path: root/src/misc/mvc/mvcDivide.c
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authorAlan Mishchenko <>2007-09-30 08:01:00 -0700
committerAlan Mishchenko <>2007-09-30 08:01:00 -0700
commite54d9691616b9a0326e2fdb3156bb4eeb8abfcd7 (patch)
treede3ffe87c3e17950351e3b7d97fa18318bd5ea9a /src/misc/mvc/mvcDivide.c
parent7d7e60f2dc84393cd4c5db22d2eaf7b1fb1a79b2 (diff)
Version abc70930
Diffstat (limited to 'src/misc/mvc/mvcDivide.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 436 deletions
diff --git a/src/misc/mvc/mvcDivide.c b/src/misc/mvc/mvcDivide.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 03643dcf..00000000
--- a/src/misc/mvc/mvcDivide.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
- FileName [mvcDivide.c]
- PackageName [MVSIS 2.0: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
- Synopsis [Procedures for algebraic division.]
- Author [MVSIS Group]
- Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
- Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - February 1, 2003.]
- Revision [$Id: mvcDivide.c,v 1.5 2003/04/26 20:41:36 alanmi Exp $]
-#include "mvc.h"
-static void Mvc_CoverVerifyDivision( Mvc_Cover_t * pCover, Mvc_Cover_t * pDiv, Mvc_Cover_t * pQuo, Mvc_Cover_t * pRem );
-int s_fVerbose = 0;
- Synopsis []
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Mvc_CoverDivide( Mvc_Cover_t * pCover, Mvc_Cover_t * pDiv, Mvc_Cover_t ** ppQuo, Mvc_Cover_t ** ppRem )
- // check the number of cubes
- if ( Mvc_CoverReadCubeNum( pCover ) < Mvc_CoverReadCubeNum( pDiv ) )
- {
- *ppQuo = NULL;
- *ppRem = NULL;
- return;
- }
- // make sure that support of pCover contains that of pDiv
- if ( !Mvc_CoverCheckSuppContainment( pCover, pDiv ) )
- {
- *ppQuo = NULL;
- *ppRem = NULL;
- return;
- }
- // perform the general division
- Mvc_CoverDivideInternal( pCover, pDiv, ppQuo, ppRem );
- Synopsis [Merge the cubes inside the groups.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Mvc_CoverDivideInternal( Mvc_Cover_t * pCover, Mvc_Cover_t * pDiv, Mvc_Cover_t ** ppQuo, Mvc_Cover_t ** ppRem )
- Mvc_Cover_t * pQuo, * pRem;
- Mvc_Cube_t * pCubeC, * pCubeD, * pCubeCopy;
- Mvc_Cube_t * pCube1, * pCube2;
- int * pGroups, nGroups; // the cube groups
- int nCubesC, nCubesD, nMerges, iCubeC, iCubeD, iMerge;
- int fSkipG, GroupSize, g, c, RetValue;
- int nCubes;
- // get cover sizes
- nCubesD = Mvc_CoverReadCubeNum( pDiv );
- nCubesC = Mvc_CoverReadCubeNum( pCover );
- // check trivial cases
- if ( nCubesD == 1 )
- {
- if ( Mvc_CoverIsOneLiteral( pDiv ) )
- Mvc_CoverDivideByLiteral( pCover, pDiv, ppQuo, ppRem );
- else
- Mvc_CoverDivideByCube( pCover, pDiv, ppQuo, ppRem );
- return;
- }
- // create the divisor and the remainder
- pQuo = Mvc_CoverAlloc( pCover->pMem, pCover->nBits );
- pRem = Mvc_CoverAlloc( pCover->pMem, pCover->nBits );
- // get the support of the divisor
- Mvc_CoverAllocateMask( pDiv );
- Mvc_CoverSupport( pDiv, pDiv->pMask );
- // sort the cubes of the divisor
- Mvc_CoverSort( pDiv, NULL, Mvc_CubeCompareInt );
- // sort the cubes of the cover
- Mvc_CoverSort( pCover, pDiv->pMask, Mvc_CubeCompareIntOutsideAndUnderMask );
- // allocate storage for cube groups
- pGroups = MEM_ALLOC( pCover->pMem, int, nCubesC + 1 );
- // mask contains variables in the support of Div
- // split the cubes into groups using the mask
- Mvc_CoverList2Array( pCover );
- Mvc_CoverList2Array( pDiv );
- pGroups[0] = 0;
- nGroups = 1;
- for ( c = 1; c < nCubesC; c++ )
- {
- // get the cubes
- pCube1 = pCover->pCubes[c-1];
- pCube2 = pCover->pCubes[c ];
- // compare the cubes
- Mvc_CubeBitEqualOutsideMask( RetValue, pCube1, pCube2, pDiv->pMask );
- if ( !RetValue )
- pGroups[nGroups++] = c;
- }
