); // the number of patterns for dynamic simulation info
p->nBTLimit = pParams->nBTLimit; // -1 means infinite backtrack limit
- p->nSeconds = pParams->nSeconds; // the timeout for the final miter
p->fFuncRed = pParams->fFuncRed; // enables functional reduction (otherwise, only one-level hashing is performed)
p->fFeedBack = pParams->fFeedBack; // enables solver feedback (the use of counter-examples in simulation)
p->fDist1Pats = pParams->fDist1Pats; // enables solver feedback (the use of counter-examples in simulation)
@@ -220,7 +108,6 @@ Fraig_Man_t * Fraig_ManCreate( Fraig_Params_t * pParams )
p->fTryProve = pParams->fTryProve; // disable accumulation of structural choices (keeps only the first choice)
p->fVerbose = pParams->fVerbose; // disable verbose output
p->fVerboseP = pParams->fVerboseP; // disable verbose output
- p->nInspLimit = pParams->nInspLimit; // the limit on the number of inspections
// start memory managers
p->mmNodes = Fraig_MemFixedStart( sizeof(Fraig_Node_t) );
@@ -266,7 +153,7 @@ void Fraig_ManFree( Fraig_Man_t * p )
// Fraig_TablePrintStatsF( p );
// Fraig_TablePrintStatsF0( p );
for ( i = 0; i < p->vNodes->nSize; i++ )
if ( p->vNodes->pArray[i]->vFanins )
@@ -307,31 +194,6 @@ void Fraig_ManFree( Fraig_Man_t * p )
FREE( p );
- Synopsis [Prepares the SAT solver to run on the two nodes.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Fraig_ManCreateSolver( Fraig_Man_t * p )
- extern int timeSelect;
- extern int timeAssign;
- assert( p->pSat == NULL );
- // allocate data for SAT solving
- p->pSat = Msat_SolverAlloc( 500, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 );
- p->vVarsInt = Msat_SolverReadConeVars( p->pSat );
- p->vAdjacents = Msat_SolverReadAdjacents( p->pSat );
- p->vVarsUsed = Msat_SolverReadVarsUsed( p->pSat );
- timeSelect = 0;
- timeAssign = 0;
@@ -352,8 +214,8 @@ void Fraig_ManPrintStats( Fraig_Man_t * p )
(sizeof(Fraig_Node_t) + sizeof(unsigned)*(p->nWordsRand + p->nWordsDyna) /*+ p->nSuppWords*sizeof(unsigned)*/))/(1<<20);
printf( "Words: Random = %d. Dynamic = %d. Used = %d. Memory = %0.2f Mb.\n",
p->nWordsRand, p->nWordsDyna, p->iWordPerm, nMemory );
- printf( "Proof = %d. Counter-example = %d. Fail = %d. FailReal = %d. Zero = %d.\n",
- p->nSatProof, p->nSatCounter, p->nSatFails, p->nSatFailsReal, p->nSatZeros );
+ printf( "Proof = %d. Counter-example = %d. Fail = %d. Zero = %d.\n",
+ p->nSatProof, p->nSatCounter, p->nSatFails, p->nSatZeros );
printf( "Nodes: Final = %d. Total = %d. Mux = %d. (Exor = %d.) ClaVars = %d.\n",
Fraig_CountNodes(p,0), p->vNodes->nSize, Fraig_ManCountMuxes(p), Fraig_ManCountExors(p), p->nVarsClauses );
if ( p->pSat ) Msat_SolverPrintStats( p->pSat );
@@ -371,168 +233,6 @@ void Fraig_ManPrintStats( Fraig_Man_t * p )
// PRT( "Assignment", timeAssign );
- Synopsis [Allocates simulation information for all nodes.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-Fraig_NodeVec_t * Fraig_UtilInfoAlloc( int nSize, int nWords, bool fClean )
- Fraig_NodeVec_t * vInfo;
- unsigned * pUnsigned;
- int i;
- assert( nSize > 0 && nWords > 0 );
- vInfo = Fraig_NodeVecAlloc( nSize );
- pUnsigned = ALLOC( unsigned, nSize * nWords );
- vInfo->pArray[0] = (Fraig_Node_t *)pUnsigned;
- if ( fClean )
- memset( pUnsigned, 0, sizeof(unsigned) * nSize * nWords );
- for ( i = 1; i < nSize; i++ )
- vInfo->pArray[i] = (Fraig_Node_t *)(((unsigned *)vInfo->pArray[i-1]) + nWords);
- vInfo->nSize = nSize;
- return vInfo;
- Synopsis [Returns simulation info of all nodes.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-Fraig_NodeVec_t * Fraig_ManGetSimInfo( Fraig_Man_t * p )
