path: root/src/proof/ssw/sswInt.h
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authorAlan Mishchenko <>2012-01-21 04:30:10 -0800
committerAlan Mishchenko <>2012-01-21 04:30:10 -0800
commit8014f25f6db719fa62336f997963532a14c568f6 (patch)
treec691ee91a3a2d452a2bd24ac89a8c717beaa7af7 /src/proof/ssw/sswInt.h
parentc44cc5de9429e6b4f1c05045fcf43c9cb96437b5 (diff)
Major restructuring of the code.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/proof/ssw/sswInt.h')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/proof/ssw/sswInt.h b/src/proof/ssw/sswInt.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..acd273fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/proof/ssw/sswInt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+ FileName [sswInt.h]
+ SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
+ PackageName [Inductive prover with constraints.]
+ Synopsis [External declarations.]
+ Author [Alan Mishchenko]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - September 1, 2008.]
+ Revision [$Id: sswInt.h,v 1.00 2008/09/01 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
+#ifndef ABC__aig__ssw__sswInt_h
+#define ABC__aig__ssw__sswInt_h
+/// INCLUDES ///
+#include "src/aig/saig/saig.h"
+#include "src/sat/bsat/satSolver.h"
+#include "ssw.h"
+#include "src/aig/ioa/ioa.h"
+/// BASIC TYPES ///
+typedef struct Ssw_Man_t_ Ssw_Man_t; // signal correspondence manager
+typedef struct Ssw_Frm_t_ Ssw_Frm_t; // unrolled frames manager
+typedef struct Ssw_Sat_t_ Ssw_Sat_t; // SAT solver manager
+typedef struct Ssw_Cla_t_ Ssw_Cla_t; // equivalence classe manager
+struct Ssw_Man_t_
+ // parameters
+ Ssw_Pars_t * pPars; // parameters
+ int nFrames; // for quick lookup
+ // AIGs used in the package
+ Aig_Man_t * pAig; // user-given AIG
+ Aig_Man_t * pFrames; // final AIG
+ Aig_Obj_t ** pNodeToFrames; // mapping of AIG nodes into FRAIG nodes
+ // equivalence classes
+ Ssw_Cla_t * ppClasses; // equivalence classes of nodes
+ int fRefined; // is set to 1 when refinement happens
+ // SAT solving
+ Ssw_Sat_t * pMSatBmc; // SAT manager for base case
+ Ssw_Sat_t * pMSat; // SAT manager for inductive case
+ // SAT solving (latch corr only)
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vSimInfo; // simulation information for the framed PIs
+ int nPatterns; // the number of patterns saved
+ int nSimRounds; // the number of simulation rounds performed
+ int nCallsCount; // the number of calls in this round
+ int nCallsDelta; // the number of calls to skip
+ int nCallsSat; // the number of SAT calls in this round
+ int nCallsUnsat; // the number of UNSAT calls in this round
+ int nRecycleCalls; // the number of calls since last recycling
+ int nRecycles; // the number of time SAT solver was recycled
+ int nRecyclesTotal; // the number of time SAT solver was recycled
+ int nVarsMax; // the maximum variables in the solver
+ int nCallsMax; // the maximum number of SAT calls
+ // uniqueness
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vCommon; // the set of common variables in the logic cones
+ int iOutputLit; // the output literal of the uniqueness constraint
+ Vec_Int_t * vDiffPairs; // is set to 1 if reg pair can be diff
+ int nUniques; // the number of uniqueness constraints used
+ int nUniquesAdded; // useful uniqueness constraints
+ int nUniquesUseful; // useful uniqueness constraints
+ // dynamic constraint addition
+ int nSRMiterMaxId; // max ID after which the last frame begins
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vNewLos; // new time frame LOs of to constrain
+ Vec_Int_t * vNewPos; // new time frame POs of to add constraints
+ int * pVisited; // flags to label visited nodes in each frame
+ int nVisCounter; // the traversal ID
+ // sequential simulation
+ Ssw_Sml_t * pSml; // the simulator
+ int iNodeStart; // the first node considered
+ int iNodeLast; // the last node considered
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vResimConsts; // resimulation constants
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vResimClasses; // resimulation classes
+ Vec_Int_t * vInits; // the init values of primary inputs under constraints
