path: root/src/aig/csw/cswCut.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/aig/csw/cswCut.c')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/aig/csw/cswCut.c b/src/aig/csw/cswCut.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1cb1fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/aig/csw/cswCut.c
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+ FileName [cswCut.c]
+ SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
+ PackageName [Cut sweeping.]
+ Synopsis []
+ Author [Alan Mishchenko]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - July 11, 2007.]
+ Revision [$Id: cswCut.c,v 1.00 2007/07/11 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "cswInt.h"
+ Synopsis [Compute the cost of the cut.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+static inline int Csw_CutFindCost( Csw_Man_t * p, Csw_Cut_t * pCut )
+ Dar_Obj_t * pObj;
+ int i, Cost = 0;
+ Csw_CutForEachLeaf( p->pManRes, pCut, pObj, i )
+ Cost += pObj->nRefs;
+ return Cost * 100 / pCut->nFanins;
+ Synopsis [Returns the next free cut to use.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+static inline Csw_Cut_t * Csw_CutFindFree( Csw_Man_t * p, Dar_Obj_t * pObj )
+ Csw_Cut_t * pCut, * pCutMax;
+ int i;
+ pCutMax = NULL;
+ Csw_ObjForEachCut( p, pObj, pCut, i )
+ {
+ if ( pCut->nFanins == 0 )
+ return pCut;
+ if ( pCutMax == NULL || pCutMax->Cost < pCut->Cost )
+ pCutMax = pCut;
+ }
+ assert( pCutMax != NULL );
+ pCutMax->nFanins = 0;
+ return pCutMax;
+ Synopsis [Computes the stretching phase of the cut w.r.t. the merged cut.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+static inline unsigned Cut_TruthPhase( Csw_Cut_t * pCut, Csw_Cut_t * pCut1 )
+ unsigned uPhase = 0;
+ int i, k;
+ for ( i = k = 0; i < pCut->nFanins; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( k == pCut1->nFanins )
+ break;
+ if ( pCut->pFanins[i] < pCut1->pFanins[k] )
+ continue;
+ assert( pCut->pFanins[i] == pCut1->pFanins[k] );
+ uPhase |= (1 << i);
+ k++;
+ }
+ return uPhase;
+ Synopsis [Performs truth table computation.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+unsigned * Csw_CutComputeTruth( Csw_Man_t * p, Csw_Cut_t * pCut, Csw_Cut_t * pCut0, Csw_Cut_t * pCut1, int fCompl0, int fCompl1 )
+ // permute the first table
+ if ( fCompl0 )
+ Kit_TruthNot( p->puTemp[0], Csw_CutTruth(pCut0), p->nLeafMax );
+ else
+ Kit_TruthCopy( p->puTemp[0], Csw_CutTruth(pCut0), p->nLeafMax );
+ Kit_TruthStretch( p->puTemp[2], p->puTemp[0], pCut0->nFanins, p->nLeafMax, Cut_TruthPhase(pCut, pCut0), 0 );
+ // permute the second table
+ if ( fCompl1 )
+ Kit_TruthNot( p->puTemp[1], Csw_CutTruth(pCut1), p->nLeafMax );
+ else
+ Kit_TruthCopy( p->puTemp[1], Csw_CutTruth(pCut1), p->nLeafMax );
+ Kit_TruthStretch( p->puTemp[3], p->puTemp[1], pCut1->nFanins, p->nLeafMax, Cut_TruthPhase(pCut, pCut1), 0 );
+ // produce the resulting table
+ Kit_TruthAnd( Csw_CutTruth(pCut), p->puTemp[2], p->puTemp[3], p->nLeafMax );
+ return Csw_CutTruth(pCut);
+ Synopsis [Merges two cuts.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+static inline int Csw_CutMergeOrdered( Csw_Man_t * p, Csw_Cut_t * pC0, Csw_Cut_t * pC1, Csw_Cut_t * pC )
+ int i, k, c;
+ assert( pC0->nFanins >= pC1->nFanins );
+ // the case of the largest cut sizes
+ if ( pC0->nFanins == p->nLeafMax && pC1->nFanins == p->nLeafMax )
+ {
+ for ( i = 0; i < pC0->nFanins; i++ )
+ if ( pC0->pFanins[i] != pC1->pFanins[i] )
+ return 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pC0->nFanins; i++ )
+ pC->pFanins[i] = pC0->pFanins[i];
+ pC->nFanins = pC0->nFanins;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // the case when one of the cuts is the largest
+ if ( pC0->nFanins == p->nLeafMax )
+ {
+ for ( i = 0; i < pC1->nFanins; i++ )
+ {
+ for ( k = pC0->nFanins - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
+ if ( pC0->pFanins[k] == pC1->pFanins[i] )
+ break;
+ if ( k == -1 ) // did not find
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < pC0->nFanins; i++ )
+ pC->pFanins[i] = pC0->pFanins[i];
+ pC->nFanins = pC0->nFanins;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // compare two cuts with different numbers
+ i = k = 0;
+ for ( c = 0; c < p->nLeafMax; c++ )
+ {
+ if ( k == pC1->nFanins )
+ {
+ if ( i == pC0->nFanins )
+ {