- // finish off the last group
- pGroups[nGroups] = nCubesC;
- // consider each group separately and decide
- // whether it can produce a quotient cube
- nCubes = 0;
- for ( g = 0; g < nGroups; g++ )
- {
- // if the group has less than nCubesD cubes,
- // there is no way it can produce the quotient cube
- // copy the cubes to the remainder
- GroupSize = pGroups[g+1] - pGroups[g];
- if ( GroupSize < nCubesD )
- {
- for ( c = pGroups[g]; c < pGroups[g+1]; c++ )
- {
- pCubeCopy = Mvc_CubeDup( pRem, pCover->pCubes[c] );
- Mvc_CoverAddCubeTail( pRem, pCubeCopy );
- nCubes++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // mark the cubes as those that should be added to the remainder
- for ( c = pGroups[g]; c < pGroups[g+1]; c++ )
- Mvc_CubeSetSize( pCover->pCubes[c], 1 );
- // go through the cubes in the group and at the same time
- // go through the cubes in the divisor
- iCubeD = 0;
- iCubeC = 0;
- pCubeD = pDiv->pCubes[iCubeD++];
- pCubeC = pCover->pCubes[pGroups[g]+iCubeC++];
- fSkipG = 0;
- nMerges = 0;
- while ( 1 )
- {
- // compare the topmost cubes in F and in D
- RetValue = Mvc_CubeCompareIntUnderMask( pCubeC, pCubeD, pDiv->pMask );
- // cube are ordered in increasing order of their int value
- if ( RetValue == -1 ) // pCubeC is above pCubeD
- { // cube in C should be added to the remainder
- // check that there is enough cubes in the group
- if ( GroupSize - iCubeC < nCubesD - nMerges )
- {
- fSkipG = 1;
- break;
- }
- // get the next cube in the cover
- pCubeC = pCover->pCubes[pGroups[g]+iCubeC++];
- continue;
- }
- if ( RetValue == 1 ) // pCubeD is above pCubeC
- { // given cube in D does not have a corresponding cube in the cover
- fSkipG = 1;
- break;
- }
- // mark the cube as the one that should NOT be added to the remainder
- Mvc_CubeSetSize( pCubeC, 0 );
- // remember this merged cube
- iMerge = iCubeC-1;
- nMerges++;
- // stop if we considered the last cube of the group
- if ( iCubeD == nCubesD )
- break;
- // advance the cube of the divisor
- assert( iCubeD < nCubesD );
- pCubeD = pDiv->pCubes[iCubeD++];
- // advance the cube of the group
- assert( pGroups[g]+iCubeC < nCubesC );
- pCubeC = pCover->pCubes[pGroups[g]+iCubeC++];
- }
- if ( fSkipG )
- {
- // the group has failed, add all the cubes to the remainder
- for ( c = pGroups[g]; c < pGroups[g+1]; c++ )
- {
- pCubeCopy = Mvc_CubeDup( pRem, pCover->pCubes[c] );
- Mvc_CoverAddCubeTail( pRem, pCubeCopy );
- nCubes++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // the group has worked, add left-over cubes to the remainder
- for ( c = pGroups[g]; c < pGroups[g+1]; c++ )
- {
- pCubeC = pCover->pCubes[c];
- if ( Mvc_CubeReadSize(pCubeC) )
- {
- pCubeCopy = Mvc_CubeDup( pRem, pCubeC );
- Mvc_CoverAddCubeTail( pRem, pCubeCopy );
- nCubes++;
- }
- }
- // create the quotient cube
- pCube1 = Mvc_CubeAlloc( pQuo );
- Mvc_CubeBitSharp( pCube1, pCover->pCubes[pGroups[g]+iMerge], pDiv->pMask );
- // add the cube to the quotient
- Mvc_CoverAddCubeTail( pQuo, pCube1 );
- nCubes += nCubesD;
- }
- assert( nCubes == nCubesC );
- // deallocate the memory
- MEM_FREE( pCover->pMem, int, nCubesC + 1, pGroups );
- // return the results
- *ppRem = pRem;
- *ppQuo = pQuo;
-// Mvc_CoverVerifyDivision( pCover, pDiv, pQuo, pRem );
- Synopsis [Divides the cover by a cube.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Mvc_CoverDivideByCube( Mvc_Cover_t * pCover, Mvc_Cover_t * pDiv, Mvc_Cover_t ** ppQuo, Mvc_Cover_t ** ppRem )
- Mvc_Cover_t * pQuo, * pRem;
- Mvc_Cube_t * pCubeC, * pCubeD, * pCubeCopy;
- int CompResult;
- // get the only cube of D
- assert( Mvc_CoverReadCubeNum(pDiv) == 1 );
- // start the quotient and the remainder
- pQuo = Mvc_CoverAlloc( pCover->pMem, pCover->nBits );