- Fraig_NodeVec_t * vInfo;
- Fraig_Node_t * pNode;
- unsigned * pUnsigned;
- int nRandom, nDynamic;
- int i, k, nWords;
- nRandom = Fraig_ManReadPatternNumRandom( p );
- nDynamic = Fraig_ManReadPatternNumDynamic( p );
- nWords = nRandom / 32 + nDynamic / 32;
- vInfo = Fraig_UtilInfoAlloc( p->vNodes->nSize, nWords, 0 );
- for ( i = 0; i < p->vNodes->nSize; i++ )
- {
- pNode = p->vNodes->pArray[i];
- assert( i == pNode->Num );
- pUnsigned = (unsigned *)vInfo->pArray[i];
- for ( k = 0; k < nRandom / 32; k++ )
- pUnsigned[k] = pNode->puSimR[k];
- for ( k = 0; k < nDynamic / 32; k++ )
- pUnsigned[nRandom / 32 + k] = pNode->puSimD[k];
- }
- return vInfo;
- Synopsis [Returns 1 if A v B is always true based on the siminfo.]
- Description [A v B is always true iff A' * B' is always false.]
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-int Fraig_ManCheckClauseUsingSimInfo( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pNode1, Fraig_Node_t * pNode2 )
- int fCompl1, fCompl2, i;
- fCompl1 = 1 ^ Fraig_IsComplement(pNode1) ^ Fraig_Regular(pNode1)->fInv;
- fCompl2 = 1 ^ Fraig_IsComplement(pNode2) ^ Fraig_Regular(pNode2)->fInv;
- pNode1 = Fraig_Regular(pNode1);
- pNode2 = Fraig_Regular(pNode2);
- assert( pNode1 != pNode2 );
- // check the simulation info
- if ( fCompl1 && fCompl2 )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < p->nWordsRand; i++ )
- if ( ~pNode1->puSimR[i] & ~pNode2->puSimR[i] )
- return 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < p->iWordStart; i++ )
- if ( ~pNode1->puSimD[i] & ~pNode2->puSimD[i] )
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- if ( !fCompl1 && fCompl2 )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < p->nWordsRand; i++ )
- if ( pNode1->puSimR[i] & ~pNode2->puSimR[i] )
- return 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < p->iWordStart; i++ )
- if ( pNode1->puSimD[i] & ~pNode2->puSimD[i] )
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- if ( fCompl1 && !fCompl2 )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < p->nWordsRand; i++ )
- if ( ~pNode1->puSimR[i] & pNode2->puSimR[i] )
- return 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < p->iWordStart; i++ )
- if ( ~pNode1->puSimD[i] & pNode2->puSimD[i] )
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
-// if ( fCompl1 && fCompl2 )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < p->nWordsRand; i++ )
- if ( pNode1->puSimR[i] & pNode2->puSimR[i] )
- return 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < p->iWordStart; i++ )
- if ( pNode1->puSimD[i] & pNode2->puSimD[i] )
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- Synopsis [Adds clauses to the solver.]
- Description [This procedure is used to add external clauses to the solver.
- The clauses are given by sets of nodes. Each node stands for one literal.
- If the node is complemented, the literal is negated.]
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Fraig_ManAddClause( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t ** ppNodes, int nNodes )
- Fraig_Node_t * pNode;
- int i, fComp, RetValue;
- if ( p->pSat == NULL )
- Fraig_ManCreateSolver( p );
- // create four clauses
- Msat_IntVecClear( p->vProj );
- for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
- {
- pNode = Fraig_Regular(ppNodes[i]);
- fComp = Fraig_IsComplement(ppNodes[i]);
- Msat_IntVecPush( p->vProj, MSAT_VAR2LIT(pNode->Num, fComp) );
-// printf( "%d(%d) ", pNode->Num, fComp );
- }
-// printf( "\n" );
- RetValue = Msat_SolverAddClause( p->pSat, p->vProj );
- assert( RetValue );
/// END OF FILE ///