+ pC->nFanins = c;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ pC->pFanins[c] = pC0->pFanins[i++];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( i == pC0->nFanins )
+ {
+ if ( k == pC1->nFanins )
+ {
+ pC->nFanins = c;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ pC->pFanins[c] = pC1->pFanins[k++];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( pC0->pFanins[i] < pC1->pFanins[k] )
+ {
+ pC->pFanins[c] = pC0->pFanins[i++];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( pC0->pFanins[i] > pC1->pFanins[k] )
+ {
+ pC->pFanins[c] = pC1->pFanins[k++];
+ continue;
+ }
+ pC->pFanins[c] = pC0->pFanins[i++];
+ k++;
+ }
+ if ( i < pC0->nFanins || k < pC1->nFanins )
+ return 0;
+ pC->nFanins = c;
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis [Prepares the object for FPGA mapping.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Csw_CutMerge( Csw_Man_t * p, Csw_Cut_t * pCut0, Csw_Cut_t * pCut1, Csw_Cut_t * pCut )
+ assert( p->nLeafMax > 0 );
+ // merge the nodes
+ if ( pCut0->nFanins < pCut1->nFanins )
+ {
+ if ( !Csw_CutMergeOrdered( p, pCut1, pCut0, pCut ) )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !Csw_CutMergeOrdered( p, pCut0, pCut1, pCut ) )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pCut->uSign = pCut0->uSign | pCut1->uSign;
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Csw_Cut_t * Csw_ObjPrepareCuts( Csw_Man_t * p, Dar_Obj_t * pObj, int fTriv )
+ Csw_Cut_t * pCutSet, * pCut;
+ int i;
+ // create the cutset of the node
+ pCutSet = (Csw_Cut_t *)Dar_MmFixedEntryFetch( p->pMemCuts );
+ Csw_ObjSetCuts( p, pObj, pCutSet );
+ Csw_ObjForEachCut( p, pObj, pCut, i )
+ {
+ pCut->nFanins = 0;
+ pCut->iNode = pObj->Id;
+ }
+ // add unit cut if needed
+ if ( fTriv )
+ {
+ pCut = pCutSet;
+ pCut->Cost = 0;
+ pCut->iNode = pObj->Id;
+ pCut->nFanins = 1;
+ pCut->pFanins[0] = pObj->Id;
+ pCut->uSign = Csw_ObjCutSign( pObj->Id );
+ memset( Csw_CutTruth(pCut), 0xAA, sizeof(unsigned) * p->nTruthWords );
+ }
+ return pCutSet;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Dar_Obj_t * Csw_ObjSweep( Csw_Man_t * p, Dar_Obj_t * pObj, int fTriv )
+ Csw_Cut_t * pCut0, * pCut1, * pCut, * pCutSet;
+ Dar_Obj_t * pFanin0 = Dar_ObjFanin0(pObj);
+ Dar_Obj_t * pFanin1 = Dar_ObjFanin1(pObj);
+ Dar_Obj_t * pObjNew;
+ unsigned * pTruth;
+ int i, k, nVars, iVar;
+ assert( !Dar_IsComplement(pObj) );
+ if ( !Dar_ObjIsNode(pObj) )
+ return pObj;
+ if ( Csw_ObjCuts(p, pObj) )
+ return pObj;
+ // the node is not processed yet
+ assert( Csw_ObjCuts(p, pObj) == NULL );
+ assert( Dar_ObjIsNode(pObj) );
+ // set up the first cut
+ pCutSet = Csw_ObjPrepareCuts( p, pObj, fTriv );
+ // compute pair-wise cut combinations while checking table
+ Csw_ObjForEachCut( p, pFanin0, pCut0, i )
+ if ( pCut0->nFanins > 0 )
+ Csw_ObjForEachCut( p, pFanin1, pCut1, k )
+ if ( pCut1->nFanins > 0 )
+ {
+ // make sure K-feasible cut exists
+ if ( Kit_WordCountOnes(pCut0->uSign | pCut1->uSign) > p->nLeafMax )
+ continue;
+ // get the next cut of this node
+ pCut = Csw_CutFindFree( p, pObj );
+ // assemble the new cut
+ if ( !Csw_CutMerge( p, pCut0, pCut1, pCut ) )
+ {
+ assert( pCut->nFanins == 0 );
+ continue;
+ }
+ // check containment
+ if ( Csw_CutFilter( p, pCutSet, pCut ) )
+ {
+ pCut->nFanins = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // create its truth table
+ pTruth = Csw_CutComputeTruth( p, pCut, pCut0, pCut1, Dar_ObjFaninC0(pObj), Dar_ObjFaninC1(pObj) );
+ // check for trivial truth table
+ nVars = Kit_TruthSupportSize( pTruth, p->nLeafMax );
+ if ( nVars == 0 )
+ return Dar_NotCond( Dar_ManConst1(p->pManRes), !(pTruth[0] & 1) );
+ if ( nVars == 1 )
+ {
+ iVar = Kit_WordFindFirstBit( Kit_TruthSupport(pTruth, p->nLeafMax) );
+ assert( iVar < pCut->nFanins );
+ return Dar_NotCond( Dar_ManObj(p->pManRes, pCut->pFanins[iVar]), (pTruth[0] & 1) );
+ }
+ // check if an equivalent node with the same cut exists
+ if ( pObjNew = Csw_TableCutLookup( p, pCut ) )
+ return pObjNew;
+ // assign the cost
+ pCut->Cost = Csw_CutFindCost( p, pCut );
+ assert( pCut->nFanins > 0 );
+ assert( pCut->Cost > 0 );
+ }
+ // load the resulting cuts into the table
+ Csw_ObjForEachCut( p, pObj, pCut, i )
+ if ( pCut->nFanins > 2 )
+ {
+ assert( pCut->Cost > 0 );
+ Csw_TableCutInsert( p, pCut );
+ }
+ // return the node if could not replace it
+ return pObj;
+/// END OF FILE ///