- pRem = Mvc_CoverAlloc( pCover->pMem, pCover->nBits );
- // get the first and only cube of the divisor
- pCubeD = Mvc_CoverReadCubeHead( pDiv );
- // iterate through the cubes in the cover
- Mvc_CoverForEachCube( pCover, pCubeC )
- {
- // check the containment of literals from pCubeD in pCube
- Mvc_Cube2BitNotImpl( CompResult, pCubeD, pCubeC );
- if ( !CompResult )
- { // this cube belongs to the quotient
- // alloc the cube
- pCubeCopy = Mvc_CubeAlloc( pQuo );
- // clean the support of D
- Mvc_CubeBitSharp( pCubeCopy, pCubeC, pCubeD );
- // add the cube to the quotient
- Mvc_CoverAddCubeTail( pQuo, pCubeCopy );
- }
- else
- {
- // copy the cube
- pCubeCopy = Mvc_CubeDup( pRem, pCubeC );
- // add the cube to the remainder
- Mvc_CoverAddCubeTail( pRem, pCubeCopy );
- }
- }
- // return the results
- *ppRem = pRem;
- *ppQuo = pQuo;
- Synopsis [Divides the cover by a literal.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Mvc_CoverDivideByLiteral( Mvc_Cover_t * pCover, Mvc_Cover_t * pDiv, Mvc_Cover_t ** ppQuo, Mvc_Cover_t ** ppRem )
- Mvc_Cover_t * pQuo, * pRem;
- Mvc_Cube_t * pCubeC, * pCubeCopy;
- int iLit;
- // get the only cube of D
- assert( Mvc_CoverReadCubeNum(pDiv) == 1 );
- // start the quotient and the remainder
- pQuo = Mvc_CoverAlloc( pCover->pMem, pCover->nBits );
- pRem = Mvc_CoverAlloc( pCover->pMem, pCover->nBits );
- // get the first and only literal in the divisor cube
- iLit = Mvc_CoverFirstCubeFirstLit( pDiv );
- // iterate through the cubes in the cover
- Mvc_CoverForEachCube( pCover, pCubeC )
- {
- // copy the cube
- pCubeCopy = Mvc_CubeDup( pCover, pCubeC );
- // add the cube to the quotient or to the remainder depending on the literal
- if ( Mvc_CubeBitValue( pCubeCopy, iLit ) )
- { // remove the literal
- Mvc_CubeBitRemove( pCubeCopy, iLit );
- // add the cube ot the quotient
- Mvc_CoverAddCubeTail( pQuo, pCubeCopy );
- }
- else
- { // add the cube ot the remainder
- Mvc_CoverAddCubeTail( pRem, pCubeCopy );
- }
- }
- // return the results
- *ppRem = pRem;
- *ppQuo = pQuo;
- Synopsis [Derives the quotient of division by literal.]
- Description [Reduces the cover to be the equal to the result of
- division of the given cover by the literal.]
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Mvc_CoverDivideByLiteralQuo( Mvc_Cover_t * pCover, int iLit )
- Mvc_Cube_t * pCube, * pCube2, * pPrev;
- // delete those cubes that do not have this literal
- // remove this literal from other cubes
- pPrev = NULL;
- Mvc_CoverForEachCubeSafe( pCover, pCube, pCube2 )
- {
- if ( Mvc_CubeBitValue( pCube, iLit ) == 0 )
- { // delete the cube from the cover
- Mvc_CoverDeleteCube( pCover, pPrev, pCube );
- Mvc_CubeFree( pCover, pCube );
- // don't update the previous cube
- }
- else
- { // delete this literal from the cube
- Mvc_CubeBitRemove( pCube, iLit );
- // update the previous cube
- pPrev = pCube;
- }
- }
- Synopsis [Verifies that the result of algebraic division is correct.]
- Description []
- SideEffects []
- SeeAlso []
-void Mvc_CoverVerifyDivision( Mvc_Cover_t * pCover, Mvc_Cover_t * pDiv, Mvc_Cover_t * pQuo, Mvc_Cover_t * pRem )
- Mvc_Cover_t * pProd;
- Mvc_Cover_t * pDiff;
- pProd = Mvc_CoverAlgebraicMultiply( pDiv, pQuo );
- pDiff = Mvc_CoverAlgebraicSubtract( pCover, pProd );
- if ( Mvc_CoverAlgebraicEqual( pDiff, pRem ) )
- printf( "Verification OKAY!\n" );
- else
- {
- printf( "Verification FAILED!\n" );
- printf( "pCover:\n" );
- Mvc_CoverPrint( pCover );
- printf( "pDiv:\n" );
- Mvc_CoverPrint( pDiv );
- printf( "pRem:\n" );
- Mvc_CoverPrint( pRem );
- printf( "pQuo:\n" );
- Mvc_CoverPrint( pQuo );
- }
- Mvc_CoverFree( pProd );
- Mvc_CoverFree( pDiff );
-/// END OF FILE ///