+ // counter example storage
+ int nPatWords; // the number of words in the counter example
+ unsigned * pPatWords; // the counter example
+ // constraints
+ int nConstrTotal; // the number of total constraints
+ int nConstrReduced; // the number of reduced constraints
+ int nStrangers; // the number of strange situations
+ // SAT calls statistics
+ int nSatCalls; // the number of SAT calls
+ int nSatProof; // the number of proofs
+ int nSatFailsReal; // the number of timeouts
+ int nSatCallsUnsat; // the number of unsat SAT calls
+ int nSatCallsSat; // the number of sat SAT calls
+ // node/register/lit statistics
+ int nLitsBeg;
+ int nLitsEnd;
+ int nNodesBeg;
+ int nNodesEnd;
+ int nRegsBeg;
+ int nRegsEnd;
+ // equiv statistis
+ int nConesTotal;
+ int nConesConstr;
+ int nEquivsTotal;
+ int nEquivsConstr;
+ int nNodesBegC;
+ int nNodesEndC;
+ int nRegsBegC;
+ int nRegsEndC;
+ // runtime stats
+ int timeBmc; // bounded model checking
+ int timeReduce; // speculative reduction
+ int timeMarkCones; // marking the cones not to be refined
+ int timeSimSat; // simulation of the counter-examples
+ int timeSat; // solving SAT
+ int timeSatSat; // sat
+ int timeSatUnsat; // unsat
+ int timeSatUndec; // undecided
+ int timeOther; // other runtime
+ int timeTotal; // total runtime
+// internal SAT manager
+struct Ssw_Sat_t_
+ Aig_Man_t * pAig; // the AIG manager
+ int fPolarFlip; // flips polarity
+ sat_solver * pSat; // recyclable SAT solver
+ int nSatVars; // the counter of SAT variables
+ Vec_Int_t * vSatVars; // mapping of each node into its SAT var
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vFanins; // fanins of the CNF node
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vUsedPis; // the PIs with SAT variables
+ int nSolverCalls; // the total number of SAT calls
+// internal frames manager
+struct Ssw_Frm_t_
+ Aig_Man_t * pAig; // user-given AIG
+ int nObjs; // offset in terms of AIG nodes
+ int nFrames; // the number of frames in current unrolling
+ Aig_Man_t * pFrames; // unrolled AIG
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vAig2Frm; // mapping of AIG nodes into frame nodes
+static inline int Ssw_ObjSatNum( Ssw_Sat_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj ) { return Vec_IntGetEntry( p->vSatVars, pObj->Id ); }
+static inline void Ssw_ObjSetSatNum( Ssw_Sat_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int Num ) { Vec_IntSetEntry(p->vSatVars, pObj->Id, Num); }
+static inline int Ssw_ObjIsConst1Cand( Aig_Man_t * pAig, Aig_Obj_t * pObj )
+ return Aig_ObjRepr(pAig, pObj) == Aig_ManConst1(pAig);
+static inline void Ssw_ObjSetConst1Cand( Aig_Man_t * pAig, Aig_Obj_t * pObj )
+ assert( !Ssw_ObjIsConst1Cand( pAig, pObj ) );
+ Aig_ObjSetRepr( pAig, pObj, Aig_ManConst1(pAig) );
+static inline Aig_Obj_t * Ssw_ObjFrame( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int i ) { return p->pNodeToFrames[p->nFrames*pObj->Id + i]; }
+static inline void Ssw_ObjSetFrame( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int i, Aig_Obj_t * pNode ) { p->pNodeToFrames[p->nFrames*pObj->Id + i] = pNode; }
+static inline Aig_Obj_t * Ssw_ObjChild0Fra( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int i ) { assert( !Aig_IsComplement(pObj) ); return Aig_ObjFanin0(pObj)? Aig_NotCond(Ssw_ObjFrame(p, Aig_ObjFanin0(pObj), i), Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj)) : NULL; }
+static inline Aig_Obj_t * Ssw_ObjChild1Fra( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int i ) { assert( !Aig_IsComplement(pObj) ); return Aig_ObjFanin1(pObj)? Aig_NotCond(Ssw_ObjFrame(p, Aig_ObjFanin1(pObj), i), Aig_ObjFaninC1(pObj)) : NULL; }
+static inline Aig_Obj_t * Ssw_ObjFrame_( Ssw_Frm_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int i ) { return (Aig_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrGetEntry( p->vAig2Frm, p->nObjs*i+pObj->Id ); }
+static inline void Ssw_ObjSetFrame_( Ssw_Frm_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int i, Aig_Obj_t * pNode ) { Vec_PtrSetEntry( p->vAig2Frm, p->nObjs*i+pObj->Id, pNode ); }
+static inline Aig_Obj_t * Ssw_ObjChild0Fra_( Ssw_Frm_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int i ) { assert( !Aig_IsComplement(pObj) ); return Aig_ObjFanin0(pObj)? Aig_NotCond(Ssw_ObjFrame_(p, Aig_ObjFanin0(pObj), i), Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj)) : NULL; }
+static inline Aig_Obj_t * Ssw_ObjChild1Fra_( Ssw_Frm_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int i ) { assert( !Aig_IsComplement(pObj) ); return Aig_ObjFanin1(pObj)? Aig_NotCond(Ssw_ObjFrame_(p, Aig_ObjFanin1(pObj), i), Aig_ObjFaninC1(pObj)) : NULL; }
+/*=== sswAig.c ===================================================*/
+extern Ssw_Frm_t * Ssw_FrmStart( Aig_Man_t * pAig );
+extern void Ssw_FrmStop( Ssw_Frm_t * p );
+extern Aig_Man_t * Ssw_FramesWithClasses( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+extern Aig_Man_t * Ssw_SpeculativeReduction( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+/*=== sswBmc.c ===================================================*/
+/*=== sswClass.c =================================================*/
+extern Ssw_Cla_t * Ssw_ClassesStart( Aig_Man_t * pAig );
+extern void Ssw_ClassesSetData( Ssw_Cla_t * p, void * pManData,
+ unsigned (*pFuncNodeHash)(void *,Aig_Obj_t *),
+ int (*pFuncNodeIsConst)(void *,Aig_Obj_t *),
+ int (*pFuncNodesAreEqual)(void *,Aig_Obj_t *, Aig_Obj_t *) );
+extern void Ssw_ClassesStop( Ssw_Cla_t * p );
+extern Aig_Man_t * Ssw_ClassesReadAig( Ssw_Cla_t * p );
+extern Vec_Ptr_t * Ssw_ClassesGetRefined( Ssw_Cla_t * p );
+extern void Ssw_ClassesClearRefined( Ssw_Cla_t * p );
+extern int Ssw_ClassesCand1Num( Ssw_Cla_t * p );
+extern int Ssw_ClassesClassNum( Ssw_Cla_t * p );
+extern int Ssw_ClassesLitNum( Ssw_Cla_t * p );
+extern Aig_Obj_t ** Ssw_ClassesReadClass( Ssw_Cla_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pRepr, int * pnSize );
+extern void Ssw_ClassesCollectClass( Ssw_Cla_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pRepr, Vec_Ptr_t * vClass );
+extern void Ssw_ClassesCheck( Ssw_Cla_t * p );
+extern void Ssw_ClassesPrint( Ssw_Cla_t * p, int fVeryVerbose );
+extern void Ssw_ClassesRemoveNode( Ssw_Cla_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj );
+extern Ssw_Cla_t * Ssw_ClassesPrepare( Aig_Man_t * pAig, int nFramesK, int fLatchCorr, int fConstCorr, int fOutputCorr, int nMaxLevs, int fVerbose );
+extern Ssw_Cla_t * Ssw_ClassesPrepareSimple( Aig_Man_t * pAig, int fLatchCorr, int nMaxLevs );
+extern Ssw_Cla_t * Ssw_ClassesPrepareFromReprs( Aig_Man_t * pAig );
+extern Ssw_Cla_t * Ssw_ClassesPrepareTargets( Aig_Man_t * pAig );
+extern Ssw_Cla_t * Ssw_ClassesPreparePairs( Aig_Man_t * pAig, Vec_Int_t ** pvClasses );
+extern Ssw_Cla_t * Ssw_ClassesPreparePairsSimple( Aig_Man_t * pMiter, Vec_Int_t * vPairs );
+extern int Ssw_ClassesRefine( Ssw_Cla_t * p, int fRecursive );
+extern int Ssw_ClassesRefineGroup( Ssw_Cla_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vReprs, int fRecursive );
+extern int Ssw_ClassesRefineOneClass( Ssw_Cla_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pRepr, int fRecursive );
+extern int Ssw_ClassesRefineConst1Group( Ssw_Cla_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vRoots, int fRecursive );
+extern int Ssw_ClassesRefineConst1( Ssw_Cla_t * p, int fRecursive );
+extern int Ssw_ClassesPrepareRehash( Ssw_Cla_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vCands, int fConstCorr );
+/*=== sswCnf.c ===================================================*/
+extern Ssw_Sat_t * Ssw_SatStart( int fPolarFlip );
+extern void Ssw_SatStop( Ssw_Sat_t * p );
+extern void Ssw_CnfNodeAddToSolver( Ssw_Sat_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj );
+extern int Ssw_CnfGetNodeValue( Ssw_Sat_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObjFraig );
+/*=== sswConstr.c ===================================================*/
+extern int Ssw_ManSweepBmcConstr( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+extern int Ssw_ManSweepConstr( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+extern void Ssw_ManRefineByConstrSim( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+/*=== sswCore.c ===================================================*/
+extern Aig_Man_t * Ssw_SignalCorrespondenceRefine( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+/*=== sswDyn.c ===================================================*/
+extern void Ssw_ManLoadSolver( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pRepr, Aig_Obj_t * pObj );
+extern int Ssw_ManSweepDyn( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+/*=== sswLcorr.c ==========================================================*/
+extern int Ssw_ManSweepLatch( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+/*=== sswMan.c ===================================================*/
+extern Ssw_Man_t * Ssw_ManCreate( Aig_Man_t * pAig, Ssw_Pars_t * pPars );
+extern void Ssw_ManCleanup( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+extern void Ssw_ManStop( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+/*=== sswSat.c ===================================================*/
+extern int Ssw_NodesAreEquiv( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pOld, Aig_Obj_t * pNew );
+extern int Ssw_NodesAreConstrained( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pOld, Aig_Obj_t * pNew );
+extern int Ssw_NodeIsConstrained( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pPoObj );
+/*=== sswSemi.c ===================================================*/
+extern int Ssw_FilterUsingSemi( Ssw_Man_t * pMan, int fCheckTargets, int nConfMax, int fVerbose );
+/*=== sswSim.c ===================================================*/
+extern unsigned Ssw_SmlObjHashWord( Ssw_Sml_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj );
+extern int Ssw_SmlObjIsConstWord( Ssw_Sml_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj );
+extern int Ssw_SmlObjsAreEqualWord( Ssw_Sml_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj0, Aig_Obj_t * pObj1 );
+extern int Ssw_SmlObjIsConstBit( void * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj );
+extern int Ssw_SmlObjsAreEqualBit( void * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj0, Aig_Obj_t * pObj1 );
+extern void Ssw_SmlAssignRandomFrame( Ssw_Sml_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int iFrame );
+extern Ssw_Sml_t * Ssw_SmlStart( Aig_Man_t * pAig, int nPref, int nFrames, int nWordsFrame );
+extern void Ssw_SmlClean( Ssw_Sml_t * p );
+extern void Ssw_SmlStop( Ssw_Sml_t * p );
+extern void Ssw_SmlObjAssignConst( Ssw_Sml_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int fConst1, int iFrame );
+extern void Ssw_SmlObjSetWord( Ssw_Sml_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, unsigned Word, int iWord, int iFrame );
+extern void Ssw_SmlAssignDist1Plus( Ssw_Sml_t * p, unsigned * pPat );
+extern void Ssw_SmlSimulateOne( Ssw_Sml_t * p );
+extern void Ssw_SmlSimulateOneFrame( Ssw_Sml_t * p );
+extern void Ssw_SmlSimulateOneDyn_rec( Ssw_Sml_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int f, int * pVisited, int nVisCounter );
+extern void Ssw_SmlResimulateSeq( Ssw_Sml_t * p );
+/*=== sswSimSat.c ===================================================*/
+extern void Ssw_ManResimulateBit( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, Aig_Obj_t * pRepr );
+extern void Ssw_ManResimulateWord( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pCand, Aig_Obj_t * pRepr, int f );
+/*=== sswSweep.c ===================================================*/
+extern int Ssw_ManGetSatVarValue( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int f );
+extern void Ssw_SmlSavePatternAig( Ssw_Man_t * p, int f );
+extern int Ssw_ManSweepNode( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int f, int fBmc, Vec_Int_t * vPairs );
+extern int Ssw_ManSweepBmc( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+extern int Ssw_ManSweep( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+/*=== sswUnique.c ===================================================*/
+extern void Ssw_UniqueRegisterPairInfo( Ssw_Man_t * p );
+extern int Ssw_ManUniqueOne( Ssw_Man_t * p, Aig_Obj_t * pRepr, Aig_Obj_t * pObj, int fVerbose );
+extern int Ssw_ManUniqueAddConstraint( Ssw_Man_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vCommon, int f1, int f2 );
+/// END OF FILE ///